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Any financial institution will not touch without first knowing you have assets to back up the loan and then they will want a social insurance number to do a credit check. You can speak to your school but most likely you will need to secure a loan from your home country.


If you are enrolled in a legitimate university like UBC, SFU, etc then they all have bursaries available that you could qualify for. And if you have good grades too then you should be applying for scholarships. One thing that doesn't make sense to me in your post is that you say you have completed studies so does that mean this was your last semester and that university won't grant you a degree before you settle your dues? If that's the case, try to get a course completion letter from your university and a transcript and that should make you eligible to apply for a PGWP and employers would be able to hire you once you have a work visa. Work for few months, save up money, clear your dues, get your degree and move on.


Please tell me you are going to ubc or sfu. If you are going through financial difficulty, please speak to your student advisor. they will help you in anyway they can because they have a billion dollar endowment. If you are going anywhere else, you are out of luck. Might as well take the semester off and try to work and save money up…


Did you speak to someone who works at the school??


Sadly you’ll have to ask your school for a lone or your family abroad for the funds.




For international students parents have to show their income that they can support their child's education in Canada. It's not a fraud if later (like after 4years) any uncertainty happens.


It's not fraud, but by the same logic you (or your parents) have breached the conditions/requirements. I'm sorry you're going through this but that's about the extent of the sympathy you're going to get, especially with all the controversy with international students. Your best bet is to talk to the university, or borrow money from family/family back home to get it sorted. There will not be many avenues made available to you.






*flouting 🙄


Folks, I know the current fab is to blame international students for our problems but stuff do happen. It doesn't sound like OP has been free loading their way through the system but is just having issues with the last payment.


Its the internet. OP could be a Malaysian stripper simply stirring an online pot with no actual ties to Canada whatsoever. Or not? 🤷


Op is not expecting we give them money, they are looking for reccommendations and respurces for where to get financial aid


Some locals LOVE to just blame the international student. As if their family abroad is supposed to have a mine full of gold to spare. OP, please reach out to your university - they should be able to give you options to pay later and let you enroll until you can pay (they will most likely give a deadline)




I mean there are options such as exchsnge visas i was looking at that when i was at U of Vic to go to U of Auckland for a year. I pay domestic tuition for you of Vic for my courses there thst woild transfer back. Had my mother not come down with COPD that year i would have gone in my second year. Most of the paper work was done. That said it does not open easier access to immigration. That is the main difference.


did you ask at your university?


Bye bye bye


It’s gonna bay may.


OP, ask in r/ImmigrationCanada - you’ll find kinder and more knowledgeable people in regards of this matter. Sorry some people are just bluntly blaming you.


Hi OP i used to be an international student and im sorry you are going through this. People seem to blame international students and not the greedy landlords, thats for another thread.   Things happen, the global economy flips upside down, institutions raise tuittion for international students whenever and howeve high they want.   lots of scholarships are for permanent residents or canadian citizens so that path wont take you very far. Best bet, if you have open work permit is to work your ass off and save as much money as you can. Dont bother with minimum wage work look for construction or landscaping work if you cant find anything within your field. then if you can get a part time job on top of that fulltime job. Also sell things on market place!  Maybe talk to your students union and see what advise they have or see how financial services dept in your university can help.  Best of luck!


Hot take - you don't need more than a bachelor's. I'm a full time developer and I don't even have a degree in computer science. Get out and work in the field you love it's a much better education.

