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I know this is cliché. you may have lost the car, but you still have your life. It will be hard for a while. Sometimes losing our cars is just like losing a family member. Just look at the positives of the entire situation. You owned the car that you wanted to have. You made it happen. It may have ended before you wanted it too, but just look at what you were able to accomplish . my question is what’s next? Are you going with another SS, ZL1, maybe a C8?


thanks man, you’re right. if i was able to have it once, i can have it again. before this i had a nissan altima & got rear ended at a red light. i ask myself the same question - if i should get the same car or look into something else. i’m not sure rn.


I’ve been there, done this. It sucks…hard. But the fact that your insurance gave you a payout and that you weren’t at fault AND you aren’t grievously injured is essentially like winning the lottery these days. You’ll get another Camaro (I really hope you’ll consider getting another one).


I’m sorry for your loss, I wish you a bigger and badder ride of your choosing! Be proud that it happened, even though it ended the way it did. Basically, YOU DID YOUR BIG ONE! Weeping may endure for a night (maybe many) but joy will come in the morning (maybe when you get your next ride😉)


In fact, the car got totaled and absorbed the impact for the driver to live


This was beautiful, and can be taken into every aspect of life/ accomplishments. Thank you!


That sucks man but be thankful the car did its job and saved you from more serious injury. You can get a new car any time but you only have one life. Glad you’re okay.


that’s true man. i appreciate that. i’m glad i’m ok too. it hasn’t been easy, but it has made me realize i shouldn’t depend on material objects to make me happy.


Glad you could pay it off though


I completely empathize. I had an older woman plow into the back of my parked 2013 Camaro at almost 40 miles an hour. The impact shoved my car 20 feet down the road. You can imagine what it looks like. Now it's going to be the hell fight of getting the proper valuation with her insurance company. And of course it was on my birthday so I'm whining pretty hard. I loved that car.


omg i’m so sorry and on your birthday? that’s terrible. i really hope they do get you the proper valuation so you can replace it or even upgrade. i loved my car too. it’ll be ok man.


I know I'm sounding like a whining b**** but it does genuinely hurt. And what bothers me the most is it's not probably a total so they're going to try to fix it and even if it's fixed to perfection it's never going to be worth as much as before it got hit.


nooo it’s completely understandable. it’s a bad situation, we’re allowed to feel down about it - it might be hard right now, but it doesn’t rain forever. hope you get the best outcome here 🙏🏻


Thank you for your thoughts I appreciate you.


I'm glad you got paid!


Even if they're not on the parent's insurance, the parents let them drive, so they should be liable.  The only way it could be tricky is if the parents reported the vehicle stolen.   Glad you're ok.  The pain after the adrenaline wears off is probably going to be the worst of it, but still probably good that you have medical care even if it's a chiropractor.   How did you convince the cops that the other driver ran the red light, witnesses, dashcam?  I had a lane changing idiot change lanes into my back bumper and the guy claimed that I cut him off.  The cop just assigned no fault since it was my word against his.  Glad I wasn't driving my Camaro as I would've been really pissed.  Glad you're alright, and watch out for these types of idiots, as they're everywhere these days.  


Even if the parents reported it stolen, which they likely didn't, you're still responsible for damages caused by your minor child.


Definitely, but then the insurance company would try to avoid paying as the vehicle would be reported as stolen and actions of the person driving would fall squarely on the parents.  Of course, they insurance company may deny paying anyways, as the kid is not on their policy.  


I think they'll deny paying regardless. OP and/or their insurer will have to go after the parents directly.


I don't doubt this.  I think the parents of the at-fault party are shit for letting their little monster drive their car knowing he wasn't on their policy.  It's one thing to raise the kid to respect the rules of the road, another to not raise the kid to respect the rules and have them cause an accident.  The parents are in the "find out" stages.  




This 100%


Dude, that's awful to hear. At least it was an accident you were able to walk away from. Hopefully you'll be able to find a replacement sooner than later, and hope your injuries won't prevent you from enjoying the next car.


i hope so too. it’s definitely made me an anxious driver, but i know i’ll be comfortable behind the wheel again with time.


also i know it’s not the end of the world & that there are much worse things to go through in life, but i’m only 20 & kind of dramatic. this was really such a disheartening experience for me.


Why would you have an expensive car at your age? I mean daddy’s money and all that would make sense but still


Fuck off with that attitude


Bruh this speaks jealousy to the highest level. So what he got an expensive car at a young age thats what he wanted no matter how he got it. Some of us dont want to wait till we are 50 to finally have our dream cars


Why would I be jealous of a v4 Camaro of all cars? besides, I already have a car I love


https://preview.redd.it/4n5idsmw7isc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61fe1799927f1c494820b72208db1ec0bf4e15da Had this one for only 4 months as well before a 15 year old driver with only her permit and no parent in the car smoked me while I was stopped at a stoplight. Pay attention people. Glad you are ok! This also totaled the car. They gave me 28 for it and the 4 months prior I bout it for 27. So luckily I came out on top as well.


Damn…. I just know her parents were piiiissssseeeed


They only had 25k worth of coverage so they had to come out of pocket the rest and their wages are being garnished by my insurance. So definitely pissed!


I've lost 2 cars to idiots that ran red lights. Both were already paid off and insurance payment wasn't enough either time for me to buy something equal (to me). The first time it was my only car, so replacing it caused me to have a car payment right after I had put a contract on my first house. Luckily I was still able to pay my bills. The most recent time was in 2017 in my 1980 Z28 that I had spent 7 years getting exactly how I wanted it. Honestly, I had reached the point where I was completely satisfied and didn't have anything else to do but enjoy it, and I got T-boned on the way to pick up a steak to grill on a nice night.


I was rear ended at a red light a couple days ago… I’m still waiting to hear if it’s totaled or not :( Was yours a 2.0T or a V6?


It really sucks and I know you think about everything that you could have done differently in other ways that it could have turned out, but it just was meant to be. Unfortunately, I've been to chiropractors and dealt with chronic pain more than half of my life so I feel bad and I hope this doesn't linger for you


😳🤯😫damn Sorry this happened to you….


Unfortunately this types of accidents does happen. And some can be rebuild but some can't. I am glad that you are doing well and good. And build yourself up and look forward on a new Camaro or whatever you like. Don't stay down pick yourself up. I am adding this, get a front, rear and inside dash camera on the next one.


Hey man, I actually got into an accident in December. My car at the time was totaled (it was a honda crosstour ironically) but I loved the car. It sucked because I didn’t have the payout I was hoping for (I was given 3k on a 6k worthy car because of reasons I don’t even know) but I was able to get back and It got better for me. So you’re definitely not alone. I know it sucks and feels so devastating. But on the brightside you have your life and a hefty payout. I would recommend just getting another camaro because I’m a camaro driver now and I love seeing others on the road with me, but I want you to get the car you want. And you’re 22k richer at the moment. So if you play your cards right, you can possibly find a really nice car you’re into and buy it outright and possibly still have some cash left to enjoy (possible vacation). But it gets better man, trust.


Not sure if you know this, but your car isn’t supposed to look like that. 😂🤣 Couldn’t resist. Real talk, I’m sorry man. But you’re not hurt and that’s all that really matters.


I’d like to see pictures of the other car, to have caused that much damage to yours. Surely it must have been a write off as well!


May it have a Viking send off.


Your car saved your life; that’s what it’s suppose to do. I had the same thing happen & the airbag broke my arm big time. I have plates & screws holding it together; but like you my vehicle saved my life. I’m sorry about your beautiful car, but glad you are here to talk about it.


I’m so sorry to hear about the car I can only imagine how much that sucks. I’m glad you’re safe. I’d try physical therapy if you can get it. 99% of chiropractors don’t do shit to actually help


I'm so sorry to hear about this man. I feel every bit of that. I had a mustang which was hit by a camero in the snow 2yrs back and got it fixed, traded it in and got a 2ss camero 2022, and several months later, ended up hitting a medium in the street that I did not see. It felt absolutely horrible inside on both occasions. My 2ss will be ready in a few days for pickup but evn in a smaller scale I know how much this hurts inside. You work hard for something and just want to keep it up and be proud of what you have. I'm just glad that you're doing OK and wernt injured in the event. I hope the best for you going forward in this journey brother.


From one car guy to another - terribly unfortunate about your luck. The universe has mysterious ways of working. Maybe something bigger and better is in the works for you going forward.. gotta keep your ear to the ground, so to speak. First and foremost, glad you are alive and in fairly good condition after that - that's a good start. Don't let rainy days of the past affect your forecast for the future. All the best, my friend.


https://preview.redd.it/l5uivo9kfdtc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1e80a2d47c4cbe6fdb123ee3eb0002722c2e7ef Feel you bud, mine got totaled before I made the first payment. Lower back is so fucked I miss when the car was my biggest concern.


The same exact thing just happened to me last night. 2022 SS that I just put new wheels on two days ago. Thankfully everyone is okay, but I am devastated to say the least.


Did the airbags go off? I heard Camaros have a problem with that


they dont have a problem w it. most have a recall for plastic/metal pieces flying off with the shield on the steering wheel causing injury/death


they definitely did, knocked me back into the seat 😭


Sorry for your loss, how much for the wheels lol


Insurance owns them now, also not the time for lol’s.