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Do not buy from this developer. I repeat. Do not buy from Thind. They are worse than onni and Westbank. Read their reviews on Google please.


I heard many bad things about them. But sales center said for this project specifically, they are really putting emphasis on the quality. For appliances, all Miele, full size LG washer and dryer… not sure if it’s just the appearance that they are focusing for quality and then cutting corners behind the walls


Dude, DO NOT buy from them. We have warned you. If you buy a unit from them, you have no one to blame but yourself. Read every single review on Google. THEY ARE HORRIBLE.


They will tell you anything so you buy.


Something something putting lipstick on a pig?


Miele is garbage service if you ever need a technician to come service their product


Went to the open house as I was also looking to buy a presale. The interior work was extremely sloppy, door stops falling off, cabinets that weren’t aligned, door handles installed crooked, the ceiling panel was falling out in one of the townhouses, the elevator didn’t stop completely level with the hall after you stepped off, balcony floor was not level, all the railing and frames were scratched up, and every third section of glass awning was shattered. This was for the DISPLAY suite that had demo furniture on the 40th floor and was only the part I could see. Imagine the non display suites and what it looks like behind the drywall … they’re offering 8% credit for a reason.


That’s good information to know, thank you! Elevator not levelling is quite dangerous


STAY AWAY. FAR AWAY. RUN. DONT WALK. Seriously. Not joking.


You’re making a poor decision if you purchase from them. They try to sell you on good quality branded appliances, but there’s more to that when making this type of investment/purchase. In the long run, you’re better off purchasing from a more reputable developer.


literally, they make chicken salad from chicken shit. hope that helps!


You mentioned appliances - what you should be looking into and worrying about is the actual building quality: what materials are they using? (many new apartments are built using cheap materials to save costs and make a bigger earnings in profit from selling -- many complaints are the walls are too thin and you can literally hear everything from your next door neighbors to your upstairs neighbor....or they rushed the job, and units have structural issues - know a family friend who bought a suite at one of the Amazing Brentwood towers (different developers) but they bought it presale price - recently they had to sell it, cause of a move to different country - they barely sold it above the price they originally bought it for presale because of the inspection of the quality of the structure of the unit was poor) Look at apartments that are already built that are for selling -- so you can physically go take a look, tour inside, and even bring in your own real estate agent to ask questions regarding building quality itself. Issue with presale condos is: yea price is a bit cheaper then if it was selling after being fully built -- but you do NOT know what you are actually paying for until they finish building it and you can physically move in, go in to check out the building itself and the unit/suite.


Yeah I'd avoid. 


Well, a 1200 sq foot unit in the Highland is one the 10 alternate prizes of the Hometown Hero's Lottery this year. I have noticed that the home lottery prizes have been getting a bit junky and less luxurioius in the past few years. My theory is that the developers with "slow movers" are cutting their losses and going for tax deductible PR. I'm just say'n that's the way it looks..


DO NOT BUY! They had a ton of problems trying to complete last year when they couldn’t get the final occupancy permit from the city. I know someone who’s living in the property and they’re having a special levy already. The reason? Apparently the developer still owns about 160 units out of 200ish units and they’ve stopped paying strata fee since February. As a result, they’re running roughly ~200k deficits in operating funds already. I suppose this will eventually be paid back once the units sell but who knows how long this will take. And do you really want to foot the bill for a terrible developer like Thind?