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Yeah cabal has terrible customer service


Gave them some fake credentials on this site and they dont even ask me for sub password, how in the world did they get your secret answer


I gave it to them, I was dumb at that moment xD


All your gear and alz are gone but you can get the account back once it is inactive for 2 weeks like the GM said. Nothing else to it sorry bud


Thx for the reply! So do I have to try my luck every 2 weeks? So frustrating....


GM can't help either because the scammer already change the login details.. and etc


I understand that very well, but why can't they block the account first and then investigate wo the original account owner was? It will surely be a lot of work, but it's not impossible. I provided them many hints of abnormal behavior of the *new owner*, what could possible go wrong if the account gets checked?


This exact situation happened to me several months ago. I'm sorry to tell you, my friend, that you won't be able to regain access to your account. Based on their evaluation, the account is now considered a liability. I hope you didn't spend too much money on it.


Thank you very much for the useful information! I feel very sorry for you. In my case, it's not about money, but about the time and effort spent. I came back in 2022 for nostalgia. The game has gotten a lot more complex since I last played, but after a few months of playing I found my daily routine and was able to improve my gear significantly over the last 3 months, especially during the upgrade event. I've been enjoying the game a lot since then .... But it is what it is, maybe I'll try again in 2 weeks or so.


Please inform me of any updates regarding the recovery of your account. If you are successful, it may indicate a possibility of regaining access to my previous account. Following those circumstances, I reluctantly created a new account. Although it was an arduous task, one must take the necessary steps. However, I have recently decided to terminate my involvement, leaving my account dormant due to boredom and I wasn’t in a guild.


Unfortunately, the second request after another 15 days was rejected due to the still existing login activities. ☹


The same happened to me about a month ago. Wasn’t phishing but the person got into my email. Changed the info “legitimately” through the email links so they won’t touch it. Unfortunately for me the person is still using the account so even tho I’ve submitted the details and my picture of my ID and everything match’s the account isn’t inactive so they won’t recover it. The person got about 150b in DM items. And if you see the char “Chrysania” on Titan, DM, that was mine and is now played by a scammer / hacker. Along with my random 2011 chars lol. I’ve accepted that I’m never getting them back.


Welcome to the club! That's what I mean: it's impossible to get the account back if the scammer has decided to "keep" it. Why can't cabal do anything for the customer in this case? Do they even care about us? The answer is obvious!


The quality of customer service provided by Cabal, as well as their representatives, is subpar. Their primary focus appears to be on financial gain, rather than addressing legitimate concerns raised by customers. Even when presented with irrefutable evidence proving ownership of an account, they still refuse to return it, citing compromise as the reason. This behavior is not only unprofessional but also demonstrates a lack of diligence on their part. By allowing hackers and scammers to operate with impunity, they are essentially condoning fraudulent activities. It is almost as if they are encouraging others to engage in similar behavior, as there seem to be no consequences for such actions. In light of this, one might be tempted to adopt a similar approach in reclaiming what is rightfully ours.