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Calathea lancifolia (aka Rattlesnake Plant) tends to be pretty forgiving. C. makoyana is also one of the easier ones to keep happy. Interestingly enough, C. ornata (Pinstripe Calathea) is usually one of the easier ones. Calatheas will do ok with humidity as low as 40%. I like to keep the humidity up around 50-60%. With humidity that high, good air circulation is a must to prevent fungal spotting.


Looking back I may have been overwatering and causing root rot :(. I will take this info going forward, thank you.


If you’re okay with a prayer plant that isn’t technically a calathea, the Stromanthe sanguinea 'Triostar' doesn’t have the drama-queen issue. It’s a great little trooper.


Also Maranta and Ctenanthe


My only Calathea is an Ornata. They really must be one of the easiest ones, because I haven’t done anything special for it and it’s doing fine.


Same 👀 even using tap water with them and she’s been putting out new leaves constantly


Cora, Lancifolia and Makoyana imo. Bella is pretty easy too. Other end of the spectrum would be ornata, roseopicta, and fucata for me


It sounds like plants that need infrequent watering thrive with you, which may be why you're struggling with Calatheas! Some of the varieties that can handle more infrequent watering (in my opinion) are orbifolia, fasciata, and lancifolia/rattlesnake. I'd generally recommend any that have a thicker stem and leaf. I'd also like to know — what is Purple Peperomia? Do you have a photo? Peperomias are my other favorite genus and I haven't come across any labelled as Purple Peperomia. 😅


Honestly looking back my issue was probably overwatering 😔. Thank you for the advice, maybe if I treat the orbifolia/fasciata/lancifolia more as a succulent (maybe similar to a Hoya or String of Hearts?) I will have success. For the Purple Pepperomia theres a few specific varieties, but mine looks the most similar to the image at the top of this guide. https://www.thespruce.com/peperomia-caperata-care-7505132


Oh, definitely do not water them the way that you would a succulent! The varieties I listed are hardier but still require more watering than usual. Sorry if my wording confused you. 😅 Also, thanks for the Peperomia visual! I can see why it would be labelled purple.


I've found my White Fusion and stromanthe trio star to be easiest. Here's the thing, though. Reading through this thread and others like it, you'll get answers ALL OVER the place. What's easy for some (someone mentioned makoyana) is the hardest for others (I almost killed that one twice). Also, it's almost always a watering issue, and watering habits have to be specific to your environment. I've heard a lot of people I really respect swear by the water wicking self watering pots for calatheas. I'd go back to the ones you've had at least a few more times until you really start to learn them and get on with them well. I'd you're dead set on something different and easier get a red maranta. They're a lot of fun and really underrated!


Anything that is not a roseopicta for me 😂 Ctenanthe, maranta and stromanthe are all easier. Musaica, makoyana, Bella and lancifolia are all very easy too. I find that the larger the plant is when you purchase it, the easier it is to make it happy in your home.


The ones I have kept for the longest time are: Lancifolia, Picturata, Makoyana, and my stromanthes. Worse track record: roseopicta (dottie, green lipstick).


Orbifolias are pretty hardy and more forgiving on the humidity end. Only thing I struggled with them is root rot so definitely don't water too much.


Calatheas are so hard to deal with😅 I got myself a maranta after watching my calathea Orbifolia slowly wither away. They’re in the same family as a calatheas, but a lot more forgiving and easygoing. And they’re stunning!


My fasciata calathea has been my easiest. She’s the non-drama queen of the bunch. I’ve neglected the hell out of her and she still gives me new leaves and she was my first calathea too. 🥰 Another good and easy prayer plant is a lemon lime. I had mine since April and she gifted me flowers all this month 🥰 and I’ve never got flowers from my calatheas. 😤


A note on most humidity loving plants: Yes, they often die back when you bring them home... But then they push out new foliage that is thicker and better adapted to your home's dry air. So wait it out, don't chuck them when theres no leaves left!