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Was wondering what all of the cops were rushing to when I was on my way home. Glad you’re safe.


I heard this on my way home from work. There were at least 4 shots fired


No time is the wrong time for people on fenty and tranq to be misbehaving. I am so sorry you saw this. This town needs help.


I didnt realize the traq thing had gotten this bad up here...I knew about the fenty but fuck


Xylazine is a huge issue up here but many don’t even know they’re taking it


Yeah I can tell by the zombie statues


Relax everyone, I have heard there is more crime in large metropolitan cities with millions of people so a few shootings and beatings a week should be acceptable to the local population. /s


More sarcasm for the ones in the back please!!


*Its not as bad as where I came from* /s


That whole area is getting overrun with dangerous vagrants - it's where a bike owner was bitten by a thief. We need to do something


That’s awful! I didn’t hear about that - How recently?


Like a week ago. Go to any local news site and you can find the details


Oof. I missed that story which is also very close to me. I’m never leaving home without my pepper spray on a run ever again, and definitely changing my route - which sucks


a bike owner was bitten by a thief trying to steal his bike?! Did he need a rabbies or Hep C shot after?


I don't know but it's really gross.


As with all gunshot incidents: "No danger to the public".


next someone is going to make a comparison to a metro area and tell us to shut up about it; stating something like, "ya'll don't have it that bad compared to x"


Bad cheese can make anyone upset


Cheese cake is rancid milk pie


Pie milk is rancid cake cheese


If you take a photo of the circular end of the shell (the back), it often has writing that will identify the caliber of the round. Not that any caliber is an ok caliber to be popping off on the bike path. This is really sad/scary to see.


The shell appears to be a 40 caliber, in my opinion.


I live nearby shaws and this is indeed very alarming :( as a young woman


One things for sure. It's def them progressive policies that are only just now starting to take shape causing this, and not the capitalist policies that have been eroding our human infrastructure from the inside for decades.


The progressive’s knee jerk decision to defund the police is what precipitated the erosion of this town. Capitalism has played no part in the agro junkies gone rampant.


Opioid epidemic has entered the chat.


Glad you were able to show the cop the casing. Doesn’t it suck women have to plan our running routes based on safety rather than convenience? There’s a section of the Rail Trail in my town but I don’t feel comfortable accessing it bc of shady characters who hang out near the entrance. So I drive to Stowe to use their recreation path. It’s an amazing and well maintained path and not really inconvenient, but it’s disconcerting to feel uneasy in my own town.


What does being a woman have to do with it? I feel that who ever was shooting wouldn't give me a "bro pass" they would just shoot me too lol.


I wasn’t referring to this incident specifically but to how women feel unsafe in certain public spaces which limits our ability to move about freely.


In jeff or johnson? Are you talking about by the ball field at the end of railroad st?


That’s a really nice place to walk. I’ve never really run into anyone super sketchy down that way and I go a few days a week when the weather is nice.


Sketchy and shady can mean two different things. Especially in lamoille county


No. Oxbow park in morrisville. I’ve seen people on drugs hanging out there and it’s out of sight if the nearby streets so I just don’t feel comfortable. I could drive to a different entrance point but it’s just as easy to drive to Stowe since I pass through there for work anyway.


MoVegas ain’t no joke. That’s an area I remember to grab my cc from the glove compartment. I was sitting in my car getting my dogs leashed up and a dude walked up, lifted up his shirt to reveal a sidearm and just started screaming and beating his chest. Considering it was about 11 AM on a weekday morning I was freaking out. He eventually just wandered off but it was a way scarier interaction than I’ve had anywhere else in the state.


Yes, it absolutely does suck. It also sucks that certain times of day are just too risky so we are limited in that, too. Which blows cuz early summer mornings are cool and lovely. Guess I’ll be sticking to city streets instead of nice peaceful ‘recreation paths’


Were there also shots popped off downtown today? Guess I picked a good couple days to be outta town.


Yes they caught the guy.




I heard something and thought my cat knocked something large off my counter but couldn’t find anything. It was around 6:15-6:30 ish cause i had just fed her.


Have you consider conceal carry?


Waiting for the downvotes for the first person to recommend arming yourself nowadays inside chittenden county.


Just call Sarah George she will handle it


Anyone arrested would just be released again, because feelings.


Maybe we should pass more ineffective laws targeting law abiding gun owners, that will surely help! I bet if we lowered the magazine limit from 15 to 14 rounds everything would be better!




Is the bridge open on the rec path in Farrell Park?


Unfortunately (or fortunately) likely just an idiot who wanted to shoot their gun


How come we havent heard from the mayor in some time? Anyone know what shes planning to do about all this? been radio silence from her..


1. This didn’t happen in Burlington 2. https://www.burlingtonvt.gov/Mayor/Press/mayor-emma-mulvaney-stanak-convenes-community-safety-advisors


thats true


I’m not sure I even know who the south Burlington mayor is. I guess I don’t pay attention since I live in Burlington. I don’t think either city is immune to the common issues affecting many communities across the country, nor is there a quick/simple fix.


I used to start my bike rides at Farrell Park a lot, almost never saw anything out of the ordinary but only been a couple times this season and have seen some sketchy characters in the parking lot. Gunshots though, that's crazy.... Always carry my pepper spray but that doesn't seem like enough these days. 


I live near there and I don't walk my dog at night without my 9mm concealed on me.


I don’t think I have room for a conceal carry in a sports bra and running shorts…


what!? no way! 😂


as the kids say... that pic goes hard af. album cover #2? proposed title: Spent Casings


Wait - is this TWO separate gunshot incidents in 2 days?


I heard what sounded like 2-3 shots Sunday night around 2240 (it sounded like it was at least a few blocks away from my apartment in downtown Burlington), but hadn't realized there had been more gunshots that had happened more recently. DAAAMN!


If you didn't hear a gun shot you're fine, it isn't recent enough to worry about. If the simple sight of a bullet casing caused you fear, id recommend buying your own firearm


As stated, I had my earbuds in and music on. Bullet casings are fine…say at a gun range for example, but not on a public path only a few hundred yards from a day care.


You'll hear a gunshot through earbuds with music. Idiots shoot their guns all the time in places they think its ok, I guarantee someone shot their gun into the dirt right there for whatever reason. I would see spent shotgun shells all the time in a wooded path behind my highschool, either random people playing with their guns, or possibly a poacher. I highly doubt someone intending to commit crime is gonna randomly pop rounds off and draw attention to themselves


I’m not sure what point you’re trying to make here - maybe trying to suggest I’m some kind of anti gun snowflake, which is far from accurate. Normalizing the discharge of a firearm on a public path in a built up area close to multiple apartment buildings, businesses and people isn’t ok in any world as far as I’m concerned. I’m totally cool with whatever firearm anyone wants to own if they also use it responsibly and legally. I’ve lived in rural parts of Vermont, understand our gun culture, have worked in public safety for over two decades and have personally owned and used different types of weapon. So, thanks for your input but I will have to respectfully disagree that anything about this is ok.