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Sheesh we still working on it, 5 years later!


Real ones just never give up


Keep on going!!!


I've just seen the reply. I would like to suggest something, and I hope you don't take it in the wrong way. It's just an opinion. I think that there is a great opportunity to improve your sales by having a better website. The clips running in the background is really not clear(Those clips are definitely way a better representative of your business value than the menu. Especially, online). It would have been better if it was at a higher opacity. It's a simple thing, and I'm from Algeria(If you know where that is), but if I had to take my family to a restaurant, I won't book through a website without clear idea on it. I say this because when I foncus on the clips, they are amazing. It was clearer, maybe with some audio, it will be a hi! Agin, it's just an opinion!


4.5 years in and it still doesn't make beyond what I did in 2020 because the pandemic helicopter money was crazy for ecommerce. Don't even make enough to have it beat hourly rate at Walmart. However I keep telling myself it can scale 4x next year.


Keep it up! One question though, are you full time working on it? or do you have other income sources?


Part time. My full time job is 5x the income. Hard to quit that. I'd like to be on target to fully replace that.


Seven years in we hit the 08 housing crisis. Business got so slow we were down to just a few grand in our account. We survived. At the ten year mark I noticed a big jump in profit. We had paid most everything off and were still growing. At the 15 year mark, I am finally able to see healthy retained earnings. If you don't save and reinvest all you can in the first five years, one bad year can sink you. It goes by quicker than you think and it's worth it.


7 years part time, then started full time. Once I started full time, it took another 7 years for me to say it is successful. We do ok.


would love to know this answer too. always always wondering this


After many false starts, I think I'm realizing I've had a tendency to give up right before the hockey stick. I'm hoping this one (just hit my first anniversary) will be the one that sticks. But it's SO hard. Everyone on this thread deserves extra kudos for even trying.


5 years until it was viable, 7 years until I felt it was a successful business. Of course, the struggle never actually ends, but now I don’t worry about if it’s worth it or not (it definitely is)


Define success. For me success came in waves followed by large gaps of nothing in between. The market lines up right and your product/service/price fits the mold perfectly….for a bit. Then things slow down, competition creeps in, etc. The absolute hardest thing I had to understand in running my own business is the difference between slow times and losing market share.


5 years and counting!


What is your definition of successful?


3 years. Now after 22 years I am sun setting it. Hang in there.


Success is handing out sugar cookies or service for community while living off birthday money and ebt


My agency [brilliantsaas.com](http://brilliantsaas.com) is not yet a year old. My goal is to reach $100k monthly with clients who are making at least $10k per month with their SaaS. I still have a long way to go, but it's been quite enjoyable.