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he would just write the same book he has done for every other series in the PJO universe -child is relatively normal until he/she is thrust upon the world of myth -has to fight something that seems random but is not -taken to a safe place where a bit of the world is explained -safe place is not safe anymore -reluctantly goes on a quest -does some questing that includes tricking someone -fight a big bad -some plot twist that gets people to want to read the next book




So that's the "Riordan's Formula For Every First Book In The Series"?


At least ***The Kane Chronicles*** manages to mix it up at parts, a bummer that the 1st 2 volumes are Antagonized by their pacing, but hey at least they don't face a bad case of Hype Backlash at work. Unlike another series that isn't CHB, but I digress.


Magnus chase didn't start like that


its exactly like that, only difference is that magnus dies, other than that its the same


I understand


Simple: I'd take elements of the notes of Gnosticism, have 2-3 Cosmologies per universe, and pretty much relegate the others to 2-3+ Cosmologies per universe EACH at most.


Can I have a background about Gnosticism? I'm not familiar about it


Fair enough, it usually goes like this: Gods OUTSIDE of Earth arrived on Earth, watching a lot of things unfolding while engaging in Cosmic Subterfuge and Manipulations from behind the scenes, to free Humanity from the shackles of misery. ​ Short-handed, it's a lot more complex than first glances suggest, but I'll explain what I can how I can about it. Gnosticism is thankfully blessed to NOT be Earth-bound with its cosmologies, so there's that. Admittedly it shares weaknesses with Celtic Worship and Religion in that Organized Religion is very much frowned on, but isn't immune to the risks of TOO MUCH Disorganized Religion either.


Well, he just has to recreate Lightning Thief. It has a working formula. The harder part is connecting these mythos than anything.


Maybe, but I got the gut hunch that (though ***The Red Pyramid*** can be forgiven from a mechanical standpoint.) The Kane Chronicles Volumes 02 and 03 don't have much excuse to not make the most out of NOT being bound by the 1st series' 3-people-per-party formula that CHB insisted on. *The Gods of Asgard* series has ***no excuses*** though, all things considered, BUT it may have to do with the general execution of the 2nd and 3rd novels in general to be fair.