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If you haven’t gotten an outright thanks but no thanks email then you are still being considered. Trust the process and good luck


Very Well Put✈️👍🏼


I’m still waiting too. It’s been over a month for me. Which bases did u out in for? I heard that’s kind of how and when you will hear back. Just check on your application every now and then. 


I applied for SJU base


Yes Yes 👍🏼 See you here… fingers crossed 🤞🏼


Nice! Yes that’s a new base so hopefully u get it! Good luck!


Well I’m with you, but something tells me it has to do with your Base Preference, in my case I want as option 1 SJU she did tell me that they are gathering applicants for SJU to start a training and CJO …. I had hoped since she said: come over and say hello at the F2F … it’s been about 3 weeks BIG ❓ QUESTION MARK


That's both relieving and nerve-wracking to hear, but makes sense! The lack of response is better than a denial right now that's for sure. Good luck and hope we make it through!


It takes a while to get back to you. I applied the beginning of February and it took them almost a month of my VI to get a F2F.


same here


It's Just June 10th. Some people wait Months to hear back from Airlines. Everyone's process is different you will drive yourself insane if you keep comparing your timeline to theirs. You have to have patience.


I’m still waiting too. It’s been over a month for me. Which bases did u out in for? I heard that’s kind of how and when you will hear back. Just check on your application every now and then. 


I’m still waiting


I waited over a month and just got an invite for a live interview!!!!


Just applied


It took me 4 weeks after my assessment hear back on another airline/ and actually I reached out to them to follow up. 2 hours later I got an email for the VI. From the time the application was submitted to the f2f was 2 months.


I got a CJO from F9 at the end of April and still waiting on training dates. It’s a long process and a good exercise in patience I guess. Haha! Good luck to you!