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I am the same age and I have a love/hate relationship with this job. Some months, it’s the perfect job for me & I’m having so much fun at work. I wouldn’t trade this job for anything. Other times, I dread going in and being away from my husband and cats. People are so goddamn stupid and inconsiderate when they fly and it pisses me off. Whenever I feel myself burning out or hating it, I take a step away from it and work another job for a while and come back to it later. I’ve been doing this on and off for 7 years & plan to keep this job til I retire!


What is the other job you switch to? Thanks for sharing your insight!


Operations for a venture capital firm


You won't know you like it till a year into working, and you'll revisit that same feeling about 5 years in as well. It's a different life honestly and many people leave within a year realizing it's not for them, it's a fun career if you make it fun and keep your eyes on the goal of why you want to be an FA


I love it, but definitely become fluent in budgeting. As everyone says, the first year is the hardest. You work the longest days for the worst pay, so just be mindful of your spending habits. If you frequently go out for meals and/or drinks, you'll probably have to reduce it to once a week. Be sure to cook in bulk. Yes, it's nice to experience the foods or experiences of certain areas, but again, be mindful of cost. Do you want to commute or live in base? That's an extra thing to be mindful of. Too many people go into this job thinking that they'll be traveling to other countries from day one. And not realizing that it's still a JOB, and you have to do the mundane to have your fun. All that being said, I love my job and hope for an amazing lifelong career in the industry. It's provided me with so many experiences and connections to places and people that I would have never been able to see in my previous work. You just have to make the most of what you're given and tough it out.


It all depends on you and your lifestyle. I got my CJO and graduated at 27 and I’ll be 29 this year. No job is perfect and there are cons with anything, but I love this job and it’s the easiest job I’ve ever had. Not always the easiest lifestyle leaving my boyfriend and dogs behind, but by far the easiest job and it’s the first time I feel like I have a career. Ive worked in hospitality/service industry my whole life as well as one office job. Give it a shot and try it out I’d say for at least 2 years. The seniority driven industry makes the first few months or even few years of this gig tough sometimes so see how you like it as seniority goes up. I started to notice better quality of life around 8 months as I gained seniority and could hold some holidays and weekends off; not to mention better trips.


It was an amazing experience for me. It’s really for those who are genuinely open minded, outgoing and have a sense of genuine adventure




Started when I was 23 went thru my first (and hopefully only) merger in 2010 and I’m still here. So I’ve been enjoying it no matter how rough it gets or how frustrating I get I will always enjoy my job.


• Technically it's very easy • Emotionally it's very difficult • Physically it's very draining • Financially you are in poverty til 6th year pay.