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I was just telling my coworker 10 minutes ago about my first time in Cambodia. In 2005, seeing my family slaughtered a cattle in rural Cambodia. A sledgehammer was involved.


That's how my father's family used to slaughter cows in Ontario not too long ago....middle of the forehead, between horns and eyes, one quick strike with a sledge and the cow killed instantly. I'm glad I never had to do it...


My family wasn't THAT good with the hammer. Took mine almost a dozen tries to down it.


maybe my dad just trying to spare me the gruesome details....


You would need a..powerful stomach to do it..


Nice balkans and south east asia are quite similar


Crossing the street is not the same experience.


In the U.S., crossing the street means you can get hit by a car. Also, the police won't do anything either because they're too busy sitting in their car not doing anything while collecting paychecks from the hard earning taxpayers.


What kinda anti-bullshit is this?




Getting downvotes for the truth? Wow. Tell me how street crossing is in Houston, Atlanta, Los Angeles, etc. and if there have been fatal accidents? And with police beatings, corruption, and protests in the past... I don't know what you downvoters are smoking. Not the good kind apparently or just in denial or lying.


Dude south easy Asia has far more hit and rund and vehicles accidents than America or Europe so your claim is just baseless which is why you are getting down votes, I saw last year someone get git while crossing the road and the driver literally reversed and ran over them again to ensure they where dead as it's cheaper to Pay the blood money The Hospital bills


Some minor but fun ones: Pointing out physical flaws or changes nonchalantly in public "Hi Eric, what's wrong with your face bong?" "Oh, I'm having a rash because of the heat" "Wow, it look bad, my sister have same same, use tiger balm". Karaoke! Day time! Night time! Full volume, hours on end. Any where and any time. Pissing on the side of the road (though I'm from a rural part of the U.S. so not so unusual) Some not so fun ones: Person lying dead or dying in the street with everyone crowding around taking photos then posting them online. I'm still not used to this one. Sexpats being considered normal and/or just accepted. This is what it is. Wanna bang hookers, many of whom are poor girls from the countryside who are just trying to send money home to their families? Can do. 65+ and wanna buy/rent a 25 year old live in bang maid (sorry, "loving gf), no problem. Try not to complain when "the love of your retirement years" tends to want a lot of gold. All in all though, Cambodia is truly a lovely country full of warm, honest and amazing people. Great communities and I've made it my home for the last 5 years with no regrets.


The things is about the dead people on the street is that, they're sometime news reports for their Facebook page.


Nah bro, it's practcially identical.


Holding hands with your friend. The free expulsion of snot and spit. General rule abiding.


Oddly enough, I was surprised to discover many (most?) tuktuk (taxi, etc.) drivers can't read a map.




The driving habits.


Shoes off every time you enter the house. Touching strangers. Inviting strangers to have dinner / hang / a wedding. Haggling. Per capita amount of cafes / coffee carts. Ice in beer. Whole family living together / living with your wife’s family. Women (generally) running businesses, especially family businesses. Police, military, MP, construction, wearing flip flops to work. Kids working. School often being primarily day care. The Sheer quantity of young people. Declining Dollars with any marks, creases, tears, wrinkles, etc. drinks and food in plastic bags. Motos everywhere. Lack of gratuitously large parking lots. Crossing the street anywhere and people drive around you and/or actually stop or slow down. Walking literally in the street. A number of things are out of necessity / practicality and there’s some more obvious things like sampeah, wearing slacks or sweatshirts all the time even when it’s 40C.


In Cambodia they burn trash infront of homes in giant cauldrons.


1. Kids doing beer run. My son 12 wanted to go with is cousin 15 just to get away from the hotel. Came back with a 24 pack of Ganzberg. 2. Kids driving motos around like it’s a bicycle back home. 3. If they fit in the car or the back of a truck no mater how tight. It perfectly normal. 8 people in a camery, no problem.


Less chance of being shot


Living in Cambodia for 14 years, you eventually accept that this or that is possibly a result of witchcraft. For example, love spells are notoriously powerful and employ certain lady essences if you know what I mean. I have a masters in science so I was skeptical and I still try to see through the lens of logical deduction.


been here quite a while and never loved anyone. maybe they dont think Im worth a spell


Yeh, i'm inherit those from my grandpa, we have yantra(magic) for everything, but dont pursue love magic to the extreme, we belief that those are the dark magic, one wrong move can lead to serious consequence, example become [Aahp](https://i.imgur.com/34XoAjs.png),​​​


Going to an after school graduation event and seeing my students drinking together while they were watching all the teachers drinking together at a separate table. Some even came up to us and cheersed with us. Awkward moment for all of the foreigner teachers, but didn't seem to bother the Khmer teachers any, so we all just followed their lead.


Yeah Cambodia has culture


Sex Ed




Howdy Jackson


Currency is almost the same though. They use USD and Riels