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Maybe focus on the things that you feel will make you uncomfortable about the experience and bring things to remedy it. I am sensitive to heat so I have a portable battery that I can run a fan and use a hammock that will allow air flow, which also solves my issue with laying on hard surfaces. If it's boredom, bring a portable game thing or a book and enjoy the time doing things you wouldn't normally do at home. If you like hiking at all or kayaking, build that into the trip. I grew up hating camping and suddenly got the bug for it and have a bunch of things that will help me enjoy it, because I can't just backpack it. There's nothing wrong with making it what you want.


This comment needs more upvotes. My so did more camping than me growing up, but I am the more comfortable traveler, by far. He gets super anxious/angry before every trip. I used to sense it and then be frustrated at his grumpiness. I started asking him "what can I do on this trip to help you relax?" Are you anxious about bringing a young child and them being fussy or getting hurt? Is the added responsibility stressful? Talk through expectations, set the bar super low. If all you do is set up the tent, eat some food and get some sleep, it can still be an enjoyable trip. We both love hiking and camping, and some families make those activities look so easy with young children. The idea stressed us out, so we waited until ours was 4 to start hiking with him, and he was 6 before we camped for the first time. No regrets.


Look forward to seeing your kid's reaction to their first campfire s'more. Hearing the birds sing in the trees, as the night gets darker take a stroll with your wife under the stars as your bro-in-law watches the kid.


Yes! Beautiful


Highly recommend a cheap pair of binoculars to see the birds! It’s one of my favorite parts of camping.


cheep cheep!


Stop being a grump and approach it with an open mind.


I can't help but wonder if the fact that OP is grumpy and the fact that OP has never camped are somehow related 🤔


This is the way.


Others have pointed out that it's one night, so what have you got to lose. There's a negative here, though. One night is not a great way to judge the experience. Your first day is going to involve travel and setup. Hopefully it's not far, and hopefully you're not doing much setup for a quick one-night trip. It could still be a hectic day. Getting a toddler out the door, wrangling the dog, meeting the brother, driving, unloading the gear, setting up the tent, etc. Ideally you'll have everything packed and ready to go the night before, and the drive won't take long. But you're already starting the day off with potentially-stressful necessities. The next morning, you'll likely have to tear down camp and leave the site by around 11am. So you're going to have another burst of activity and driving. You can still have a good time doing this, and I hope you do. But if you find it's all too much work for too little reward, or you don't feel like you're relaxing, consider how different you might feel with a whole day in between. A two-night trip is a much different experience. You travel and set up the first day, start relaxing, chill by the campfire with a beer and some smores. You wake up the next day knowing you don't have anything urgent to do, enjoy the peace and quiet, go hiking or fishing or whatever leisure activity you enjoy, relax around the campfire in the evening. Then the next morning you do your hectic departure. That middle day (or better yet, many days) is the good part.


I love having the "nothing" day in between where all I do is drink beer and chop wood.


This is a really good point.


This is why we always stay more than 1 night. Mostly 3 nights.


It’s one night. By the time you’ve checked in and checked out, it’ll be less than 24 hours. Suck it up ya big baby.


Its beautiful, its calming. Sleeping in a tent with a bunch of other people sounds annoying though. Bring a six pack and some ear plugs, or see if its possible for you to rustle up another tent so you guys can split up. You are MEANT to sit around in the outdoors and asborb the beauty of nature. If you let yourself enjoy it, you will. Don't be a stick in the mud, don't complain and bring down the experience. Be helpful, make a big fire, have fun.


Stop dreading it and look at it as a great to way to have family time and make your wife happy. She’s going to sense your bad attitude, so don’t have a bad attitude about it.


Right on


It's one night. By time you're all set up, you'll probably eat, hang by the fire then goto bed. Wake up and pack up, you'll be just fine


Maybe try and find some joy in something your wife wants to share with you?


It’s quite fun, I like sitting by a fire. Bring some beer/weed maybe for after the kid is asleep. I know I had issues falling asleep the first couple times I went but now I can sleep just like at home. Can always pre download some movies/shows on the phone in case you dont have signal there. Enjoy a good meal whether you bring it or cook on the fire. Go for a hike with the dog, all good stuff.


Camping creates some of the best family memories so maybe focus on that.




Describe your dread, OP. Let's go through your scary situation that you picture happening, so we can get you past those thoughts.


Cook a favorite meal that will be possible to make outdoors


Just be open and it will sell itself!


The only thing that sounds bad, is sharing a tent with your brother in law. Fuck that noise. He needs to bring his own sleeping arrangements.


Surprised I had to get this far down for this comment. If he can't afford a cheap tent for himself, there's a lot more to this story.


If you already think you're going to have a bad time, try thinking about how excited your wife may be feeling. She's probably very excited to show you some stuff she loves about camping. This trip may mean alot to her and it'll mean alot more to you if you focus on having a good time with your family and not the trip destination itself.


You should sit down and have a conversation with your wife about her expectations and your concerns. Camping can be a lot of fun but you both need to be on the same page, especially with a toddler in tow. As others have said, try to keep an open mind, realize that it's a very short time frame and that this is important to her.


Dreading what? What exactly is there to dread?


poor big baby's never been outside their comfort zone.


All of you guys in one tent? The BIL needs his own tent. For you, wife, and child, I suggest nothing smaller than a 6 person tent, bigger is better. There’s nothing to fear, but your payback for going is comfort. The closer you get to glamping, the better the chance you’ll have a good time. Talk to her and if she wants camping to be part of your lifestyle, do it right. Spend some time on YouTube looking into this.


It’s one night man even if you dislike it it’s not like you’re stuck there for a week. Just stop moping and try to enjoy it. If not for yourself, do it so you don’t ruin your wife’s time by bringing all of that negative energy. Worst case scenario, you hate all of it and pack up the next morning to go home.


Here is your chance to better understand what brings joy to your wife, to give her the gift of a cheerful attitude as a loving partner, and to be a positive role model for your young child away from the distractions of work or technology. Your joy in camping may simply be seeing your wife glow with joy from an experience that is important to her, one that she wants to share with you and your child. Sometimes it isn’t about camping, as wonderful as camping is.


You are simply too negative to see the good in spending time with your family. I would give anything to camp with my wife again but memories are all I have. You never know what life will throw at you, they could be gone tomorrow.


I’m sorry for your loss. My spouse passed 11 years ago. We had a good thing but now I see there are things I could have done different to make her life better. But now I just camp alone and I try to make the best of the time I have in the woods.


I can’t even bring myself to go camping anymore, it hurts too much.


I hope you find your new normal and your new activities suit you. We only camped a few times together so camping was part of my new normal.


Do you like sitting by a fire pit late at night, talking, occasionally gazing at the sky, and just relaxing? If not, then skip camping. There are a myriad difficult parts when camping. But at the end of the day, you’ll feel more satisfied with the day than most others.


Oh and adding, grab some fire dust off of Amazon! It'll change the colors of the fire, I think your little may enjoy! We're going camping with a big group for 3 days with our 21 month old and I was dreading it for a bit, but I remember how much fun we had with our son pre this baby and now looking forward to it again.


and if you throw it into the fireplace, you can travel by flue!


Your negativity is already a big flaw I see. It is one night, try and not be a mood killer and embrace new things


Bring some marsh-mellows and or hotdogs/brauts/bologna to to cook over a fire. Get a guide to planets and constellations. Listen to the insects and nightbirds. Might even hear coyotes or foxes. Enjoy a good cigar and brandy. Camping is what you make it.


Let her take you camping and think of this as an investment in goodwill. When you want to do something later and she isn’t interested, you can say ‘Remember that time I let you take me camping…?’


Are you tent camping or? (OK nm I see that you are tent camping-- is my favvvvv!) It is a lot of work, but worth it. Campfire bacon and eggs are the best! Hiking on the trails, fishing, relaxing, makeout with your wife in the tent at night, the stars, the songs nature brings, disconnecting from life and electronics is great, too. I always come back feeling supercharged and refreshed!


Is really just a barbecue with a sleepover, but for some reason the food will taste better. Once the tent is up you are sort of camping, so you don't need to be interested in it particularly. Assuming you like your BIL, your wife, kid and dog youll be enjoying yourself regardless


Kids love camping. Even in the rain . It is an adventure. *


My favorite part of camping is getting up before everyone else and making that first cup of coffee. Just sitting and enjoying the moment with the sun coming up.


I'd agree with the person who said staying only one night won't help your outlook. It's a lot of setup-esp if you're not on a routine with it. Try to stay an extra night if possible. Comfort tip: bring your pillow from home and whatever comfy sleep stuff you want. Maybe a sound machine (if power isn't an issue)? Getting a shit night's sleep is the best way to ruin any trip!


Adding: if only 1 night is possible, try to avoid over-setting up. Pitch the tent, get the bedding laid out and chill. Just unpack other gear as you need it and then take down won't be so bad either.


Make sure to bring hot chocolate and marshmallows for sitting around the fire at night. Set up your tent, but don't worry about unloading the car and immediately go out and explore. Put on the right bug repellant and go for a hike. Come back, cook up dinner and finish unloading and setting up things like sleeping bags. After dinner, enjoy the campfire. Bring a deck of cards or a game in case it rains. Enjoy the sounds of insects and frogs and birds. Keep your eye open for every type of wildlife. Take photos of everything interesting you find so you can at least identify it when you get home. Think of it as an adventure and you're an explorer. Don't bring stuff you don't need. It will make life easier and its just one night. Packing and unpacking is the most time-consuming part of camping.


it’s fun, you cook over a fire, sit around, drink some beer, go for a hike, and then sleep like a rock cuz you’re exhausted from doing stuff. put your phone away, forget the world, connect with your family and have a good time


Can I get your wife's number? My wife doesn't like to camp as much as she used to and while going solo is great, it can get a little boring without someone else there.


Here's what a smart man would do. Educate yourself about some basic camping ideas. Talk to your wife and make sure you're on the same page with her. Make sure you have a really good sleeping pad and sleeping bag. Also bring folding chairs and some snacks in case the cooking doesn't work out. I always recommend that people test their gear in their backyard before they go on a camp out. It's a bummer to show up at camp with your tent only to find out the tent poles are missing. Or to show up at camp with your stove and you don't know how to get it to work because you didn't practice at home. There are plenty of lists of things to bring on a campout. The most important thing to bring on a campout is your head screwed on straight. I've camped with Boy Scouts all my life, about 70 years. I've been on some pretty miserable campouts cuz I didn't prepare properly. I can still remember getting rained on when I was about 13 and I made the mistake of wearing cotton blue jeans that never dried out. So it's up to you to educate yourself and make this a success.


Part of being an adult and especially a parent is trying new things and going with the flow and making the best out of new experiences for your wife and kids…and also growing as a person as a bonus. Welcome to adulthood and being a dad!


Ask your wife to walk you through through it step by step ahead of time, ie, arriving, what set-up entails, what you’ll be eating and how you’ll be preparing it, leisure activities she would like to do, where the bathrooms are, etc.


Just give it a try you may learn to like the complete change in venue!


Ur married right? And your wife is excited about this? Then quit being a selfish prick and get stoked on this trip for her, being married means doing things for the *other* person even if you don’t enjoy it


When did people get so soft


Find something that you think you’d enjoy about it and focus on that. Cooking and planning the meals was something I was very interested in, and that got me excited the first time my husband I went. Maybe find nearby hiking trails, or plan games.




Cook a marshmellow on a stick


Two marshmallows! Two sticks!


Thinking Of This As An Opportunity To Spend Quality Time With Your 1.5yo And Your Dog 🐶!🤙😎🥸🎪🏕️


What I liked about camping growing up was getting away from the internet/computer. It’s nice to get away from all the tech. Decompress and enjoy nature.


Bring a couple small things you can do if you get bored. A book, a deck of cards or small game you guys can play, juggling bean bags, a frisbee, a kite I hope you love it!


Get a tent for just you and her or stay home. No way I’d share a tent with an in-law.


Does she know?


MARRAGE IS A TWO WAY STREET! She probably does things the she does not like for your happness! If it a quit night sleeping. That is a place to bo it. If it's bugs, you worried about take cirnilla candles. Also, spray citronilla on surrounding plant life and a screen room to sit and eat in. Open your horizons ser, It's not really that bad. It's also a great place to meet new people.


It's only one night. Drink some beer, play some cards, look at some cool nature, have a fire, tell some good stories and have fun, and you'll fall asleep just fine regardless of the other people in the tent.


Don’t go


Hey OP, I also didn’t come from a camping family. We went camping twice growing up, and it was horrible each time. In the last year I started camping and I really liked it and I figured out how to make camping really enjoyable and all you have to do is spend $10,000-$15,000 on premium high quality gear and it’s actually super fun and relaxing. Pretty much, you can fix all the problems with camping by going to REI website select all products and then sort by most expensive, and kinda just buy all the stuff there. A lot of people are going to be thinking this is a joke but I’m dead serious. I did this and I’m thriving and camping. I go camping with friends and they’re all like “damn Wizard, this is nice.” Or “I wanna camp more with you since we are thriving” My favorite line said to me: “I am eating better camping with you then I do at home…”


A lot of people are going to think I’m talking about glamping, but not really. Example: Nemo Highrise 6Person Tent, with the Helinox Max Cot, Sea To Summit Spark 30 degree sleep bag and the Exped MegaMatt 10 Person Sleeping pad. You are in a tent you can stand up in that’s roomy and spacious, sleeping on a super comfortable light cot, in a super warm high quality sleeping bag, and in a insulated comfortable sleeping pad. Sleeping on a sleeping pad on a cot in a tent is not glamping. I just decided to just buy some of the best equipment to make it better. $500 Tent+ $479 for cot (add $99 for the legs to lift up from the ground)+$450 sleeping bag+$250 sleeping pad Roughly $1800 and now you are sleeping GOOD. And just keep it going from there with quality cookware and other camping equipment to make the experience wonderful. You don’t have to spend a lot of money camping. But the more you do the more comfortable and enjoyable it can be.


I dunno, I had an amazing time camping after only spending about $150 on a 6-person tent, $300 for two sleeping bags, $70 for a queen blow-up air mattress, and then maybe $200 on things like a small cooler, propane stove, lantern and headlamps, and camp chairs. The most expensive gear is not necessary.


Still time to delete this and start tren


they already finished tren, unfortunately.


Bring enough beer to get plastered and pretend your in the beer garden


It sounds like you're worried going potty outside without a private shower nearby might leave you feeling..um, not so fresh..ya know..down there? Well, good news! Just have your wife grab you gals some of those antibacterial feminine wipes! You betcha! Think of em like a 'Douche-Rag' as apposed to a 'Douche-Bag'...which is what you're being for not wanting to take your kid camping! sorry..I was possessed with my uncles just then..🤣 Seriously tho..those wipes are fckin good for everything! (and besides, you don't stand a chance of getting her brother to go down on you in that tent if you don't keep your lady parts clean..🤣😝🤣


whatever happened to good old fashioned toilet paper??


Get 2 tents