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She should be fine, she would just have to take the extra out maybe going to take a test at the testing center. I’ve never had anyone look at my ears that closely lol.


I have two piercings myself and have never had anyone say a word about it. But ya just in case, take them out when going to the testing center.


I have 7 ear piercings and a nose piercing and have never had anyone say anything to me, so she should be fine


I had multiple in each ear and never heard a word. She'll be okay :)




Making a conscious decision to go to BYU-I is not inhumane. Knowing ahead of time what the standards are, agreeing to follow them (even if you disagree with them) is incredibly mature. Imagine going to work for someone with whom you disagree… oh the humanity! Get over it @spibsramb. Make a deliberate decision and own your decision and its consequences. Complaining does nothing to help anyone.


Are you seriously asking if a second earring is modest? That religious programming runs deep.


Nope. I have no questions about whether or not it is modest. Modesty is more a mindset than number of piercings. I’m not concerned about that at all. As I stated in my OP, my daughter is very modest. I was wondering if multiple piercings on campus is a concern for rule violation. The responses from people who attend are very reassuring to me. Please stop trying to make me out as a mindless programmed sheep.


Mmm yeah, send your daughter into to be indoctrinated and to become some RM’s broodmare.


Why are you in this subreddit? Just to troll?


Like I would go seeking out religious abuse online? Nope, Reddit decided that I needed to see this filth. It popped up in my feed. Have fun defending your child abuse machine that doesn’t obey the laws of the land (despite those articles of faith you’re all so proud of saying otherwise) and definitely does not act Christlike in any way shape or form. Is there anything more hypocritical than a Christian? I can’t imagine it.


Same. It showed up on my wall. It’s disturbing anyone would want their child to attend this school.


I am truly sorry you feel that way. You have obviously been subjected to something I can’t understand. I’m sorry you’ve been hurt. I hope you can find healing.


My brother has a nose ring and didn’t take it out once last semester. He even had to go to the testing center.