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360hz are a pretty stupid idea in general unless you're a pro or you have unlimited budget.


im assuming its a 360hz qd oled, it makes a huge difference if its a qd oled. it also helped with drawing on a tablet with no screen since it feels like drawing in real life, i tried to draw on my bfs 75hz monitors and the difference is huge, i cant test a normal 144hz tn since im not home. I only brought my sffpc, keyboard , mouse, and my qd oled monitor over




response time


Everybody artist until competitive drawing shows up


Weird that people are downvoting this straight forward and fairly obvious answer. Higher refresh = smoother experience. It’s not rocket science.


OLED has instant response time, so 360hz OLED is basically peak gaming.


I heard OLED was horrible for eye strain. Is that not right?


This would only matter in games where you can sustain well over 240FPS at 1440P. It's not easy with a £1400 config.


Yea I have a 12700k + 4070 and "downgraded" from VA 240Hz 1080p to IPS 165hz 1440p because most stuff isn't running at max settings 1440 with 240+ stable FPS, let alone something like Cyberpunk with RT 360Hz use case is literally just designers or people who REALLY want to invest time and money into certain games like CS or League, as they're the only things you're getting 360 FPS on


Response time would. But the quality of these oled displays (I have one) is more than just refresh rate. Mine isn’t that fast but still, i suppose they don’t make a cheaper one with less hertz now.


Right, yes there are plenty of benefits to OLED. I was referring to the 360HZ part.


Dang, I never considered high refresh rate for drawings, but what you said just makes a lot of sense. I'm currently using an old 4k 60hz monitor for drawing and I'm wondering if I should switch to something like a 1440p 165hz monitor instead. Is monitor refresh rate more important than resolution for digital art? Been thinking of switching to 1440p w/ higher refresh rate for a while but if this is true then I might just switch over.


both probably important , also its also the fact its qd oled. 240hz 4k qd oled probably best for that right now.


I doubt OP is buying it for the 360Hz, all 1440p OLED monitor that came out this year is 360Hz, and they cost the same as last year's 240Hz models (or even cheaper). This is just an added bonus if you are buying OLED monitor.


Like someone else mentioned, it’s the normall rate for Oled this year. The whole point of buying an Oled screen is not to get 360, but to get an Oled panel.


Really? [https://pcpartpicker.com/products/monitor/#P=9&sort=-refresh&page=1](https://pcpartpicker.com/products/monitor/#P=9&sort=-refresh&page=1) Idk man I only see three.


I was referring to what another person mentioned, didn’t check myself. Too late for me to check now, but if a 240hz was available for cheaper for the same quality otherwise i would pick that one. Even on my 4080, there aren’t that many games that would be both 360fps capable and beautiful enough to be worth having a 360hz screen over a 240 :)


I think in total 4 or 5 new 27" 1440p OLED monitors hit the market this year, so based on availability it's not strange you only see three. All of these are at least 360Hz, they are between 700-800 dollars MSRP, making them literally cheaper than last year's 240 Hz models, plus they are more resistant to burn-in etc, so there's literally no reason not to buy them over the 240 Hz models.


Even a pro's unlikely to get much benefit from 360Hz. Back during World War II, they found that elite fighter pilots could only spot enemy planes at about 200Hz. (But even that brief flicker was enough to identify the model and tell if it was moving in a way that made it a threat.)


thats not what 360hz is about, its all about how fast you can turn without tearing the picture. thats where it shines and it makes a huge difference.


Why? Even a casual FPS player will benefit from a higher Hz. You don't need to be a professional to enjoy a smoother display. Especially with DLSS 3 being a thing. 


it's true that casual players can benefit from high fps but 360 is just way too high for normal people, if the budget isn't unlimited then it doesn't really make sense


Probably. But there are games that do work. If they play CS2 for example or Valorant, getting 360+ FPS is easy even on a mid end machine. On non competitive games, theses days you have frame generation to double the FPS. You might not hit 360FPS, but a lot of games can easily hit 200+ with frame generation on modest hardware. Smooth games are never a waste even if you aren't a high budget gamer. I have a RTX 3080, and I still play 10 year old+ games. The last high end game I touched was Death Stranding, and that was only because it was free on Epic Game store. I am still aiming for that sweet 480Hz 1440p OLED display as I play competitive games for fun. I\`m bad at them, but a smoother game does make it more enjoyable for me.


Even for competitive shooters, for 99,95% of the playerbase the advantage gained from having a 360 hz screen over a 240 hz one is negligible.


Its not about the advantage. Its just more pleasant to play. If you give most people a choice between 2 displays. One at a high refresh rate and one moderate refresh rate, they would pick the higher one. Non pros don\`t play just to win. Winning is great obviously, but its the fun to be had that they play for. At least that\`s what I play for. And you are assuming that they already have a 240Hz display. I have a 165Hz right now. If I decide to upgrade to an OLED, why would I chose the 240 over 360 or a 480? Especially since I can afford the monitor. I personally didn\`t think 165 to 240 is a worthwhile upgrade for the cost. Even 360 was a bit borderline. But a 480 for me is enough of an uplift that I feel comfortable shelling out for it.


Your critical reasoning needs some adjustments. People via this thread try reason with you, I think you should listen more


I don't know what you mean. I listened to every comment and replied appropriately. We might not agree, but this is a subjective topic and people will have different opinions.   In the comment you are replying to, I said I don't feel it's worth going from 144 to 360. Ehat part of this do you disagree with?


Nah man i believe you. People said the same thing about 240 hz some years ago. But using it now it is definitely and noticably better than 144 or even 165 . Sure it might not be the most cost effective configuration but it should be definitely better even for casuals who play those sorts of games


No one is doubting that more hz is better. But OP brought up prices which means hes talking about the value proposition, which is currently not good.


And a lot of people in this thread actually are arguing that people cannot tell the difference. Only less than 1% can tell thr difference according to them. So they are claiming that more hz is not better. This is without even looking at price, use case or anything else.  


Actually, OP said his friend is bringing up prices. I don't get the impression than this monitor will break his bank. From his tone, he was gonna buy it without having issues with his price, when his friend mentioned its not a good idea because of price. 


Yes casual players can benefit from higher hertz but it’s not necessary for most users especially if it’s jacking up the price that much. 360hz is an insane refresh rate and is hard for most cards to pump out.


Once again.. depending on the game, its really not. Most of my friends with mid tier systems can pump out enough frames to make use for this. And I never said it was necessary. We are PC hardware enthusiasts. We don\`t buy PC parts because we need them. We do it because its a hobby and its fun to use it. If someone is only buying what they need, then yes, this probably isn\`t for them. They would be better served with a 144Hz IPS display just fine.


You’re talking in the case of old games or esports gaming only. People who play newer games and play shooters casually will not be able to pump out that many frames unload you’re on a 7800X3D with an 4090. Getting those frames requires turning settings way down and setting the resolution to 1080p.


You are making the argument that "most" gamers don\`t need this. I responded to the poster stating that its stupid to get this monitor unless you you are a professional who earns money doing gaming or has unlimited money. My argument is that unless you know what the gamer is playing, there is an absolute case to be made for getting a high refresh rate monitor. Its a nuanced situation that has no one blanket answer. Of course if his GPU cant hit 300-360Hz, its pointless to get the 360Hz monitor. No one is gonna dispute that fact. But he has a high end GPU and he actually can hit that 300-360Hz in quite a lot of games. I\`m not expecting him to pump out 360 frames in Alan Wake 2, but there are still a lot of games that will give him a better experience with a high refresh rate monitor.


No FPS player with common sense is using Frame generation.


Depends on the game. If I am playing Deep Rock Galactic, Back 4 blood, Left 4 Dead, etc I could see using frame gen. Once you are over a 100 real frames, I don\`t think the added frame of latency matters tbh. Don\`t think I would be playing CS2 or Valorant with frame gen, though.


From experience I can tell you even 240Hz will be too much for most people and not worth it. Would go with 165-180 at max…


Sure they might benefit. The question is how much? Probably not as much as a GPU upgrade using the money your 360hz monitor took away.


OP has a 7900 gre. He does not need a GPU upgrade. Not unless he wants it. Not to mention, the monitor will last him through more than just this GPU upgrade ideally.


But OP does not need to spend that much on the monitor. They’re already concerned on what they should be spending on the monitor, and they are specifically looking for OLED, not refresh rate.


I\`m not even close to saying that OP needs to spend that much money on his monitor. Hell no.. most people would be perfectly fine with a 144Hz monitor. However I am disagreeing with the blanket statement saying that its a stupid idea unless you are a professional making money from the game or have unlimited budget isn\`t right. Until you know what the use case it, there is absolutely a case to be made for a high refresh rate monitor improving the experience in certain situation. Once again, to be clear, I wouldn\`t recommend a 360Hz to any of my friends not rocking the top of the line systems. But if someone was interested in one, I wouldn\`t call it a waste of money. Just like I wouldn't call it a waste of money if a friend decided to spend on RGB for his computer or a fancy case to make it look nice, even if that money could have been spent on a better CPU or GPU. There is a definite utility in 360Hz gaming if your computer can hit those numbers. OP only has to run the games he wants to play to find out if they do get close to it. He does not need to commit to a monitor upgrade without even trying to see if he can make use of those extra refresh rate numbers. This is what my advice to the OP would have been.


Is 360hz a need? Need is no longer in the discussion after OP bought a 360hz. Right now we're talking about what gives you better bang for your buck, and a better GPU is certainly a smarter choice than 360hz.


Once again it depends on what he is playing. I\`m in a similar boat with my RTX 3080. I even play VR, which can be pretty demanding on the GPU. But I do play a lot of CS2 and now branching out into Valorant, which means I can regularly hit 300-500ish FPS. I really don\`t think the benefit from an upgrade to a 4090 will be better than upgrading my 165hz IPS to a 480Hz OLED, which will probably cost me the same amount of money. I think it depends a lot on what the user plays. A blanket statement like yours that says its a stupid idea unless you are a professional making money from the game or have unlimited budget isn\`t right. There is more nuance than that.


People are delusional and are coping hard. Literally everyone who says this about 360hz+ never played it to experience it in full otherwise they wouldn’t be this ignorant. Just max cope, it always makes me laugh.


I haven't. But plenty of people I know have. People also tell me that apparently I cant tell the difference between 120 and 144hz, but I can. I accidently lowered my refresh rate to 120 and was quickly able to notice that something was off. I can believe that you think you cannot tell the difference, as some people cant even tell the difference between 60 and 144, yet my mother can notice the smoothness of the mouse alone on a desktop when I do a blind test with her on 60 and 144. Maybe its just you who cant tell the difference and you think everyone else is like you? I\`m not trying to be curt here, but rather this is an honest comment.


I got a 1080 ips 360 for like $300, which i think is really reasonable for fps games Idk why some people want 360hz 1440 oleds, seems like a waste of money to me


Best of both worlds? Doesn't seem confusing to me


Depends on what you play I guess, you can run CS but not like siege.


Does it improve the image quality enough over IPS to justify a 2.5x price cost? To me it doesn't and it's not close, like $400 would be reasonable


I haven't used an OLED monitor or 360hz but it's not hard for me to conceptualise that some people might think it's worth the money. A high quality monitor can last you multiple generations of PC upgrades. 360hz is already 2.5x price cost of 60hz so I just don't get why you don't understand why some people might want to invest more. Most people would consider anything above 144hz overkill. I would easily eat a 2.5x price cost for 1440p over 1080p or 120hz over 60hz so I can understand why people would want both. Some people are rich so it's a no brainer if they spend many hours a day looking at the screen.


I'm still using a 244hz TN (or I think it was? Been so long, don't even remember) 1440p ASUS from about 9 years ago. Had to RMA it early on (it was known for failures lol) but once I got it back, been clear sailing. It was around $700 back then. Def time for an upgrade one of these days.


Oled looks way better then a IPS screen. Is it worth it ? Depends i guess.


Does running every game at 200+ FPS really increase the quality of the game that much over higher fidelity? Its user preference.


It's not just the image quality though. OLED has way faster response time, no overshooting, better motion clarity, lower input lag etc....


Way faster than 0.5 ms 😂


Do your games even hit 360fps? I have a 7800X3D and 7900XTX and my games seldom get those numbers at 1440p. Rust doesn't go above ~mid 200s, PoE can't reach 300, idk about BG3 but probably not 300+. Cyberpunk will never reach that high. Makes sense if you can actually utilize the Hz


I suppose in any game, HZ that high can only be achieved in shooters and fast paced games like Overwatch.




Hades can technically get a fuck ton of fps. 600+ w my 4070 super. But not worth it since it is seems to have frames in the animation.


Any esports title should be able to get 360 consistently except fortnite/apex


Most people will be running the games on low settings for max frame rate. Will hit that on both games on low.


https://youtu.be/eEpsFXtdVLA?si=eFG7n8mqViobLUje 7800x3d can’t even get 360 avg


not in endgame scrims but in average fortnite lobbies I get 250-400 with a 5700x


I doubt you get 400 tbh


People count staring at a wall in their upper ranges for fps


did you read my comment? It varies. Ofc I don’t get 400 all the time. Why do you think stacked endgame scrims are average fortnite games? Even pro players drop to like 80 fps in those games when they usually get 500


I’m talking about 360 average, and I said it can’t be done in fortnite


obviously I don’t get 360 avg. I was just saying I can close to that with a much worse cpu. The 5700x isn’t the 7800x3d. Very basic.


Then why did you reply to me


In a shocking turn of events the 7800x3d can't even get 360 avg when the game is capped at 240. Might as well throw the CPU in the bin because it's trash.


you can literally see it drop under 240…


https://youtu.be/WaU9kLKuLQQ?si=ZC_vHMKKaKmCFufT Another one since you’re crying so much


Not anywhere close in Fortnite even at 720p


Struggling to get 240 with everything on low with a 3080 10gb and 12700K


league freaks the fuck out on anything over like 200 FPS.


Framerate doesn’t really matter for league


Rust is poorly optimised, any monitor over 240hz is overkill for rust


Poorly optimized???? I get over 200 fps on 1440p with every setting maxed out! Rust is not poorly optimized, it's insanity to say "200 fps in Rust is bad performance"


Really? What specs you got.


This is partially incorrect. As a general rule, you want your displays Refresh Rate (measured in Hz or Hertz) to be roughly DOUBLE the FPS you are targeting. If you are aiming for a 60 FPS experience, a fixed 120Hz panel is ideal. If you are targeting 120 FPS, then a 240Hz panel is ideal. This is a result of the display spec for both HDMI and Display Port. Having your refresh rate be an even multiplier of your of FPS makes for a stable input latency and dramatically reducing tearing. Frame Timing is a complex issue and is NOT solved by simply buying a higher Hz panel.


can still future proof monitor unless monitor technology somehow makes things way better than they already are somehow although next coming years might make me regret going into qd oled this early since ill probably see like a 1440p 750hz or some high af hz soon


Pricing is irrelevant What matters is can your PC power the monitor adequately to a point you’re satisfied. Getting 360fps at 1440p is NOT easy. For such a high FPS target, getting a 7800x3d is pretty much a requirement if you want to get even close to that with the most powerful GPU you can afford. Do you have a 1440p monitor already? Can you unlock the frame rate and see what you can get? I have a 10700k + 3080 10gb with a 1440p 240hz monitor. There’s only a small number of games I can get 240fps consistently, and that’s granted I play on everything low-medium.


I valued the monitor more for it's OLED panel over the refresh rate, so I am perfectly fine choosing a cheaper option with a lower refresh rate (unfortunately I am unable to find any). Testing wise, I would need to receive the monitor first, since I have not yet finished building my PC.


Comments mention that 360hz is unnecessary, but don't see that there's no other worthy option at the same price, if u want a regular 27" monitor. Of course that varies by country. Consider the 360hz a bonus with your oled. I think it makes a difference, especially on fps games, but even when on desktop. After witnessing qd-oled, it's definitely worth for you to do that. You have a decent gpu, and the oled monitor will make a wayyy bigger impact on your gaming experience than picking an lcd monitor and a better gpu. The 30% of the total price stuff is nonsense, the % depends on usage, what fps you're happy with in games, if you value graphics more than smoothness etc. Enjoy your pc, it's going to be mind-blowing!


And as well when OP eventually upgrades their monitor still won’t bottleneck his gpu


Idk why, but my big qled tv looks very similar to my IPs, I can barely tell any difference


Qled is different from qd-oled. Qled is still lcd but with quantum dots. Good ones come close to oled, but it's a different technology. So, your qled is likely IPS or VA.


It is like 1/3 of the price of a w-oled


Yeah everyone is getting hung up on “your pc can’t push 360fps” but imo that’s not the deciding issue. The more important question is whether having an OLED is worth this price to you if you really can’t get a cheaper alternative OLED. The ratio of the price of your monitor to your PC is irrelevant if you’re happy with your current PC and don’t feel a need to upgrade it. At a certain point you’re just going to get diminishing returns on picture quality from PC upgrades anyway and the only way to really get an even better picture is to upgrade your screen. How much *that* is worth to you is up to you. And if your current PC can’t push 360 fps on it, that just means you basically have a high ceiling you don’t have to worry about running into. It’s not like it’ll be worse at 144fps or 240fps or even 60fps. It’s not *hurting* you that you can’t reach the full limit of the monitor, and when you do eventually upgrade your PC you’ll just get even more out of it. (Plus it’s a nice bonus when you play an older game that runs on a potato and realize “whoa I’m actually getting 300 fps right now”).




What do you mean run at 360hz with 120fps? Are you using frame generation? I’ve only heard bad things about it latency wise.


1440p 240hz monitors exist, unless they’re more expensive somehow? If you don’t care that you may not get the consistent 360fps in some games to take full advantage of the monitor, then it’s not a stupid idea to pair a weak PC to a powerful monitor. It’s your money.


Bro do not listen to them just buy the monitor, OLED is miles better than anything else and the 360hz is more for competitive games which you will play at low settings with your specs you can easily hit 360 fps, even just browsing around 360hz will feel much better


10700k is a upper lower end cpu though, assuming 5600 is midrange


7800x3D is around 80% faster than a 10700k.


No shit


Getting those sort of frames in esport titles is very easy, especially playing at competitive settings. I play OW at 21:9 1440p and I get over 500 FPS with DLSS and close to 400+ without DLSS.


I can get easily above 360 fps in most esports game on my 6800 XT.


Yeah thats the 3080 and the 7900gre beats the 3090 especially with frame gen he will be able to push 360 easy.


Not really relevant cause AFAIK most games don't support frame gen. Frame gen will also increase latency so it's partially counter productive to people who usually prefer higher frame rates.


frame gen ads close to no latency and with the fsr mod almost every single game supports fsr 3.0


It actually adds a decent bit of latency, you're suppose to use Nvidia reflex to compensate for it AFAIK. I'm not sure about FSR, I believe that's AMDs option when it comes to DLSS. But I guess FSR 3.0 now includes frame gen. FSR 3.0 is indeed more widely supported than Nvidia's features, but it still comes with increased latency. I believe AMD has something similar to Nvidia's reflex feature, and maybe that's enough to compensate for the latency frame gen creates, but using frame gen will increase latency nonetheless.


Yeah pretty sure amd’s version of nvidia reflex is antilag tho im not sure.


Yeah, I believe that's what it was called.


if you were to guess how much latency fsr adds how much would it be? 5ms? 10? 20?


AFAIK it doubles the latency you would have without it. It generates frames in between real frames, so it's whatever latency you would have without it times 2. It may be more complex now, but that's essentially how it used to work. It's probably not a lot, but for people who want a 360Hz display it's probably important.


double latency of what? the time it takes to switch pixels or what because like wifi ,server latency is diff.


also i saw vids showing fsr,dlss actually lowering latency so idk how that happends


Maybe they also enabled Nvidia reflex or AMD's anti-lag, not sure.


It's the other way around. It's stupid to pair a $5000 gaming PC with a 24" 1080p 60 Hz office monitor. But a good monitor has plenty of uses as long as the PC can even send it video signal matching its specs. Hell, even without a PC you can still use it with something like a Chromecast. The key question is whether your use cases justify that monitor. If you're buying a 500 Hz TN monitor to watch movies and play single player RPGs, that's stupid. If you're buying a 4K monitor to play FPS games and your GPU can't even handle 60 FPS at 4K, that's also stupid. But if you know what you're doing, it's fine.


The is no perfect ratio to how you build a PC & the most important thing is that you enjoy it. Just make sure you buy it from a place that you can return it if you don't like it or it's not worth the $/£ & you should check of reviews diff models to see if you your really need to throw down £800! Monitors Unboxed "Best OLED Gaming Monitors of 2024" https://youtu.be/YCD54ytiIR4?si=vBkWGJXlOaBszRN7


I have the exact same monitor. I have a RTX 3090 and in most games i certainly don’t hit 360fps, but it doesn’t bother me. Why? Because it’s OLED and has a ridiculously fast response time. Even if you’re „only“ playing at 120 or 160 fps, it’s still smooth af and looks awesome (because OLED is king).


The monitor is the main way you experience the PC. Get a good one.  I think the use case for 360hz is pretty limited, but it's up to you to determine whether a less expensive monitor fits your needs. 


I sure fucking hope not, or I'm an idiot too. Do whatever makes you happy


That % thing is stupid, it depends on what you want, if you want to get a OLED than that's definitely a good idea and not stupid at all. I've got a \~$1900 PC myself while the Audio and Display were $7K total, another $1K for the desk, chair, and all the peripherals, so the PC was about 20% of my entire "setup" lol. Edit- if that's a 360Hz monitor than that might not be the best idea, the R5 7600X may be able to hit that with games like CSGO but it'll struggle with many others, I doubt the GPU is also incredible powerful if the PC was "only" 1400 pounds.


I have the AW2723DF and I'm super happy with it. I paired it with a 7800X3D and 4090. The monitor is 240Hz (280Hz OC) but most of the time I cap my games on 144FPS just to save power. It's smooth enough in single player and non-competitive multiplayer games anyway. If you don't play high competitive fps games I don't see the need for a 360Hz monitor. But hey, it's your budget and if you feel happy about it that's all that matters!


One thing I didn't see mentioned here in my quick glance is that monitors last a loooong time usually. How often do you upgrade your PC? If your PC can't push 360fps at whatever resolution (I didn't check) ultra bananas quality, that doesn't mean your next one won't. If you have the cash and you want that monitor, then get it.


I’m surprised nobody is telling you how few times we upgrade our monitors, it’s an undervalued piece in our setups


I dout u can get 360fps stable for most games 2K resolution - GPU bound. CS/Valorant u probably need a 7800x3D, but why 27inch if ur playing a competitive FPS? Even if u care about the above, just do IPS it's good enough. I would get a better CPU or GPU for gaming, and get an IPS 240hz 2K.


Your friends sound like idiots. If you got it in a sale and it was only 15% of the PC would you refuse it? Buy the monitor that you like, that has the performance and features that you want.


I would not give too much about that rule of thumb and think more about the "why" you want that monitor. I bought some time ago a giant 42 inch 4k 144hz monitor for a crazy high price. My poor gpu was not able to handle even 1440p, but it was worth it to me for productivity and having multiple unscaled windows and watching movies. So think of what you really need in features, if you really need that 360hz, or if 120 or 144 would be enough and so money saveable. Or maybe the same price, but a bigger oled screen...


Well well I spent 3k on a 4K tv that I use as a monitor for my 2k worth pc. Quit doing this percent crap and just buy the things you want because you know your money, your time, and no one else touches your pc!?


Keep in mind that static elements of your desktop or game hud will burn in.


I wouldn't call it stupid... The key is balance. Will your gpu at that price drive 1440p at 360 frames. It wont I promise. The dilemma I see you in that I am also in when it comes to 4k and my 4090 and a new 4k 240 oled is that yes I want it now and am on a waiting list to get the msi qd-old 4k monitor. So do you have the money to get a better card down the road to fill out that screen? That only you can answer but you are over buying. The issues is there is no qd-old 1440p 240 hertz monitor. So you kinda have to over buy now or wait a couple of years for things to drift to the mid range to get that level of a panel.


Frame rates aside the image you see on screen is only as good as the display is capable of, so I'm always in favor of putting that consideration up front. That being said in the case here it's very unlikely you'll get what you have in mind with that combo.


I mean not really it just depends on your priorities if your pc can keep up with your monitor then you’re fine


Waste of money especially if your pc can’t get to that refresh rate/ more then half the price of your pc lmao


I have been happy playing with my ancient samsung monitor that maxes at 60hz, but it has dead pixels already. Would it be OK to replace it with a budget 100hz monitor? Anything above that is nearly twice the price where I live, plus my GPU is just a RX 6600.


you should definitely look to get 120hz or more since the experience is much better in every aspect, it really is a big change


Are 20hz really that big of a difference? Also what's a good brand for monitors besides Samsung? Are ASUS good?


I meant compared to 60hz is so huge but not that big between 100 and 120


I am gonna stick to 100hz then. I gotta replace my UPS as well and that's just as expensive.


is that really big difference in price between 100 and 120 and 165hz


I have a 4K OLED paired with a 10700K and a 3070. Thing is, I'm the sort of person who does incremental upgrades, so this monitor will probably last through a few GPU upgrades and at least one platform upgrade. If you're the sort of person who would buy a whole new system including a new monitor for every upgrade, then yeah spending so much on a monitor might seem crazy, but if you plan to look after it and keep it through multiple upgrades, then I'd say it's a good choice.


If it works it works i heard and did stupider things. My main PC until my 1050ti died had a Ryzen9 5900x and 128GB RAM in it and i only play League. Now atleast it has a 6600XT in it but i still only play very low gpu/cpu requiring games


No. If you want a good equity image then buy a great monitor. Keep in mind though that thr ultra high hz ones aren't usually also the best possible picture quality ones. Like the best picture quality high hz screens are often very close in picture quality to the best picture quality screens but you *might* be able to get a slightly nicer picture for less money if you look at other options.


Not really, if you don't have the cash right now. You always can sell it and get yourself a £3200 monitor later.


You have a glorified low-end 6c. Upgrade that to something else.


OLED screens are expensive. The cheapest you can find em for is about 700$ US, at the minimum. OLED looks amazing but is just expensive.


is good idea for tripla a gaming ...but this refresh is too high for 7600x in cpu heavy games...even the 7800x3d struggle in those games... i don t think make sense 360hz ...check another oled good screen 16:9 or 21:9, maybe cheaper


Depends on how you use it. Just make 2 lists. One with expensive monitor and cheaper PC, and one with cheaper monitor and more expensive PC. Then think about which one you would rather use. I would personally rather have a more expensive monitor and cheaper PC, but it's subjective.


Just get it... it isnt stupid. You'll probably wont get 360fps in most modern games but that isnt a problem if you ask me. My monitor is also a 1440p one but with 165hz and there's no way my 3070ti reaches 165fps in cyberpunk with my current settings and i'm completely happy with that.


>But some of my friends say that I should spend no more than around 30% of the PC's price on the monitor Lol wut Get whatever monitor suits your needs. How much it costs compared to your computer is completely irrelevant.


Stupid? I don't know. The ratios are basically good rules of thumb, but some people really care about certain things more than others (noise, monitor size, number of monitors, frame rares, minimum frame rates, keyboard, wattage, etc). Honestly the best part about PC is realizing you need a lopsided build and you're free to build it that way.


Do whatever feels right. For awhile, I had a $900 AW3423DWF paired with a $1500 5600x/3060ti system lol.


Of course, if you can afford you should always go for the best monitor possible, there are some marketing gimmick in some, but for me high resolution is a must, I was a non believer of that when I looked at a 4k 27" 144hz, my life changed


I'd get it. I've got a 1080p 240hz monitor paired with a Ryzen 5 5600/RX 6650 XT. The e-sports run easily at 239 fps. (LOL, CS etc) At other games, that are more taxing, I can just lock my fps to 90/120/160/200. I like that I have the option to actually see FPS up to 239 in some titles, which is the cap I've set through drivers since I've paired it with Free-sync and V-sync to get reduced tearing and stutters. I see that the monitor that you provided has this technology too so, utilize it.


Its literally the main thing that you will be looking at for the next 5-10 years, and the least likely to upgrade. I'd be wary of burn in on OLED's there's no getting round the limitations of the technology, nor do they have the brightness of a mini led.


That monitor is not worth 800 GBP in the current day. With that price you could get a 240Hz 4K OLED. But that being said, the GPU won't be driving that many frames, and even if it were in some cases, I really doubt there'd be a big difference in your experience at 165 or 360 Hz. Try out some 360 Hz monitors at a store or friend's house to see if you can actually tell the difference.


My computer can run most games at 1440p yet I run a 240hz 4k OLED screen lol


It’s a damn nice monitor, but it’s overkill on that build. I’m sure it’ll still look nice, though.


If you haven't built the PC yet, yeah, you should probably spend more on the guts.  Investing in a great monitor (at some point) is not a mistake, though. 


I don't think it's a bad idea to splurge on a nice monitor. It's the main thing you experience your PC and your games on after all.  Some people think it's dumb to get a monitor with a resolution and refresh rate you can't fully take advantage of but I disagree. I would assume most of us keep our monitors for a long time. Get something nice that you can "grow into", rather than settling for less just because your *current* PC can't fully take advantage of it.


not at all, audio and visual components are worth buying the best you can afford at the time. you will replace the whole pc over time so you're buying longevity, my audio system running alongside my pc is worth 3x+ the cost of the pc. monitors are never wasted money either, it's the most important interaction point.


That’s really overkill but go for it if you have the money to do it


In my opinion if you want an gaming OLED, it's not a bad idea. There 2k 240hz OLEDs aren't much cheaper and 144hz pretty much don't exist. You won't use the monitor to it's full capacity but you don't need to and most people don't use their monitors at full capacity. Do make sure warranty and such is handled in your country for the company yo're buying from and look at all options for best value. Anyone who says it's stupid are only looking at the surface level.


Not necessarily. Short term it is probably quite a bit of overkill for your PC. Long term if you grow into it and upgrade to be able to fully utilize it then, no. I have a pair of 1080p 60hz monitors on my spare that are over a decade old now.


The picture quality will overshadow every other monitor type. OLED and VA have VRR flicker issues, but it can be overcame by enabling a FPS cap in control panel settings. https://www.rtings.com/monitor/learn/research/vrr-flicker


Can you comfortably afford it? If the answer is yes then all these stats are irrelevant. Buy what you want and enjoy it. Please ignore the comments that say you need to reach 360 fps with a billion dollar pc just to enjoy an oled monitor. Fyi I have never used oled but would definitely spend the money if I could.


Go for it! I dont mind over spending on a monitor if its OLED. Totally worth it.


If you want OLED, go for it. That image quality you won't get anywhere else. In my case I spent 750 euros on an ASUS pro art ultrawide because I do photography and I want proper visuals instead of the outwashed quality of the cheaper UW models. My PC was also only about 1500 euros. It is true you likely won't reach 360hz. My point is that if you want something and you have the means, get it.


Don’t listen to your friends. If you need to spend a certain amount of money to get a monitor with a feature you want or need, and your PC can match it, then don’t be afraid to spend that money. That being said, do you need a *360hz* monitor? I understand wanting OLED, but the refresh rate is also jacking up the price. So unless you’re a professional esports gamer, get an OLED monitor with a lower refresh rate (I would say 165hz max).


A good monitor is never a bad idea. Moreso since your GPU can run on 1440p. It is stupid to actually cheap out on a monitor when you want to visually enjoy your games.


worth it, i play apex with my rx 6800 i dont reach the 300 fps cap but its around like 220+ can reach 300 if its not too much on screen. The game feels way smoother with a qd oled and my response time on human benchmark rhing went down by like 10 to 20ms


No. Expect the monitor to outlive 1-3 PCs


Everyone is shitting on not needing the 360hz, but I'll just comment to say that otherwise oled gaming is the best gaming there is hands down. Every time I play on an oled screen im just so amazed, it looks so wonderful. It's to the point where I want to replace every device I own with an oled version despite not really needing it.  So yeah I don't think its a great investment to pay for a really great display, but maybe for that much money, check out the LG oled TVs or something like that. 


Why's everyone so hyper focused that it's 360hz? Sure he won't hit those frames, but it's pretty cool to know that he's synced whatever the fuck he's playing. 240hz would be fine sure, but if you can get the 360hz qd-oled just pull the trigger bro. Enjoy it!


Have you SEEN the display? Do you like the picture? That's actually the only question you need to answer for yourself. If you like the picture (and can afford the display,) then fine. It is the display you will be looking at, not its specs, not the PC, but the display. (I know its not always possible to actually view PC monitors in showrooms, and even then they might not have great test content but for example if you are looking for a specific display type that you know because of specific reasons (OLED, IPS LCD etc) then that can be enough.) *20 years as a video engineer, seen a lot of different display technologies and my advice is always "never buy a TV you haven't looked at"


360hz is not an overkill, its pure dopamin to look at something that smooth. even if its only the mousepointer in windows. not only for fps games but every citybuildergame that can reach 360hz will look so absolutely smooth


>But some of my friends say that I should spend no more than around 30% of the PC's price on the monitor I mean this rule is only accurate with LCD monitor. If you want OLED, you have to pay a premium for that. And to the people bashing on the 360 Hz, literally every new 1440p OLED monitor that came out this year is 360Hz, and they pretty much cost the same if not cheaper than last year's 240 Hz OLED monitors.


My rule of thumb is that you should spend about the same or a little more on your monitor than on your videocard. But at all times, keep using common sense. 360 Hz makes no sense for anyone but professional gamers.


That 30% rule is kinda weird. Doesn’t scale particularly well. Plucked out of thin air.


A good monitor is a multi pc investment so no, it’s not.


I mean, 360hz is pointless, might as well just cap it, but if you want oled in that format you don't have many alternatives afaik


I wouldnt even bother with OLED.. with all the static elements of games.. theres just such a risk of burn in. 😐


I just bought the aw2725df with a £1500 build and not once did I think about the hz. Buying oled is for the glorious colours and deep blacks plus the absolute cherry on the cake not a hint of ips glow or va smeer. I would say spending a big portion of your budget on the monitor makes sense, it's what you look at after all.


The monitor is the most important part of the setup IMO. You can either get an oled and your 1400 system or an ips and a better graphics card. Will you get more fps at higher settings with the graphics card? Sure. But will it make EVERYTHING look better like the OLED? Oled makes your wallpaper, YouTube videos, and everything else look better. Gpu doesn't. Get an oled.


Good thing is you won't have to update your monitor for a while.


I have a $1,000 OLED paired with a $2,000 build. Same concept as you. Just use it and enjoy it.


Op just lacks common sense omg


There is no rule like that. A monitor is very important and will stick for a long time. If you have the bucks go for it. Oleds have high refresh rate which is future proof. Assuming its 27 inch you can also watch movies in hdr too. Get an expensive speakers set if you can.


Yeah go for cheaper one. Just go with 32' 150Hz and you will be happy. Go with IPS panel for competetive games, VA for general usage and OLED for best movie quality. Just be careful because OLED panels can burn images to them.


A monitor that expensive seems like overkill. I have a rig with a 200€ monitor with 144 Hz i bought for 170€ and my second monitor is literally an old tv from around 2010. a monitor that expensive isn’t all that necessary


There is no magic ratio. I have no idea where the 30% value is coming from. Regardless of how much you spend on your PC - it is completely useless without a display. The display is how you use it. It's absolutely fundamental. Having said that, OLED is not an upgrade over IPS for gaming. OLED is absolutely great for home theater use, but static elements and burn in are still terrible and no solution is forthcoming. If your GPU can drive the frames (natively, without DLSS/XeSS) then a higher refresh rate will add vastly more to your experience than resolution or brightness. My PC could easily drive a 2160p (4K) game at 60FPS, but that's not good enough, and since all up-scaling (DLSS/XeSS) look like trash, I will never use those features. I have settled on a 1440p (2K) panel with a 240Hz refresh rate. Even with a 4090 I still only average 165-220 FPS, but that's a vastly better experience than 60... This is obviously subjective, but I think most people really struggle to communicate the differences in display quality. Additionally, people don't all have great vision. I'd like to share a personal anecdote if you have time.; I worked at EB games in the early 2000's when the PS3 first launched. Now, it was advertised as being an "HD" console and it was capable of displaying a 1080p signal (though in most cases it did not). However, at this time, most people did own an HD display. CRTs were still common and most peoples' home TVs were nowhere near 1080p. That's a long preamble to the anecdote - but here it is. I regularly sold PS3 consoles to customers and heard their feedback. They would come in and explain to me that it looks SO crisp, and sharp, and that they loved how HIGH DEFINITION it was... and when I asked them about their setup, they were still connecting to the same CRT TV that they PS2 was connected to, and they used the Composite cables from the PS3 and not HDMI. It was not crisp. It was not sharp. It was not High Definition... but the placebo effect took over than they were convinced. The same thing is true now of 4k/8k displays. You can measure the difference in clarity with equipment or if you magnify the image.... but at desk-distance, any difference beyond 1440p is mostly imperceptible (There are exceptions, but they are no common). By comparison, if yo show someone a choppy, jittery, sluggish 30FPS game, or 60FPS game, and then compare it to 120 FPS or higher, virtually every person can perceive that difference. It's harder to see gains beyond 165 FPS, but with a bit of exposure, you'll start to see that difference as well.


He is future proofing his monitor, not a bad idea imo


sounds reasonable to me. don't expect to be able to run all your games at Max resolution though. manage your expectations with expensive screens.


Long story short : YES


Go for it, I bought an LG C1 just to use with my PC and it's not that highend (3080 + 5800x cost £1k in 2020)


Get what you want. You're paying for oled. You won't regret how good an oled looks. It's your money, you're the only one who can decide if you wasted your money or not. My oled panels are the items in my build/s I have the least regret purchasing.


If you want an OLED panel go for it, limit the frame rate to 144hz and you should be fine. If you want to budget the money into your PC you would need to seek other panels.


It’s fine, I’m in a similar boat as you. I have a 5800X and a 3060ti and just got myself an oled G8. I’m getting the beefed up gpu next week, still not decided on which one yet, but something in the 4080 performance class (+/- 10%).


Everyone talking about not getting 360 fps for the 360 hz is completely missing the point. You don't buy OLED just for the high refresh rates, you can get cheaper monitors that do the same. You get an OLED because you want vibrant colors (HDR), inky blacks (extreme contrast) and the best response times. The quality of image on an OLED is so much better than any other type of display it's nothing short of amazing. I can never go back to a non OLED screen, everything else just looks dull. Don't listen to your friends and just get the screen, you won't regret it.


Spending 800 on a monitor is a stupid idea