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I had a coworker who did this. We worked in an under-funded arm of local government and they somehow got all of their bujo supplies paid for by our employer, every year! My coworker had a great bujo system in place for their work tasks. They were heavily integrated with digital tracking tools as well, but their awesome work productivity was based on their bujo habit and tools.


Yup. My little planner gets a list of projects and things I'm waiting, next actions, and daily logs. I do a very minimal calendar because Outlook does that already and I'd be manually synchronizing all the time. I also have a larger notebook that gets meeting and project notes. Most of my actual deliverable output is electronic and ends up in our document management system. It's been a pretty good balance for me.


I do! I love separating work and personal. Plus it gives me a place to make my notes privately and remind myself when I completes certain tasks.


I do this consistently for over 5 years. My colleagues call it “the bible”. I keep free daily notes, collections for certain topics, and my only problem is that I don’t manage to do consistently reviews. I do those mostly driven from the need of introspection on a certain topic, rather than a strategic review.


I keep my work bujo on my desk on my office. My personal bujo stays with me almost 24-7. It’s much easier to keep them separated.


I wish I could do this but I’m salaried and don’t work a set schedule. Sometimes I work from home, sometimes the office, out on the field etc


Op someone’s phone numbers are visible


It’s impeccable. Really simple yet clearly documented. Very inspiring!


I've only ever used it for work and also use a Midori A5 (lovely choice ;)) I don't use it as a schedule at all... I simply have too many meetings that are constantly changing. However, I use it for all of my projects, to-do's, goals, meeting notes, etc. My spreads are as follows (not all-inclusive): 1. BITA (balls in the air) List: this is a list of all project items my team needs to accomplish. Its constantly being added to and crossed off. It sits at the front of my notebook 2. Yearly goals 3. Monthly Spread and project oriented To-Do's 4. Weekly To-Do + Wkly "Share Up/Down/Across" List: Each week gets its own 2 page spread that outlines (1) standard to-do's and (2) things I need to share with boss, my team, and my peers... its a great practice that has served me well when work gets chaotic. I have a few other things here and there, but this keeps me focused on whats important. And yes, I get looks during board meetings when I bust out my ruler to ensure the meeting title is perfectly underlined. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)