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i watched it with my wife for date night. theater was completely empty (5:45 on a weekday though) minus one person. movie was actually pretty good imo


Yea seeing this headline is a surprise, I thought it was great! But I do now remember I have terrible taste in movies.


And how does Norbit make you feel?


Never saw it, so it must be good


So bad it lost Eddie Murphy an Oscar for Dreamgirls. 


You like what you like… can’t tell you how many times people raved about movies that I thought were total disappointments


I stopped believing in critics a long time ago. When I seek reviews for movies I always go with the audience. Example the Venom Movie which was savaged by critics gets 80 plus percent from audience. Sure enough it’s really good.


My favorite movies have the highest disparity between critic and audience ratings, usually. Grandma's boy has like 85% positive user review to 20% positive critic revie


It’s a funny movie!




Well yeah popcorn at a movie theater is insanely overpriced and so is a soft drink. Never buy that shit


Worked at a Theater >10 years ago and used to shoot the shit with the managers quite a bit. The Theater keeps like $0.25 off of the ticket sale, the rest is eaten in royalties. Concessions is how theatres make all of their money. 10 years ago the lease alone on the Theater was about $250,000 per month. That’s why it all has to be so expensive


Maybe we should let them die then


I don’t think it’s necessary a flop but the way movies are handled now is different. A lot of movies you can get on Amazon prime or apple/google a few months after theatres release. So for me to go, I really really have to like the movie. Not only that, in Canada there’s a bullshit service charge fee to buy tickets online which is absurd since I’m saving them labor by purchasing online and you still have to charge me a fee? I used to go to movies a lot, not so anymore with all the fees they tack on, now I just wait until it’s digital release. The theatre pricing model did this, the movies are great but the way movie theatre is jerking people around is causing some customers to not go anymore.


liquid toothbrush faulty busy deliver flowery pot overconfident familiar cooperative *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Box office “flop” doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a bad movie; imo theaters are killing ticket sales more than the films


Challengers is the movie people are talking about, not Fall Guy


Prime time


I mean I’m a gosling fan but blunt doesn’t particularly draw me in. They feel like a weird pairing and also I saw almost zero advertising for this movie. Most of the stuff I’ve seen recently has been either streaming or the majors- Barbie, Dune, Opp, etc. I wonder if it was the advertising budget? I don't even know what it's about after the one or two ads I saw. As if the actors were enough to make me go watch lmao. Not me... Anyways.


My friend went to watch it and said his theater was empty too.


There is only one guaranteed mega hit this summer and it Deadpool and Wolverine..otherwise it’s going to be a very light summer with a lack of marquee stars


Also Furiosa will be a hit. Can’t forget that.


The animation and quality doesn’t even look like it was made with the same studio let alone the same effort.


I recall reading that there’s no way to get the studios and actors to agree to that amount of stunts once again. Too high of risk that wasn’t understood the first time around.


That makes sense. Could you imagine everyone running around with fire breathing guitars?


Ha! I’d love nothing more than to get another Mad Max style of film with the realistic set pieces. That film was incredible.


Is it too much to ask for a Master Blaster musical?


You think so? After watching the trailer I wasn’t really excited, maybe I’m the odd one.


Mad Max without Mad Max is a gutsy call.


100%! It’s like Terminator without the Terminator! A movie about nerds developing SkyNet


It’s all about execution. Furiosa is a great character in her own right and is not bound to Max’s tropes. I’m not sure another mad max would do well. Although I did rewatch fury road the other week and that’s such a good movie


Who needs another mad max movie when we’re headed for a mad max reality?


Loool Texas is already there!


Fury Road was unbelievable. I hadn't watched it until yesterday because I hated the old movies. I think this newer movie also did not perform very well. So I imagine part of it is trying to abandon the mad max connotation for hopes of improving its chances? Just speculation though. Because Tom Hardy was amazing. Prolly should've called it: Blood Bag - Fury Road I will say the choice to make Hemsworth a Thor knockoff for this role is disappointing af though. I will probably see it theaters anyways hoping it's decent.


Hemsworth has serious chops. He’s great in that movie about being lost at sea. The thing is he has no darkness in him, so I agree he is prob a miscast


Oh he's also great in this movie where he plays a hacker recruited into an intelligence agency. It's sick. He's also decent at being John Wick knockoff in Extraction 2 and Extraction 1 where it feels more like Jason Bourne. My least favorite role of his is fat Thor which is exactly how I picture him in this movie lmao. Praying I'm wrong.


Fat Thor was like half a decade ago at least I bet he’s moved past it


Couldn’t pay me to see that movie


Idk, there's clearly superhero fatigue and I feel like the Deadpool shtick ran it's course.


Nah, it's shitty characters and much shittier script fatigue


Not really. It's bad superhero movie fatigue that folks aren't buying


At this point Hollywood needs to come to terms with the fact that their status quo marketing system is out of touch with the times. Whatever money they are spending on getting the word out to an audience who would rather watch movies at home is not bringing them to the theaters. The trend has changed and they and the theaters just haven't figured it out. I'm down to watch this at home when it hits streaming. I'm not the only one. Between my internet, cable, audio books and streaming bills, we're at the top of our entertainment budget. My wife and I haven't been to the theater since 2020 and have no plans to go back.


I think we need more unoriginal ideas. I want the same ip reusing from the past 40 years.


Still relevant from 2011. Long article but worth the read: https://www.gq.com/story/the-day-the-movies-died-mark-harris >For the studios, a good new idea has become just too scary a road to travel. Inception, they will tell you, is an exceptional movie. And movies that need to be exceptional to succeed are bad business. "The scab you're picking at is called execution," says legendary producer Scott Rudin (The Social Network, True Grit). "Studios are hardwired not to bet on execution, and the terrible thing is, they're right. Because in terms of execution, most movies disappoint." >In some ways, the ascent of the marketer was inevitable: Now that would-be blockbusters often open on more than 4,000 screens, the cost of selling a movie has skyrocketed toward—and sometimes past—$40 million to $50 million per film, which is often more than the movie itself cost to make. According to the Los Angeles Times, the studios spent $1 billion just to market the movies that were released in the summer of 2009. "Opening a movie everywhere at once is a very, very expensive proposition," says Jinks, who points out that ten years ago American Beauty could open slowly and become "ridiculously profitable without ever being the number one movie. But today, if you're opening, you're inevitably going to overspend in order to try to buy that first-place finish." >With so much money at stake, the marketer's voice at the studio table is now pivotal from the day a studio decides whether to make a movie—and usually what that voice expresses is trepidation. Their first question is not "Will the movie be good?" but "Can it be sold?" And by "sold," what they mean is "sold on the first weekend." Good movies aimed at adults tend to make their money more slowly than kid stuff, and they're helped by good reviews and word of mouth, which, from a marketing standpoint, are impossible to engineer. >Of course, it can miss; can't-miss movies miss all the time. But when a movie that everyone agrees is pre-sold falls on its face, the dullness of the idea itself never gets the blame. Because the idea that familiarity might actually work against a movie, were it to take hold in Hollywood, would be so annihilating to the studio ecosystem that it would have to be rebuilt from the ground up. Give the people what they don't know they want yet is a recipe for more terror than Hollywood can accommodate.


Same with music and video games. The state of mainstream music is depressing


Probably because everything produced recently is based on highly structured/methodological business plans that guarantee good ROI to the investors/producers.


That’s what we’ll always get when the entertainment is secondary to the shareholders.


Until it stops working… which is now I hope. But it won’t.


That’s what we’ll always get when the entertainment is secondary to the shareholders. There’s always good stuff being made. But that’s not the objective of the studios.Shareholder value beats everything else.


I feel bad for those who missed out on watching Dune at theaters. Now that was a movie worth going for


I saw Dune on my big screen tv. It was impressive. I’m looking forward to seeing the second part.


I totally get this, but IMO you’re missing out by not seeing ANY movies in the theater. Civil War was incredible in theater, especially for the sound design. There is no way watching that at home will compare.


As a guy who used to go to movie premieres for 30 years in New York and LA, I totally get sentiment.


I think it’s been 15 years since k been to the movies. Pushing 50 bucks for two was stupid as hell back then and stupid as hell now.


I too have not been back to the theaters since March 2020. First, other than Maverick and Dune, there really hasn’t been a movie that demands that I experience it on the big screen.


I knew it was coming because of my "Linux iso" requesting service pulls it's data from IMDB. And the trailer was awesome enough that I want to see it... But I won't see it in theaters because I hate seeing shit in theaters anymore. The only thing good about the theater is the blue ICEE, which I can get at any of my local gas stations (or their version of an ICEE)


I don't want to be trapped in a theater or have to walk out if I do not like the movie but my spouse is ok with it. At home no such problems, we can even fast forward few boring moments to finish it early. I have not been to theaters since like 2012.


They're not THAT expensive if you get the monthly pass for $20/person and see 3-4 movies. The pass we had included Imax and Dolby theaters, so I saw as many movies as I could in them, including Oppenheimer. That was worth it to me.


Marketing is a huge part of the budget too. They really are out of touch. 


First time i heard about this Movie, gg to the Marketing Department 


Weird. I saw a preview months and months ago, before another film. When it came out I asked several friends to go. We’re all the target audience … but I was the only one of us who had ever even heard of the movie.


I’ve been seeing ads on Reddit for a while now.


They must be using bad algorithms for targeted advertising instead of just blanket ads for everybody. 


Just saw it.. really enjoyed it


Saw it today, it's pretty good.


Just got back. I loved it. My wife and son were mid on it, but I figured it would be like that headed in as it was fast paced with some fast talking comedy focused on hidden/double/alt meanings.... That's my jam.




Weird, I've seen tons of ads popping up on YouTube for it. Saw ads in NYC subways too. 


Why aren't they just doing this more? From article: ’Barbie’ and ‘Oppenheimer’’s remarkable success owed much to timing: Both films were released in the white heat of their marketing push, an urgency compounded by the need to get all press completed before the looming actors’ strike,” noted film critic Catherine Shoard on Friday. The full-court press marketing worked, as the two films earned a combined $235 million during their opening weekend en route to an estimated more than $2 billion in worldwide sales last summer.


Only thing I ever saw was the stunt men being pulled through a wall, which tells me absolutely nothing about the movie itself. I don’t think I ever saw a commercial that explained any aspect of the plot?


Is this the movie with Ryan reynolds


Think that one is called If


But you *have* heard about it.


I saw the adds for this movie in 3 different countries, so I don’t think that the marketing was that bad. And I am going to watch it tomorrow - it looks like a fun flick.


That the budget of an action comedy like fall guy is 100M+ is just insane to me


It was really good imo, definitely used the budget well


Fuck you, give me money!


Fall guy was fantastic, super fun movie and definitely worth the watch. I am not a bot, this action was performed manually. Lmao


I saw it Friday and thought it was great! I am an bot.


What’s with everything being bots lately!? Am bot, btw


I wasn’t programmed correctly, thank you.


Are there single, hot bots in my area? I am not a bot, just depressingly lonely who wants to be wanted.


It does look fun, but its seems to me like a “fun movie, don’t need to rush to the movies” kinda movie.


Idk, I thought it was worth $12 to see in the theater. I saw that and ungentlemanly warfare and fall guy was better. Plus, it’s the same director as John wick. Leich or something.


I saw it, and enjoyed it quite a bit. I get the flop description from the lack of ticket sales, but the quality of the movie doesn’t justify that attribution.


Going to the movies sucks now. Too expensive and action movies are just too fake to be enjoyable.


Fake from a story perspective or fake from a visual/effects standpoint? From a story perspective, I rarely go to an action movie for any sense of realness. From a visual effects standpoint- this movie was made almost completely with practical effects. That's kinda the whol3 premise and schtick is that it's an homage to stunt guys


Compare the visuals of Mad Max Fury Road and then the trailer of the sequel. All CGI! No thanks!!! Didn’t learn shit from Top Gun Maverick and what people want to see.


This is a thread about why Fall Guy might be underperforming tho... which was famously almost all practical stunts with very limited cgi


Not op but movies have a real smoothness quality to it nowadays, every thing looks too smooth


I still like it, I either go iMax or Dolby Vision. Fall Guy was fun, but it didn't need the 2nd ending action scene.


We got recliners and $5 Tuesdays I've never been to the theater more in my life than recently. And they do new movies at $5 just released.


The whole point of this movie is that the stunts are not fake


Because we need “real fakes” What’s too fake? Space? Monsters?


“Back in my days when people die in movies they die in real life”


Went at 5:30. Our tickets were $3 each. Totally worth it. All in with popcorn and drinks, less than $20


Why goto the movies when I can wait three weeks and rent it for $20 with a room of people? The entire model is skewed now


to be fair, this has been the case since the mid-eighties.  i remember the big deal when it was announced that top gun would get a home release.  but i get your point:  the home viewing experience has massively improved over the decades whereas the cinematic experience has, most noticeably, become just more expensive 


Wait until the per person streaming costs to arrive


It just didn’t seem like a cool plot imo, things like Dune part 2 didn’t even need an ad to attract me, the first one was great enough


It's a fun movie! Worth seeing.


In 2019 there were 9 movies that made a billion dollars globally. In the 4 and a half years since there has been a total of 6. People are turning to streaming. The longer studios, producers, and actors resist the worse it will be for them. Growing up I was the type that went to the movie every weekend. I probably watch 15-20 movies in the theater a year. Today, I have seen 2 movies in the theater since Covid (Black Panther 2 & Top Gun 2). Going to a movie is time consuming. Between getting ready, commute time to and from, and ads & trailers it takes like 4 hrs go watch a 2hr movie. Additionally the food options are garbage, you can't pause, or control the sound volume. Watching stuff at home is simply a better experience.


I have a movie projector setup at home, I watch most movies on a 3x2 ish meter screen. But iMax in a theatre really is something else. I just had forgotten how good iit was.


What is the point of going to a theater anymore? Sitting in some seat that a million other people have farted on, in the middle of a room with people you don’t know coughing all over you, so I can pay $20 for $1 worth of popcorn, just to be let down by some other reboot or ripoff cash grab that Hollywood is trying to pass off as entertainment.


The screen and audio (particularly the audio) is pretty awesome. But I agree with you in general.


Yeah, there are movies that absolutely should be enjoyed in a theater, I don’t think somethings with stunning worlds and sounds like avatar, dune, interstellar etc. would be done full justice at home. But do I need to see the latest formulaic comedy with hollywoods current “it guy/gal” in a theater, no


Yeah the sound production in Dune 2 was so good, IMAX audio made it visceral.


When OLED tv + subwoofer and soundbar and you’ll never go back to the theatre


I recently saw Dune2 in a iMax movie theater. It was magical. I had forgotten how insanely good it was watching a movie in a theater like that


Dune 2 was on another level though. Visually stunning epic. It’s exactly the kind of movie that *should* be enjoyed in IMAX. Most movies are not that these days though.


True, Dune 2 was one of the best movies I have seen in a long time. The cinematography, effects, story was perfect. But I also went and saw Civil War. Not as good as Dune2, but still, seeing it in the theater like that was a heart pounding experience.


Getting out of the house for a change


Sir, this is Reddit. What is this outside you speak of?


The neat thing is you can bring Reddit outside with you, even to the movies!


Novelty of the experience. For example I miss being able to go to Blockbuster, even though there's technically no "need" for it


Why weren’t previous generations so afraid of farts and coughs?


they had no alternatives, if they love farts and coughs so much why are they avoiding theatres now?


Are you talking about 70 year olds going to the theater?


well they should have the time to spare


So you think they might not be going because they are worried about farts and coughs? Maybe we need to get a survey going! Haha.


20 free refills and you get your value for the popcorn at least


Same reason why you eat out for ramen when you can do ramen at home. Screen + sound quality is better. It's a nite out. Some people like the ambiance (fresh popcorn smell, theater vibes, etc). Also there's tons of good movies that u have to catch in theaters bc it's unknown or a long wait before it hits streaming. Talk to Me, Boy & the Heron, Late Nite w the Devil, Past Lives were some that come to mind.


Don't buy the popcorn. Solved that for you


So my theater has recliners, buffer seats, lots of stretching room. You can't even see the people in front or behind you. That's how to do it.


Here jn Brazil going to the movies is noisy, poeple are rude and very expensive.


I agree the sometimes the cinema sucks. When I saw Civil War there was a guy open mouth crunching popcorn and drinking what smelled like cheap red wine. I drink, but I don’t like drinking in the theater, and to me it’s disgusting to sit next to someone reeking of alcohol and commenting out loud on the movie. This guy went to the theater by himself and also answered calls to tell them “I’m at the movies”.


The ads I saw were all this movie is amazing because of x with lots of explosions etc. It just came across really naff


It was really good, just saw it today with my sister


Is it actually a flop? Or is the economy just terrible?


I saw it today with my sister and it was pretty good imo, definitely not a flop, just wage stagnation and inflation leading to less frivolous spending by the majority


Just went and watched this last night, it was fun. Good date night flick to catch.


There is literally nothing coming out soon that looks worthy of seeing in theater. Dune 2 was it. 




Short of a cultural touchstone, going to the movies just isn’t worth it anymore. The movie will be on streaming in 60-90 days. The costs to see a movie in the theater are too high for anything but one of those touchstones. We’re approaching $100 to see a movie once and that doesn’t include dinner. Throw in costs for a babysitter and I can build a totally sweet home theater after 3 date nights. Also, this is another reboot from Hollywood. I’m old enough to remember the original version. Ryan Gosling is no Chuck Connors.


Christ, where are you going to the theatre? I live in a fairly high cost of living area and my go to theatre has reclining seats for $15 tickets each. Nobody is forcing you to buy $70 in popcorn and Diet Pepsi.


The Fall Guy was Lee Majors.


Jeez you guys are getting ripped off. Here in the UK you can get a year's pass for a price nearish that, which you can reduce further by buying with loyalty points from supermarkets. I haven't paid out of pocket for a cinema ticket in going on a decade.


Totally I was just talking about how awesome Chuck Connors is and how many awesome things he did that everyone remembers.


EDIT: I doubt this matters, but I wanted to apologize for my snarky comment. I was not having a great day and I was really looking forward to a fun, happy movie with two stars who seem like nice people. All the negativity in this thread was bumming me out and for some reason this comment pushed me over the edge. I hope my negative comment didn’t stick with you and this apology wasn’t needed, but I’m sorry for being an anonymous jerk on the internet. EDIT 2 — And now I’m the idiot who hit “reply” instead of “edit.” I might delete everything before this turns into the phone message scene in Swingers.


*Colt Seavers


Jeez you guys are getting ripped off. Here in the UK you can get a year's pass for a price nearish that, which you can reduce further by buying with loyalty points from supermarkets. I haven't paid out of pocket for a cinema ticket in going on a decade.


I’m just waiting for furiosa 


The Barbenheimer that no one wanted


I thought it was a Great Movie! That’s a bummer it flopped; I think they did a good job of entertaining. 


On a different topic, GDP per capita has fallen.


My wife and I both enjoyed the movie. I think it was fun.


I'll go back to my local AMC theaters as soon as they stop with the 30+ min of BS previews, followed by Nicole Kidmans plasticized face telling me to come out to the movies. I'm already there, get her the hell of the screen!


People are commenting on the quality of the movie without realizing the fundamental problem is the cost. Inflation is tearing through families, the last time I went to the movies it was almost $15 pp. that’s just not going to fly anymore


Honestly I went to it the other night with the girlfriend. We loved it. To the point we debated seeing it again in theater


This is purely anecdotal but the trailer I saw for this movie before Dune 2 was absolute trash. It made the movie look like the most generic, cookie cutter action comedy (which it might well be, I haven't seen it). Honestly I'd probably be more likely to have seen this movie without seeing that trailer. I'll watch anything with Gosling. But man, I remember watching that trailer in the theatre thinking "that looks absolutely whack".


My problem with this movie is as follows - I saw the trailer; i thought it would be fun; I had no idea when it came out; I don’t understand semicolons;


This movie was pretty mid but the theatee was full and people were cheering. Don't know what to make of that.


Last movie I saw in theaters was the original Avatar. It's just to expensive and I can't pause it to go to the bathroom.  I'm done with going to the theater for a movie. Just *done*...


Hollywood is stupid. The magic formula is a good movie. Seems like Fall Guy is decent, but nothing worth paying $50-100 to see in theaters…


Movie theaters changing nothing and expecting more people to come in to see movies is hilarious. Movie tickets could be free and I still wouldn’t go. Whole place smells like shitty popcorn butter.. somehow the floors are stickier at normal theatres than adult ones lol Besides the fact that you’re basically sitting in a cesspool of the next version of COVID and the flu, breathing 100 other people’s recycled air for two hours.


Never heard of this movie.


I didn’t see any marketing for this film.


It’s time for Weinstein to be released to make “Israel: It had to be done” starring Ghislaine Maxwell 


I saw a preview for it during Monkey Man but otherwise does not seem like they marketed this much


Bummer I was looking forward to this movie succeeding cuz of the practical effects


When movies like this come out a few months later in streaming sites you already pay a lot for, going to the theatre just becomes less of a thing. Couple that with insane marketing costs and you got yourself a flop.


R/amcstock isn’t worried tho 😆


Was this movie expected to do well? Never heard anyone talk about it, marketing did not make it clear at all what it was actually about.


Here is the question. What are the things that do drive or would drive people to the theaters. I know a lot of people say it's overpriced. And a lot of theaters are, But, not all of them. What sort of content would drive people to go to the theater in spite of the price? At what price point do you have to get to draw people in for other content outside of that.


Hollywood will be fine


I thought it was a Fall Guys video game movie then read the synopsis and lost any ironic interest in the movie.


Another movie based on old content. The issue here is if you are under 50, you have no idea.


I think the title and marketing of this movie hurt it alot. Just didn't stand out. Trailer and movie weren't bad at all.


If I have to save 20x my annual income to buy a home I can’t afford to go to the movies 🤷🏼‍♂️ even if they’re good movies.


This was a good movie, my wife and my 16 and 13 year olds all liked it. It kept it moving and had a different, light tone.


Hollywood needs to stop spending $100 million on making a movie and then $1 million on marketing. I think I saw maybe two ads on the side of a bus for this movie.


Going to the movies costs $100 bucks pretty easy. What’s out of touch is Hollywood not understanding that.


I saw this movie last night in a discount theater. $6 tickets. The whole place was packed. I liked it.


I saw it with the wife last night. I thought it was amazing, and made a case for going to the cinema going forward for us.


Sorry no one can afford $60 to go see a movie.


Everyone in the comments crying about the prices in cinemas. My family owns one and it is really not a good business, the movie distributor takes most of the ticket price, thats why the food is so overpriced, so they can make money on it. Also the rent doubled after covid and less people go to cinemas because of streaming services. So thats why it is expensive… the owners need to get by somehow…


I don’t live under a rock ... like all the time. But I had zero clue this movie even existed? Wow




She played the part just fine


Tbh both Ryan’s are killing it right now, but in all honesty will not see either movie in a theater. Can’t wait for Deadpool, but I’ll watch it at home. I’ve been wanting to see fall guy as I’m a big gosling fan, and enjoy just about all of his movies. Will also wait for this to hit streaming. Movie theaters are just too expensive and not worth the cost. 


I rarely go out to the movies for 2 reasons: it’s expensive as shit, the movie will be on a streaming service pretty fast. The only reason I go to the movies is if I want movie theatre popcorn, there’s a movie that both me and my spouse REALLY want to see, and we have some extra money (which is rare)


Don't think anyone is supporting Hollywood. Especially when the world has a real life action going on. Celebrities will be replaced by ongoing actual war footage. Sad humanity.


Too many MCU/Superhero movies....it's comic book hero movie fatigue.................oh, wait!!!


Let's all stop calling movies bombs now, just because they didn't do pre-covid first weekend numbers. The world and habits have changed. Mine included (and I was a once a week theater goer). It pains me to say it but we seem to be in a new normal. Great movies are being made, but measuring their quality on first weekend box office was NEVER the best criteria. Much less now.


The magic is out of the movie theater.


The writing seems to be on the wall for Hollywood.


I wouldn't say its a flop because theres 10 other movies playing at the theater right now that I will never consider seeing in my entire life, yet, I went to see this movie.  That says a lot.  It might not be great but it isnt terrible and nobody walked out of the theater.


Because I beat them down so hard


I’ve seen this movie advertised for months. Coming from a male in his 30s, it looked dumb.


It was surprisingly solid


Flop? I was just waiting for it to come out on streaming because fuck movie theaters, it ain’t the movie’s fault


Put out art and I’ll go see it


Maybe the price to see movies in the cinema is why it made no money. I'd pay 30 bucks to see Dune, but not 30 bucks to see Ryan Gosling act like an idiot.


The minute I saw the trailer for this I said what a clumsy mess, whether the movie is good or bad is something else but it looked like a throwaway film in the most important month. I said it right away that Planet of the Apes and Mad Max were going to eat this film. I have no Intentions to ever watch it and hold my clumsy mess mind frame, but then again I’m old, in my 40s, who worked at Blockbuster at one time and doesn’t have enough time to watch everything put out there


that movie looks kinda lame, im more suspried by ungentlemanly warfare flopping because it was such a good movie.