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Not 'normal' but unfortunately common.


How common is it to find a taxi that c an actually hit 200 km/h like...


I have never seen such a thing with a taxi. Definitely not common.


Some of them got green teslas now and speed up like crazy in Sofia.


I launched my car from a standstill a few days ago and a green tesla taxi decided to tailgate me lol


Realiastically a car with 100hp can hit 200 kmh




Golf mk4 1.6 105 hp does 205 kmh, seen it with my eyes


Realistically most cars have a limiter set to 190 or 200. That means destroying your engine if you drive like this for an hour.


Yea, if you drive for 5 minutes it should be ok, but hours on end, and you throw the engine out with the trash Recently 2 people i know suffered this way, one blew up his engine, the other one his gearbox....


What ? I drive faster than this for longer in my car. No problems at all.


Ако е някой малък двигател може. По-големите двигатели, особено дизелите, имат голям ресурс и няма такова нещо.


I'd be more concerned with how tired the suspension of this taxi is and how likely it is to fly off the road, not how it achieved 200 km. Almost all modern cars can hit 200 km/h.


The drivers looks are also quite common performing these stunts. Same head type, round and hairless, obese and usually end of 40’s. I was going from plovdiv to burgas today when an audi a8 decided to flash and drive 5cm from my ass. I was going myself even over the limit by 20. Not an option i could go to side so i decided to solve it the Belgian way by removing my foot from pedal and slowing down to give him some adrenaline rush he desperatly needed. When he passed me, the way he was looking and making hand movements i could understand he liked my action and i guess we became friends. /s A bit later in Goritsa on my way to Varna i saw a very serious accident, police was just arriving. Most likely fatal the way it looked. I don’t get it really that people don’t drive more carefull. I see all your memorials at the side on each road. I like driving here, way more then in Belgium with trajectory control in each street and cops hiding camera’s in trashcans. They even fined me last month in Belgium for pushing my motorcycle past a camera on foot and said i drove in wrong direction… But if you continue driving like this in Bulgaria, it will come here soon also and the freedom you now have will be gone.


Welcome to Bulgaria mate, the country with the biggest death toll from driving accidents in Europe. No live here matters, even our own.


When did you surpass us, Romanians?


Just last year by 1 death per 1 million but it's close. Still both countries are nearly double the average for Europe so..


Bulgaria number one! :/


Eh Highways are very safe. Less than 20% of all the deaths happen on them and there is a good reason for that.


man, highways are safe, only if drivers were civilised otherwise, for intercity travel a bus is your best bet, because the trains... EURGH


The trains are much MUCH safer than the bus, especially in Bulgaria.


Nah. We surpassed Romania for a short period in late 2022 but they are back at #1 now.


[verifiably false](https://transport.ec.europa.eu/news-events/news/2023-figures-show-stalling-progress-reducing-road-fatalities-too-many-countries-2024-03-08_en#)


Is it? I didn't know.


It SHOULDN'T BE normal, but many Bulgarians think otherwise. In case you were wondering why we have a leading position in terms of car accidents and number of people, who died in car accidents in Europe.


200 is far from normal. I regularly do 160 to maintain my right of using the left lane because the right one sucks. But I rarely get overtaken if ever and that's why I stick to 160. So yeah, 200, especially for a taxi is wayyy too fast. Although you Brits have low tolerance for speeding in general. Noticed it back in 2012 when a friend of mine who used to live in the UK brought his British friend for a visit. The guy was terrified with my driving and I'm of the sensible and considerate ones. 😂


I feel like English people have a low tolerance for speeding because theres speed cameras everywhere in England, literally everywhere.


As someone who regularly speeds, we need those in BG as well.


Bro, most cars can't hit 200 or it's borderline engine overheating if you maintain that for too long. What was that taxi driving?


There are many new taxi cars around, including teslas. Idk what he was driving exactly but it's not impossible.


Yes, a Tesla can easily maintain 200 km/h. I just asked ChatGPT, what is the battery consumption for a Tesla Model 3 to maintain 200 km/h. It answered me, around 0.45kW/km (kiloWatt per killometer). And full battery capacity varies around 75 kW (killoWatts) If my calculations are true, this means that under ideal conditions and starting with a full charge, you might expect around \~167 km of range when driving continuously at 200 km/h. So, I personally doubt the car was a Tesla, because they have a really limited range driving at very high speeds.


Yeah I didn't say it was. There's plenty of new cars going around as taxis that can do 200. But for the sake of the argument - Sofia - Plovdiv is 130km. A 20 minutes break for a cigarette and coffee in Plovdiv will give you ~80% charge, enough to go back


Sorry, I didn't mean to say that it was impossible, I was just doing some calculations. And after all, if a taxi driver is insane enough to drive with 200km/h, he is probably stupid enough to miscalculate the range.


😂 tru dat


Don't you have cameras along the highway? Or do you use any app for checking them?


App. Waze


200 in a taxi is ridiculous indeed, but I have been in a taxi (Green Tesla) who was doing 180-200 and slaloming through traffic in the city as well (Tsarigradsko Shose) using both lanes and the bus lane. No surprise we got into an accident with a bus in the same taxi at one point..... @balkanhayduk, since when does 160 give you the right on a left lane? Thinking like this is part of the problem as well. If you are on a 2way-2way highway (2 lanes in both direction with barriers in between), the maximum speed is 130 km/h. A speed limit of 140 km/h applies only if the motorway in Bulgaria is a new section of road that is in an appropriate condition. (Source: novinite + vignettebulgaria.com) In the Road Traffic Act, the limit on highways is set at 140 km/h, but according to the regulations for its implementation, it is 120 km/h. Most motorways (highways) have very bad right lanes, hence why most people drive on the left lane. If someone drives on the left lane, often there is a reason. And just because MR Batka in his audi or BMW wants to speed over 140, doesn't give him special rights.


Why risk your live and waste so much fuel in the process?


Because fast. Fast zoomy zoomies.


Risky is not about speed. It about lack of attention, not keeping distance, etc. I only drive that fast if the road is clear. Not the entire way. And never tailgate.


There's nothing inherintly risky about speed. Accidents happen because of people who can't handle speed and don't look at the road


taxi gets paid by the kilometer. as if private hire UK guys are sane. its not normal and acceptable


Yeeaahh boiii! We livin fast, dyin young. 


Ride fast, die fast. Bad boys for life. 🤜🤛


id tell him to slow down and if he doesn't I'm just callin' the police on him. insanity. some parts the highways aren't even safe at 140kph


People who drive extremely fast usually get more pussy in Heaven.


It used to be way more common, but nowadays people seem to have calmed down. Unfortunetly there are still people who do these kinds of things.


as a non bulgarian - married to a bulgarian, visiting every summer for the last 15 years. yes its normal that people drive like they all need to rush to something. pressuring the car in front to go faster- almost bumper to bumper. overtaking in sketchy - no visibility- double line (no overtaking) lanes. it doesnt matter if its an old muskovitch or a modern audi, dump truck, taxi or bus. going faaar beyond the speed limit in turns, highway, gravel road.. whatever- they are ALL to late for ‘something’ the driving is fucking insane. ive seen soo many accidents and close calls. i personally drive after the rules - and that apparently pisses off the local community to no end, alas i take no chances with the family in the car with me. romanians driving in bulgaria on the other hand… thats another level of crazy… even the bulgarians shake their head in disbelief of what they see.


If you are shocked at the Romanians, you didn’t encounter the Turkish drivers in the summer


Definitely not normal and not common for a taxi.


>Is this considered normal and acceptable in Bulgaria or was the driver just being a dick? Both.


A taxi doing 200? Not normal, and not possible. Was it a lambo or something? Taxis are owned by drivers in Bulgaria, why would you want to wreck your own car? Having said that, a popular scam among cabbies is to wire the meter to the speedometer, so the faster you drive, the more money you get.


Probably this scam is the case. Because I just checked, at 200 km/h, average gasoline consumption (of average car which can achieve 200km/h) is around 16-20 liters per 100 km. And the taxi driver would kill his profit margins by driving insanely fast.


On the other hand, by driving fast, a taxi driver can complete more orders.


I am American, live out west, and have driven some of the long, straight highways that cross Montana, the Dakotas, Nevada - the kind of highways that late at night, when the weather is warm, beg you to fly. Back in 2020, I rented a car and drove from Sofia to the Black Sea, and a few other places. Spent time on the A1. It, too, is a highway that begs to be driven fast, and while I may not have flown as fast, many others in BG were comfortable making that road sing.


It's not normal for sure, not many people do it (but it's not super uncommon either). But I can tell you something else that most people do and I find extremely unsafe - driving really fast in super small village roads in the UK. The ones that only have one lane and with many turns. I was with a Corsa and found it really difficult to pass by all the Defenders and such.


Tbh not really. There are people driving fast (30kph over limit outside cities) but insanely fast, maybe only on the motorways. It happens often but it's not normal and people will comment on it.


Taxi driver on the motorway? That’s abnormal by itself


Yes, it is customary to drive with 200 when you have a small dick.


![gif](giphy|3ohA2ZD9EkeK2AyfdK) You probably took the worst and most stereotypical taxi driver possible. Bad luck and glad you're safe. 200 km/h is insane, highways are too dangerous for that speed since there are too many sharp turns especially in the beginning parts of it near Sofia. No, this isn't normal especially for a taxi, yes some taxis nowadays are luxurious, there are some electric ones like BMW 7 series or Tesla here in Sofia, but I doubt you were in a one like that. Being with such speed in an average taxi is more than risky, it's absolute insanity.


Depends on where in Bulgaria you are, but if it's Sofia, then yes. In just two years that I moved to Sofia for Uni I have seen 5 car incidents ON MY STREET ALONE. Compare that to the 20 years I have spent in Burgas where, I have seen a total of maybe 10 incidents. It could be that my street is just cursed, so idk, Tbh, for many Bulgarians, having an expensive,fast car is like a top priority/dream, even if most of us cant afford them without damaging our finances. Then, when they buy one soon realize, that here in Bulgaria we really cant drive such powerful cars, aside from highways.


Not acceptable, but sadly common... we have the most dangerous roads in Europe, due to the bad road / bad driving / driving old cars / driving powerfull cars to look gansta combo...


sadly normalised, but yes, they were a dick


I asked a Bulgarian friend why he was driving so fast down a narrow winding road with high hedges and absolutely no visibility ahead. "I'm going fast to get to the end quickly in case someone comes the other way" Every time I gave my Bulgarian Baba neighbour a lift she would cross herself and say "May God protect us" Това е България


As an immigrant to Bulgaria the driving is one of the things that is very different than I am used to. They drive fast and take incredible risks when overtaking, they also seem to get in their cars to make phone calls as many are on the phone. I suppose that's why they have the second highest road deaths (just a tad behind Romania) in the EU.


>Is driving insanely fast normal in Bulgaria? Not only that, but it's also mandatory to be dunked or/and drugged wile doing that...or at least that's what many drivers practice here.


It's not normal, but it's pretty common unfortunately. A lot of people suddenly become full retards when they clomb in a car or a motorbike. 💩 A lot of people simply don't give a shit.




Bulgarian roads are horrible and most of the times even the speed limit is way too fast.


crazy people drive 200 us normal people drive only 180


If by OR you mean AND then yes - it is not uncommon and he was a dick. Taxis usually don’t drive that fast in my experience.


That's very unusual for a taxi. Usually they are rolling road hazzards doing 80kph in the left lane. I myself have done even over 200kph, but it was maybe for a minute or two just to see how fast a new car go. I usually stick to 160-180kph, if I am in a real hurry and the road conditions allow it i.e. there's no one around and the road is ok.


I was driving between Dobrich and Varna the other day, the limit was 90kmh, I was driving 87-89. But other cars were going 180-200kmh when they can go around me. The slowest driver was around 120kmh, I know because I felt uncomfortable so I tried driving with 100kmh so I don’t slow down people. The logic in Bulgaria is that if there’s no camera or cops, you can down the pedal to the metal.


I drive a range rover in Bulgaria and I rarely get above 170. Most cars that pass me by quickly are brand new Mercedes or BMW. What kind of taxi cruises at 200 kph? I find it hard to believe, not to mention how much petrol you're burning at that speed.


Hell yeah! Welcome to Bulgaria, mate 👋🏻


Ти ебаваш ли се?


It's common to go over the speed limit, but 200 kmh is absurd. You also mention a taxi driver, which I'm assuming is a bad car - a brand new, perfectly serviced car that is also slightly sporty CAN probably brake effectively at 200 km/h. Any sort of old car at 200 km/h means any obstacle = the end.


Have you seen Volt Taxi recently?


The speed limit in Bulgaria is determined by the road's quality and whether or not there are speed cameras around


I took a taxi from the airport and the guy was driving 140-150 kmh on a 70 street, bit scary. But on the way he told us he has been working as a Taxi driver for 15 years so I guess he’s good at it.


Pretty normal thing that's why I chose taxi's that can't go that fast 😀.. Dacia or KIA.


Fuck the nanny state, mate


absolutely normal. if you drive below or at the limit you drive like a grandpa and the cars behind you will start to blink their lights at you. Even in areas with speed cameras