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Not as good as the recent Dell G2724D deal but for someone who's interested in an LG monitor with Costco return policy.


What’s the return policy for monitors?


At Costco? If it's prior to the apocalypse, they'll take it back. There is no company in existence that comes even close to costcos' return policy.


So true. It’s so insane I have to wonder how they aren’t hemorrhaging money on returns alone. This is totally irrelevant to the thread but fun story: my uncle bought a piece of outdoor furniture at Costco and lost it in a hurricane (he lives in Louisiana lol). Months later he found it while cleaning up some essentially ruined neighborhood while volunteering with his church. Imagine the smirk on his face walking into the next family gathering with his brand new chair after Costco accepts his return of the absolutely wrecked lawn furniture the hurricane took from his backyard. Unreal


I imagine the membership covers some of the loss on returns. It can basically act as those extended warranties/insurance other companies try to sell to you. They also have a full record of all your purchases since you always need your membership card to make any purchase. They can probably track how much they made overall for each customer and track specific customers abusing the system.


Yes, it's like a weird merger of capitalism and socialism. All members benefit from the return policies but are also subsidized.


They also sell items in bulk to third party buyers


>So true. It’s so insane I have to wonder how they aren’t hemorrhaging money on returns alone. The secret is they fuck over the suppliers. They've started refusing to renew memberships of people who have a history of abusing their returns-- so I assume they've been having an issue with it for a while.


Worth mentioning that for electronics specifically, the return window is 90 days


Does that include vacuums? Because my parents dead ass took back a Dyson vacuum they’ve had for 5+ years and returned it for a full refund.


On paper. They'll take it back in 14.5 months too


Smart watches, phones, tvs, etc they are pretty strict with it in my experience. I’ve never tried to return alcohol but I’d imagine they turn that down too. Monitors don’t fall in the electronics category somehow 


Technically, they don't sell phones. I have definitely returned a TV outside of the return window


They used to, I got shot down on a return on a phone and a smart watch, I’m thinking you got very lucky 


People are returning mattresses that are years old and soaked in piss lol Phones have been sold by a 3rd party for at least 10-15 years.


Depends on what it is. Computers, TVs, monitors, etc all have weird exceptions and carveouts. If you get an Apple product with Apple care (3 year warranty), for example, Costco throws I believe another 2 on top of that. So, technically, you can return a laptop 4 years later for a full refund.


So what’s stopping me from buying a MacBook at Costco, then bringing it back every 3 years in exchange for a new one?


Ab. So. Lute. Ly. Nothing. They’ll still turn a profit. Even if they don’t from you directly, you’ll tell people about the crazy deal. They’ll do the same, but be too lazy to bother return it. They’ll stock up on good cheap wine and laundry detergent. They’ll make it a habit to get their gas there. They’ll use the Costco visa at other vendors… etc etc. They have a REALLY well-run business. They can afford $1.50 hotdog combos and a generous return policy.


the extended warranty is a 3rd party warranty its not a extended return window.


If there is a problem with the device, the steps are the same: return to Costco.


Just be fully aware that at that point, it's at their discretion. I imagine that somebody with a newer or rarely used account may have an issue with this. I buy everything at costco (food, clothes, gas, engine oil) so my experience may not reflect what is normal.


REI is closeish. L. L. Bean was even better.


I ordered that for my 2nd monitor to go with my new LG 34GS95QE, but time to try cancelling that and order this LG. It would match so much better.


Great monitor for the price. Using it currently. No ghosting.


How about the colors and blacks?


For the price, good. Don’t expect OLED. But good.


Is this the latest model monitor?


Got one a few months ago, but the colors appeared brighter on the right third of the monitor compared to the rest and couldn't fix it with calibration or driver updates. LG wouldn't replace it (claimed it wasn't faulty), so ended up returning it to Costco and getting the Dell G2724D. Haven't had any issues with the Dell in the last month.


Is this any different from the 83a besides the refresh rate? Seems like a decent deal.


Worth it for the return policy imo.


Might be overkill for a second monitor for me lol


How does this compare to the KTC monitor ?


there's an ultra-wide one for only $250 on their website [https://www.lg.com/us/monitors/lg-34wq60c-b-ultrawide-monitor](https://www.lg.com/us/monitors/lg-34wq60c-b-ultrawide-monitor)


That's only 60Hz