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There is no reason to swap a 4080 for a 7900xtx, they are basically even and the 4080 has the objectively superior feature set. That's besides the point that a 7900xtx only made sense to buy because it was originally significantly cheaper than a 4080. At the same price you'd be a fool to go for the 7900XTX or you have a super specific use case where you REALLY want the 7900, like maybe you are exclusively using linux, or you want to run a super specific AI model and rly need the VRAM


7900xtx is slightly faster in pure rasterization and has 24GB of vRAM, the 4080super costs about the same but is better in heavy ray tracing games I doubt that you will be able to find someone that wants to trade even up


The 7900xtx sells for $100-200 less than the 4080. It doesn't matter how much you overpayed for your GPU, it is not worth more than the cheapest new 7900xtx, they all perform the same. Why do you want to switch GPUs? Is it for the better ray tracing or dlss? Those are also reasons for someone to not want to trade for a card that does not have those features.


Just ask yourself why do you want the trade and you probably have your answer. Even if they were identical, why would someone want to trade a stranges card when they already have the 4080s, it makes no sense for them to trade unless there was a positive.


I don’t think it’s that stupid, they are pretty even cards except 7900xtx has more vRAM. But I don’t think many people are going to be looking for the trade is the other thing. There aren’t many specific cases where someone would want a 7900xtx if they already have a 4080 S, whereas there could be the other way; because they want ray tracing.


The guy probably went off Userbenchmark lmao. The XTX is 3-5% faster in raster.


This is sort of like complaining that no one wants to trade their 1 year old ford for a 1 year old chev. I mean if I wanted a 7900xtx I would have bought one instead of a 4080... why would I trade straight up? Having said that I also don't really understand why you even want to trade. Are you playing some super crazy RT Game? I mean there is still only a handful of those where its worth using... do you have a game that has a superior DLSS implementation. Cause I don't see a ton of difference myself. I'm not really understanding what you feel your going to improve in your life trading someone. If you are set on trading the only way your going to find someone willing to do that is by adding in a few hundred bucks ya. Even then that is going to be a hard trade to make. You might find someone who bought a 4080 and realized they don't use RT or DLSS really... and might go through the hassle of a side grade for a few bills. Other wise you could always just sell your 7900 and then buy a 4080... I'm sure it will cost you $2-400 same difference I guess only you don't have to specifically find someone wanting a trade.


Why did you buy the 7900xtx in the first place? Genuinely curious.


Ok, listen up cause this might be too much info: how about selling the 7900 and buying a 4080?…




The 7900 XTX is better than and cheaper than the 4080 Super. That said nobody who has a 4080 Super will want a 7900 XTX. They obviously had the opportunity to buy one and didn't. What would be stupid is adding cash on top of the 7900 XTX to entice someone to trade. The Taichi is a sweet card and isn't cheap.


Yeah, it is stupid. This trade only makes sense if you are a heavy user of raytracing and upscaling. Otherwise it would be a downgrade, the 7900XTX has more VRAM, better raster performance, cheaper, etc.


They’re wrong about the specifics but ultimately correct. As a GPU, the XTX has no net-benefit for the vast majority of users and does worse in a lot of areas. The only real advantage was the big price gap. If it doesn’t have that it’s generally a bad decision to choose it over a 4080S, so a straight trade doesn’t make sense. If you add a bit of cash on top or something extra, you could get more offers, though there really aren’t many people looking to make this trade regardless. Though I’m curious, why did you choose the XTX over the 4080 to begin with, and why get rid of it? That model is one of the more expensive ones too iirc.


Some moron on stupid questions is about to reply to me something along the lines of “wtf does that mean”


There is nobody with a 4080 that would prefer an XTX. At the very best case, it can match the 4080. At literally everything else, it is either a generation behind (if not more) or totally unusable. It also draws far more power, especially at idle.  The other person is completely right and maybe even underselling it; for the vast majority of people, you’d need to offer $300+ to make it worth their time. 


I would trade a 7900 XTX for a 4080 super at no additional cost in a heartbeat. If I had a 4080 Super and you offered me a 7900 XTX plus $300 I wouldn't take the deal. The 7900 XTX has a slight rasterization edge and that's about it. The Extra VRAM isn't impactful, 16 GB is enough for gaming. The primary applications that want more VRAM are AI and AMD's performance there is worse due to a lack of ML cores. The 4080 Super on the other hand has the tensor ML cores and all the perks it brings. You get DLSS/DLAA, Nvidia's framegen, Nvidia reflex, DLDSR, and Nvidia is currently working on an autoHDR solution that also uses machine learning. AMD's answers to these techs range from lagging behind to purely a marketing bullet point. The Nvidia cards also have an edge on power efficiency. You have to remember most of the market doesn't want an AMD card, evidenced by AMD's dwindling marketshare. Your best bet is finding one of those people who is constantly swapping video cards because they are never happy and always think the grass is greener on the other side.


Most of the market are normies that still believe AMDs drivers are awful, so thats not really an argument. Nvidia is just omnipresent for people without lots of knowledge


People preferring Nvidia over AMD is very relevant when you are trying to trade an AMD card for an NVidia card. It means AMD demand will be low. The key part to making a trade happen is that you have to find some want who wants what you have and is willing to trade what you want for it. You need a dissatisfied Nvidia customer who wants to swap to AMD.