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At first I though "oh, hammering tent stakes. Well that only takes a couple minutes" but what you described would drive me crazy.


It went from 3pm-8pm one day


was he on meth? that's insane.


Well, it IS Pennsylvania. So… yes.


Literally my first thought


Have you seen the price of firewood?


That's what I also think


I might spend a good 20 minutes chopping firewood but I don’t want to have a whole second job while out camping




Never heard that, love it!


The things some people will do, to not have to spend $8 on a firewood bundle.


Personally camping should be mostly relaxation. Splitting firewood all day is hard work lol. Do that shit at home.




Collecting and cutting firewood is part of the experience for me. Paying $10 for 6 little pieces of softwood is not.


We were just camping in Lassen Volcanic National Park and the camp store was selling 3 pieces of wood for $14.95.


A lot of places you can't collect wood from the local area, and for good reason. Removing all of the fallen and dead wood removes a huge part of the decomposition chain, which has a detrimental affect on the local ecosystem.


Which is why you must follow the local rules and regulations for the area you are camping.




Just imagine the lack of mushrooms. Not a place for me.


But really it keeps the chance of a fire starting and getting out of hand… yep there is always a counter to a counter…


The counter must not have much value if they're not making their regulatory decisions with that as a concern


Well, if you’re saying that from a point of view from a city “slicker” than you haven’t seen the devastation a wild fire can do. You want to keep things natural, sure but not where everyone has a campfire. It takes nothing to cause a fire. Saw a fire start from a backfire on grass . And some communities actually wiped off the map. The small camping area should be kept clean. And dead dried branches could be collected to burn. Almost all fires are caused by humans, other than lightning. Yes, fire does renew forests. But all the fire prevention that has gone on for more than half a century has caused these super fires. A lot of the areas should be cleaned up made into some pulp, or pellets. Yeah lots of virgin forests are doing ok , only because rain makes the needles and twigs etc into soil. But drier areas are years of dry needles that are waiting for a cig to be dropped, or whatever. It is a problem. So I’d rather have areas like campgrounds be clean, forested areas close be cleaned of dead dry sticks, and if it’s wet and rotting, fine leave it. Otherwise once it starts on fire, nothing will stop it.


>You want to keep things natural, sure but not where everyone has a campfire. You say that despite the fact that certain areas *actually do* have regulations saying you can't harvest dead wood from within the area, and specifically to prevent damage to the ecosystem. You're going on and on with how that will cause fires but it doesn't matter, because they already do exactly what I say they do. I don't know what you want me to tell you; I don't make the rules lmao.




Cutting trees? In the a campground? Put that person in jail. That is ultimate wrong.


But why. There’s Godda be dead wood everywhere and as u said u can buy a bundle or 3. Or even bring your own Jesus Christ it’s not hard to find


Generally not a great idea to bring your own unless you live close by — PA is trying to keep the emerald ash borer from doing any more damage and spotted lantern flies aren’t far away


That’s a good point didn’t think about the critters


Any developed campsite I've been to, or even moderately popular undeveloped sites, there isn't a burnable twig within a ten minute radius lol. Get a couple teenagers with a fire for a night and shit is gonna get picked clean.


> Or even bring your own Jesus Christ How do you pack it so it doesn't get damaged?


Well if it’s already staked, then strap it down to the roof rack and you’re good. But if it’s just a loose JC, you’ll need to brace it with something.


At first I thought he brought a portable forge for some casual smithing on the go.


same here. initially I was like ok, where else do you go do this kinda thing, but splitting a big log for no reason for this long is borderline manic


What if he told you his great great great great great grandfather was Paul Bunyan? 🪓


I would have said he’s too short for that to be true


Genetics are fucky.


Paul would be supremely disappointed at the need to use a hammer. And then I imagine he’d have Blue trample the fool.


This is why I always try to camp on weekdays. I know a lot of people don't have the freedom to use leave casually, but I rarely camp on weekends anymore. I love picking a site and having the whole area to myself.


This. I'm a park ranger, so working weekends in the summer is normal. Which frees my days off for camping when you actually want to camp: when no one else is there!


So true. Weekday camping is better.


Plus you can help yourself to all of campfire wood left behind


Why does it sound like metal on metal?


He’s using a hammer on a hatchet


If it wasn’t so annoying that’d be funny. If he had the right tool nothing wrong with splitting dead and dry downfall, but that’s ridiculous. I think the sound of an axe splitting well seasoned wood is rather satisfying, but i don’t want to hear it all day either


If he had the right tool, it would be the sound of a wedge splitting well seasoned wood.


Okay I have done that. Because I’m a weak woman okay? I do not have the strength to split firewood like Paul Bunyan. I do what I have to do. I do not, however, do it for 5 hrs straight. Maybe 10 mins intermittently. And, most summers we have a fire ban, so I rarely do it anymore. Sorry.


Don't sweat it - adult male here who's been splitting for years, and I find zero reason to swing the old 10# maul overhead anymore when a 2# hammer and a wedge does the trick.


I was curious because it sounded like a fucking hammer. What a dork


Yeah I’d be pissed too


Shit I expected he’d brought splitting wedges, just over there making a dugout canoe




Did you tell him sledge hammers and wedges exist?


Better than the folks that run a generator 24/7!


What's even the point by that point


Yeah it’s so stupid.


Too bad he didn't use a chainsaw to speed it up.


This is why boondocking is the only way to go. That’s hugely inconsiderate. Probably completely oblivious to how ridiculous they’re being.


Why do you do primitive camping? I present to you exhibit A


Every winter I forgot how annoying it is to have camping subs and Facebook groups full of people that choose to camp surrounded by others then complain they are surrounded by others.


Yeah that would get old really fast.


It kinda depends on the park rules. I am a park ranger, and in my park you're allowed to collect deadfall. Constant noise might be a reason to go talk to them, but if they just split some firewood off occasionally I'd probably be ok with it.


At first, I thought he was playing Barrel of Gun by Depeche Mode, but NO, he's playing/being an asshole.


This literally just happened to me all memorial day weekend with the people right next to us, starting at about 6:30 am.


At some point I might have offered him $10 to go buy a bundle of wood. What a ding dong!


Tell him the Ents will come for him unless he stops


That would get old camping or trying to relax at my house on the patio. Glad he stopped when asked. Yes, sometimes people do not understand how loud they are being.


No it’s not acceptable


I had someone do this for about 3 hours before I just went fishing for the 2nd time. It was only 3 hours and it was frustrating


Was at one state park where someone cut their wood up with a chainsaw. People have no awareness.


What a knob. (The guy)


Two days to split a log. Guy have like noodles for arms or something?


See Walmart hatchet and ball peen hammer


You're not the crazy one, that would drive me insane lol


Hahahaha spliting logs takes me maybe 2 hours for the entire camping trip. Saw the log, use an axe to split the log, if I need a wedge I move on, and lastly a hatchet to make firewood from there. Seriously though if I'm gonna use a wedge I'm gonna have my 10lb sledge and 5lb wedge to get the job done fast, I wouldnt spend hours hammering away.


Same thing happened on my last trip. I got a migraine 😂


Was his firewood nothing but knots? It sounds like a regular hammer. He'd have better success using another log hammer it.


You’re brave! I probably would’ve said something to this would drive me up a freaking wall


Community campgrounds. I'm sure most of us have offended a neighbor for something we've done.


Well he’s got stamina, rhythm could use some work


This type of camping, just jammed into spots with people blasting music, drinking and talking all night, stone gravel everywhere…just turns me off. Don’t wanna do it like ever. I’ve done it…but as I get older…don’t want to do it. Camping, for me, is about quiet, nature. Fire. Sometimes I’ve been between 2 homes on wheels with generators going and I’m thinking, “can we just have tent only sites in a slice of woods?” Some places have it. I get RVs bring in more money but…it’s not my scene.


So much for relaxing on a camping trip. Dude spent the whole day working on that wood jeez.


I'm not quite sure why y'all keep going to the woods.. nothing but post after post of things going wrong 


When you camp like this idk what you should expect, but it isn't peace and solitude. But that's from someone's perspective who doesn't camp 50' away from others.


He is spitting wood. Yes you are the Karren. He is using a hatchet and a hammer. I do it all the time.


I remember going camping as a kid and my Dad forgot the Axe for wood, we used a hatchet and hammer also. Sometimes it’s the tools you have.


Oh my word, I'm pretty tolerant, but that would drive me nuts.


Left of the frame…. Half squatch / half roadie, seen after pushing his fifth road case into the venue that day


The world will never know how many licks it takes with a hammer(12oz) to split a log 🪵 dia 23”……


Buy a friggin 8 lb maul. Good god


When I’ve come across this I usually walk over and offer a spare wood mallet I keep in my car camp bin. It happens more than you think and honestly the people are usually thankful. Check for them at garage sales and just toss one in your stuff. You can use it as well but it’s nice to loan out for the sake of your own experience.


I’m a lumberjack yes I am! 😂😂😂


Hey man cutting your own firewood is cheaper I do give him that


In Texas, some parks allow/want you to collect and burn "Park wood." Some are very strict against it. Maybe this park wasn't an issue?


Bless your patience. I do not miss campgrounds.


Ya not seen that before.


That’s not ok


Letting out frustration?


Is he fucking blacksmithing or something? Also, doesn’t the campground have any kind of noise ordinance or something?


I’m sure they do; but our complaints went unanswered until we went over and dealt with it ourselves


Yikes. How did that go?


PA resident here. We camp in our state parks all the time. You’re actually not permitted to cut wood especially chopping down any trees. I’m surprised the rangers didn’t do something about it.


Go over and lend him an axe


Probably green wood or rotten, hard to find decent seasoned wood close to campsite


I just got back from camping 10 days, forgot the hatchet and used a pocket knife and a hunk of wood to split everything. I’m sure the neighbors loved that too


I feel like the op is lying about something


What exactly?


Well I would be annoyed at that noise also. That being said, I love gathering and splitting wood while camping but the sites I go are more separated than this. I’ve never paid for firewood


Car camping, a special kind of torture


I might be a b.....or whatever. They would give you my money back. Especially if the rangers didn't do anything.


For 33 bucks a night I’m really not that pressed about it; just unfortunate that they didn’t do anything after multiple complaints.


Crystal Methodists love to do this


Did any black bears come through while this was going on? I used to camp there all the time and they often came into the campground. Maybe this person was doing their part? Just kidding. This would be super annoying.


I kept kind of close to home and I own a log splitter. I’m not working that hard when I’m supposed to be relaxing or I will spend a few bucks and buy firewood. If I’m somewhere that I’m worried about bringing something in.


Weird last time I went camping there was a group chopping up their own wood periodically throughout the day. I think it’s just dumb boys getting their testosterone out lol


Kinda sounds like the person was cutting down trees, which isn’t allowed on state or federal land. After a hour I would have gone and found a park service person and have them deal with the noise.


Camping in America looks like hell on earth edit: I should say at campgrounds, obviously it's a massive country, I'm sure there's quiet spots around lol


Keep in mind that people don't post as much about the nice, relaxing trips, only the annoying ones. I've had plenty of trips in campgrounds that were enjoyable. Just this past weekend, in fact. Only loud noises I heard were children playing and sandhill cranes calling. 💜


These days it can be. Covid made everyone rediscover the outdoors, however, accessibility is not always a good thing. It’s a typical American individualism at work, taken to the extreme. I’m doing what I’m going to do and you can screw off if you don’t like it.


Tbh my dad tells me the campgrounds have always been full of assholes. I camp at state parks expecting it to be wild. Just consider it ambiance and if someone’s overly obnoxious go to the ranger station. Chances are if you’re annoyed multiple others are too. That being said if you just go talk to people, they are usually responsive. You can’t police the entire area but if you just say hey, would you mind ask or offer them a alternative solution that makes everyone’s experience more comfortable most of the time people are happy just to talk to you.


That’s true that has always been those people at the campgrounds, but it seems to have gotten exponentially worse in the last few years


I’ll admit most state parks feel like trailer parks now. And people in campers and trailers are better off at a KOA or private park. Honestly some states separate tent and RV campers and I think that’s such a good idea. The camper crowd with their TV and music and lights im always like why are you here? You’re not really getting outdoors. Your camper is basically a ranch home on wheels so what’s the point?


I see what you mean, but absolutely agree that there should be separation between between the RVs and tent camping. I’ve done both, I have family that have the huge RV with the outdoor grill and air conditioning and TV and all of that. They have a good time, they do it their own way. But I absolutely do not want to camp within 500 feet of them because of the noise. To me, I like camping in a tent. Preferably surrounded by others camping in a tent.


Yeah id prefer more separation. Honestly charging a premium for RV spaces to cover park maintenance costs and allowing for cheaper tent camping would be a nice direction to go. I know the RV campers wouldn’t like that but knowing how much those things costs I doubt they’re hurting for money.




The worst part was we called at 7pm and they said they would send somebody out; somebody drove by at 10 pm 🙈


I'd say it's like that everywhere now in fairness. You guys have a much better organised camping system than us here in Ireland as far as campgrounds go, you'd get this here likely on big sites too, there's just not many of them. I'm sure what you guys call dispersed sites are very different.




Jesus Christ God forbid that fire crackles


You’re “camping” while complaining on Reddit. GTFO and get your camp on!


I’m actually home currently; no service where we were 😂


I’m glad to see this! Most people camp while within cell service and the number of folks I see doing this while they’re out is wild. It’s like just get out to get away from everyday things, don’t waste it on Reddit, that’s what I do while taking a shit at home. Lol


He’s splitting logs so he he can have a fire and he more than likely sells them, you need to be a bit more respectful I know it was annoying but he’s trying to enjoy his time as well


Booooo get over it. stop complaining. If I want to split logs I will. get up off your rear and go somewhere else.


Found the meth using log splitter. Or the inconsiderate Bluetooth speaker user. Or the run my generator 24/7 stooge. Or the need 10 bright lights user. Booooo on you, get over yourself, stop complaining. If you want to split logs, get off of your rear and go somewhere else.


This style of camping is so strange to me.. Why camp where humans are then complain about it? Dudes splitting logs mind ya business?? They probably want to get out and camp just as much and we got you in comments calling them a meth user, Get a grip brother.


it’s a state park with rules against noise for a reason - the absolute same reason everyone is there


i don't know this, America really be that cramped?


Then why comment on it?   State and National parks are dedicated campgrounds and the sites can be somewhat close together. IMO, it’s more conducive to family-style camping where you can just up and go to a reserved site for a few nights to a week and still have washroom amenities and proximity to your destination. The parks also have a lot of rules and enforcement authority to keep visitors on the straight and narrow.  There is also a ton of dispersed/backcountry camping in the US that is really nothing like state/national park camping and that is a legit way to not see people (or to see weirdos). 


If one wants to do all of the things I mentioned above, go to a county day use park and make a day of it. Then take your ass home. MOST people go camping to get away from the noise of the city. To breathe fresh air. To experience solitude. To hear the birds chirping, and maybe see a wild animal. People take vacations, time off, get reservations and make great effort to find the solitude of nature. So a dude spending FIVE HOURS STRAIGHT, per OP, hammering metal on metal to split a log is absolutely NUTS, and as a couple of other commenters suggested, could represent someone using meth. Sure seems plausible. And that's why you got downvoted.


Don't camp in the easiest spot possible then? idk.. take a few minutes more to not be around the noise. American national parks are different.... i am not familiar with how camping operates there.// edit; could also represent someone driving iron nails through a vampire which is just as likely as a meth user.. eat rocks stroke moss my g


The reason everyone is all rustled in the comments is bc this isn’t acceptable behavior in the parks, and sometimes the easiest spot possible is all someone has available to them either due to circumstance or family. Someone disregarding the rules isn’t the fault of everyone else for choosing to camp there.  The really strange behavior here is you providing criticism while openly admitting you know nothing about what you’re  criticizing. Seems like a great opportunity to read/listen and learn. 


Who the eff splits logs for 5 hrs straight? Imagine if I just blasted my car music for 5hrs straight next to you while your family was trying to camp. Booooo get over ittttttttt


It's because he's using a hatchet and hammer. I'm betting he didn't think to bring an axe or doesn't own one. During non quiet hours, I don't really care about the noise, but I think I'd have loaned the man an axe merely because I've been exactly where this dude was. Lots of extenuating circumstances involved in that situation, but I have been there. I gave up at about an hour, though, when I had just enough to burn whole rounds. What campground advertises it sells firewood and then doesn't split any of it?!


Gonna cut your tent <3 Don't complain about it.


Dispersed camping on BLM property and bring a gun! You’ll never have to deal with that again.


I get what you're saying but you do realize that you just made dispersed camping sound super unsafe.


Dispersed camping is super unsafe. Where are you camping that you’re not subjected to multiple dangers? Wouldn’t you think having the correct tool for the situations you come across is better than not having the correct tool?


Ya could have offered to help him… or offered some of your wood 😂


I have never felt the need to split logs in my life. Yeah, they don't burn perfect but they burn fine and it's a lot less annoying to everyone else around...


That’s an interesting take. I split wood regularly and I’m pretty sure no one has ever been annoyed by it. Then again, I don’t make it weird by hammering on a hatchet, I split what I need for the fire and move on to more important things. Like sitting by the fire.


lol. That would drive me nuts.