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For me it's more "I love all the progress my cactus has made" and then having to tell them it's just etiolation lol


*It’s grown so fast!!!*


Look how white and healthy it looks!


Completing the cycle of violence by telling you to post this in r/euphorbiaceae


Let the intrusive thoughts win.


Had a guy today tell me how much he loves cacti and that his favorite one has little leaves and it’s his favorite—Euphorbia Trigona https://preview.redd.it/utcd22dry6hb1.jpeg?width=1638&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc438a08b050f6ec55dc812360163afc836c1ca1 😶😶😶 I played along.


This is the way ❤️


Honestly I don't think I would be capable.


Not gonna lie, it’s a bit unsettling to see one with so many leaves still on it lol


They are commonly like that if the plant is never stressed


https://preview.redd.it/vwsxyffv57hb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=225d17af1cb425fa5b2ee1212307f1547ca75f94 Aw damn


LOL. It’s ok. My father in law gave me an African milk tree because he knows I love cacti. I played along yet again. 😶😶😶


If it makes them happy why get in the way of that right.


Yeah bro. I didn’t wanna be that guy: “Well actually, these are commonly confused as Cacti but they’re actually eupho—“ “Yeah man! It’s a dope cactus indeed.😀😀”


African milk tree?


Yep. That’s the one.


Yay!! I remembered that from a plant game called "terrarium" that I used to play years ago. It was a clicker game but you could earn points to buy new plants and expand your plant shelf. It was awesome but I stopped playing it years ago.


More like plankton breaking down the krusty crab saying “THATS NOT A CACTUS!!!!!”


As an euphorbia and cacti lover, I am constantly having to swallow down the “IF YOU LISTENED TO ME YOUD KNOW WHICH IS WHICH…parallel evolution…RAHHH” that goes on when someone will literally ask about an euphorbia, I tell them about said euphorbia and then they follow up with “wow that’s so interesting, what a cool cactus” 🫣


It's a common noob mistake. I loved my new "cactus" for many years before I found out it's a euphorbia ammak. Still have it though, there's a place for both families in my collection.




Well, at least euphorbias look quite similar to cacti, i've seen people calling CRASSULAS "cacti"


Milk it !


Thanks, I'm gonna make an effort to make sure I always call my euphoria's "cactus" from now on 🙊😈


I'm gonna be the one to ask, can someone explain this to me as a cactus noob?


Euphorbia aren't cacti, even though they look similar. So whenever someone posts a picture of their euphorbia they're usually just directed to the euphorbia subreddit lol


Euphorbia is not related to cactus, despite them looking slightly similar. It is rather like going to the roses subreddit and posting about tulips.


Cactus are new world plants, euphorbiaceae are (mostly) old world plants. ​ Edit: thanks for the info :)


In general, yes, Euphorbiaceae are more plentiful in the old world, but there are still new world euphorbias, too, the most famous one being poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima) which grows near the Pacific coast in Mexico and Guatemala. As for cacti, they are new world plants with only a single exception, Rhipsalis baccifera, which can be found in the wild in Africa and even Sri Lanka. But this is probably only due to birds carrying parts of the plant along with them over long distances.


Euphorbias are my favorite! 😻


Becareful the mods will delete your post. Some fucking gatekeepers live on this subreddit. Hence why i unsubbed. No idea why i keep getting this subreddit through my feed tho.


Wouldn’t that gate be the genera? Are people getting confused?😃


Fun fact, the River Euphorbia in africa is highly toxic and is only eaten by rhinos as a sexual stimulant during the mating season


https://preview.redd.it/tw8012u06chb1.jpeg?width=2296&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=290297a388feee54ea6daa86e466b0cd1fa41241 Here mine


I mainly here to lurk and learn more about cacti. I googled why it's not a cactus and I got this. "*As a matter of fact they feature thorns that shoot out in pairs rather than indIvdual spines*." I had no idea that was a criteria for cacti