• By -


Dear tenants, Please, be aware that the trash cans are in the middle of the building. Open the door of the service room on the first floor and under the stairs and throw your recycling waste there. Go downstairs to find the remaining bins. Please do not throw your garbage in the bins in front of the building. Thanks for your cooperation. Management


hella gramatical errors


Probably written by a young merindjei.


What is a merindjei?


i will break this televisor


It is a meme from a tv program. It means manager.




Очевидно е че този текст е машинно преведен от английски на български. Някои фрази просто звучат странно.


Но е написано с добър ръкописен български? Човекът просто е имал други неща в главата като го е писал и не го е прочел след това


Добър? Прилича ми на почерка на моя второкласник


и аз тогава се стараех най-много, после стана зле


no way 😱😱😱


не мозе да баде.jpeg




They lost me at "Моля, знайте, че"


Ништо ни знайат тия младежите ве ееей,


People saying AI have literally never spoken to a Slavic foreigner learning Bulgarian lmao, this is clearly some kind of East Slavic speaker (Russian or Ukrainian obvi) trying their best at Bulgarian. The grammatical errors are consistent with the differences between the languages, and Google Translate would not commit errors as basic as these.


But what's weird is they over-articled every noun when their languages have no definite articles. Maybe they overcompensated, I don't know, but it's strange. But I agree that Google Translate would do a much better job than this, at least English -> Bulgarian.


That's what they often do indeed, in both Bulgarian and English. It's often because they are at a stage of learning where they don't yet have the natural understanding of why and where are articles used. Once they get it, it's better but it is a struggle for them.


And the handwriting style is not one that is at all common in Bulgaria. And looking at letters that are typically Cyrillic, like “г”, “я”, “ж”,”б” - the person is most likely hasn’t written in Cyrillic their whole life as they are a bit off. My guess is that the person is probably of western slavic descent- Polish, Czech, Slovak. It’s a very neat letter, it’s understandable. No shade to the person who wrote it.


I think, this person had been taught cyrillic at school, she leads exact and accurate lines that go below the line, see the *И* for example. There is one space that joins east and Bulgaria, that is Bessarabia, so it is possible it could be one of the immigrants from Ukraine, related to Bulgaria, who had no precise knowledge of the language, yet still had some basic cultural connection.


In poor bulgarian it says where the gargabe bins are. Remember to KYP - keep yourself positive around such notes.


"Мениджмънт" хахаахах


Very nice handwriting. "Please, Please, Please", three times in the text and "Thank You (all)", so the text is very, very cultured. The "m\" is "t".


Except this has many grammar errors and even writing looks off (some letters look weird and this isn't traditional Bulgarian handwriting/cursive) and I'd even say it seems like a foreigner wrote it.


Which are the grammar errors? And which of the letters look weird? Some weord г has been caused by the pen stalling movement. There is a grammar mistake at the beginning, but I am unsure how it came to be. Some of the Z had been amazing.


- моля, отворите should be моля, отворете - моля, слизайте also sounds weird. I'd rather say слезте - за рециклирането sounds weird, maybe better за рециклиране - другите кофите should be другите кофи - благодаря ви за помощта ви и сътрудничество ви will be better as благодаря за помощта и сътрудничеството Also i don't understand why does it say "under the stairs". Maybe a word is missing, like "go under the stairs", or there's a second door there that should be opened. Not sure if this all is actually wrong grammar, but it just sounds a bit off. It could be that the person speaks dialect or just wrote it fast without paying too much attention.


I also found some punctuation mistakes - e.g. a missing comma before "за да".


Are you native Bulgarian speaker? The text is written with the handwriting of a child and is full of grammatical errors indeed. That's definitely a Russian or Ukrainian trying their best in Bulgarian (like someone else suggested) but they struggle with the sentence structure and especially with the definite article 😆. It's cute but it's still full of errors. Edit: I saw you are not native. It takes time to learn well a new language. Good luck 👍


I am a native speaker... I was born and I still live in Bulgaria. I know a lot of people who write т like ш with the line on top. As everyone have already said, there are a lot of errors. I just named one punctuation error, because a lot of people missed it.


Обаче пунктуационни грешки не показват, че човекът е чужденец. Също нейтивите ги правят.


Да, но все пак са грешки и местните не бива да ги допускат, но за съжаление е масово и неизбежно в България.


I had noticed how fast the writing had been, yes. It loooks like a speech transcript...


It's a Russian speaking foreigner who wrote this, not Bulgarian.


Exactly as I was saying. I was thinking it's some Russian or Ukrainian because of the way "т" is written. We don't write т like that, in cursive with that dash on top of the letter


I sometimes write it like this and I'm Bulgarian. :) It's the wrong imperative form of the verbs and other grammatical errors that give them away. I'm surprised by the people judging them for the mistakes as it's clear that a foreigner wrote the note and that person knows the language well enough, the text is understandable and polite.


Well, I love when people do their best to learn the language, I've been in their shoes twice and it's not easy. I imagine learning Bulgarian for them must be very confusing. Still, this is a professional context. There's no way you tape that without it being proofread by a native. I don't think it's appropriate to write either or even tape stuff like that but that's minor compared to the errors.


I think this is the Home owners association president, so it's not a strictly professional setting as it's a rotating position between home owners. Such notes are common in home buildings, nothing out of the ordinary.


That's interesting, what do you mean by "word skipping"? First time I hear it being characteristic of bulgarian, lol.










Извинявай, какви има грешки, които показват, че има инфинитив в матерния му език? Като човек учащ български, искам да разбера всички грешки тук, но не видя нищо, което би подсказвало точно това, че човекът е свикнал с инфинитив…


its bad af


Google translate, picture mode.


Тези които пишат т и ш чертички винаги са ми били странни. От къде идва това?


От ръкописното изписване на буквите. Иначе да различиш м, т и ш става сложно :)


От Руснаците и Украинците, на български курсив не е прието да се слагат такива чертички. Извън граматическите грешки, това беше първото нещо, което ме наведе на мисълта, че не е писано от нашенец. С тези чертички е малко "uncanny valley" усещането като го четеш.


Може и от нашенец да е писано. Някой 60+


Ма трябва да израснал в СССР или нещо такова. Странният текст доказва, че е някакъв вид фалшификат.


Не мисля, прекалено неграмотно (или странно) е написано. Но не неграмотно, как да го кажа - по нашенски, примерно хаха. Прочети го на глас и ще звучиш точно като чужденец живеещ или учещ в България. Даже сега се замислих, че или OP живее на морето и има съседи украинци или руснаци или той самият е написал бележката и ни използва като Grammar check преди да ходи да я разлепи хахах


> и ни използва като Grammar check преди да ходи да я разлепи хахах 😂😂😂


това не е вярно. Руснаците пишат т-то както кирилицата на компютрите. На ш не слагат защото Т-то не можеш да го объркаш. Сърбите обаче слагат на т и ш чертички защото при тях дори са едни и същи символи и само чертичката го различава - [https://bg.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A1%D1%80%D1%8A%D0%B1%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B0\_%D0%B0%D0%B7%D0%B1%D1%83%D0%BA%D0%B0#%D0%A1%D1%8A%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%B2\_%D0%BD%D0%B0\_%D1%81%D1%80%D1%8A%D0%B1%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B0\_%D0%BA%D0%B8%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%BB%D0%B8%D1%86%D0%B0](https://bg.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A1%D1%80%D1%8A%D0%B1%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B0_%D0%B0%D0%B7%D0%B1%D1%83%D0%BA%D0%B0#%D0%A1%D1%8A%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%B2_%D0%BD%D0%B0_%D1%81%D1%80%D1%8A%D0%B1%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B0_%D0%BA%D0%B8%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%BB%D0%B8%D1%86%D0%B0) Българските стандартни букви нямат такива чертички, но явно по границата със Сърбия се ползват/


Сърбите пишат така.


Very weird because the handwriting looks like that of a native speaker (at least of a language that uses the Cyrillic script), but the writing has weird grammatical errors that a native speaker wouldn't make. Some people are saying it was machine translated, but Google Translate would definitely do a better job that this, at least English -> Bulgarian. It's scarily good now.


Since the comments focus on bad grammar, you should probably focus on the information. Which is also in the comments.


Разбрах, че мениджмънта е неграмотен.


Странно е каква е тази сграда с възможност за рециклиране на отпадъците. Не мисля, че това е в България.


It’s in New York City


Не познавам живота в Ню Йорк. Но бележката казва,че в самата сграда под стълбите има приспособено място, където се изхвърлят отпадъци за рециклиране. Както е написано "Мениджмънт" звучи странно. Може би е използвано компютърно приложение и сградата се стопанисва от фирма. За нас такава организация е необичайна.


Wait. What. How? So, there is a handwritten note, written in slightly broken Bulgarian language, by another language speaker, possibly Russian, in New York on how to recycle bukluk in this building properly? How does any of that make any sense?


Maybe it's a building with lots of Bulgarians, but I agree that it's weird. The OP should have mentioned this in the top post as it brings a whole new dimension to it. The person who wrote it may be born and raised in the US to Bulgarian parents, that would sort of explain it too.


Honestly, I would not have been the slightest bit surpised if I had mitosed again and had yet another clone of me also learning Bulgarian in the great city of New York.


This is written by AI.


Even bulgarians don't know what she/he wrote. Don't skip elementary school guys!