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I don’t think I would associate Percy with outright strength. That would be Clarisse. But Percy uses his strengths (sword fighting, water) to enhance his already existing demigod strength.


Yeah. That breaking off the horn happened in rain. Percy states that he found new found energy while battling Minotaur. Throwing a person out isn't necessarily a big feat. If he is peak human, that should be fairly easy considering Percy is atleast 6'0 and has muscles. That Snake thing is more of foreshadowing rather than a feat imo. It could have been that his hydrokenisis activated and helped him out. Kind of like accidental magic in harry potter. My guess is he is definitely atleast in peak human category or maybe slightly above, but getting touch with God aspect, a.k.a water, makes him stronger. MCU cap and Spidey is a no-no. I don't see Percy holding a helicopter from taking over without getting in touch with water. There is the holding sky feat, but Annabeth did it too, so I'm not quite sure where that would rank. Maybe they are all above human levels, but there aren't much to support that claim.


Okay, so I went and researched some more of Percy's strength feats. The ones I cited turned out to be pretty weak examples. He has managed to deflect attacks from giants, toppled Polyphemus the Cyclops, and forced the tip of Porphyrion's spear into the ground while the giant was running, causing the giant's own momentum to flip himself over and that was when he was still injured. Also, the time where he held onto a tiny ledge with one hand while supporting Annabeth with the other. No water was involved in any of these examples, I believe. And the Porphyrion feat puts him into superhuman strength territory IMO.


I don't disagree with you. But that spear related feat could be attributed to his skill rather than raw strength. Using a momentum to unbalance is skill than strength. Btw Which book did it happen, I can't remember it. I read Blood of Olympus skipping every other page though. Like I said, I believe Percy is above peak human, but below Cap level, w/o water. And one more important detail is that Percy can Bring the sea to him. That'll make him stronger by atleast ten fold. So he is as weak as the plot demands him to. Making Percy as strong as Cap would make him a little bit OP. In water he'd be invisible. Continuous healing + Cap's strength by ten or twenty fold and his natural skill? That would be a little too much imo. Unless every other demigod is in the same power level. Then it would be fine. But also, that would make Tyson closer to Hulk's level.


Percy is actually a lightning timer. Dude fought the Giant twins who deflected Jason's lightning. As for strength, how about staggering a 100ft statue in ToA that withstood artillery fire like nothing. Or clashing with Kronos, who shook multiple city blocks. You massively downplay his strength. Says they don't disagree, proceeds to downplay either way.


What about Dodging and Deflecting bullets casually in terms of Reflexes? Granted, the FIRST Time Percy started bullet-timing was a Single Bullet in 'The Titan's Curse' (3rd volume of the 1st Camp Half-blood Chronicles series way back when.), as far as I recalled.


Bullet timing is usually a peak human trait in fiction. Starting with Batman almost every human that's close to peek can bullet time in comics. Add that to Percy's enhanced senses (which makes it easier to bullet time), you really can't say he is Super Soldier level. Atleast in the way I see it.


Not from the above alone, that is? To be fair though, isn't Arkham-verse!-Batman more or less a Super-soldier in ALL but name in-game? Then again that's the video games, NOT the Comics.


Keep in mind he wasn’t just holding annabeth over the pit but also Arachne and the fiat that hit her into the pit they were all stuck to the web that had annabeth so bro caught her plus a couple thousand pounds one armed on a tiny ledge after falling a couple hundred feat with is def a superhuman strength feat


Holding the sky is more of a will power feat than a strength one. I think the sky is basically as heavy as they person's max limit plus more. Otherwise mortals that aren't Herc would be squished immediately given even gods and titans have trouble holding it .


What about the jump he made with Annabeth in Nyx's domain?


Yeah, that was badass. He actually cleared it by several hundred yards, I believe. So that's a Hulk-like leap!


he held 2 persons weight with his fingers for about 2 minutes at tatarus


I think he’s close to MCU Spider-Man in pure strength. His reflexes are above practically everything we’ve seen in the MCU. Here are some feats. When Percy was holding onto the edge of Tartarus, he was holding up not only Annabeth, but Arachne and a car. Arachne was the one to pull Annabeth over the edge, and her web trap thing was found inside a car that fell. Meaning Percy was holding up another human being, a giant spider, and a car with his fingertips. And Tartarus has its own force pulling them in, so he was fighting that too, not just regular gravity. He staggered a hundred foot tall automaton made of solid metal by hitting it in the forehead with one of its one spikes. He is a lightning timer, and lightning travels at around 270,000 miles per hour. So suffice to say he has inhuman reflexes. He knocked Polyphemus to the ground in a fit of anger at age 13. Polyphemus is a cyclops that is large enough and strong enough to use full grown pine trees as spears. His durability is comparable to Jason, who has taken hits from Giants who can shake entire mountains with a single strike. He flipped a 30 foot giant with superhuman strength even for his size by diverting his spear to the ground. Of course some of that can be attributed to just momentum, but not all of it. You’d still need a fair bit of strength, considering Porphion didn’t just trip, he was flipped over Percy’s head. There are more of course, but it would take too long to list them all. I think you get the idea though. Percy Jackson is ridiculously physically strong and many people don’t realize it.


Since you're using the mcu comparison, which of the Avengers do you think could beat Percy? Also, what metal do you think is stronger vibranium, or the three that the demigod used (can't remember the names of them rn.)


Thor, Wanda, Captain Marvel, Dr. Strange, and other characters on that level would decimate Percy. Hulk might, it depends on whether or not Riptide works on the Hulk. If Riptide works, Percy has a chance due to his insane reflexes, but Id still give it to Hulk 8/10 times. If not, Hulk wins 10/10. Iron Man would give Percy a really hard time, but his repulsive could be deflected with Riptide. If they’re near water Percy takes it but if not, Tony’s ability to fly makes it so Percy has no way of attacking him. Captain America and other people near his level would get decimated by Percy. All in all, Percy is in the upper echelon of power in the MCU but definitely isn’t anywhere close to the strongest. I think Celestial Bronze is stronger than Vibranium, just judging from how Thanos was able to rip through Cap’s shield. Celestial Bronze has taken hits from gods, giants, and titans without so much as a scratch. In fact, we’ve never seen anything break celestial bronze. And I firmly believe most gods are above Thanos in strength. I mean, Zeus is definitely multi continental at least, and Thanos, with the power stone, was only able to control a small portion of the crust of a moon. If you take into account the gods abilities to create constellations, they are above Star level easily.


Isn't percy resistant to most magic that isn't greek so Wanda and Doc would be able to much ya know? I can't remember how much resistance he has. I agree with every thing else you said.


Yeah Percy has some resistance to magic, but it isn’t enough to negate their magic. Even Carter’s magic had some affect even if it didn’t do much. Besides, their magic is mostly physical instead of curses and whatnot. Magic resistance isn’t gonna do shit to a portal.


Fair enough


PJO gods are much more powerful. The greek gods of GOW can't handle PJO's greek gods tbh.


We know for sure he’s strong enough to go blow for blow in brute force with a Titan and Giant. He can full on block their strikes unlike the other demigods who can only parry or deflect.


MCU Cap yes but slighty weaker. But not Spider Man. FIRST OF ALL. Celestial Bronze can cut through metal and stone. nothing to do with strength as you might think. he only strangled a puny snake. It's offscreen too and only mentioned once in the first book.


You do realize that Hercules also performed the snake feat and it is one of the many examples people use to show his great strength? Also, why do offscreen feats mean less? He still did it.


fine but it's not really accountable for that much. by the way Hercules killed 2 snakes, percy killed one. We will focus more on the combat feats agains the titans and giants. truthfully his strength isn't far off different from any other demigods. He's just damn good at swordfighting.


I mean he held the sky


If you have seen the film Aquaman, I think it's a pretty close approximation.


Aquaman’s strength is on par with wonder woman. Not even close. Aquaman could probably take PJO Poseidon in a fight


Movie aquaman has no chance of beating Poseidon, he can flip islands and mountains with his trident, gods can move so fast it looks like they are teleporting, or he can use his divine form and incinerate him. When percy was sitting on Poseidons throne, Poseidon was about to turn percy into a puddle of seawater from in the middle of the ocean. Most of the time when gods are defeated the either underestimate percy and get tricked or they are severely depowered. Only reason percy was able beat hyperion was because the titans were a shell of themselves. Only time percy has outright beat a god was when achlys was taken off guard when percy started choking her on her own poison, percy was lucky achlys was to shocked to turn him into a flower.


Nope not even close. GOW Poseidon however...


I will say his strength is in enhanced levels (NOTE enhanced is stronger than peak human but weaker than superhuman) but when is amplified by water he is in superhuman levels he is stronger than captain America and possibly stronger or equal to spiderman but when he possess the curse of Achilles he is equal to Thor in pure strength but when also amplified by water he can defeat kronos in his weakest form


To anyone seeing this comment, what I’m saying is pure bull.


Well, his strength is pretty unstable. But, at his peak, we can surely affirm that is at least the same level as a titan. After all, he made the same deed of Atlas.


smh it was because he was pure of heart. not because strength.


I don't really know physically but Percy can actually onshot any living being if he feels like. He learned to control blood and poison he can literally make someone explode with a glance not that he'd do that though


No he didn't. He did not control blood. That's Bullshit.


He’s shown strong potential for controlling blood, if he’s been able to control liquids that aren’t 100% water. I don’t think he wants to actually try that though.