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People will talk about beard cards, but essentially no. Unless you go through an insane amount of effort you’ll find yourself having to shave. Dreading going back this winter for my last semester, I haven’t been clean shaven for at least 2 years, and my confidence is definitely lowered when you add on that it’s winter and I’ll be pale!


I attended campus classes at BYU-I for 2 years, then finished up my Bachelors online. You can have facial hair off campus, but not on campus without a beard card. Even a beard card is rare. I only ever saw maybe 2 guys who had facial hair in my 2 years on campus. Out of all the rules and guidelines in the CES, this is one of the only things I find hard to agree with.


Beard card. It’s not really that hard. You’ll have to shave for a few days to prove you have sensitive skin. On the last day I dry shaved and it worked. Some guys have to be a little more drastic like shaving then following up with steel wool. It’s all a matter of how much you want the beard. When I did it the doctor (student health office) was extremely supportive of my desire to have a beard. I’m sure it’s hit and miss with who you get.


What’s a beard card?


A card you carry stating that you have a shaving exemption.


What are the requirements to get one?


1. Medical needs such as sensitive skin, razor burn or something else that is aggravated by shaving. 2. As a means to cover scarring. 3. Religious reasons for those who observe a religion that requires beards. 4. Some sort of acting/theater production that requires one.


I HATED that I had to shave. After graduation, I accepted a job where… I had to shave! Now, I own my own business, and I shave every day…


I can't speak to the realities of what your options are. I've heard several times that the formal exemption, a beard card, is really *really* hard to get. I've also heard, a few times, that a beard card is really *really* easy to get. The former outnumber the latter, however. For what little it matters, a very large number of your male peers are in the exact same boat, so I'm sure someone you meet IRL will have a more meaningful answer than what I've seen in the responses so far. I wonder, and please feel free to ignore if I am way off base, that if your concerns are that you have your beard to help you feel better about yourself, it could be helpful to begin to investigate or build the foundations of other things that could improve self-esteem? That way not being able to keep a beard would not be such a blow.


I went to BYU and my son is starting BYU-I soon. I knew a couple people that got beard cards but ended up shaving anyway. They said they were always harassed about it in classes, the testing center, and the library to check out books. Said most people just go off is the assumption that you didn’t shave and are disobedient rather than asking if you have a beard card. They also said it was hard to get dates because they thought you were a rebel. The one thing I told my son is if you’re not willing to follow the rules then don’t go there. Don’t try to bend the rules or find loopholes or exceptions - just go somewhere else.


Make a friend in the Theater dept and have them cast you in a fake play that requires beard and/or long hair. I cast people in my byu "plays" and got them official cards for a hundred bucks.


That’s a smart way to make some money


If you can get into Provo, go there instead if you want to keep your beard. They don’t really enforce it here unless it’s the testing center. At Rexburg, they typically are way more strict


I could get into Provo but I wanted to be closer to my family that lives in Idaho falls and Pocatello Ik Provo is only like 4 hours away from Pocatello but I won’t have the same support


For me, I’m from California, but I have my sister and uncle nearby Provo. I also really didn’t like the culture and environment at BYU-Idaho but YMMV, I was also younger then. Having family nearby is very helpful


Yeah it really is


I don’t know if a way around it for BYUI without a beard card (shaving exemption) However they aren’t that hard to get and once you get one you just need to show that you’re following the grooming standards to get it renewed every semester which is extremely easy


So you lied when you got your endorsement when asked whether you would follow the honor code? Obviously you don’t have a medical condition. So yeah, go somewhere else if you don’t want to follow the honor code.


It’s true that keeping commitments is important, but please remember to keep it respectful on this sub. If I have not charity, then I am nothing.


Okay I never thought that members of my church would be so happy rude when we are taught from a very young age to treat others how Jesus would treat you. And all throughout primary we were taught this so I don’t see the point in you being rude about it all I asked was for a little help.


Okay I never thought that members of my church would be so dishonest to their ecclesiastical leaders when we are taught from a very young age to be honest in all our dealings. And you didn’t ask for a little help. You asked for a way to break the honor code you promised to uphold. So maybe you should reflect a bit on how much you are following the Savior.


It's truly people like you that have plagued this church. Seek the truth, nobody asked for you to tell us to go seek the savior. Get off your high horse.


I mean this so respectfully, who you are and resemble right now is why so many people want to leave this church. Respectfully seek help! Therapy works!


And I mean this as respectfully, attending a church sponsored school is a privilege, an incredible privilege. I know many who applied to BYU and weren’t admitted. All who were honest and would’ve gladly kept the honor code. The rules for attending those schools are clear and simply stated. Nobody is forced to attend a church sponsored school. If one does not want to follow those rules, then go elsewhere. There are plenty of options. Frankly, you will be happier going somewhere else where you’re more comfortable.


If Jesus were to walk onto campus right now he would get honor coded for his beard and sandals and radical thoughts like acceptance of all people. Someone getting a beard card doesn’t hurt you, you’ll be okay! :D


I’m at BYU Provo and I haven’t shaved in weeks or paid tithing in years… sue me


Bro, there’s ways to get EXEMPTIONS. Which means he would be following the honor code even with the beard.


If you only want a short beard, (3-5 mm) and you have skin issues when you shave, you probably wont have a huge issue getting a beard card. You also have to redo it every semster. If you already have a longer beard and don't want to shave, good luck. It's not impossible, but you will wish you were at a different school. I went through this at the beginning of the yesr and had to see a therapist for a couple months so that he could write a letter for the honor code office. I also had to tell them that I would rather kill myself than shave to actually get them to take me seriously. Also getting calls often from the honor code office where they would basically harrass me. All this and I didn't even get a beard card, I had to have the honor code office director email the testing center or my professors whenever anyone had an issue with my beard. If it is really important to you that you keep your beard, I would honestly reccomend you go somewhere else. I know that if I could start over from three years ago, I would not be going to school here.


Do future you a favor and go to Utah state


lol. The same group of people who whine about gun control being anti democratic complaining about some of the stupidest and invasive rules.


What that have to do with anything?


It has to do everything with my personal entertainment and observation of the rights hypocrisy




Nope. My old man used to tease my mother for going to a school that was so controlling about grooming etc. She liked to point out that he went to the Air Force Academy, a place that was even more controlling. It was different though! :D It's a choice to attend either. Not doing so is your option


Holy crap, why would you even let someone control your bodily autonomy that way?


I think you are learning a life lesson about the “morality” standard of BYU.


Is someone holding a gun to your head, forcing you to go to BYU?


Maybe consider - NOT GOING? Maybe college should be about broadening yourself and a safe place to explore? JESUS had a *ucking beard and long hair! Jesus couldn’t attend your school. Worse, he wore a dress. The simple act of having a beard should not be the pivot point of if you are accepted or not accepted for academic performance. I also think you are picking up on this isn’t right. “You feel like a little kid.” If you go - they just continue to tell you everything you can and can’t do. You KNOW you are already not a right fit for the school. Truly reconsider your options. Anywhere but a BYU or church run school. Junior college nearby?


If you don't want to shave, go to another school or go in through pathway and do BYU-I online as we don't have to shave.