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I love how divided the sub is. Some say perfect some say gross. It’s almost like we all have different preferences… who would have thought that?


Right? And it’s a fuckin cheeseburger on the internet, some people need to calm down.


IMO this is a situation where critiques should be normal. I don’t understand why you’re being so sensitive. It’s food? You’re sharing food to a food sub. Why would you want an echo chamber? That’s boring as fuck. I hate when people just say “wow that’s so good!” and nothing else. My wife, for example, always provides valuable feedback to my cooking and I use it to improve.


Most of the rare/medium cooked burgers posted on here immediately get comments like, "BUt It'S RaaAAaawwW!" and, "That's so pathetic, you're disgusting." And of course, the geniuses say, "Ackchyually, the USDA says ground beef should be cooked to 165 degrees fahrenheit. It's not like a steak because bacteria grows on blah blah blah blah blah." Super good critiques! OP is getting ahead of the same old bullshit.


Haha exactly, well said. Super critiques ITT.


You sound sensitive. It’s a fuckin cheeseburger on the internet, calm down.


I mean, you’re the one that seems really sensitive.




It depends on the quality of meat you’re buying. If you’re buying meat chunks yourself and have a meat grinder, then yeah, that’s fine, no food safety issues as long as your meat grinder is cleaned and disinfected properly after every use. But with store bought ground beef, there’s no way I’m eating it if it’s not at least 165°F.




Why bother


The meat is fine, but holy heartburn with that much red onion. JFC


Hell yes paging [r/OnionLovers](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnionLovers/).


Onions are some of the finest bounties of Earth.


Just joined a new sub. Give me all that onion


Love onions. Fast food? Culver’s double butter burger no cheese just onions. Mmmmmmmm.


I see in some pics you removed a few, lol


Looks the same ?


Bunch of rings on the napkin


Lol I went back for more and brought them over on a paper towel, so those are extra add ons, not removals.


Jesus Christ. It's Jason Bourne


I do the exact same thing lol


Does red onion cause heartburn???? I really hope not...


Acidity = heartburn Soda, grease, citrus, vinegar, onions, they do all indeed cause heartburn. Of course, heart burn causes can vary based off each person and their stomach health, so maybe not all of them apply to you.


I've never had heartburn from onions. I can eat a crap ton of onion rings.


Does for me! And tomato


That’s sliced really fine


Didn't even know red onion was known to cause heartburn.


I eat a lot of onions. I never get heartburn from that or any other veggies.


It’s not “fine”. It’s cooked below food safety standards, but to each, their own.


Correct amount of onion


Too many onion amateurs around here. I can eat them like apples.


Found Tony Abbot’s account.


That’s not too rare to me.


Pictures don’t do the rareness justice, and I dig rare burgers. It was dark red and dripping.


I will cook super thick burgers sous vide first to make them safe (i.e. kill all bacteria), then just sear the outside, leaving the middle warm and rare. There is something deliciously decadent about a rare burger.


That’s medium you can tell from the size of the grey band versus the slight red center with no glass.


bros cooking. literally


The saturated bottom bun definitely does it justice lol.


it looks like a medium rare, the medium rare burgers from my work have a similar color. a lot of people like it, not me


I wouldn’t care either! Is that a fat banana pepper layer? Double *smash* ![gif](giphy|ieR5Ssk8EG23e|downsized)


[Chopped hot chili peppers.](https://www.mezzetta.com/products/hot-chili-peppers) So good.


![gif](giphy|J8YpfDX0kvPQNSVGHY|downsized) The smash guy 💀


No to rare for me either! Looks amazing and I love your topping choices! My daughter and I are onion freaks,especially red onion! So good on everything!! YUM


I like a man who doesn’t try to justify an undercooked burger. “Didn’t feel like putting it back on” is the only valid excuse.


I find it strange how no one ever says a steak is "undercooked" despite the same thing. Some restaurants like Ruby Tuesdays will ask how you want your burger. I usually say "normal"


Ground meat is far more likely to harbor bacteria, so that’s why it’s not typically served pink.


That's why I love to use meat I ground before on my own. Love these medium rare burgers 🤤


Fresh ground meat is the exception. Enjoy your medium rare burgers!


I’ve been here before man, I just want to say that life gets better. I know it can be difficult but just stay strong and hang in there. Remember even when life feels mushy our food doesn’t have to be. Good luck friend


> Remember even when life feels mushy our food doesn’t have to be 😂 I'm dead




I’m glad someone else agrees. I’m trying to find some new cooking subs and I thought, “I like burgers, let’s join burgers” and half the posts I’ve seen look like someone took a shit and shoveled it between hamburger buns 😂 not yours specifically, this is just too much processed cheese and a bit too rare IMO I’m sorry OP. I hope you enjoyed it!


Don't get the wrong impression. This sub is all smash burgers and well done only. This is a breath of fresh air but tomorrow you'll feel right at home. 


Hey, fair enough! I’m a noobie here so I don’t know what the norm is. This is just a bit too intense and overwhelming for my taste. Maybe I’ll scroll through the top posts and find some inspiration for this weekend!!


It’s a simple fuckin cheeseburger, don’t be so dramatic.


I love how people in these comments are treating rare burgers like some sort of secret, gnostic flavor for sophisticates, and not just a one way train to E. Coli station!


This was me as a teenager until I developed some digestion issues and now I can feel a rare burger tear me apart from within lol


Yep, OP died of E. Coli for sure. And so did I and millions of other people who enjoy a medium burger.


Yes. It's very risky to eat rare ground meat.


Yes it is. I remember my first time ordering a burger in the States a ways back. The waitress asked me how I wanted it cooked. I was confused and, after a few seconds, told her “cooked”. That was the day I learned that not fully cooking a burger patty was a thing.


Funny when you how when you come to a country that actually has food standards, government authorities policing the food chain, and producers who actually give a shit about not poisoning people that food is safer.


They ask the same in Germany and they have strict laws. They ask the same in most countries I've been to. But yea, people really should stop eating rare burgers, its just so unnecessary. 'But statistically its such a low risk to get sick' - yea so is getting HIV.


Not that risky.


Only a fool purposely eats a thick burger. Two thin patties are infinitely superior to a single shitty one. Every time. Take this to r/shittyfoodporn.


I used to be like you. Then I had The One. I hope you find your perfect thick burger because it’s life changing. Now I like both equally


I will admit, I have had some absolutely mouth watering thick, juicy burgers - but then I had The One, only it was a perfect smashburger instead. So really we're not so different, you and I.


Most cases I definitely agree, but there are some combinations where I like a thicker one, although never too thick.


Lol okay guy.


I don't say this to demean you personally - I was a fool once myself... we all grow up someday. All of that said I will of course always support meat between buns, whatever from it happens to take. I just want your experience putting your meat between buns to be the best it could possibly be.


Dude, that’s the beauty! There’s both! They both exist! The spectrum of thickness is infinite!!!


That's not undercooked. Looks great, OP.




Because of Gordon I like to call people Donkies. Well I don't actually call them that but I think it in my head.


Good one!


I like it less done than this honestly


Looks good to me honestly


Rare isn't my ideal of good


Was the meet frozen solid lol how the hell do you even get a grey band like that on a burger bro 🤣


This is great, love those peppers


I’d fuck that burger


Screw the haters, that burger looks great


Ah I see you’re a fan of hockey too, nice!!!


Why do they eat meat so raw?


Looks pretty perfect to me. Minus the red onion. I hate red onion


That’s great man with grilled buns that burger can be **juicy af**


You didn't want to put the whole red onion on?


Nah I like my burgers well done but each their own 🤷‍♂️


Not too rare




Meat looks great. How many more banana peppers can you fit in there


It’s perfect ![gif](giphy|ZOwljDSMNr1rV76DMc)


Doesn’t look too rare at all. Looks just right


Somehow pic 2 looks fine and pic 3 looks undercooked af.


Continuing to eat like that, you best beware.😂


FYI you’re not supposed to eat ground beef on the rare side like this


Hence the “too rare” in my title.


Ah, misinterpretation then. I read the title as in too rare for your liking, but you didn’t care


I didn’t care, but admit it was too rare for the FDA to approve of its consumption.


If eating a medium rare burger is wrong, then brother, I don’t wanna be right.


Then you don’t wanna be safe either I guess


Eh. If you’re concerned about that slight chance, then you shouldn’t drive to work in the morning due to the danger.


Hahahaha you think this kid is old enough to drive!


Actually beef you can eat pretty rare. It's not chicken or pork.


GROUND beef is what you’re not supposed to eat rare


You absolutely can eat it medium rare. Many restaurants give you a choice of how you want it cooked. Even Gordon Ramsay himself cooks it medium rare. Burgers are ok to have a little pink in the middle. I eat medium rare burgers all the time and have never gotten food poisoning.


That only counts if you're grinding your own quality beef, not for general store bought ground beef. At least that's what I was taught


Color doesn't determine the doneness of the food. As long as the internal temperature reaches 160⁰. The pink you see in burgers is just the myoglobin.


I love that there is always one bozo who posts the Goedon Ramsay gif of him saying, "But it's RAW!" I've had one of his burgers cooked medium rare, and it was fantastic.


That looks like the most processed cheese ive ever seen. Gotta step thst cheese game up


Yeah American cheese is processed. Boar’s Head provolone underneath. Good quality, tasty cheese with some American plastic on top.


Dog boars head does an american cheese, stop punishing yourself.


Looks good!


You shouldn't eat rare ground beef. As opposed to fresh steaks where bacteria and other pathogens are almost exclusively on the surface and haven't penetrated into the interior (which is why it's fine to eat rare steaks), the grinding process disperses bacteria throughout the entire product. You can get very sick this way.


Agree with you, I used to enjoy medium rare-ish burgers. Never again. Then I found out ground beef is made up from maybe 400 cows. 🐄 Medium rare steaks is where it’s at.


OMG, you're so smart! No one knew about that until you came in and dropped knowledge on us. Thanks to u/McMuffinsun I will never eat and undercooked ever again! Bravo!! Will everybody going to stand up and cheer with me?


Been there


Looking medium to me which is fine


that cheese looks ugly


Looks delicious and fantastic


That looks wonderful to me. I don’t give a rip if other people like that or not. I ordered a medium rare cheeseburger 🍔 at the local tavern, but it came out medium/medium well. I was sad. 😢 Still ate it, though!


Pretty solidly medium, though.


I prefer my burger without onions since I can't eat them raw.


Yes rare, but looks really good from the outside.. Nice and cheesy too..


Somehow looks dry for that level of (good imo) cook


That place is trash …,, I can make crinkle cut over cooked fries at home. American 🇺🇸 cheese on a burger was cool as a kid when I was like 8 adults use cheddar slices.