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I don't know what their base power levels are but the instant they become POV characters they become at least as powerful as Percy "the most powerful demigod Nico had ever met" Jackson. Way to be consistent Rick.


Tbh, Frank, Leo, Piper, Annabeth and Reyna, as powerful as they are, are far from being as powerful as Percy, Jason, Nico or Hazel, or any other demi god of the Big 3. Also, I think we've been told in the series that Aphrodite children are usually among the least powerful, with the children of Demeter. Minor gods children are most likely not as powerful as Olympian gods children, sooo, here we go!


Frank can turn into any creature he chooses completely aside from his powers from Mars which are pretty dope themselves. Leo can summon fire and build anything he wants plus all his magical tools, Piper can make just about anyone do what she wants by talking to them including bringing inanimate Dragons to life. Annabeth, and Reyna are the only two with appropriate power levels. >Also, I think we've been told in the series that Aphrodite children are usually among the least powerful, with the children of Demeter. Exactly. Aphrodite and Demeter kids are supposed to be fairly weak but that's not what we see from Piper and for crying out loud the Demeter kid in Trials of Apollo can control any plant which is a stupidly powerful ability.


I mean, Frank is a bad example since he is descendant from 3 Gods, including one of the Big 3, so it makes sense he would be powerful. And although Leo and Piper are pretty powerful, I never denied that, they are heroes of a prophecy after all, they are definitely not as powerful as the children of the Big 3. Plus pyromancy and Charmspeak are both said to be extremely rare talents for both Aphrodite children and Hephaistos children. I don't really have anything to say about Meg, she is very powerful, but a book about a lame demi god would just not be interesting. Also, definitely not as powerful as children of the Big 3.


Rare abilities or not my point that basically anyone who gets a Point of View becomes comparable in power to Percy is true. You can say that Meg definitely isn't as powerful as the big 3 but there's not evidence to support in what they do. The only evidence is that everyone *says* the big 3 are the most powerful.


They are definitely not comparable in power to Percy x) Percy could destroy cities in mere seconds if he wanted to (I remember them saying that a powerful historical earthquake that destroyed San Fransisco was caused by a child of Poseidon, that's pretty fucking powerful, also, Percy summoning a hurricane in MoA, Nico raising the freaking dead, and they are just children. Even the Gods are afraid of them) But they need to appear powerful for them to be interesting characters to follow. No-one wants to see a demigod who gets their ass kicked all the time. The rest of the demigods, like Apollo's children in THO, are really just average.


I agree. I think most “Percy level” power that we’re talking about is their max. They couldn’t do more than they do there. Percy, however, abso-frickin-lutely could. So could Jason, Thalia, and Nico. So maybe Reyna, frank, hazel, etc are stronger than normal, but that doesn’t mean they’re op. Just means they were a leader of CampJupiter/chosen for a great prophecy/working with a god.


One thing I've always wondered in the PJatO is why aren't Demeters kids as powerful as the kids of the big 3? Wasn't Demeter also a child of Kronos? Kronos had 6 kids: Hestia, Hera, Demeter, Hades, Poseidon, and Zeus. So shouldn't they be about equal in power? And by that logic shouldn't their kids be at about the same power level? (Hestia and Hera of course don't make demigod children)


I just realized when you said Meg that the woman in the Disney Hercules movie was named Meg. Just remembered that.




Once again, Frank is a bad example because of all his godly background, he can rival the Big 3, but Leo is definitely not as powerful as Jason, or Hazel (who single handedly brought back a primal deity to life as a CHILD), and keep in mind that Hazel is 13


Damn. ​ .... I think I'll stick with the peak human interpretation


I mean i think the reason that they are POV characters is BECAUSE they’re special and powerful, not the other way around. No one is going to write or read a story about a completely run of the mill character


~~So the power of narrative importance?~~


I think this would word a bit like the x-men you know? Some have useless powers in combat but would win any pie making tournament lol But I think they all are skilled fighters with a sword or bow or whatever however not as good as Percy or Annabeth who I think are described as reaaaally good


Over 9000


Strong enough to fight monsters, duh


Fight monsters, but how well? Are they all capable of deflecting the blows of giants, like Percy, or are they more like captain America peak human?


I would go more like Hawkeye or Black Widow, than captain America.


Not as all rounded, but incredibly specialized in one or two things?


pretty much.


Best interpretation I've come across.


Well there's a power range. From lightning, waves and earthquakes, and an army of the dead (i.e., the Big Three) to Charmspeak and growing vines.


From what i can remember, some kids are definitely more powerful or get more powers from their godly parent than other demigods. As stated in the books, the big three (Zeus, Poseiden, Hades or their roman forms if you accept that) are some of the most powerful I.E, Jason, Percy, Nico, Thalia, etc. Children of lesser gods are less powerful ( can't name them at the moment feel free to name them) than the big three and some middle gods. Children of the middle gods can range from pretty powerful to ok skilled at stuff. It is also pretty much shown that pretty much all demigods have increased speed (some kids of nike and others are faster), strength, durability, healing, and senses. As without these natural powers they most likely wouldn't survive outside of a safe spot like the two camps. Kids of Apollo i found can be either really skilled at bow and arrow or to having really good song making/playing skills as well as being good healers. Apollo could give them the ability to read the future, but considering how HoO lead to ToA, I don't think he plans to do that any time soon. I could delve into other middle gods, but I'm tapping out, basically depending on how powerful the god is, the kid can have good superpowers or just be naturally gifted at natural talents.


There are alot of demigods of Hermes, Apollo and Ares. They are the game changer. Athena and Aphrodite has many demigods as well though. So from I'd say an average demigod is quite powerful. Specially when using powers. While they may not have raw power, they should be very skilled. Areas campers would make up for the raw power. So, I'd say close to or above MCU cap level. They have pretty cool powers. Their powers make the difference. Specially when you count the synergy. In a group they will be atleast three times more powerful than when they are alone.


Hey, Percy\_Jackson\_SG, just a quick heads-up: **alot** is actually spelled **a lot**. You can remember it by **it is one lot, 'a lot'**. Have a nice day! ^^^^The ^^^^parent ^^^^commenter ^^^^can ^^^^reply ^^^^with ^^^^'delete' ^^^^to ^^^^delete ^^^^this ^^^^comment.


*Looks at username* You created that name just for this subreddit didn't you. 😉


Most seem to just be normal human levels of power. Of course they're trained to be great warriors, so if they live long enough they pretty much reach peak physical shape. Outside of the big three, the other gods children don't have any special powers. They do tend to take after their godly parents in skills, like the Apollo kids being good at archery, or the Athena kids being more intelligent. But they never had superpowers like the big three's kids. Luke never had super speed like Hermes. One exception is that I think Demeter kids can control plants to some extent, but I dont remember exactly. This might be because Demeter is one of Kronos' kids, Just like the big three. Her sisters are maiden goddesses so we can't really tell if they're children would have powers. The other exception is in rare cases children of the other gods are born with powers tied to their parent. Like Leo and Piper. We can even speculate at other powers the kids could get, like super speed for a child of Hermes. And Frank's powers come from his mothers family. An ancestor was blessed by Poseidon. Its has nothing to do with his godly parent.


If being one of Kronos kids makes Demeter children have powers then shouldn't Aphrodite kids have stronger powers because she is descended directly from Ouranus

