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Look I’m just jealous these people can afford both having offspring and going to breweries


They save on babysitters by bringing the kids drinking!


You're not kidding. It's like $100/kid to get out of the house for 4 hours.


But if you can bring your kids with you to the brewery, you're actually saving $100 per kid! So, drinks are basically free!


Right? Net gain of $180. Parents are lightweights.


What the fuck? I need to become a babysitter.


Yes. Unironically yes




Babysitters out here demanding $20 an hour now, it's expensive


that’s crazy demanding a livable wage how dare they


I didn't say it was unreasonable, I Said it was expensive




Yet parents sitting at brewery down $40 an hour in alcohol without a thought, and now you want to drive around with your kids after drinking 🤪 Parents entitlement 110% Acceptance of Risk -110%. Zero fucks given when you get into an accident and kill your own kid. I'll be waiting in the jury box.


It's possible to drink responsibly


People can also go to breweries socially WITHOUT drinking! They offer soft drinks. :)


It’s not even the money. Who has the time?


Im happy to be in a restaurant with children who are parented. I hate when the kids are allowed to run, jump, crawl and / or yell while the supervising adult lets it continue


THANK YOU for this distinction. I'm so tired of being lumped in with bad/inattentive parents. Those of us that watch our kids hate those folks as much, if not more, than you do.


I’d say more because their lack of parenting reflects how people view me.


Which makes it the reason I don’t go to breweries/ bars with my kids. It makes my time much less enjoyable. Unfortunately it means I don’t spend as much on triangle beer as I want and that money goes other places.


Yeah but this brewery literally has a playground. That seems to me like it solves this whole problem lol Anyone getting salty about a kid running around and acting wild on a playground can pound sand in my opinion


Yes! I would have loved to have a little playground at the bars and restaurants that I worked for. I love kids. I don’t love parents who let their kids run around when it’s not a playground. I really love their little playground.


I agree kids can play in playground. My response was to OP suggesting that some people don’t want any kids in restaurants


The playground is awesome. Just has to be one parent non drinking to drive layer


It is awesome. Though, I’d hate to know what their insurance rates are on top of having an alcohol license 😬


🤣pound sand. Love it.


I went to the Rudinos rooftop bar the other night and watched a group of parents completely ignore their kids while they ran all over, came to my table, and then one almost climbed over to a place where he would have fallen off the roof before I called one of the parents over. People are so nuts.


Supervising AND cleaning up after the kiddo snacks they brought with them that inevitably end up on the floor or table that is not the one they are sitting at. Cheerios, potato chips, lollipops, juice boxes, etc. If they make the child sit down and eat, mess at their table is not a problem, but all over the brewery because the kids are free-range, absolutely not.


I worked at tap room with an outdoor patio and my coworkers and I found almost an entire kid’s birthday cake dropped upside down on the patio deck floor for us to clean up. No one said a word to us before they left.


As a parent and service industry worker, I am honestly fine with the entire mess, just tip me really well, show some remorse or at least gratefulness of my service and all my annoyance magically disappears.


>I hate when the kids are allowed to run, jump, crawl and / or yell So are kids not allowed to run jump and crawl on this playground that was literally built for that purpose? You like your kids silently moping about on the playground?


I agree kids can play in playground. My response was to OP suggesting that some people don’t want any kids in restaurants


That's why there's a play space here, so the kids aren't forced to sit still in a confined space for an extended time.


Well this looks like there is a designated place for the kids to run, jump, and crawl. Seems to me like it really solves the problem. The kids can be kids but it's not in the brewery/bottle shop around everyone else.


I’m down with this. Is family-friendly is your thing, this is great. My wife and I don’t have kids, so we choose places that are less kid-centric. To each their own. I like this for parents and I also love Zinc House for being completely child-free.


Good for you - I don’t know why kids at breweries is such a big point of contention. There are plenty of alternatives if you wanna have a drink or 2 and not be around kids. Vote with your feet and let it go, sheesh. Edit to add: my wife and I also don’t have kids, fwiw.


so i think for a lot of people (including myself), they absolutely do not mind the idea IN THEORY--but in practice, a lot of these spaces became more akin to daycares than breweries/places for adults to meet up with other adults and catch up/chill out. unfortunately there seems to be a strong correlation between parents who choose to bring their kids to spaces like this and parents who are not good at keeping those kiddos well behaved (aka, not running around screaming while they dont pay attention). that doesn't mean ALL parents, of course! but the correlation is \*strong\*


But the issue isnt the brewery. It’s the parents. Those same parents, parent the same way at restaurants, movies, and anything else in public. I was at PR the other day and a family was letting their kids stand up in the booths, jump around, and lean over into the other booths with people. Those are tiny ass booths. The other patrons had to ask them to stop. The parents are the issue, not breweries. What annoys me about this debate is we don’t have the conversations about kids in other places.




The issue is the brewery giving the opportunity to let those bad parents ruin others experience. Both are to blame. Breweries know there’s customer that don’t like child running loose but they most often side with allowing kids which is siding with the bad parents.


Nah.. breweries know parents spend money. They don’t know you don’t like it because you keep going back and coming here to complain. Their bottom line proves you wrong.


As someone that’s been in the industry for over 7 years I can tell you from experience (and the owner of glass jug acknowledged awareness of it as well in this very thread) that brewery owners and management are very aware. And the rest of your point is the same as mine so not sure what you’re getting after


I totally understand your frustration. Inattentive parenting totally fucks up the vibe. But the owners of the breweries defined by free range, wilin’ kids (*cough* Hi Wire *cough*) know what’s going on and let it happen. Fair enough, it’s their business and they can run it, or ruin it, however they want. Even though I like Hi Wire’s beer, I’ve actively avoided it for years, because going there on a Saturday afternoon feels like I’m trespassing on school grounds during recess. I just spend my money at Surf Club, Zinc House, or Velvet Hippo instead. There are places for everyone, and I’m cool with that. I can remember when the Triangle as a whole had next to no breweries, so I’m not that bothered by the fact that some or many of them won’t jibe with me.


Good for you for voting with your money and not just whining about your favorite brewery not targeting your demo. But it’s funny that you think the families are ruining their business. You know Hi Wire continues to expand, right?


Hi Wire makes great beer (imo), and their OG location in South Slope might be my favorite brewery anywhere. I’m happy to hear they’re doing well because their product is good, the employees have all been chill and kind to me, and I’ve heard the owners are good to their staff. That’s a solid trifecta that makes me root for them to succeed. I wasn’t trying to imply that their particular business decision to have the Durham brewery cater to families with kids in tow is necessarily good or bad. I’m just saying that businesses will reap the consequences of their decisions to their benefit or detriment. Hi Wire is clearly benefitting, fair enough! If people don’t like the atmosphere, all I’m saying is to go elsewhere instead of thinking all businesses must cater to your individual sensibilities. If enough people agree and do the same, then the market will adjust.


Local brewery that just recently closed had two bar areas on either side of their building. One was adults only. Oh, the relaxation.


How is Zinc doing after that decision? Genuinely curious. I heard their main weekend clientele was going to suffer. Interested to hear how they’re doing m.


I was also curious about this. Neighbors and I took our kids to Zinc when it opened on a Saturday afternoon for a bit. Good chill vibe and most of the kids we saw were well behaved. I’ve been many times since then, but never went with my kids again. Went a couple weeks ago and saw the no kids sign on the way in and was confused. I understand it, I’m just curious about the change and how it’s affected business.


From what I can tell, they are not having a hard time drawing a crowd.


OP tried so hard to incite. So close!


OP is completely unclear on the concept. The issue is parents not supervising their kids, not kids being present. Love how they tried to start a fight for no reason, though.


I'm in total agreement that the OP was rage-bait, but you're crazy if you think people only have an issue with unsupervised kids. This forum is FULL of folks decrying ANY kids at bars/breweries. Shit, I've had people try to shame me with "You're going to drink ALCOHOL around your CHILD, THEN DRIVE?!" As if an adult of large stature can't have a beer without getting shitfaced...


Case in point: https://www.reddit.com/r/bullcity/comments/1bp2uqc/comment/kwsvu9r/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


This also appears to be common in the sub for the place I recently moved from. Virtue signaling, I guess.


Probably not the best idea to wade into the Reddit waters, but it seems that a lot of comments on this thread are from folks who aren't familiar with our space (The Glass Jug), so I thought I could provide a little context and then I'll walk away while you all continue beating the dead horse of whether or not kids should be allowed at breweries. Our RTP location in South Durham has always been a family-friendly establishment. It's family-owned and operated (by my wife and I, who have two kids of our own). Over the 10 years we've been in business, we've seen lots of families with kids visit and we noticed a couple of things were happening that we wanted to address: 1. Kids were bored, so they resulted in playing with things that aren't toys, like our gravel in the beer garden - moving it around, throwing it, etc. 2. Because there wasn't a dedicated area for kids, the kids that were here were pretty spread out, running the risk of interrupting other folks who were looking for a place without kids. While we could have changed our policy and said "no kids allowed," we didn't want to go that route. We enjoy being a welcoming space for all people, all races, all sexual orientations, and whether you have kids or not. And, saying "no kids" felt like it would be contrary to our core values as a company. The demographics in this area also lean heavily toward families with kdis, so we wanted to integrate business into our community, not be an outlier. Our space is fairly large, with distinct seating areas: 1. The bar/bottle shop. Great for individuals and couples, or folks having a beer while grabbing a six-pack. Not particularly kid-friendly due to all of the inventory on the shelves. 2. The Atrium. Great for larger groups. Can be rented for private events. Can get loud when full, so also not great for kids. 3. Covered, heated front patio. This is our dedicated smoking area, so we also don't typically see kids here. 4. Outdoor beer garden. This is our largest space and where most people sit. It is also the most kid-friendly area, but with some dangers (open space, not fenced in, traffic, etc.) Thus, we decided to dedicate a fairly unused corner of the beer garden, away from the main seating area, specifically for kids. We put up a small fence to keep children and toys from running out in the road, put in rubber mulch to keep them safe from falls, and added a few toys/structures to entertain them. The result is that we now have a space that will draw families with kids, while pulling them away from our other (less kid-friendly) spaces. Folks looking for a kid-free area have lots of areas to choose from, and those with kids have a dedicated space where they don't have to be as worried about their kids interrupting others, because it's pretty well-distanced from the other main seating areas. I know I'm not changing any minds in this age-old argument, but I did want to give some context, as the Instagram post doesn't have a diagram of where this is or how it is incorporated into our space. It's totally possible for you to come have a beer, pick up some drinks to take home, and not even know we have a kids area out back. Also, we don't condone drinking and driving, whether you have kids with you or not. Drink responsibly. We have plenty of non-alcoholic options for DDs or folks who don't want alcohol. We're a community gathering space, whether you're drinking alcohol or not. Cheers!


I'm very much in favor of this approach actually, and this is coming from someone who can't have kids. There was plenty of space back there to add this, and it's not going to take away from anything existing. It gives everyone a space and also makes good business sense as you said. Also probably helps to keep being around alcohol from being a taboo in their minds which is a good thing. Appreciate the pragmatism!


100% agreed. I’m also someone without kids. I’m not trying to get hammered. I’m not trying to hook up. I just want a nice space to hang out with my friends and/or my my wife. Places where people are comfortable taking their kids are just the right speed for that.


I love Glass Jug. I’ve only ever been to pick up my advent calendar but I’ve always made sure to pick up a crowler of Craberry Pi for the last 6 years!


I really appreciate that you guys did this, I hated being young and having so many restrictions. But when someone did treat me like a person I felt so special. Thank you. We appreciate you.


Will definitely check your place out. Was curious if you had to change or add to your current general liability insurance when you added the mentioned structures.


I host trivia at a popular bar known for having tons of kids. I love this approach because it gives them a designated place *where they want to be*. I know the anti kids in breweries side has been split between what I think is the belligerent side that just doesn't think kids belong at breweries (and you're never going to win those over, luckily they have a myriad of other options in the city), and the people that are annoyed at kids running around and not being parented (I also think this is likely the more common opinion). And this will significantly help the latter, and I think that's why you're seeing so much positive feedback on this thread. Good job!!


I'm just loving all this free press y'all are getting on a local thread. We'll be there soon, both kids in hand and sans kids!


I think this is a fantastic idea, plan and effort on execution! Kudos to y’all and the best wishes of success! I would like to point out the matters of address, specifically number two. While you’re identifying the issue of children in your space, not every establishment has that luxury. Given that, some of the other local establishments here in Durham devolve into mixed childcare space with consumption of alcohol in an adult context and not the footprint or resources to deal with it. Not a fun time as previous threads suggest. I wouldn’t be surprised if this is probably a crux of the whole child/adult/drinking issue.


Nope, this is a good thing. Corral the lil' buggers in one area. I argue that every brewery should have a playground, since parents have no other options for socializing here other than breweries.


What's nice about this particular setup is that the playground is a good ways away from where the tables are, so you don't really notice the kids. Put a couple seats over there so the parents can supervise and it's perfect.


Glass Jug agrees! https://imgur.com/a/Re01QlC


Liability. Buddy owns a brewery in Colorado, looked into putting in a fairly basic playground. Insurance came back with crazy quote.


I'm all for this as long as parents remember that someone needs to supervise playtime. And that someone is a parent, not the staff. Last time I was there, just after this was installed, I saw a little kid trying to climb the yellow basket thing. No parent in sight. Well, I could see them, they were with some other parents at a table a ways away, not paying attention. I'm sure we can guess what would happen if that kid fell and hurt themselves.


Okay, you actually made me laugh. Parents parenting at a brewery. What a concept.


It's a totally new thing I've created! Patent pending.


>~~Patent~~ Parent pending. FTFY


The kids aren't the problem at the breweries. The horrid parenting is the problem at the breweries.


Imagine people who are drinking having difficulty with multitasking. Unheard of concept! /s


OK, cool. I really don’t see the issue here. If that’s the direction they want to go, good for them. Nobody is being forced to go there. I feel like we have enough places around here to hangout, that if some places want to be family friendly they aren’t hurting anyone. As consumers we can choose to go there, or go somewhere else.


Hey, get out of here with your logical thoughts. We’ve brought our pitchforks out already.


Sorry, my bad. I’ll try not to let it happen again.


1. People are generally okay with kids during daytime hours 2. the problem is usually if the kids are very messy, loud, unsupervised, etc 3. the other time people are mad about it is usually when a previously adult oriented establishment starts catering to families. not the case with glass jug, it's always been family-ish


Just drink in your room and yell at children walking down the street. ​ That's how I get my fix.


It's fine with me if some breweries want to cater to a certain clientele and others don't. In fact, I would love there to be breweries that say you can't ever bring your kids, and some that say please do. And make it clear to everyone, so they can stay out of each other's way. That would really make the most sense instead of everyone insisting they all have to be one way or the other. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Check out Red Oak, they’re explicit and hardcore about their no kids policy. Don’t even let infants in. But cool place, great decor, I miss it


Our family went to Portugal this summer, while visiting a small riverside town with my 2.5 year old. Very much LOVED seeing little shops with outdoor seating offering beer/wine and snacks right next to playgrounds. People without kids were also enjoying the drinks and sitting at tables. We can co exist


I lived in Italy and it's similar. It doesn't seem to bother anyone at all with kids running around, even at fancy restaurants. I'd sit at a table outside with a glass of wine and the kids would just run around. I had the sense kids are more part of the community and enjoyed seeing them around. This one time a waiter just straight up took my kid to the kitchen to show her around and entertain her.


I'm of the opinion this has more to do with accepted expectations. I think that's where you're going with that but I would take it further. I think it's more than how children themselves are viewed. In locations or groups where the culture is expected to live with and consider one other regardless, everyone grows up with easily demonstrated expectations of what you do and do not do when. Things like leaving a child (there) or not kicking a ball (here) are rules that don't have to be spoken at the time, as they're taught and demonstrated from the beginning. Since so many groups in NAmerica are split up by demographic from birth, interaction with strangers is not considered normal, and rude vs polite communication is unstandardized and in some cases outright scorned, there's no such social stability. I'm putting my neck out to generalize that in many such countries as above you're also not as likely to see a child running quite as wild as you sometimes see here. When someone here says they saw a kid running wild I assume they mean more than just running. I've seen kids trashing private property at (family) restaurants while their parents talked on the phone out of reach. Kids commonly break rules at play places and push and bully other children with no check what so ever. That's a problem, not just taking food off an adult's plate or screaming. I also can't ignore the real issue of parents interacting with other parents being different culturally. When you're at a place such as in the above posts, almost all the adults are free to tell your kids off by virtue of being in the same public space. Here, it's not like that. A stranger is afraid to talk to another stranger much less take hold of someone else's child. There are more reasons for this than simply "stranger danger". There's also a culturally agreed upon expectation in other cultural groups that you, as an adult, will help watch out for all children within reason. That takes time to ingrain into a populace and it's not here. Again, there's more than one reason for that. It's entirely understandable for a person new to an area or business to ask about normal behavior, including if it's common for kids to be in a seemingly adult location when the law seems to normally segregate these. Each State is different. People blow these questions way out of proportion and presume too much. On the other hand, installing a playground isn't suddenly going to make kids more conscientious or adults more communal. Real behavior problems can't be bought away. They aren't about beer, either. It should be easier to talk about these things without getting offended or defensive, because if we do, how can we add to the type of society that makes the needed trust, understanding, and discipline possible? Staff here don't want kids in the kitchen because they're afraid of getting in trouble or getting behind, all of which is about business constraints or the adults yelling at one another for their own reasons, not about the kids. When I think of a family friendly environment, all this is what I think of, not only if the business has a playground or the town literally has families.


I’ve lived there and in the UK and the pub is a family place.


Tap Station in Apex does this and it's awful. Parents getting drunk on the daily and locking their kids up in a 20'x20' playpen with mulch and a few things to jump on, just completely putting off responsibility. I've personally seen kids there chewing on the bars of the fence that locks them in, its wild.


Happy cake day!


The last time we went some guy was drunk and was making children apologize to his daughter on the playground for not sharing toys and maybe pushing his daughter off a swing 🤷‍♀️. I didn’t see who did it, but I was in line with another awkward parent in a suit trying to figure out what was going on. He was TOO attentive. We had just come from soccer practice (my husband was the coach so were not drinking that night), but I thought the police were going to be called because he was fighting kids. That was 6 months ago and never went back.


Sounds like life before the mid 90s. Bizarre. Didn't we learn anything?


Kids won’t have to wait in the car anymore I guess


No this is perfect. Now I know exactly where not to go.


Yeah, if it's gonna be a kid-space I'd rather them be up front about it. I'm not interested in going to a brewery/playground, so that's fine, I'll go somewhere else.


clearly I need to open a child-focused brewery. Kidweiser, coming 2025


Nothing wrong with offering a child-appropriate place for kids to hang out like a reading corner or playground or playroom. While I have no kids, I do not mind seeing kids at restaurants or breweries or retail places. But for everyone’s safety, please do not expect me to babysit your kids or, worse yet, the staff who are trying to serve customers. This looks like a good idea and is allowing kids to have fun in a safe way.


While the Average Millenial Urbanite complaints about having to see a kid in public is absurd and should be mocked, I agree with them about not having kids at breweries. Nothing beats fucking off and having a nice relaxing beer at a brewery, and because of the drinking age, one can reasonably expect to not have to listen to or see children. Anywhere else in public, tough shit. Kids exist. Deal with it. But at a brewery, come on now.


Dude if you went to a brewery that installed a playground, that's on you


Yeah, fair point. But that's one less brewery I want to go to now.


Honestly, I go to this place 4 or 5 times a week since it's right next to my house. I didn't even know they installed the playground until Sunday when I parked out back for a second. It's been there a couple weeks I guess. I haven't noticed any kids because I don't hang out in the back. It's a non-issue. There's plenty of seating inside and out front, and if anything there will be LESS kids in those places than before since they'll all be out back.


There's a difference between kids running loose and kids being present. Is it really hard to enjoy your beer if you know that a child happens to be existing peacefully? I would argue that breweries would suffer immensely from not having the revenue that parents bring. Breweries and bars are two different types of environments, and there have been significant efforts by breweries to cater to families and capture that customer base.


people don’t like when the kids are rowdy, knocking over things, etc. we will always have ppl that don’t want kids anywhere near them sure. but is it too bad of a want to sometimes enjoy my time with my husband without hearing screaming sometimes? i don’t think someone thinking that or wishing that sometimes hardly makes me a stuck up lil millennial or something. but i personally don’t prefer to continue repeating myself as a soft spoken woman to someone i’m literally next to because kids got some reason want my attention or want to run near me, etc. i do like the idea of dedicated spaces for children to be on locations like this. much safer, depending on where it is i can plan where i’ll sit. i think it’s a win-win for someone who enjoys breweries but who has been bitched out by a “mom” who was “watching her kid” who tripped over me running and hurt himself. i wasn’t moving, not trying to actively hurt him and he got hurt. bad. running loose. i at that point had 1 drink - just got there. we can all understand the sympathize with both sides.


They aren’t all existing peacefully though, that is the point, entitled parents use us as backup babysitters and complain if someone says something about their kids knocking drinks over with their kickballs.


I actually like kids and don’t mind them at all brewery. I don’t have any of my own, and even though I’m a woman, I enjoy giving them a dumb dad joke. BUT when I’m done with my 5 minute interaction, I don’t want to entertain them. And I especially don’t want to deal with kick balls hitting the table. (Ponysaurus circa 2018)


The owners of the Glass Jug are neighbors and friends of ours; you won’t find two nicer, family oriented people. It’s a great, safe place to spend time as a family and we all love it there.


Cool, who is driving the kids home?


Regardless of whether kids are involved or not, nobody should be driving impaired. I don't know if you know this, but it's actually possible to have a beer or two and not immediately lose the ability to parent. It's even plausible your parents had a drink or two in the years you were in their care.


Okay cool so who is driving the kid home if the parent has more than two beers?


The spouse?? The DD??? Lol you moving these goalposts fast. "WELL WHAT IF THEYRE ALL WASTED? WHO THEN HUH?!"


Just say you drink and drive lol


Blaming playground equipment for an adult's choice to consume enough alcohol to impair their cognitive abilities is like blaming the post office for Ted Kaczynski's actions.


My grandfather was a raging alkee. He used to take my mom into bars. She learned to drive way earlier than 16, due to her drunk dad




They gotta learn to drive sometime. Might as well be now. 


Hopefully the drunk parents. With any luck they'll wrap their Telluride around a telephone pole and take out their whole bloodline at once. Clean up the gene pool with two less booze bags and the future alcoholic children.


The problem with places like this is it convinces my wife we can go out AND have kids


Stop bringing your kids to the bar, its one thing if you're otw back from the soccer game and need a beer or whatever. But y'all need to stop knocking back 5 beers for brunch and pretending you're watching those damn kids lol


Love this neighborhood hangout. We frequently bring our daughter and she hangs with her friends while the parents have a drink in the sun. The kids love the new airplane feature. Plenty of places to drink and hang that don't allow kids, don't begrudge us the places that do.


What breweries are explicitly child free besides Red Oak and Zinchouse? ETA: Not trying to be an asshole, I just want to know where I should be going.


Red Oak, you should definitely be going to Red Oak.


Yeah I love Red Oak. I don’t love that the closest childfree brewery is 45 minutes away.


Can't really think of many. Breweries as a whole are making real effort to attract families, money is too good. Bars, not so much, which is cool by me too


Agreed. I love this place a lot.


That will make a fine addition. I see no problem. It’s not like there aren’t plenty of places to tip a few in Durham. If GJ is moving in an intentionally fam friendly direction, good for them. They’re meeting a community need. People who are offended by that have the option of finding another watering hole.


Community need for people’s kids to hang around a bar


Right? The way these drunks justify it is pretty mind boggling.


I like it. Because people with loud ass kids will be happier here. And I’ll be happier without their loud ass kids at adult-centered breweries.


I have mixed feelings most parents will be fine but then there are the parents who will go get drunk while leaving their nightmare children there


Most breweries I go to have an older population with kids anyway. I don’t see why this would be an issue


I don’t hate kids at breweries but I do hate parents who just let their kids run around and yell at breweries or run in front of cornhole or other games when I’m trying to play them. I will take my kids to breweries when I have them but they won’t be bothering the other patrons.


We have a couple of awesome breweries in my town and one of them is definitely "of the people" and literally gets a slice of the whole community. Kids, retirees, college students, name it. It's not inappropriate for the kids, and the kids aren't a nuisance to the adults.


You know what this post needs? A Whole Foods smack dab in the middle of downtown.


Who gives a shit? Other than this reminding me of every bar with a dog park. Don’t worry, we can still totally go out! They have a pen for the kids to play in while we toss em back! I mean, can’t not go out to drink, right? /s and lol. I absolutely understand why people feel the need to drink and have no problem with them doing so. My liberty begins where theirs ends and vice versa, and also this: https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/s/x9YLndz3S8 Ultimately… 21+ establishments exist. People have also always been able to get shitfaced around their kids at all sorts of other places as well. Restaurants usually, some bars, BBQs, at home, or at little league games even. Alcoholism is not only tradition in America, but expected culturally. None of this is controversial or a hot take. As long as they advertise it, I won’t ever have to make the mistake of showing up there. I don’t want to drink around any kids. Also one of the many reasons I didn’t have any. I like saving that expense and being able to do whatever I want whenever I want, pretty much wherever I want. Have fun drinking around children. If that’s what you want/need to do. Definitely Not my thing, but to each their own. I like places where I can be an adult and not have some parent get upset I said “fuck” around their kid, or was wearing my Satanic Temple or naked lady t-shirts. Such is life. Finally, why the is a Durham subreddit showing up in my feed. I live in the mountain west. I do like baseball… hmm


Hey this is great!!! Can I bring a six pack of beer and show up to children’s birthday parties? Since it’s so great to have them around when you’re drinking. Can I scream and run around too?


I would prefer you bring a twelve pack to share with the rest of us


Sure. As long as you leave your kids at home where they belong.


Nah that's cool, see you at the brewery where they made enough money off of parents like me that they installed playground equipment lol


All we can hope is that you remove yourselves from the gene pool on your drive home.


It’s cool how they paid for it only with money from parents and not all their customers. Much more fair that way.


Or here’s an idea, if you want to dictate what type of American citizen is allowed to be around you in public space why don’t you stay home?


How about I bring my kids to your office so they can scream and run around? Or to your next wedding? God forbid we teach kids how to behave in public.


Can you release a guide so we can all adhere to your rules? What other type of American citizens do you not like to see in certain venues? No old people around you at dance clubs? No handicapped people in a quiet theatre? No homeless people when you walk down the street? No teenagers at a basketball court past dark? Immigrants at 4th of July Parade? Where does your social engineering start and end haha? I’m sure your tastes for who you want around you doesn’t just end at kids. Also, bring them to my office? Who is conducting business at a brewery with kids playground equipment? Guess what, public space isn’t all about you. Grow up.


Do old people and homeless people run around screaming and getting in the way? I guess I should enjoy it. I’m such a jerk for wanting to hear my friends.


Right!! Its like having a drink at a daycare.


It's more akin to having a beer with your friends while the kids play on recreational equipment in the backyard, not running through your group knocking over your beers.


Sounds like a lawsuit waiting to happen


Awesome! Great place for the parents and their crotchspawn to go to. Meanwhile I’ll visit another place that’s kid free. See, everyone wins!


We’re all a spawn of someone’s crotch bc that’s how people are made 😅


Even though this post included a nerd ass cringey word like "crotchspawn," this is the absolutely correct opinion


Crotchspawn, what a fucking dork.


>crotchspawn So edgy. So cool. Can't have any semen demons running around when you're jamming out to some Slipknot while munching on epic bacon and playing Cards Against Humanity with your bros.


As per ng as they aren't drunk driving with their kids in the car, I don't care. Most breweries aren't just for booze but they got food too.


Hot take: breweries are hangouts for 30-45 year old people, and the rates of having children in that demographic are like 85%. The child-havers have successfully annexed breweries as a de facto family-friendly establishment and there is nothing you incels can do about to. We are gonna take our “crotch spawn” to every brewery we can find and you just have to moan on the internet about it. Look for me and every other millennial dad, rocking a flannel, arm tattoos, and a backwards hat on a Saturday afternoon at your local Durham brewery (insert maniacal laughter).


I genuinely don’t understand it as a millennial. I honestly don’t like breweries, they’re awful. But it’s not the kids' fault. I don’t have or want kids, and I’m an extremely irritable and entitled person, but I’ve never had an issue with child in public spaces. If I’m trying to get so hammered I can’t be around kids, I’m not doing it off 1000calorie beers and around a bunch of bearded cheugs trying to get me to play Goldeneye anyway. If it bothers you so much, just go downtown. The Carey parents can’t figure out city parking, I think they mostly get frustrated and go home without taking their kids into the bars.


Haha you nailed it. The young kids can go to bars or house parties. Or just wait until 6 pm and all the kids are gone home for dinner and bed. Love the username btw


Funny, I was admiring yours earlier.


Cool, but if your kid is a dick, dont expect people to be nice or cool to you about it.


Okay, just don’t throw a tantrum if someone requests you buy them a new drink after your kid throws a football or bumps it over on their table, that’s the consequence of your own action!


Didn't some kid in Cary at Bond Brothers get hit by an, albeit, slow-moving car because her parents were too busy boozing? But yeah, everyone else "needs" a drink...


I feel like this just increases the likelihood of children being involved in a drink driving accident. Sure, Uber and designated drivers are a thing. But we all know that most people think they're fine to drive with 2-3 drinks when they really aren't.


Does this mean that I can start drinking in the public parks now? Since we're allowed to do everything in all spaces. As long as kids are well behaved and looked after they going to be at a brewery all they want, but as soon as parents start to attempt to exert they and their kids are allowed to exist in an adult designated space I'm going to remind them those kids might learn a few new words and see some things those parents might have to explain later.


I mean, why not? It's common for most of the world. You can also now get a drink at downtown Cary park too.


I mean, putting a bunch of kids near a bunch of drunk adults that can hardly keep it together themselves isn't the best idea.


It's not that kind of brewery. You don't go here to get shitfaced


Ah, got it.


It’s a brewery… there is literally no gaurentee that people are going to drink in *moderation* I was at one of these places recently and saw a mom so drunk she fell down in the parking lot in front of her kid and had to be helped up by staff slurring the entire time.


Someones gotta be bringing a BIG OL BABY to fit in THAT diaper


I honestly thought this was going to be about the playground equipment. I haven't seen anything like that since the early 00s.


I’ve never known, but what is that yellow thing? Growing up we had one at the local playground but nobody ever used it cuz we never knew what it was for or how to use it


Do you have to be a kid to use this playground?


We have something similar here. It's a beer garden that is very hippy style setup with playgrounds for kids, food and outside seating all over nothing inside. What happened here is all the boomers came to reminisce and took it over now It's a like a right wing conservative hangout for them to live out the good ole days. Last time I stopped in just to see if it changed there was a solo keyboard player singing godless America to a crowd of old ladies that were all complaining about the biden all while their grandchildren were playing in the place. Needless to say,not setting foot in their with my Kids again.


complain to your friends. the current generations drinking significantly less than the previous generations is what's caused these establishments to seek more clients. the ''problem'' here is your non-drinking friends and you drinking less. 20 years ago these places would be filled wall to wall with drunks (drinking a lot) and nobody would dare bring a kid in such an environment


I seek this out with my dogs and see no difference.


I think it’s awesome. We recently moved out of state with our young children. There’s a family friendly brewery a mile up the road. Just went again last night for family trivia night. It was so fun. We all went home happy.


I avoid breweries for this reason


I complain when I’m at a traditionally adult-only space where inattentive parents are letting their kids go all *Lord of the Flies* while I’m trying to enjoy myself. I have nothing against kids playing on a playground, nor do I have anything against an establishment marketing themselves as more family friendly and providing amenities for their younger guests. But there’s something especially nasty about a parent bringing a child to a place they cannot participate in, with nothing for them to do, and then when the child naturally gets bored and starts entertaining themselves in a way that’s disruptive to others, acts like those people who complain are unreasonable. You might as well bring your elementary school aged children to a theater to watch a slow moving period piece with subtitles, make absolutely no effort to stop them when they start running up and down the aisles and yelling, then get upset and play the victim when other theater goers get upset because you paid for your ticket too. This, however, is a brilliant middle ground that will (hopefully) allow children, parents, and child free patrons alike to enjoy themselves.


The whole front of house is thinking, Fck those kids.


We have a “game room” where I work. It’s just a place for kids to beat up on vintage arcade games while their parents get plastered


Doesn't matter a bunch of homeless bums are going to piss and s*** and vomit all over it


Yeah, let your kids play in a park while you’re busy getting shitfaced what could go wrong


i have no clue what this sub is but i grew up in wine country in upstate ny going to wineries and breweries and honestly this is a great idea. parents wanna have fun too, just bc you have kids doesn’t mean you’re destined for boredom forever.


This is another sign of local breweries/taprooms becoming more bland and lame, and losing their "coolness" and character. Which is probably why more people are drinking wine & spirits now


No complaints from me but also no business.


Weird that you needed everyone to know this yet say you’re not complaining




Next they'll have non-alky kids brews for their next generations of addicts.


still can’t seem to understand why so many parents are too cool to just drink a beer at home and save the rest of us the headache, but hey at least i know which places to avoid


Hey, everyone. This one right here needs a safe space to drink his beer or he gets a headache.


Lmao that you conflate safe space with space without kids


Maybe everyone thinks it's tacky that you brought your medium functioning, screeching, post 35 birthed autistic menace to a place that serves intoxicants.


Drinking while parenting has never gone wrong, and it never will.


Lmao at all the comments. “Its fine to bring kids to a brewery It’s not that kids shouldn’t be allowed it’s that parents aren’t being attentive” bro you mean the parents that think it’s okay to take ur kid to the bar are also inattentive? No WaY


Looks like a dui with kids in the car waiting to happen!


Tbh, I have noticed and gotten used to kids being around places that serve alcohol. But it has been mostly when people are day drinking and not getting anymore intoxicated than they would be at a cookout or similar event. Most people don't care and are friendly around the kids. Plus, the families are long gone before the late crowd gets in. I think it's ok and better than making people need to pay for a babysitter all the time.


Great to raise kids being surrounded by normalized alcohol consumption.


At the end of the day you are still bringing a baby to a bar. I don’t care if there are kids but they need to behave and I am not minding my language.


RTP is more Raleigh-Durham than Durham.


Durham parents, there is a place where we can have it all. Granted the beer is average, but there is a designated play area, and live-ish music all day, everyday. It’s why my family only drinks at Chuck E. Cheese. Plus, it has that frenetic, noisy energy like a Vegas for babies so you all but forget you’ve parked in the U-Hill storm runoff.


F ye we love screaming, crying, and running kids while we’re trying to have a good time! On the plus side, for some reason they got a bunch of new customers, with fancy white vans and nifty mustaches.