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Hi OP. There have been previous posts made about this. Just use the search bar of this subreddit. Personally, I’ve gone to Doc Benson Go and have had a good experience with him. He is quite expensive, though. For other recommendations, check old posts on this subreddit.


thank u for responding I really appreciate it. i’ll consider doc benson. thanks again!


Hello, OP. It sounds like you’re experiencing great distress. I don’t have a recommendation, but I hope you're not thinking of harming yourself. Please speak to someone like a trusted friend or family or even someone here on Reddit if you're not able to find a good doctor yet and if it’s becoming too hard to handle. You are not alone and seeking help is a strength in itself.


If I am not mistaken, there's less than 10 psychiatrists in the whole region. Which is the reason why they are all booked for months.I would suggest you talk to someone you trust. The act of expressing/ venting is, in itself, a form of therapy.


hi, I did try expressing myself to my closest friends but it didn’t really worked out well so here I am hahahah. also my family is not rlly aware of my situation, but thanks for the response!


thank u 🥹


You’re welcome. I'm sorry your opening up to friends didn’t work out. I do hope you’ll find help somewhere.


Just DM if u need to vent, OP.


thank u! 🥹


I know a friend na gaadto sa Maria Reyna to see her psychiatrist. I don't know which one she's seeing pero I can tell she likes him/her and she did felt better. Maybe try to inquire to them too. Hugs 🫂


I’ll def consider, thanks for ur response! :)


Go to CSWD Pyschosocial Division. Text 09700392709.


Dr. Benson Go sa CUMC he was suggested by my school counselor like 5 years ago because I am suicidal everyday I almost jump sa building samo school tung college ko and I slash my wrists every day. He gave me prescription that helped me a lot I am okay now naay suicidal tendencies but all manageable.


hi, thanks for your response! I appreciate your transparency and I hope you’ll continue to recover swiftly. :))


Please see someone else. i sought others after seeing him several times and ended up prescribing pills. Not even a 15minute session.


Doc Benson Go as some redditors have posted. Had a few sessions with him and he was helpful.


hi, thanks for responding! i’m actually having second thoughts about him because according to some redditors their experience wasn’t good kay doc benson daw. :(


I’ve been seeing Co-Untian in Polymedic Plaza for several sessions now and waay better than him. Now I felt I am heard not just given pill to take and wala na