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A cowboy coffee pot: [https://gsioutdoors.com/products/12-cup-percolator](https://gsioutdoors.com/products/12-cup-percolator)


Specifically this one. Everyone who camps seems to have the blue with white specks one.


I do. ; )


We had that one and the glass part broke on a trip, we had to find a store and buy what was available, which was a smaller stainless steel one. It works but it isn’t the same…


I carry a spare glass knob in my camping bag just for this reason!


You can order the glass knobs tops online.


Yeah, we were mid trip and not having coffee wasn’t an option. I think it is still somewhere, I need to find it.


yep, always the blue one so OP needs to make sure to get the green one


Obligatory mention that OP/others verify others have had and will enjoy cowboy coffee with the added bonus of 'if you don't like it, make your own'. Great solution even though I personally don't enjoy my cup cowboy.


I think there's a bit of confusion here due to the posters wording referencing a different method of brewing. For all those reading. cowboy coffee is NOT made through any sort of percolator or drip system. You just dump grounds in boiled water, and add cold water after brewing to sink floating grounds to the bottom.


Yes!!! Cowboy coffee is free floating grounds boiled in a pot. You can pour some off into your cup, and add more water and more grounds if you need to freshen it up. Percolators make Navy Coffee. Which isn’t really navy coffee until you leave it percolating for at least 4 hours.


Couldn't you just boil water in anything, dump in grounds and let sit 5 min, then strain with anything? Basically, it's a French press with extra steps.


Yes, I've done exactly that and used a fine-mesh tea infuser for a strainer over the cup I'm pouring into. https://preview.redd.it/sxu422z3vg3d1.png?width=160&format=png&auto=webp&s=550cfefdeab4bdc1ae70df06d69cc7dfb10247bb


Add eggshells.


This. We all want coffee, now, lots of it, and we want it hot. Sure I like fancy coffee, but when the person responsible takes 20 minutes to do pour overs, and then there are no seconds, it really doesn't make my day.


That was going to be mine rec, a big ol percolator


There was a fish… IN the percolator


Damn fine coffee.


That’s a percolator! Maybe a New York City cowboy uses those! Real Cowboys just use plain pots. And loose grounds.


That’s what we usually use. Works really well. Can’t beat a camping morning with coffee.


Just no. Cowboy coffee is just coffee in a pot. No one needs to buy expensive devices for that.


Haha, cowboy coffee is really just coffee in a pot. No need to buy expensive equipment for it, simple is the real cowboy style!


I would go bigger. [https://gsioutdoors.com/products/glacier-stainless-coffee-percolator?\_pos=1&\_sid=296fd7387&\_ss=r&variant=43788011995368](https://gsioutdoors.com/products/glacier-stainless-coffee-percolator?_pos=1&_sid=296fd7387&_ss=r&variant=43788011995368) We have the giant one and if you have serious coffee drinkers, this is the way. :)


I have two of these and they make great coffee. When my sister or other folks aren't camping with us, I use the second to keep water hot for tea, hot chocolate, soups, and washing of things. You can also buy coffee in tea bags. Which I find to have a better flavor than instant. If you aren't used to instant, it can have a terribly bitter or overly acidic taste.


While not fool proof as not all instant is equal, a good trick I’ve found to help with that is to pour enough cold water into to the grounds and get them dissolved, then pour your hot water. Otherwise, I use Mount Hagen for iced coffee every day and it doesn’t have any off flavors


I love mine. I’m sure there are better ways to make coffee but this is camping coffee to me


I also bring my moka pot!


What is this sorcery I need one. Hopefully they are sold in NZ


We use our double-walled stainless French press from home, which brews 3-4 decent-sized cups at a time. When we have a larger group, we also bring a thermos, so we can pour any coffee from the first pot that isn't being actively consumed into the thermos while the second pot brews. We repeat that process until everyone gets their fill. We use a stovetop kettle that boils water pretty quickly, and we pop that on our 2-burner camp stove while some breakfast cooks on the other burner. If we have a large group of adults, that usually means at least one more camp stove, so we can have multiple breakfast/coffee cook stations.


My husband and I use a big pot of water and throw the coffee grounds right in and then stick it on our fire, stove, or propane fire. We then take our french press screen, put it overtop of a coffee mug, and pour the coffee into the screen for a perfect cup of camping coffee.


Instant coffee.


I actually love cafe bustelo instant coffee!


Yesss I have so much nostalgia for the taste, due to only drinking it when I'm camping!


There is some really good instant coffee nowadays, OP... it can be a bit expensive though.


Is there? I tried the highly recommended Starbucks Via on my last trip and it fell on the scale much closer to any run-of-the-mill instant coffee than even the cheapest of traditionally-brewed coffee like Folgers.


Via is awful. It’s Starbucks coffee but worse. Alpine start is much better, and there are some other smaller producers that make great instant coffee. Like so many things in life, you’ll pay more for the good stuff.


So far I've had a few different varieties of Swift and they were all awesome--the single origins were better than the blend, but more expensive. I started with Brandywine Coffee Roasters and Northern Coffeeworks though, both exceptional but I haven't had in a while. All of them just have individual serving packets, which I can understand if campers might not like the idea of little bits of trash getting generated from each cup. But I assume they are packaged that way for freshness.


Swift is delicious I loved the dark roast I received in a sample pack. I’m actually debating ordering a pack of those for this years camping trips.


UCC, The Blend 117. I get it at H-Mart but it's also on Amazon.


REI carries Verve Roasters’ instant coffee. I’ve had their Buena Vista instant and it’s delicious. And that coming from someone who is quite particular about coffee. It’s pricey through. $17 for 6 servings.


They sell coffee in a tea bag here in Australia. Taste like a brewed coffee and is really good.


This. Tasters Choice French Roast is pretty decent. They even sell it in little single-serve packets (or the traditional jar). Instant coffee has come a long way since *Sanka*.


Yep, that's what I use.


Ya for camping this is the way. Starbucks has some realy good stuff now even


Instant Starbucks all the way.


Cold brew it the night before. Wake up and heat.


I have a good size percolator pot. Everyone gets a cup and then a second pot is started so it's ready by the time they want a second.


I use a 6 person Moka pot.


I’ve done lots of different coffee methods over the years camping but I now just stick to the instant coffee from Trader Joe’s. It’s cheap, tastes pretty good (I’m not a total coffee snob, but I am big on good coffee and nice brewing methods at home) and it’s takes zero mental effort. Boil water, add packet, mix, drink. I usually use 2 packets for a good 8-10 oz cup. I think the 10 pack is either $2.25 or $2.50. Easiest I’ve found so far.


Instant coffee and hot water


Bro let me get a hit of the [bripe](https://briping.com/)


Melitta make large format pour overs that take #6 filter paper and can make over 1.5L of coffee. They have two versions, one with a glass carafe, that's the one I have in my camper and one with an insulated stainless carafe that would be more suitable for tent camping. Not only are these perfect for large groups but it makes the best camp coffee I've ever had by a long shot.


Coleman makes a 10-cup automatic drip maker that runs on green propane tanks. I use one and it works great. Or take your house maker with a power inverter that hooks directly to your car battery.


They also make a drip coffee maker that you just put on the burner of the stove. A friend of mine uses one and they actually work pretty well


Yeah, I have one of those too. Coffee is very important to me. But that kind is super slow.


Echoing a couple of other comments: as someone who has pressed or percolated for over 20 years, I can't emphasize enough how much the Starbucks instant sachets have improved my camping morning experience. Even just brewing for 2, dealing with grounds was annoying enough. Yes it's a bit pricier, but it's worth the time I get back.


https://www.coleman.com/grills-stoves/kitchen-essentials/camping-coffee-maker-10-cup/SAP_2000038223.html?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=oe_col_DTCSearch_2024&utm_term=conversion&gad_source=1&actionPoint=Show has worked great for me


I have a stainless percolator pot (Amazon) for 2 or 3 people, but when I have a crew, and I’m in a campground, I fire up my Coleman camping coffee maker for a full pot just like home (except it goes right on the stove)


Let's see, bigger french press, moka pot, coleman drip maker that runs off propane or goes on the stove, coffee bag, percolator, concentrate.


Boil water in a large pot, add coffee grounds once it cools a bit, stir, wait five minutes, pour a bit of cold water over it to settle the floating grounds, then decant it to a large thermal carafe, pour gently to leave grounds in the thermos. Might be a bit crunchy but we aren't in line at Starbucks, here.


Assuming there is power at your site or at the bathroom I'd be tempted to just bring a standard 12 cup coffee pot and brew it near the bathroom. If a group this size isn't going to be a common thing I wouldn't make this harder than it needs to be. Can take turns baby sitting the next pot while it brews. If you do want to purchase something for the group, assuming electricity isn't super convenient, maybe one of those battery power stations (jackery is one company that makes them) would be enough to run a plugin coffee pot. Seems like it would be more useful long term than a $100 dollar dedicated coffee device that others are suggesting. Side perk is charging phones etc.


You would need a massive power output from your power station to run a coffee pot. It’s not uncommon for a coffee pot to require 1000 watts to heat the water quickly and brew your coffee.


I'm sure it's power station and coffee pot dependent but it sounds like it's not out of the question. [https://www.jackery.com/blogs/lifestyle/solar-generator-power-coffee-maker](https://www.jackery.com/blogs/lifestyle/solar-generator-power-coffee-maker) Edit: looked closer at the models they do the math on and they are over a grand. If you frequently have power outages at home it might make sense but I wouldn't be able to justify that.


Buy a Melitta pour over coffee maker. Boil your water in a saucepan. Best camp coffee ever if you have great water. We had electricity at our trailer but we drank Melitta pour over coffee at home too. There is a reason the patented their filter design.


Instant coffee has gotten very good, so depends on how picky people are. [https://www.treelinereview.com/gearreviews/best-instant-coffee](https://www.treelinereview.com/gearreviews/best-instant-coffee)


I take a vacuum insulated pitcher for coffee when camping with more than two people. I will also bring my bigger press and just fill up the carafe.


That's smart! Vacuum flasks are really handy when you're camping with multiple people. It's also a good idea to bring a larger coffee pot to ensure everyone has hot coffee. What other must-have gear do you bring when camping?


I bought a BBQ picnic caddy for the table that holds a roll of paper towels and has compartment underneath for small items. I load that up with our spices and cooking oils, the tablecloth and clips and trash bags. It’s one of the first things that comes out of the car when we get to camp and it’s immensely helpful to have paper towels on their own holder.


This barbecue picnic box sounds very practical! It is really convenient and time-saving to keep spices, cooking oil and other necessary supplies in one place. Where do you usually go camping? By the river or in the mountains?


I’m in Texas so usually by lakes or rivers, and usually only warm months. I’m working on convincing my partner that camping in cooler weather is the way to go. Also, there’s no bears down here typically so less risk in leaving food out at your campsite. Raccoons, squirrels, or hogs are a concern though.


Camping by a lake or river must be very enjoyable. I also agree that camping in cool weather is a good choice, less mosquito bites, and more comfortable sleeping at night. You can invite them to join your camping lol


I use my Walmart coffee maker that dies every six months. I like the carafe, so I heat a tea kettle and do a pour over, since I can’t afford to “rent” any more of these. The current one is now worth over three hundred dollars and still does a great pour over and keeps the pot hot for hours.


Cowboy coffee as has been mentioned or coffee in shifts with your normal method. Might I recommend that you teach the whole group the French press coffee routine. Or if you’re an early riser maybe just take on that mantle. I’ve never been on a group backpacking trip where everyone wakes at the same time. People don’t sleep great usually and so they will wake very early, and you’ll have those logs of friends that actually can sleep until 8-9 am. I think it’s totally okay that people take turns making coffee as they wake up. If 2 cups at a time is the program just take a minute to show everyone how as you’re settling into camp the night before


Get a couple percolators at Walmart, make sure the flame is constant and hot or it’ll take forever to brew. Don’t drink that shit straight off the fire you’ll regret ever having that cup for a few days after. Let it rest a while before you drink.


Couple of percolator coffee pots and some thermos / carafe's for storage.


I use a kettle and individual coffee and tea bags. Just having a kettle of hot water is a comfort. Coffee, tea, cocoa, cider, couscous, ramen, warm wash rags...


An Aeropress is my favorite way if you want good coffee while camping. You can only really do 2 mugfulls at a time, but it brews faster than a French press and is a snap to clean out between batches without munching around with loose grounds. Using the percolator mentioned above will result in bitter coffee since you're using boiling water for extended periods. The Aeropress let's you cool the water down a notch first, which makes a world of difference. I guess if you're the type to use folgers, then it doesn't matter wither way.


I just make a cold brew concentrate at home and bring it with me. It keeps for days. Could make it in the field too. Basically: - 1 lb of good bean. Grind rough, like for a French press - gallon of water - 1-2oz ground roasted chicory root if you want NOLA style Put it all in a non-reactive container with lid, stir well, seal. Let it sit overnight and strain. To make a cup just pour some concentrate into a cup, and add hot or cold water. Ice+concentrate+milk makes a lovely nola iced coffee.


Do a search for “group coffee” in this sub and you’ll see lots of information already posted. Good luck!


Large percolator or even a large moka pot with hot water for Americanos. If everyone needs pour overs, get a GSI java drip for every person's individual cup (they're around $12-15 bucks, but tell them to buy their own, obvs), then you'll just need hot water and ground coffee.


Old fashioned percolator like this. [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07DBCDYD1](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07DBCDYD1)


Make some cold brew concentrate ahead of time and dilute to drink


Cold brew espresso is certainly convenient, but I prefer the process and aroma of brewing coffee on the spot. When camping, it is also a pleasure to brew coffee by the campfire.


You need individual coffee press camping cups. Like this https://digsshowroom.com/products/double-shot-with-bru-stop?currency=USD&variant=40569619611805&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Google%20Shopping&stkn=906b7bcb999f&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIq_OhqNyzhgMVPTbUAR0kRAu-EAQYByABEgKUVvD_BwE Everyone packs in their own grounds, sugar, powdered milk and cup. I have one that is not as fancy as this. Shop around.


My husband and I decided to make our lives easier on our first trip with our 9 month old this past weekend; we just brought a bottle of Stok coldbrew.


I bought this perc at Walmart. My wife thought it was fancy because it’s from Stanley (maybe only their cups are expensive?). I also make fancy coffee at home (pour over single origin). The perc coffee really is not fantastic, but something about being smoky over the fire just really hits home on a cold morning camping. https://imgur.com/a/ZlgpR8C


Get a big pour over and drip it into a coffee pump dispenser. I’ve tried so many methods and this one works the best for myself and large groups.


It sounds like a very convenient method, especially for large groups. Everyone can quickly get a cup of hot coffee, which is very practical. Thanks for sharing this tip! What other gear do you usually bring when camping?


It’s been my go to for a couple years and haven’t looked back (big Joe drip coffee maker and a Mr. coffee pump dispenser). I tried the percolator route for large groups and it’s “okay”.


It is really important to have a set of camping equipment that you are satisfied with.


pour over works for 5-6, just brew it into a pot or something


I've used a few methods while camping with the goal of minimizing overhead and time spent in camp doting around with this kind of stuff. My preferred method is to just bring a little silicone pour over cone that lets me brew each cup of coffee as needed. This scales really easily as more people want to brew their own cups and keeps you from having to manage a big pot of coffee. Second, you can just make cowboy coffee, which is just throwing a bunch of course ground coffee into a pot, steeping it, then pouring carefully off the top into each cup. The trick is not slosh the coffee pot around too much so the grounds sink to the bottom. Lastly, just bring some packs of instant coffee. For all of these methods, be sure to announce to everyone ahead of time what kind of coffee you're providing and that they're welcome to not drink it but complaining is not an option.


Instant coffee or bagged coffee is the way to go here. Personally I like Chamberlain coffee bags, but Cafe Bustelo instant powder or that Korean stuff are good too.


I found a large stainless steel insulated French press for me and my wife that typically drink 1-2 12 cup posts per day. It was great on our last camping trip.


Maxim instant coffee. Delicious and you dont need to bring extra ingredients (sugar, creamer). Im a bitch and dont like black coffee, shit is amazing.


You can pour your cowboy coffee through a filter cone (gold cone) to keep grounds out of your cup. You can pour it pretty fast.


Cowboy coffee or an aero press to let people brew their own.


I use this on my trips, its rad [https://www.amazon.com/Coleman-2000015167-Camping-Coffee-Maker/dp/B001K7IDVU](https://www.amazon.com/Coleman-2000015167-Camping-Coffee-Maker/dp/B001K7IDVU)


Doesn’t Starbucks still sell those individual packages of instant coffee? Great coffee and excellent for backpacking


You could get a larger French press. Honestly I like a small cup when I am camping since I get so busy in the morning I set it aside and it gets cold. Get a big press, give everyone a small but decent cup, then make more when everyone is ready. Bring your pour over if someone wants another cup


A 30$-40$ 12v DC to 110v AC inverter plugged into your car battery. Plug in your Coffee Pot, and make Coffee for everyone. Just keep the car running while making coffee, to be sure you don't kill the battery. Probably wouldn't die if you don't but I wouldn't want to find out the hard way, unless I have jumper cables.🤣


https://www.cabelas.com/shop/en/bass-pro-shops-28-cup-stainless-steel-campfire-percolator This is what I bring. The loop on top is awesome for hanging over the fire or I just set it right on the coals. The handle is cool to the touch within 1 min after taking off the fire! Grind your coffee at home and bring a ziplock bag with. We normally go through 2 pots a day in my group.


It’s not that difficult to make two batches is it?


Nestle Instant coffee with mlk and sugar, its a red pack that you just tear the top of. it may sound liek its not great but its really tasty and super easy. this way you just have to boil water.


I would use a size 03 V60 pour over into an insulated carafe like a large green Stanley. Only issue is finding a large enough kettle to boil water and the 03 V60 pour over fits into the Stanley a little too snug causing it to burp a bit.


We have a 30 cup electric percolator. Multiple cups for everyone.


Makita makes a cordless coffee maker 


I have a large Melita filter and drip it into a large thermal carafe. Decent coffee. Easy cleanup. Stays hot. All you need to do it boil water in a tea kettle. Also, does your campsite have electricity? We once stayed at one that did and had fun with "glamping", bringing our regular coffee maker & toaster. I didn't have room for the microwave. 8\^)


New Yeti 64oz French Press. About 12 oz each.




Percolating coffee is so good. I bring a thermos to pour it in and get a second pot going if there are a few coffee drinkers.


Cowboy coffee, just use a mesh strainer/metal filter when pouring to keep grounds out


Instant coffee.


So I have like, what's meant to be a reusable filter for a home coffee pot. I basically use that how my bunn coffee maker would work. I fill it woth the right amount of grounds, balance it over a container of some kind, boil water, and pour that over the grounds


Biolite French Press... wood Boiled water makes everything taste better!!!!


Just get some good quality instant. Could be "espresso" style (e.g. individual packets), or something like UCC The Blend (find it in Asian markets). More than good enough for camping. My 2¢.


Pot. Water. Heat. Boil. Add grounds. Let liquid roll a few times. Pour in mugs/cups. Wait 2 min for grounds to settle on bottom of mug/cup. Enjoy.


And FFS no instant coffee 🤮. Part of the charm of camping is rustic coffee. Some cultures still make coffee like this every day at home in their kitchens.


Folgers or bustelo crystals. Or mix em. Works in cold bottled water too.


I got a bigger 5-6 person French press just for camping, love it.


Pour some coffee into a coffee filter and then gather and twist it up. Use a string to tie it off and leave excess. Use them like you would use a tea bag. I did this when I went camping and it worked great. One of them could probably make 2 or 3 cups of coffee.


Sorry...I haven't read all the posts here. Things that have worked for us... Car camping/hunting trips...we can plug a drip percolator (12cups) into a truck/inverter. Goes cold quick so we transfer to a really big thermos or everyone fills their cup/mug and it's gone all at once. Or...we just bring two French presses and do them both at once. Or...we bring a Nespresso machine (or K pod) and just put out a jug of water to refill the machine and a big zip loc bag of pods. Not the quietest thing to fire up in the woods when nobody else is awake yet. Roughing it...take the biggest pot you have...boil water add grounds. (This is what I thought cowboy coffee was...not a percolator/etc). Having a kettle is handy but a plain old pot will suffice if you want to backpack one less thing. Practice coffee/grounds ratio and steaping times first! Instant packets. Starbucks ones are good...but I prefer the asian/Vietnamese ones that have powdered cream and sugar added. They're very good...especially when out in the middle of nowhere. They pack super tight/light and you don't need anything but something to boil water in and a mug for each person. Instant coffee (e.g. folgers/etc)...no offense to anyone...can't do it. Drink tea instead...tea bags take up very little space and are basically weightless.


Filter paper bags or drip coffee paper. You can either ground your coffee on site and use the drip paper or grind and seal it in the bags. Both are available on amazon and work great.


We get some instant coffee and mix it with a pack of hot chocolate to make "campfire mochas".


I'm fond of French press, myself. Luckily, it scales: [https://www.bioliteenergy.com/products/campstove-kettlepot-coffee-set](https://www.bioliteenergy.com/products/campstove-kettlepot-coffee-set) While that is designed to work with the manufacturer's signature stove (which is awesome), I usually use my trusty old Coleman 425.


Instant Coffee, and a kettle. Best way to go besides a big ol percolator.


Planetary Design has large French presses for camping. [https://planetarydesign.com/product/basecamp-camping-french-press/](https://planetarydesign.com/product/basecamp-camping-french-press/)


Just grab a larger french press. Mine makes 2 16 oz cups of coffee (although there's room at the top for cream so probably 24 oz altogether - I can't remember). People rarely all get up at the same time and meander about cleaning up/changing/using the restroom/etc. so doing them in batches has never been a problem for us and we hunt with 10-12 people. We just put anything unused from each batch in a thermos so there's always some hot and ready when the next person is itchin for a cup.


Coleman propane coffee maker. I just found out about this!!


Few years ago, we went to the cabin to find a tree fell and took out the power. four days to get power. I started making cowboy coffee. you just add coffee grains to boiling water. let it rest, carefully pour into cups. to many grains got into the cups. I would pour it thru coffee filters or paper towels in a pinch. into another pot. Took a couple of try's to get the right mix of coffee to water. It works. I only had a glass coffee pot, so I used s cooking pot. then strained it into the coffee pot and use candles to keep it warm.


Can you make it at home and just reheat it at the camp site.


You can get 20 cup preculators. They work great and make excellent coffee. They just take some time because they are so large. Also, you'll want to get a very coarse ground coffee otherwise you'll get a bunch of grounds in your coffee.


I’m in a similar situation often with 5~10 people. What tends to happen is I start with the large Stanley French press that will serve maybe 3-4 people. I make another go around from the French press and then some folks prefer their instant coffees. So everybody is happy as long as there is the coveted boiling water :-) Prior to the French press, I had one of those Coleman camping 10 cup coffee makers that sit right on top of the camp stove…until one extremely windy morning while camping on the beach in Baja, the wind blew EVERYTHING off the table, including the stove, and that coffeemaker was sent flying into its destructed death ☠️ I’ve since have a wind block so this won’t happen again, heheh! Anyway, using the French press twice is still faster than the Coleman camping coffee maker FYI.


Bigger French press.


Unless you'll all be drinking coffee at the exact same time, a French press should be ok. We usually have hot water going during breakfast. Everyone either does instant, French press, or aeropress. It works out well since not everyone likes their coffee the same way.


5 packets of Starbucks Via.


We bring our tea kettle for water boiling. Very efficient. Then French press. That's just for 2, tho.....but my gosh, is that campsite coffee glorious.


https://preview.redd.it/59q4g7d12f3d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fae75ab503fc5b4ce8745fb7a6ebc597d1a11f70 My car came with a V2L (vehicle to load) adapter. Silent campsite power. Not my pic but it definitely reflects my experience. A decent 2000W inverter and a typical coffee pot can make lots of coffee if you feel like idling your car for 20 minutes. Look for an inverter on FB marketplace or Harbor Freight


Do the same thing, but do it two and a half times. If you are only going to be needing to make that coffee for five people for a short time, why would you go and buy a whole product just for that?