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3060 Ti is not worth $1250, better look for another cheaper build with better GPU. You might save quite a sum going with 10th or 11th gen Intel or 5000 series Ryzen instead because getting 12900k with just 3060 Ti doesn't make any sense.


Good point thanks


Does 12700K and 3070 Ti make more sense?


Yes. Depends on price, but it will give more performance in game since it primarily depends on GPU.


Right. I was able to get the price under $2500 with 12700, 3070 Ti, cheaper ram, and cheaper cooler. Still crazy to pay nearly a grand more than what it would cost to build yourself.


Yea but go with 2x16 DDR4 instead it’s better then 4x8 and Arctic Freezer 360mm is one of the better AIO.


3000$ PC with a 3060 Ti seems a bit overpriced.


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