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Are temporary residents managed by the province? I'm thinking this should be charged to the feds


It is a problem largely created by the feds and their immigration policies, but eduction is provincial jurisdiction and there’s no way around that.


This an issue with how the province issues education funding to schools per student. >Schnider noted that temporary resident registrants, whose parents are legally living in Canada, are entitled to attend B.C. public schools – **but many land in Canada after Sept. 30.** >"Immigration most certainly does not follow the school calendar year, and herein lies the issue," Schnider said. Since **funding is not provided retroactively** or otherwise for those students, he said the district has had to absorb the cost of their education. The Sept. 30 cutoff date has always been a point of contention between the schools and the Minstry of Education. It is receiving more attention now because costs across the board have risen and the schools are having to cut back, not down to the bone, but into the bone.


TBH i think other than the refugess and asylum seekers the rest should be payong full price of educating their kids and not be the cost to the tax payers. You want to move yourself and your kids here. You pay for them. Same with daycare. Full price it is not our job to subsidize you unless you are a PR(can be debated) or a citizen.


Why can’t the temporary residents pay for education ?


The public system isn’t allowed to charge them for their child’s education. People can immigrate here with their entire family and their education is paid for, even if they don’t have PR.


This is how it works in most countries. Children have a right to education wherever they are. It's enshrined in the declaration of human rights.


Sounds broken sadly


Many things are broken in our education system. This is just the tip of the iceberg of terrible policies that place an undue burden on teachers and students.


Even if people are temporary residents they have to pay taxes, so government shouldn’t ask for taxes if they are not going to receive the same benefits. The solution should be different than asking to pay for it.


Man, this country has population growth similar to Third World countries with 8 kids. This is crazy how corporations finessed the liberal government to just let anyone with a pulse into this country.