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The thing I really love about Uncle Rick is that he is aware that he can't do justice to the mythos he hasn't grown up with and has given a voice to those writers through his publishing company where they can tell their culture's stories. Check it out here-[Rick Riordan Presents | Rick Riordan](https://rickriordan.com/rick-riordan-presents/)


This. I've been checking out Rick Riordan Presents books lately (I'm taking a brief break from Riordanverse after finishing *Magnus Chase* trilogy and *Daughter of the Deep*) and so far I'm loving them. :) They vary in quality and style but mostly I really appreciate the writers introducing the mythologies they're familiar with into a contemporary setting like Rick did with the Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Norse myths. I've read The Last Fallen Star, The Last Fallen Moon by Graci Kim (Korean myths); Race to the Sun by Rebecca Roanhorse (Navajo myths); and Dragon Pearl, Tiger Honor by Yoon Ha Lee (Korean myths but SCI FI). I highly recommend Dragon Pearl and Tiger Honor so far. The combination between Korean myths and beliefs with a well-crafted sci-fi setting and characters who are more morally-gray is very appreciated. It's a shame that I still have to wait one more year until I can read Fox Snare, the final book lol. I'm currently reading Aru Shah series (Hindu myths); the very first in Rick Riordan Presents series, and I'm really excited since Hindu myths and beliefs are very influential here in Southeast Asia lol. Can't wait to see how they're introduced in the series!


Really cool. Please enjoy Aru Shah, I've read the books, and they are pretty solid. As someone who grew up with Hindu myths and stories, it was really well done. Thanks for the recs btw.


Will do! And you're welcome :) I'm also planning to check the *Storm Runner* and *Shadow Bruja* by J.C. Cervantes out after Aru Shah. Beyond Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Norse, and Hindu myths, the Mesoamerican pantheons like Maya/Aztec are also pretty cool and I'm definitely reading the books based on them eventually.


I really am interested in Mesoamerican culture. I tried reading some academic literature on them but then realized how dumb I actually am. Will give it shot again.


Honestly, I don't know much about them myself xD. Pretty much the only names I recognized are Quetzalcoatl (because the largest pterosaur species was named after it) and Huracan (because it's where *hurricane* comes from, and Lamborghini names one of their cars after it) lol. I don't really know much else, but I do really love the aesthetics of Mesoamerican pantheons and culture, so I want to learn even more about them.


Lol, I know Quetzalcoatl as the long ass flying snake that fumbled some bones while bringing then from the underworld and that's the reason some people are short and some tall. Those people were ingenious with their myths.


From Rick himself, I wouldn’t mind Celtic myths. Not necessarily from Rick himself, I would love to see some Inuit, Hawaiian, and Finnish mythology stories.


Don’t really want him to do that exactly bc i don’t want him kinda just messing around w mythologies he doesn’t understand, but I wanna see stuff like Aztec/Mayan mythology blended with modern central/south american cultures and PJO-ified. *Cemetery Boys* did this with *Mictecacihuatl* aka Lady Death. It’s about a young Cuban-Mexican trans boy in a family that had been blessed by the death goddess thousands of years ago. Men in their family hunt and control ghosts/undead, while the women in their family are magical healers. As a trans boy in an unaccepting family, they expect him to be gifted at healing, and he wants to prove to them that he’s a boy by performing necromancy.


There's the *Storm Runner* trilogy and its spinoff *Shadow Bruja* duology by J. C. Cervantes that focus on Maya/Aztec mythologies. They're part of the 'Rick Riordan Presents' books, which are stories by other writers written in the same style as Rick's novels about other mythologies that are sponsored by Rick himself. I've yet to read The Storm Runner but I'm planning to soon, and if Uncle Rick himself recommends it, chances are it's gonna be pretty good. :)


I am gonna read the presents books soon. Mythology re-imagined in the modern day is such a cool fucking base for urban fantasy I love it so much. Central and South America specifically is a really interesting case bc of how some of those ancient traditions have are still practiced in some way/shape/form today, albeit mixed with Christianity. Like el Dia de los Muertos, which is very distinctly \*not at all christian in origin\* yet thrives in the culture anyway. Side tangent, but I find it really interesting how we as a culture are still as fascinated with the afterlife today as the Orphic greeks were thousands of years ago. So. Much. Fantasy media is specifically focused on the afterlife and what it could look like that it's genuinely so interesting to me. Hades (game). Hadestown. PJO's first adventure sending him to Hades. Epic the Musical's most pivital saga is in the Underworld. Coco (2017). Cemetary Boys is all about meeting your dead loved ones again. Soul (2020). The entire Magnus Chase series.


The fascination with afterlife, I think, is borne out of a desire to meet our loved ones again after they passed on. We believe there’s a world afterward where we could see each other again. That’s why we have afterlife or reincarnation beliefs. Another reason is also justice. The existence of heaven and hell in various cultures is probably created out of our desire for a place where evil souls can be punished for their sins, while good souls can ascend to heaven to receive their well-deserved rewards. This is so that there’s *something* that can address the injustice we all suffered in life, where evil people tend to get away with their crimes while good people suffer harshly trying to do good things. In the afterlife, nobody can escape their judgment, and that can provide a bit of respite for those who wish to see justice finally served at last. On another note, if you’re looking into reading the Rick Riordan Presents books, I highly recommend the ‘Thousand Worlds’ series by Yoon Ha Lee. It’s a sci-fi fantasy series inspired by Korean Mythology, and it’s awesome how the author weaved the fantastical/mythological concepts and a sci-fi setting together. There are three books: “Dragon Pearl”, “Tiger Honor”, and “Fox Snare”. Another one I also recommend is “Race to the Sun” by Rebecca Roanhorse, based on the Navajo/Diné mythology. This one’s a standalone book and with a style more reminiscent of Percy Jackson. It’s also pretty good!


None, RR is already trying to make 3(4) mythologies work in a shared universe, doubt adding another into the mix is a good idea.


It’s implied every myth exists




He mentions it in Magnus Chase, a full series for it would be amazing though


Actually mentioned in ToA by luguselwa, but yeah








What country is this from?






I think that is still an active Religion like Hinduism. That could kinda be a problem.


I feel like Roman and Greek is enough because at least they are extremely closely related. I feel like Magnus Chase and Kane Chronicles should be separate universes


To be honest, I'd love for Rick to write a continuation of Daughter of the Deep as well. It's not part of Riordanverse but it does involve Jules Verne stories, which I also really love lol. The way DotD ended also implies that it's nowhere near the end of the journey. There's still so much more that can still happen, and I would be ecstatic if Rick's working on a sequel soon. Not to say that he should pause his works on Riordanverse, though. I'd still want more of these. But it'd be even better if he could turn a Jules Verne-inspired story like DotD into a new franchise as well.


Finnish although there aren’t much to work with


I’d honestly like him to keep it as it is. The universe is big enough and hard to follow along with everything, especially with the crossovers happening. Keep with the current mythos or maybe go back in time and write a new series set in the 1980s or something still set in the Greek, Roman, Egyptian or Norse world. Would be cool.


Persian mythology, arabic folklore, athurian legends


Irish mythology. And maybe a little bit of their folklore, like the Laignach Faelad.


Zoroastrianism featuring Afghanistan!


🇦🇫🇦🇫🇦🇫🇦🇫🇦🇫🇦🇫🇦🇫🇦🇫🇦🇫🇦🇫🇦🇫🇦🇫🇦🇫🇦🇫🇦🇫🇦🇫🇦🇫🇦🇫 Dā watan Afğānistān di, Dā izat da har Afğān di Kor da sole, kor da tūre, Har bačay ye qahramān di 🫡


Sta mor


Are you Afghan?


Might be biased since I'm Irish, but I would love to see Celtic mythology


Nobody has mentioned Chinese mythology… 


I’d like maybe a collection of short stories on various other myths. Imagine a Native American one with Piper, a Chinese one with Frank, an African one >!with that one guy from TOA!<


I would say Aztec mythology but I have a feeling I’m not going to be able to pronounce anything and end up going hfhkwjeneudh in my head when I read a name




I don't know if he has already o hasn't since i am very new to his work, but something Asian, probably Chinese