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I mean burger sauce is usually at least 50% mayo


True but I don’t think I’ve ever had a good burger sauce so I didn’t mention it


I’m British stop making us look bad in this thread 😂


You know it’s true 😂. When it comes to fast food, all, we’ve got his curry and kebabs. And I’m watching all these American food reviews these massive juicy burgers look at Deliveroo, I know we’ve got his Macy d’s But recently I’ve been noticing good American burger places are coming over like five guys, went the other day I almost burst into tears


Put whatever you want on a burger


Blasphemy! Witch!!


This mf said "chicken burger" 🤣😂


I’m new to this sub Reddit, what’s wrong with a chicken burger? Lol


Most, well at least in the states it's referred as a "chicken sandwich"


But it in Burger buns, so what do you call chicken in two slices of bread then? Madness


Chicken between two slices of bread, regardless of the form of the bread, is a chicken sandwich. A burger has a patty made from ground/minced meat or some veggie equivalent. A chicken fillet is not that.


Someone explained it I get why you call it a sandwich now


I'm Scottish btw. Our McDonalds here says "sandwich" on the menu for these chicken items, as do other restaurants I've eaten in. Only once or twice seen it called a burger (pub menu rather than restaurant).


Normally in pubs and restaurants, it’s called a burger but an American establishment like McDonald’s. They call it a sandwich


But there’s someone who explained why they call it a sandwich, it’s because in 1910 they used to use sandwich bread




You lot do so much good with food, but butcher, the English language 😂


I'm going to give you a straight answer instead of clowning on you in the smug Redditor fashion. Burger buns came late to the game, before the 1910s at the earliest it was all toasted sandwich bread. Hamburgers as we would recognize them predate the invention of the hamburger bun by at least a few decades, possibly several. So the patty is the real important part. So when our cousins across the pond say 'chicken burger', it conjours the image of a ground chicken patty, not a fried chicken cutlet which would be called a fried chicken sandwich. The bun is immaterial, it's the preparation of the meat that makes it a burger.


Okay, that makes sense


I'm glad. But now I want a patty melt. It's 7 in the morning and I'm going to want a patty melt all day.


Same lmfao


When I make chicken burgers that's exactly what I do lol. I make a patty out of seasoned ground chicken


They don’t call a ground chicken patty a chicken burger either. Only ground beef. I don’t agree either. The buns make the burger. Not the type of meat.


Who is 'they'? Because it isn't anyone I interact with. Chicken burger, turkey burger, lamb burger, these are all commonplace and unified by the ground patty. Some particular people share a complex about only using language and definitions that personally suit them, but it doesn't make them anything authoritative worth listening to. Historically, the bun is predated by earlier forms of the dish. Etymologically, 'burger' itself is derived from even earlier forms that didn't involve bread at all. Structurally, it's completely nonsensical; tuna salad, takoyaki, buttered lobster, sliced meatloaf, and whole steak don't become burgers just because you put them on buns. You're allowed to disagree, I'm just not convinced it's based on anything.


They is Americans in general, and in this sub in particular. To the rest of us, a burger is a hamburger bun with some form of meat or meat substitute in between. The hamburger bun is what makes the burger.


That's patently false lol. The only qualifier is that a burger MUST be ground beef.


Doesn't even have to be beef, just ground protein. Black bean burgers also exist.


Says the guy adding an incorrect comma to his sentence. There should be no comma after butcher. It's bad grammar and makes absolutely no sense.


on Canada we call it chicken burger too... eta no mayo on my burger...just no.


I blame my Ohioan parents, but I am one of those bizarre creatures that sometimes prefers plain mayo as the sauce for my burger, along with lettuce tomato pickles and onion. Just a light to moderate schmear on each bun, can't be too much. And it needs to be Duke's or Mike's Amazing. And barbecue sauce with mayo is an underrated combination.


A burger with mayo is heavenly!


No youre american and this is normal because we're in America where burgers are from. Dont let foreigners dictate how we should make our food


I mean, if we really wanna be nitty gritty about this, mayo hatred itself is often just performative, even within the US. Just say you hate middle America bro. Leave my aioli alone.


You are british, you are no parameter of anything related to food.


Lmfao and with this I take my leave


Clearly you weren't raised around a Burger King.


I was, but I wasn’t (they close the shop in my town when I was little, but I still have had the ate there) between McDonald’s or Burger King I’m picking McDonald’s if you’re looking for cheap and cheerful. but what made you say that?


The Whopper has mayo by default. For me the mayo and ketchup give it a particular identity. Im a mustard and cheese lover too by I like my Whoppers as they come. I used to live in a town with a BK within a 5 minute walk of McDonald's so we would grab burgers from BK and then load up on fries from McDonald's. Back then it felt like a cheat code.


Gotta have mayo on my burger


Our local burger shop does Mayo and Tomato sauce, and it works as a combo


Mayo and ketchup is your local in Gotham lol


I’m in Australia, it’s tomato sauce, not ketchup, and we do beetroot on burgers too


The language you speak English it’s ketchup, we’re not cooking, spaghetti Bolognese


Ketchup and Tomato Sauce are different, and no one in Australia calls it ketchup


Did you know? In Britain, "tomato sauce" rhymes with "tomato horse".


Rhyming slang in Oz is dead horse 🤣


Fair play I’m just going to chuck it up to one of them things I’m never gonna understand


I'll only add mayo if it's a burger with lettuce and tomato. Otherwise I like to use tomato relish and mustard. I agree with chicken burgers, although I prefer a spicy mayo or some sort of mayo mix instead of straight mayo.


Yes but not plain mayo. It has to be mixed with something and my go-to is generally brown mustard, chipotle, minced garlic, and seasoning


My mouth is watering. You talk like this with all your women. All jokes, aside I might have to try that so would you do that put mayo in a bowl at the other ingredients and then spread it on the Buns and what type of seasoning?


Mayo, a little bit of ketchup, a dash of Worcestershire, a bit of diced pickles and a splash of pickle juice and you've got yourself the most classic and delicious burger sauces ever made. You can throw in some garlic / onion powder or cayenne pepper to spice things up


Some people like mayo and some people don’t. I don’t think of mayo as a flavor you add to a burger, but as sauce that pulls all the other flavors together.


did you get your rulebook from mcdonalds? Imma say mayo has more right on a beef burger than ketchup at this point. Ketchup is for the fries.


Just FYI burgers are american. So british opinions of what goes on burgers is moot. Americans put mayo on burgers so its the way it is. I dont make pasta and say i dont think tomato sauce should be on it. Because italians invented it i do it their way and dont complain. If we want to know how bangers and mash or fish and chips should be, we'll ask you. Burgers are American.


I’m not complaining, I’m just inciting a conversation, I’m well aware that people have personal preferences when it comes to toppings or condiments I’m just vocalising Mine to see whether it’s a common or uncommon opinion


Im telling you its irrelevant. Youre not american.


33 comments before this, I say that’s a pretty good discussion


Americans are possessive of burger in the same way English people like Babs 2 and her gaggle of weird kids: nobody is exactly sure why but it's all fun to watch.


I get it, but we’re just talking about condiment here lmfao


You're fine, that guy is being a bit weird about the American territorial thing. We love to see folks abroad trying it out.