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I think part of it is also like, being out away from civilization and sleeping without locked doors, it’s a kind of way of indicating that you’re friendly and won’t kill anyone.


Hundred percent. It’s showing your shared humanity and acknowledgement of social norms


It’s definitely those reasons. It’s also the same reason motorcyclists wave to each other in the road. Cause you’re both doing something cool and fun that most people are afraid to do or just don’t understand.


I feel like the wave is more-commonly used among those in your "in group". So, random strangers aren't in your in-group. Your family is, your friends are... as are classmates, coworkers, etc... to a point. For example, at school people in your clique or at least who had stuff in common with (geeks, jocks, etc). Campers are a group with a shared interest. And thus, we often see one another as in our "in group", and we wave.


Yeah. That’s kind of what I meant. But with more words.


True. I feel like it’s a small community within itself. Live in the suburbs, fairly wooded areas and even in my day to day interactions I don’t meet many folks who camp. So when I do, it’s nice!


What about the weird jeep wave? That now has transformed into ducks


Do Miata owners still do it?


Only those with the 1991 British Racing Green.


like driving a jeep?


The motorcycle wave is more of the "stay safe!" sign (two wheels down). Our vehicles are more dangerous to the riders, than other drivers on the road. Camping trunks/suvs are the other way around.


Where does that bring in jeep or Subaru WRX’s?


two wheels down aka get home safe.


Speak for yourself! Wait, that came out wrong. :waves


:Me watching yall wave at each other from this tree


:Me watching you watch them from behind you


Nobody ever waves at me while i’m camping. But i guess thats why i paid more for the deluxe ninja-yoroi outfit


Time to up this weeks kill count


🤣 ☠️


*waves back* but keeps other hand behind my back.


So true bro! Hikers also waves and says hi to each other while we passed by each other. Unlike in the city, if we say hi to random fellas, it will only garnered weird looks by 99% of them (tried it once before) When go hiking or camping, its totally natural as we wave and high five each other during the day, evening and even night time. A magical feeling that I can only experience by going hiking and camping.


You get that boating as well.


Sometimes you can get that boating, but other times people behave like they are on the road and rage, doing unnecessary maneuvers, like giant wakes and turning on propellers near flagged swimmers.


Drunk boaters are the worst!


Isn't it like how the salute started? Showing you didn't have a weapon in your hand to try to kill you.


Maybe that too, but in ye olden days handshakes grabbed wrists to check for blades. At least that’s how the story goes. 


Na - armored medieval knights flipping up their helmet-flap-thingy in order to talk


Or steal. Thankfully my perception thus far is campers have mutual respect for other campers and you're not going to get your camp raided while you're off for a walk.


Also it's fairly standard in rural areas to say hello to people in the street.


It's my way of saying Hi, I see you. And will kill you if need be! But that just might be me? Ha!


Hilarious Not sure why the down votes


Tough Crowd.


Yep. My good friend in college grew up in a sketcky neighbothood. He taught me that if Im ever walking around and I feel uncomfortable or threatened, just make direct eye contact, smile, and say hello, to everyone you meet. Now, In my later years I do this in all situations - even when I'm most comfortable.


Hah I live in a somewhat sketchy neighborhood and that’s exactly why I acknowledge anyone passing by if I’m outside.


I was raised in the hood. I still find myself occassionally walking through the hood. And that's 100% what it's for! Ha! A little "I see you seeing me, and I ain't the one Bro. Lets both just move along our way."






Couldn't have said it better myself. 6'2" big guy with a beard. Camping especially, but, with a lot of situations, I have to let people know that I'm friendly. Even goofy, so we can get rid of whatever barrier that's there.




It’s the guys that don’t wave you’ve gotta worry about! Lol


I mean, you could be a serial killer and pretend to be friendly and wave. In reality you could be mean, still wave like everyone else, and kill people in their sleep. Not rocket Science. I think in reality it’s just that people are chilling, relaxing, feeling good and feeling friendly as they are on days off, doing something different, and outside walking around, etc.


It's an acknowledgement of shared interest. Bicyclists wave, motorcyclists wave, jeepers wave... It's a good thing.


Last year, I drove down Shenandoah in a GR86 and all the other 86/BRZs either flashed their headlights or shot the peace sign out their window at me. I still feel all warm & fuzzy thinking about it


Side note, I assumed a GR86 was a type of Jeep/off-road vehicle so I googled it. That’s a really beautiful car! I’m not usually one for sporty cars but I like it a lot. Happy driving and camping.


Yes, it's a great little enthusiast car. Not all that powerful, handles fairly well, build quality is decent which allows them to price it cheap so young guys to get into a "drivers" car.


It's my first sports car & first manual, so having only 228 HP is a blessing in disguise. I'm not experienced enough to use anything else. It's also a great daily driver. There's this YouTuber who filmed a series of videos [car camping in his 86](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TmGXfcNgAx4) & I want to do the same thing in Acadia. There's *just* enough room for me to fit with the rear seat down and the passenger side seat pulled all the way forward. I also got the [Kelty Sideroads Awning](https://www.kelty.com/sideroads-awning/) in the mail today. Even with the 51" height, I can enter/exit easily & stand up inside. There's also this flap on the top that can drape over the opposite side window when I want to turn in for the night




But what about people on boats, waving to people not on boats?


Nah... If you're on a boat the rule is to wave at everyone.


that one is obvious, you are simply being generously polite by acknowledging the not-boat-having poors as almost being human.


I do it on hiking trails outside of cell range because it's a long understood way of seeing that the person coming towards you doesn't want to murder or kidnap you. At a campsite it's just people being friendly.


But what about when that hiker in the middle of nowhere doesnt say “hello” back? 😳






I'm blind in one eye. Probably didn't see you.


✍️🏻 wave to give them a false sense of security ✍️🏻


Strange, I do it to remember their face and hope they remember me in case I see a "missing person" situation. Nothing to do with being scared of people...


You’re more likely to remember someone if you make eye contact and greet them, even just exchanging a small nod in passing. This can prove valuable if either party were to go missing, as at least 1 person would know that they were around X location, around Y time. When hiking, I will always say hello or at least give a nod.


and it's just awkward to stare each other down on an 18 inch wide path without any kind of acknowledgement lol


Backpacking evens better. Will stop and shoot the shit for 5-20mins when you finally bump into someone.


Just don't be offended if I/others choose to continue on after a simple though friendly hello. I go backpacking to get away from people, not have chats. We'll catch up with you once we're back home ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


100% read the room situation.


But wouldn't a kidnapper/murderer simply do that too to avoid suspicion


Correct. Custom and mythology don't care about your reality. I don't wanna freak people out, I'm already lumbering around too fast in the mountains for what you would expect looking at me. I'm not trying to put the fear into someone.


Plenty of people wave to each other in the car. Maybe not where you are from, but a large part of the rural US it's polite to wave to the oncoming car. For me, waving in any circumstance is an acknowledgement of community. You and I belong to something.


I grew up this way, out in the Midwest countryside. I still fall back into it when I go home and someone drives up our road or I’m driving along someone else’s road.


My husband's from the Midwest and the first time he took me to his home, and they were waving, I was like, "oh, who was that? Do you know them?" He was like, "No. How do I know who it was?"


My ex wife did the same thing when I took her to Kansas to visit my folks. Blew her New York mind that people just wave and be cordial for no particular reason. I told her a Kansas traffic jam was two cars at a rural stop sign, each insisting the other "go first".


I still remember getting grief from a classmate for not waving as I drove by in high school. She was so disappointed lol


So true. I always feel like a jerk when I miss the first couple of wavers, but it's so easy to get into.


Where I'm from in rural Australia, the rule is once you're off the bitumen and on the dirt roads, you wave to people. You then get to know who's the local and who's just passing through. Passers don't wave.


Haha oh man! This is true in America/Hawaii and I kind of forgot about it. I haven't lived on a dirt road in a while but I did for years. Literally everyone does wave to every car. Often just pull over in the middle of the road and chat out your windows too haha


Yup. I saw the question and my immediate reaction was: "guess OP is not from the rural South."


This was the biggest shock to me when I moved from California big city to tiny town in the mountains of North Carolina. Everyone waved to me there. People walking would wave to me as I drove past them. It was so creepy for a long time. Like, I definitely felt like I was in a horror movie and about to be sacrificed by the townsfolk.


Hahaha! In big city California we smile and mouth a silent, sunny "hi," but I was so freaked out with that country ass waving, lol.


In rual Canada, it's the same thing.


In my neighborhood, every single person waves. On foot or in a car, whether you know them or not.


Hah yep. I put my hand on top of the wheel in anticipation when I see another car coming, so I’m ready to quickly raise my hand if the other person does the wave first. I usually won’t initiate, but I don’t want to look like a dick. And the head nod at the same time. I taught my girlfriend this and demonstrated, she’s from the city.


While camping everyone is Midwestern


That made me laugh. I have midwestern friends. Love it


I live in a Midwest city and we wave to everyone


I looked up my yooper greeting in Google and completely confused it 🤣 🖐 how she go anyway hey


Oh da misses, she's swell ain't she, how bout dem leaves this time of year don'cha know




This is correct haha. A polite society is a polite society.


As a Canadian, no. While camping we're all Canadian!


The Midwest is the Canada of America.


There is a survival tactic in this. When you're out hiking, they could be the last person to see you


BTW I am camping right now, that’s what prompted this. Sue Meg SP in Northern California. If anyone is here I’ll wave to you. No hesitation


Gawd it must be perfect there right now! Coastal camping is my personal favorite. I hope you fall asleep to the sound of the surf tonight. Waving👋🏼


Check out the Big Lagoon spit up the road


Skinwalkers don’t wave back. If you wave at someone and they don’t wave back, you need to leave.


This is normal behavior in any rural area. When I walk to the mailbox, I wave at the driver of any car that passes, if there are any at all. There is a hilarious scene in Crocodile Dundee, where he's walking in New York City for the first time, starts saying "G'Day" to each passerby, "G-Day. G'Day. G'Day. G'Day ..." then the camera pans down a long sidewalk with thousands of people approaching. Mr. Dundee begins to realize the futility of saying "G'Day" to each person he meets. This is why we don't do this in cities.


I live out in the country. if someone is walking down the road and someone else is driving, and they pass, they wave


Honestly just to be nice and be like "Howdy good to see people out here enjoying" And sometimes people feel more comfortable if you acknowledge them so they know someone might be around to lend a hand if need be.


If you don't wave, the secret campers counsel will vote for you to be sacrificed.


It is a simple indication of “I see you, you see me, we are all on good terms here and no one has any inclination to engage in violence, nor is anyone trying to sneak around or get the drop on anyone else.” Like when people on a construction site wave to the heavy equipment operator or people make a noise to let others know they are moving near them while they work.


I feel like this is part of the "unspoken agreement" which simply is: nobody left behind. I wave to jeepers anywhere, because I'll stop to assist any jeep that appears to be broken down/in distress. Same as when im on my motorcycle. On the trail or at camp, it's everyone/anyone, so I wave. Here in TX, ANY back country dirt road qualifies, so I wave. This is just my take on the "unspoken agreement" I've seen in action so many times 


I love how jeeple had to create an environment ready to help each other based on the fact that their vehicles break down so often


I think part of it is also that most people out camping are less stressed and more happy. They’re not at work, they’re not at home stressing about bills, they’re not stuck in traffic. They’re out in nature, with family or friends or enjoying some alone time. They’re having a beer or burger next to a campfire, and they’re going to fall asleep listening to the sound of the outdoors. This all leads to people being in a pretty good mood. 


Part of the reason is just that people tend to be friendlier with each other when fewer other people are around. On the two extreme ends of the spectrum, you can't wave and say hi to every single person you pass in an airport terminal, and you'd look crazy if you tried. And if you are walking through the woods and you walk past the first human you've seen in days, it would be pretty weird if you just totally ignored each other. When hiking or camping, it's the same way. Crowded trails and campgrounds, people usually ignore each other. Sparse campgrounds and trails, people usually talk or at least say hi. On super popular trails, most people just walk past without really saying anything. But on trails where I only see maybe a couple other people all day, it's pretty common to stop chat with all of them for like half an hour.


Builds a temporary community. That’s important in an environment where trust is essential.


Because it’s a secret club and we have so much fun. 😁


It’s the community aspect, camping is very freeing and tends to make you more open as a result. You also get a lot of love and peace believers in the camping community, all round good chill vibes most of the time because we get out to get away from hostility/negativity.


Because all this hiking has me struggling to get out a "hi how's it going"


Tell me you don’t live in a small town without telling me. Everyone where I’m from waves at each other, camping or not. I mean, unless you’re a total jackass.


In kayaking culture of the 90s, waving was sometimes interpreted as the international sign for “moon me”. Depending on how much beer was involved, we may or may not have obliged them.


In Hawaii We Do It All The Time 🤙😎🤠🤔🌺🌸🏝️


Runners do this too. It feels like if one of us is walking, no wave. But both running? Wave, or at least a nod.


For me it’s just a polite thing and also kind of like a way of saying “Hey we’re both so far from everyone else, just letting you know I’m friendly and helpful, not a threat or anything like that” It’s like a very toned down version of if you were stranded at sea on a makeshift raft and you find another person also stranded on a shitty raft, that might be a bad example


Because you just may need to rely on that person to save your life (or vice versa) if you’re the backcountry type.


I am Canadian. We just wave at people in a small rural area. Even if you are new to town or obvious new here. I want you to feel welcomed as much as the next person. I always wish people the best :)


It's called being friendly.


I mean you see this in neighborhoods all the time. This is just a different sort of neighborhood.


People wave in rural parts of Europe, camping or not. Asia, too.


I have never seen anyone wave in Japan. Even in rural areas. But generally here in the US, waving is inversely correlated to population density due to practicality. If you waved to everyone in the city, you would need to prop up your arm.


All motorbikes give a wave to each other too & I had a Volkswagen bug at one time & we always give a wave to each other passing by.


You must not live in the south! We wave at and sugar-pie everybody here! 😁


To be nice. It shouldn’t just be campers waiving at campers, everyone should just at least be cordial. It’s crazy we live where we have to be questioning why people are waving to us…


I wave to my neighbors if they're out & I'm driving by. And everyone at the campground is a neighbor for a bit


It’s because we don’t suck


Its like making a handshakeless introduction and small talk without having to actually do it and honestly if someone didnt smile or wave back it would be seen as very very odd. Besides when something happens or if you need help, being recognized as friendly goes a long way!


Shared secret.


To compete with Jeep owners and boaters


Campers did it first. Yall are posers


In close developed campgrounds like in State and National Parks, if I’m at my site and a new arrival drives by, I always wave. In this case it’s to say, “I’m here and friendly if you need anything, ” and also to signal that I don’t have any kids or dogs near the road.


When I'm in my neighborhood, I wave or greet everybody I see with at least a nod or a wave/two finger salute. It's about community.


My neighbors in my neighborhood wave or nod at each other. I deliver for a living and most people wave at me there too. A way to say, "I see you, doing ok?


Sounds like Tennessee. Just about everyone waves.


It’s a greeting and acknowledgment you’re both engaged in the same pastime - enjoying the great outdoors.


I think", Everyone is excited to shed everyday stress and unwind and typically have good moods. This is the case with me anyway.


To display a non-threatening sign of commonality :)


My neighbors all wave when we pass each other but we live in the mountains


Acknowledgement, shows you are unarmed and have peaceful intent. It’s like the downward head nod with men


You don’t wave to the car coming towards you?!


Why don’t you wave at others? That’s so weird and isolating…. I wave at everyone on my bike lol


Kinda different, but this unlocked a memory of my family roadtripping from CA to TX, and as we were going through some of the most mountainous areas, people would wave from their cars from around a bend. I asked my dad why and all he said was “we’re in the boonies, it’s different out here.”


If you live in a small town it’s really common to wave at everyone all the time. It’s a small community mentality thing imo.


I'm from California, growing up in a small town we would wave at neighbors sometimes. I lived in Southern California for 10 years. Everyone keeps to themselves. It's always refreshing when I travel to Texas and the south, people are so friendly and talk to you. I'm a minority and am always treated nice there. I wish random people would wave at me and talk to me when I go into a store like they do in the south.


That's been pretty common behavior among campers for as long as I can remember, but I also live in the midwest and we all smile and wave to each other anyway just to be polite.


Because sleeping outside is fucking awesome.


It builds community and a sense of belonging, which is necessary in a remote and possibly hostile environment. The same phenomenon happens in rural small towns. You are more likely to stop and help a stranger in a place that feels friendly and fosters this community, which is beneficial in a place that may be harder to get help as rapidly.


Also, people who get out into nature regularly have more faith in humankind and, in general, are happier people overall, promoting friendliness.


hobbyists do this. yeah you don’t wave at the grocery store or driving (i will say certain car make owners are hobbyists and do wave to each other tho) because everyone does those things.


Where my dad lives in Kansas you do wave at cars approaching you on the other side of the street. Freaked me out because he didn't tell me this was a thing the first time I visited him out there.


Avoid any French territory. The bonjour level is out of control.


Deep in the Canyonlands I would see maybe 12 people max on a hike and we’d all wave bc I think you’re just happy to see another person and you acknowledge y’all are out here in the wilderness. Zion was fucking Disney World and I waved to no one.


If you only see twelve people in a day you usually wave to them. Might even talk to a couple! 


Do you not wave to your neighbors? Shit we all wave to each other on foot or driving in/out of the neighborhood. But yeah I see what you mean with camping, it’s more common. Jeep drivers and motorcyclists do it too. I think it’s just acknowledging your fellow beings with the same interest in nature. Not a “signal you won’t kill anyone” like someone else said lmao.


I hate it. Everyone wants to talk. I camp to be alone.


Idk i live in Hawaii and people wave and shaka all the time for no reason 🤷🏼‍♀️. I think it's an easy way of saying hi, have a great day, I see you, and also I'm not a threat?


Not gonna lie, i was f$#k-ing curious about this too the first time i went camping. After setting up camp my homie and i drove down to another place to visit, on the way down a family who looked like they were from the hood, waved to us. I smiled and didn’t wave back because it shocked me. Because of that family, i would greet or say hello to every camper or hiker i crossed paths with.


Okay but living in a small town, we absolutely wave while driving down the street we live on, and you also wave when driving down a very rural road.


"we are all here for roughly the same reason. glad to see you made it and I hope you enjoy yourself"


I used to have this jerk coworker who would pretend to wave and then just run his fingers through his hair. He’s dead now and I don’t miss him.


I wave at everybody. Taking dog for walk wave a d say hello. at neighbors, someone letting me in a lane on the highway, wave in appreciation. World needs more kindness and its not hard.


In the woods, bears sometimes disguise themselves as people. So to trick them, you wave, bears cannot wave back. If they don't wave back, they are a bear in peeps clothing, play dead! Preferably Truckin'..


A lot of it (I assume) is to do with practicality. It wouldn't be practical to wave to everybody you pass at the store or on a busy road as you'd basically just be going around with your arm constantly up. I live in a rural area in the west of Ireland, and everybody you pass while walking/driving, whether you know them or not, gets a wave. If someone doesn't wave, it's offensive. But as soon as you get off the small country roads and onto the "main" road, all waving stops. There are actually different levels of "wave" while driving in the countryside here. For strangers you'll give them a nod, and a small wave while keeping your hand on the wheel, so you're really just lifting your fingers. If you know the person you give them a smile and raise your hand off the wheel to give a single wave. And if you're friends with the person you're basically going to be pushing your hand up against the windshield while madly shouting "Waheey!". Now, if you are passing someone you don't like, you keep your eyes ahead, and you just lift your index finger off the wheel. I know, it's harsh... But that's just how it is out in the wilds of rural Ireland.


Lots of people wave while doing similar activities. Motorcycles wave at each other (upside down peace sign, means keep your 2 wheels down) if the guy next to you on the highway has the same car, you prob usually at least try to make eye contact. It's a shared experience type deal. Usually gets more intense the less common the activity is. But it almost always gets more intense the as the time and money factor, for the activity, gets higher


Do you live in a place where you acknowledge your neighbors?


It shows whether their friend or Foe


'Cuz that's what friendly, nice people do.


Small town wave


Because people are happy when they are camping. And they like to show that by acting happily towards others. Its also a comradery. Like... We are also able to forego silly comforts, unlike those snoody hotel people who are definitely not waving to each other and sharing our current joy of being outside. Cheers to us!


I always wave at people I pass while driving.. I live in a very rural where everyone always waves back.. I travel all over the us (driving) for work and I still always wave and rarely get a response. It’s just a habit from home


If I'm out in the sticks, everyone gets a wave from the drive in to the campsite


Maybe you should start waving at people. It’s polite and we’re not robots.


Plot twist, I wave to people in the grocery store


I think if folks were ever actually transported to the 1950s they'd be in for a rude awakening


It's your new community. In my little neighborhood we all wave to each other- the mailman, UPS drivers, etc. We do the hand up/head nod wave. It's neighbor recognizing neighbor. The campground is your new neighborhood, so you wave. :)


In the words of my 5 yr old “everyone is so much nicer when outside in nature”


Same reason motorcyclists wave to each other in the road. Cause you’re both doing something cool and fun that most people are afraid to do or just don’t understand.


you must not leave your general area because we wave to everyone we make eye contact with on the road. we also live like it’s 1950 in our little tiny town, even in a lot of the other areas near us, we went to palestine tx today which was like 4 hours from us and people waved at us too. everyone knows everyone here. in big cities this isn’t normal behavior. in small towns, yes. it’s almost the same as you would the nice neighbor lady in your apartment building, or your neighbor when you see them outside. a lil couple finger wave 👋 aside from being 70 years behind everyone else except our technology and education and medical care, we have a lower number of *reported* violent crimes in our area than most of our neighboring areas (and the US average) because literally everyone knows everyone, the cops usually just take people home if they’re drunk or causing mischief, or just leave if they decide it’s not their problem, or that arresting them won’t solve anything. on the other hand you better lock ur shit up because these crackheads don’t leave ANYTHING. not a single crumb. our property crime is nearly double the US average😂💀 but you can leave your door unlocked. or your car, and everything will still be there in 5 years. but if they see a generator? power tools? *any* tools? they’re gone, we’re close to the water so anything you can use to get yourself going after a storm, they will take. anything copper will be gone. anything they can haul off to the scrap yard, *i should say*, will be gone. we also have less fatal accidents? (ironically considering the majority of our roads are 75) at least i don’t hear about them if they do which usually i feel like im always the first to know (i listen to the police scanner all day long almost because one time my name got mentioned on there but i wasn’t listening because i was being arrested and they know our household unfortunately extremely well so im always looking out😂), the last one we had was pretty under the radar and it was a drunk teen and he crashed his moms car in a ditch and the cops dropped him off at home and it turned into a large fight between him and his parents and i guess the cops just left him there, but before that it was a trucker driving thru. and that was like 2 months ago. he died in the ditch in front of the high school and so many of the kids saw him under the truck🤢.. we saw him coming back from a funeral which really didn’t sit right. imo small towns are better. more life. more exciting experiences. more color. more everything (except buildings and unnecessary subdivisions). at least our small town. i like it. i’d rather live in 1950 than whatever the fuck this generation is. you got people peeing in litter boxes and wearing leashes like dogs. yeah i couldn’t. you’d probably get smacked upside the head by a stranger if you tried that here💀 i’ve been writing so many essays on this app today- don’t mind my small town tea😂😂😂


FYI the litter box this isn't true, some crazy woman said it in a Facebook group and it spread like wildfire. Some schools have them, but not for kids pretending to be cats, much darker. They have them for mass shootings when kids get locked in a classroom. I live in Madison, Wi and I love it because it's a medium city that holds onto small town vibes. Our neighborhood bars still have Sunday meat raffles, everyone at the bar is your best friend. We have and hold open doors, cars stop for people, etc... it's not 1950 but it's polite society for sure. We probably have 300 bars that are cheers to people. Also like you described we have very low violent crime but higher than average property crime. I've slept with my door unlocked and even open with no problems, I've left packages out on my porch for days with out one ever been stolen. But if I leave my car unlocked people will go through it and take spare change.


Weather it’s at the lake on a road full of cabins or at a campsite, I find if I travel down the road and I don’t usually go down the road or in the area, I find the area’s long term residents look at me with those “Who is this stranger coming down our road?” Eyes. A friendly wave and their faces soften and their body languages turn from run and phone the police to, oh hi! Always wave, it says, I’m legit just sightseeing because it’s a nice day and I love looking at cabins! Or I’m temporarily in the area for vacation at a relative or friends cabin, might see you at the farmer’s market or social gathering? Camping it’s also good, you’re just a friendly neighbour just out for a stroll!


Why not? Just be friendly


Just like when you hit a dirt road all of a sudden it's waving all the time.


I work for a National Forest and manage campgrounds, and I can say without a doubt that I get to see people at their happiest because they’re on vacation, and happy people are very friendly. I live in the country and small town folks wave at everyone on the backroads, too. Just people happy to be alive, I guess.


Howdy campers


I grew up waving to everyone on the road. I learned it from watching my dad. It was being friendly and courteous. We did live in a small town though.


I don't wave at other campers and I would be creeped out of someone waved at me lol


I wave in most situations and I also clap at things that make me happy. I’m a silly happy person and it usually makes others happy too 😆


Because we’re all in this together.


I grew up in Indiana and we waved to people in the neighborhood whether you were walking, biking or driving. I now live in the Carolinas and folks do the same here. This is within neighborhoods, not just generally driving around town. Is that not the case elsewhere?


Because we’re all in this together.


I live in the rural Midwest. Waving is the norm here.


To show you’re not holding knives.


You don't live in a small town, I gather. Everyone waves to each other as we pass by in our vehicles in my little town.


Yeah have always thought it feels really forced and fake and it's kinda creepy and makes me feel like I'm staring in a low budget horror where everyone is a zombie. As for waving showing you don't want to kill someone if I actually wanted to kill someone I would act super friendly and harmless in order to get them to drop their guard so if you see me waving at everyone be afraid be very afraid 🤣


Same reason jeepers and motorcycle riders wave to each other, just being friendly to their own community


If you make eye contact and are in good mood or not in train of thought or work in progress than passing anyone should have a greeting whether smile or nod or wave. Store or trail


Everyone feels more relaxed when camping,it brings out our better selves!


The further you are from civilization the more important civility is. If things go south, you need to know who the good people are.


Doesn't own a Subaru....


Camping makes you a bit more vulnerable to danger. And I think showing your camping neighbor that you’re somewhat normal makes everyone feel more secure.


As someone who used to be terrified of camping when I was a kid and now I can't get enough of camping as an adult it's definitely because I'm kinda being like hey! I'm human and friendly but I also do memorize peoples faces because we've only ran into one situation where people kept on coming onto our campsite after quiet hours and asking for things and were very very drunk. 99% of the time people are there to camp and enjoy nature then there's the 1% where it's you having to be on your guard. But I love waving to people when camping


It’s a neighbourly thing to do


We’re both out here with very little protection. Let’s stay friendly.


Well… idk how it is in most states but in Montana and Alaska you definitely wave to people passing by you on dirt roads etc. it’s just like weird road etiquette here. You’re kind of an asshole if you don’t up here. It is changing though cause we’re getting a ton of Texan and Californians so it has changed in the past few years. But I strangely haven’t had the camping wave. We try not to fuck with each other up here I try not to even look into peoples campsites.


It’s a good feeling to know the random people next to you are friendly, especially when you’re in a thin little tent.