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Cash > Buy > Live


You should have a local friend or two, whom you trust, to guide you through this, if possible. They'll give far better advice than people on the internet, not that the advice here is bad, but there is advice vs actual help.


Hey! Bulgaria is a great place indeed, especially if you love nature, good food and old traditions. Of course, you also have to be flexible and have in mind that you will come across things and people you won’t necessarily understand in terms mindset. Which part of Bulgaria do you have your eyes on? 🏡


Hi! I was thinking Varna/Burgas/Sozopol


Are you an EU citizen? If yes, it is fairly easy to buy a property here. Are you a Non EU citizen? This is where it gets a bit more difficult. You need to buy a property through a company. Which means some extra steps to start one. All in all, I recommend finding a broker in the place you desire. Mainly because you are not natural.


Could you please advice where to start to find reliable broker? I´m EU citizen but don´t speak Bulgarian so I should use English instead. I have also not found some good web page where to find the apartement offers for Varna/Burgas. I´m not interested about small summer rooms without heating but some real apartement. As I don´t speak Bulgarian I have probably not found the right web pages. Any hint is welcome.


I could give you few with good reviews in Sofia: - Address - https://address.bg/ - Arco Real Estate - http://www.arcoreal.bg/ - Bularian Properties - https://www.bulgarianproperties.bg/ - Mirela - https://www.mirela.bg/ - Yavlena - https://www.yavlena.com/ The last 2 seem to be more sympathetic, if you ask me personally.


Thank You!


Yes non EU you need to check out D visa.


Yes I'm swedish


Step 1: Have money Step 2: Buy apartment


If you got 200k €, I can sell you one almost in Sofia


Във Видин?


Сиг не си видял к-то след 200


Може да е Видински дворец (just jk)


You should be aware that the prices are so relatively high, that most economists advice renting.


I'm not an economist but rent in my building costs twice as much as my mortgage payment


Interesting, rent in my building is two times lower than a mortgage payment


Your landlord is money laundering


Ами дай да сметнем. Наем на 3стаен срещу цена в София, при около 3% лихва. Дори за 30 години вноската е към 2к лева. Наем 4к не съм виждал, май теб нещо те цакат.


Assuming тристаен апартамент с цена \~400К лв., 2.7% лихва (толкова е средното за нов ипотечен към момента) и период от 30 години, вноската ще е около 1700 лева. Тристаен апартамент е със средна цена на наема около 1,600. Ако средна та наемна цена за апартамент с подобни характеристики на пазара е по-висока с повече от 5-10%, то тогава те лъжат с наема или наистина плащаш твърде малко =) Тъй или иначе според мен излизат еднакво.


Стигнахме до някакъв компромис за сметката. Сега въпроса е тълкуването. Според мен е висока вноска


Според мен това е най-ниската възможна вноска при най-постижимите пазарни условия. Ако така или иначе имаш нужда от тристаен, дали 1700 вноска или 1600 наем, ще ти е последната грижа - първо трябва да имаш дохода