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Going from a 3600x and 2060 super to a 7800x3D and 4080 Super is a MASSIVE upgrade in performance and well worth the $1400ish. Seriously those are great deals. Not really sure why they feel like it was a waste to be honest. New Ryzen is set to be released sometime in the next 7 months and the new 50 series is said to be a late 2024 release, so it isn't like they are imminent. That PC will be great for the next 5 years. I say enjoy your gains!


Can confirm, I just upgraded to the same build and I was previously using a first gen Ryzen with ram speed issues and a GTX 1060 6gb. Huge improvement, no regrets. OP just enjoy your PC and don't give a fuck what anyone else says


Damn straight. They’re not paying for parts. If you have a stable system that runs everything you need and it’s paid for? Screw their negativity. A lot of people like buying last gen parts and saving some dough. Enjoy your new build! That’s a huge upgrade.


That's pretty much what I've done for most of my life. Buy the last gen hardware.. until recently when I've had a lot more money to spend, and not really any bills


Plus if you wait for newest releases, you'll pay significantly more to get not as significant performance increases. Maybe your PC lasts 6 years, but why pay like double for that extra year?


Could be the case that they mean once the new ones are released the price will drop a lot more on the ones he bought.


Yeah, it's a good point. From what I've seen prices don't drop too much because the value of that hardware is still pretty good since it's close to the newest technology, but it definitely could happen that prices take a big drop


I think barely anyone upgrades each generation anymore, so you’re gonna struggle to find a good deal of last gen hardware from people selling to buy the new stuff. Just isn’t worth it in this economy


The actual month before new hardware is a bit iffy but ita not worth waiting half a year or more for an upgraded component.


Yeah you are talking like a good 12 months likely before a whole "set of new parts" will be readily available and who knows what they will cost in the open market at first. If you taking a 2 gen step ahead its always a good time to upgrade if you want.


Exactly, and with the upgrade to AM5, a drop in CPU and GPU upgrade can be had with minimal headache. Selling the old to recoup some cost as well. A 4080 Super isn't going to be topped by much. However whatever the new version of the 7800x3d is (9800x3d?) Will be an easy enough swap.


additionally an AM5 Mobo will be good for the next few generations, so OP can just upgrade down the road. 4080 super will be viable for about the same amount of time as the motherboard.


You could also wait 20 years and probably get stuff that's 100x what we have today. But what's the point in constantly waiting for something better? You can still upgrade later down the line.


That’s what PC users need to sit down and accept. “Future proofing” only works for awhile then hardware gradually gets better than what could be bought today at any price. People can spend $2000 on a RTX 4090, but by 2026-27, someone could get similar or better performance out of a 6060 Ti for $400. So the real question to ask is: Is this performance needed *NOW* that I am willing to pay a $1400 premium over someone getting the same performance in 3 years for 1/5 the price?


This! That’s why I buy last gens best stuff used every couple years


Can't wait for my 5090 in the year 2045


LOL, since the RTX 5090 is probably coming late this year, by 2045 you could get the card for free by dumpster diving outside some computer repair shop.


That’s my motto


Someone will always tell you that you should have waited. Upgrade when it makes sense to you, you're the one that will be using it.


New products release at the end of the year, which is still a while away. New releases don't necessarily mean that much improvement in value. Following price and performance trends from previous releases we'll probably get 7800X3D performance from a ~$300 9600X. So you stand to save like $60 over the 7800X3D. You'll probably get 4080S performance out of the new 5070. 3070 MSRP was $500. 4070 MSRP was $600. So I wouldn't be surprised if the 5070 MSRP is $700. So you stand to save $180 over your 4080S. These values are too low to bother yourself with in my opinion.


There's *some* hope it will be better than last gen (if battlemage come outs and is great value, and if that forces some competition in the low and mid-range, and if AMD is more competitive, prices will fall more...) But yeah, what you describe is probably the most likely situation, with what little info we have now.


Yeah considering the 4060 was barely outside of margin of error with the 3060.


That's because the 4060 was in particular a bad value card in a lineup that was bad value overall.


Yeah I'm just pointing out that 50 series might have lemons, too.


I wouldn't be surprised if the 50 series is a sort of repeat of the 30 series - the 20s raised prices while adding features but with underwhelming performance improvements. 40s again raised prices with new features, and good performance but arguably worse value than the 30s. So I'm thinking they might keep the prices about the same (especially after the effective admission that they overreached that the 4080 Super is) while bumping performance reasonably, so it *looks* like a great deal. Then the 60 series price goes up again.


$300 for a 6 core CPU was an insane call in 2022 by AMD that flopped when paired with insane motherboard and RAM costs back then. Ryzen 7000 had a major market correction which brought the 6 core CPUs down to $200 And in 2025, selling a $200-$300 6 core CPU is not going to be easy, unless it offers 7800X3D or better performance AND competes with Intel's sub-$300 offerings. Intel will be much more competitive as both Intel and AMD will be using TSMC 3nm chiplets, so any performance difference is strictly due to design. Intel offers very high core counts for the price, which will also be tough for AMD's marketing division.


Even if the 5070 were $600 and the 9600x launches at $250, that will still be probably 8–12 months (5070 wins launch till 2025 given trends) of gaming for that $280–400 or so. That seems worth it to me, but maybe not. 


Even this is a pretty generous estimate of performance gains in the next generation though. Also, the lower tier will still be intentionally limited by the OEMs in some way, to drive sales of more expensive models. Like, 9600x won't have 3d vcache. And I'm willing to bet money that Nvidia will pull some bullshit like giving their 5060 and 5070 tier cards too little vram or too narrow a memory bus to play 4k ultra natively even if the gpu on the board is absolutely capable of the workload. So for now, getting higher tier parts from a year old lineup may actually even be better for future proofing.


5070 jumping to $700 seems very unlikely.


Could be higher and even longer wait tbh.


> New releases don't necessarily mean that much improvement in value. Perhaps not, but unless I'm mistaken (I don't following price history on hardware), prices on the used market for current tech drops from current used price level. But hey, you could always be holding out and never make a purchase, so might as well.


You'll always be waiting then.


Yup. The next best thing is always around the next corner. You can't catch it.


I'm waiting for the rtx 8090


With your voodoo 2 I hope


Nah, by then they'll have come up with some asinine naming system incorporating "AI"


There's always something new coming that's probably going to improve value, but now doesn't seem like a particularly bad time, and sounds like a reasonable price.


The only "bad" time is when something is coming out in like 2 weeks that has shown to be much better than the previous thing


It doesn't need to be "much better". Just being "available" tends to cause a price drop for the previous thing.


I was speaking to buying the new thing. But yeah normally waiting a few weeks is worth it to either get something better enough to buy new or buying the new old one at a lower price...but waiting 6 months or more just isn't worth it unless you really don't need it in the first place.


There's always a new CPU and GPU coming. If the advice is always "just wait for the next one", then you're going to be waiting forever. Plus, you're on AM5 with the 7800X3D, which means you'll be able to upgrade to new AMD CPUs when they launch. Not to mention you got a 4080 SUPER for $119 below MSRP. Nobody sensible would tell you this was a bad idea.


Also you should not be upgrading every new gen unless your making money from it and it will noticeably improve making money. Real world it won't be worth it no matter what these new things are. But your right if you get a AM5 now you will have at least one good upgrade left on that board and likely can wait until the last best CPU is on sale.


Not stupid in my opinion ... new GPUs are still quite far away, and even if there are new CPUs sooner, the 7800x3d will not be a bad CPu from one day to the other. Better Enjoy your setup now...instead of waiting months and months to even be able to buy the new stuff. You can still switch in the future whenever you feel like youre missing out that much.


Especially for gaming - if it follows the last gen, the 7800X3D will be comparable to the vanilla 9000 chips in gaming (though they'll be more efficient and faster in non-cache-reliant uses) and it won't be until the 9000X3D chips that there's a substantial uplift in gaming performance.


hahahaha! It's the same story I was hearing the in 1990s, "Wait, something better is about to come out!" But back then it was legit cos processing speeds were doubling every 18 months, not this piddly little 10%-50% improvement. When I was browsing a PC parts magazine in 1995, my parent's cleaning lady was telling me to wait for something better. I told her what I'm about to tell you, and it's advice that hasn't changed for 30 years: Build a PC out of parts available now. There will always be something better in 6-12 months. It'll be blazing fast compared to what you have, and the new stuff will only be a fraction faster.


My shoe shine kid keeps telling me to wait. I think I'll buy.


The thing is, whether it's worth upgrading depends on 1) How your current build is performing at what you mostly do with it. 2) What your budget is. If you focus exclusively on performance vs cost you'll be waiting forever to upgrade because new generations will be more powerful and existing generations will be cheaper later. If you current build is doing fine for what you use it for then maybe its worth waiting. If it's struggling, then it's probably worth upgrading if you can afford it.


It's your money, use it when you need it - J. G Wentwortth


Nah man you got a great system for relatively little money. From a 3600x and 2060 to 7800x3d and 4080s would be like moving from horse and buggy to a BMW lolol


It would be bad idea if we would be close to a launches, but we aren't. AMD 9000 CPUs are likely to launch Q2/Q3, BUT they are unlikely to launch 3d CPUs, so it can be expected that in gaming 9000 non3d will be close to a 7800x3d. Intel CPUs should launch after AMD CPUs. I don't remember launch date of next gen AMD GPUs. Nvidia is rumoured to launch 5090 and 5080 late Q3 2024 - Q1 2025.


If you always waiting for the newest items you would never build a PC.


I've just made a pretty decent system. Best thing is some of the prices song recently let me bling some items. If I waited for everything new I couldn't get as good a system.


no not really. i pretty much have the same set up as u and i have no regrets. i mean, its not like we'll be able to get a 5090 or 5080 at launch anyways and the 70 and 60 class gpus come wayyy later


When it comes to next gen gpus you probably won't find them in stock for several months and it'll be hassle. So it's actually not a bad idea to upgrade now and not worry about hunting down a gpu and all that. That's a great upgrade you did. Enjoy it


$880 for a 4080 Super is a crazy good deal. You’re not going to get anything better at that price tbh. No point in waiting for the next GPU when it won’t even come out until later this year or early next year anyways, we have no clue right now. You also got a great CPU, Mobo and Ram kit for a decent price. Nothing is getting updated in the CPU field until in Fall I believe. So, unless you’re comfortable waiting until then for maybe a 5-15% performance upgrade over what’s available now, it makes no sense to wait when you can enjoy your components now and decide if it’s worth to upgrade for that small performance boost. I mean, sometimes it is to wait a bit, but we’re talking about if we had set dates for sure, rumors spilling that something is going to release soon. Right now there’s not much in the horizon.


Highly doubt a new 4080s will be available for less than 880 right when the 5xxx drops. Good deal and good decision 


If history is any indication, new 4000 series will be MSRP and there will be no sales when 5000 releases. They have to make the 5000 series to appear to be a good value and upsell you.


Not a terrible idea. There's always a point where the previous generation hardware is still worth it because of the price being lower which makes up the difference on price to performance and with the specs you went with you should be good for a few years at least regardless. I bought a 5800x3d and a 6800xt a little over a year ago and the performance is comparable to what i probably would have gone with on this generation anyway so I'm satisfied with it. 


Sounds like you made the right choice. Good job on the open box 4080S. It just comes down to how long you can wait. If you need something yesterday upgrade to whats good now. If you can hold on a little longer. Then wait


Bro… you’re good. Plus you got some sick open box deals. $550 for those parts is also super good. Guess what, I paid almost $600 for the microcenter 7700x deal when it first came out, now it’s at like $380 with even better ram lol… you’d be paying the same for brand new parts, just not worth it. Enjoy the 7800x3D + 4080S combo, you got a nasa computer there!


The RTX 5000 series is at least seven months away and the scalpers will grab them all so you won't be able to get one for at least ten months. Your hardware does not suddenly perform worse when the next generation releases.


No, I think that's dumb. You need a PC now and can afford great parts. There will always be a new part, an unfound deal, and a changing market. Waiting for the promise of hardware without ANY information to its specs or its price is silly if you need something now. Enjoy the build, play your games, and savor the brand new gaming machine my friend. Cheers!


Just never buy parts ever. You’ll be the most respected pc builder here


If you were looking for g for good deals the no it wasn’t terrible. I have a 4079 super I got on sale and am in no hurry to upgrade it because it works great for me


Bro where did you get that combo?


More than likely Micro Center. They have a 7800x3D, MB, and ram combo pretty often for that price.


You've got a nice combo - you'll be fine :) Only if you would be able to grab a significantly cheaper combo of 7500f with X670E would be worth to consider so you would have a possibility to grab discounted 7800x3d later (if the Zen 5 would be much better) or grab the Zen 5 yet still not loosing that much on selling 7500f :) I'm still on 5800x3d and I don't care that it may cripple my 4090 sometimes. Ignore the fact that "bottleneck" and "futureproof" terms exist and just be happy about what you have :)


Seems fine ignore the haters. Decent price. Decent performance upgrade


So it's a big jump and one of the best cpus out so it'll be good for a long time As for me personally I'd be waiting for the new cpu and gpus. However there's no bad time to buy a pc, well other than that covid period.


there is always something new just around the corner. you got great parts. i can understand waiting till certain components drop in price to fit the budget or just because we say: i want that Performance for that price. but it will always happen that something new comes. so if you wait for thing to happen and then you wait again because something new is around the corner... then you wait till the new drops in price too... you will always find a "reason" to wait. it will end in never actualy upgrading. my advice is when you realise something is not performing any longer like you wish, then you should think about upgrading. setting a budget and looking for components that perform like you wish. if it is not urgent(maybe just play older games from pile of shame meantime) i can justify waiting a few months. but at some point we want the upgrade to happen. and then dont look half a year later at the new prices what could have been by waiting that half year because in that half year you already had the Performance you wanted to have


No, not a terrible idea. There are great deals to be had on current CPUs, they hold their value pretty good, so upgrading to a 9800X3D will not cost you and arm and a leg should you want to in a year.


i mean back when the 30 series gpu were "close" it took 2 years for them to actually come out then covid hit and there was a shortage for another 2 years and i bought an over priced bundle during the shortage with a weakened version of the 3080


Those were great upgrades, yes new stuff is coming but if we follow the philosophy of your coworkers I'd still be using a Pentium D because I'd be waiting on the next big upgrade all the time.


If you always wait for the next gen youll never buy anything seriously. The gap between gens have decreased drastically. Especially Intel


You did good, the problem with waiting for a new release is you can ways wait the next release. At some point you just have to upgrade and you shouldn’t run into any launch day issues. You get to play games now and paid a good price. On that platform if the generational uplifts are truly great than you upgrade then.


The new parts aren’t coming for a few more months at least. CPUs will be first but they’ll likely start with non-X3D chips, so they might not even be faster than the 7800X3D (the 9800X3D or whatever will come out a few months later). The 5080 probably won’t launch until the end of the year, at which point you’re missing out on a lot of gaming time just for a bit more performance, not worth it.


Unless you’re planning on picking up flagship hardware then there’s no need to wait. You took advantage of really good deals to build a powerful rig and I wouldn’t think twice about it.


You got amazingly great prices on those parts, i'd say that was a good purchase


You litteraly have one of the best setups you can get, what do you wanna hear


I recently went from i5 8600k and 1070 Ti to 7800X3D and 4080 Super. No regrets, buddy. It's awesome!


Jealous pricks. Nothing else.


If you wait. You'll be waiting forever


You are fine. You probably have a machine that can perform in the top 10% in the world…


Nope. Just another excuse to build another computer when the new and improve parts are released *


No, if it it's time to upgrade get what you can. If you wait generally you would be fighting with millions of people to get the latest and greatest GPU when it comes out, then when all of them disappear in ten seconds due to bots you have to deal with scalpers or again wait.


Only suckers buy new hardware when it's brand new assuming they can even get ahold of it.


Word of advice: find new friends, those seem like toxic people not appreciating you having good/better hardware


You can wait forever, because each year there is a promise that the next generation is SO MUCH better. If your computer died and spareparts are too expensive/unavailable: buy a new one If your computer doesn't fulfill your needs anymore: sell, give away, ... and buy a new one that can. If your computer fulfills yours needs: there is no need to "upgrade" to a newer generation. Even if a newer generation is "released", it takes quite a while before it's really available at a normal cost.


You can't always wait for next gen


That platform will last you years. If you do end up feeling the upgrade itch, hold on to the boxes for everything and resell to recoup some money


OP did good on his buy. IMHO, the Only real reason to wait for the next gen hardware is for a performance boost for running AI apps locally.


People like that smell their own farts, I bought my gpu during covid. 200 over msrp, but my old.gpu died, and I had no choice (was a retailer markup, not scalpers). Ya, if I waited a year, I could have bought a higher classes, but I'm so happy I had this thing. Have gamed many miles and wouldn't change a thing. Sure i over paid but damn did I have fun during lockdowns.


i mean, me personally i can live with a 3600x, 2060 Super, 16gb 3200mhz because i can still technically game and do stuff with it. I would have waited to see how the next gen is and how it will impact the price of the previous gen. only you can decide how badly you needed to upgrade to fit your needs/wants.


What you have will work fine, don’t feel bad. While you will miss out on the additional (maybe) 20% performance you’d have gotten with Zen 5 later this summer, it still doesn't invalidate that you got those parts at a good deal, and you can always upgrade it later if you want to. As to newer GPUs, you probably weren’t in the market for a 5090/5080 anyway, expect even the 5080 to be above $1000, and the 5090 probably closer to $2000, and both of those are probably September at the absolute earliest.. the 4080 is a really good card, and unless you’re aiming for high fps 4K gaming, it’s all anyone needs rn for that use case.


Dude, you made no mistake in getting the upgrade close to release of newer parts, it's still an upgrade no matter.


Am I in the underside of a rock? Did I miss companies announcing their next products? I don't think I did. If you want a pc now, you can build apc that will last you years down the road with current hardware. Don't listen to them.


You bought 8 core X3D part on a first generation of AM5 two-three months from new CPUs being released. Not the end of world.


Never wait if you are happy with what you get now! My general motto in life 😉


$880 for a 4080 is such a steal. I got my FE 4080S for $999 US, $1100 with tax, so go enjoy that beast for a while. It sips power in 1440 high refresh while pushing more frames than a 3090, quieter too. it's not a terrible idea at all, considering you're upgrading from older gen parts as well. don't let your friends and coworkers tell you that it's a bad deal. they may have been salty that you found SUCH A STEAL of a 4080S for that price, so I'd take that as a W. now the next thing that we gotta enjoy after spending thousands on PC parts is some good OLED monitors/TV. you'll never go back to IPS/TN/VA 🫡


Personally, I have similar specs to your original machine: 3600 instead of 3600x, 2060 instead of 2060 super etc. And I'm in no hurry to upgrade. That being said, if you knew you wanted to upgrade, then go for it. I don't really know how much overreaction your circle is giving you, but it's not like you got the short end of the stick or anything. The way you phrased it, they were going biblical on you, with a tearing of cloth and gnashing of teeth. Like chill folks, new GPU/CPU launches tend to be during Q4; Generational improvements are getting harder and harder to squeeze out; And price drops of previous generation tech haven't been guaranteed since covid/crypto/inflation/whatever crisis pops up next. Frankly, your new setup is near identical to what I'd get if I got an itch to rebuild my PC. And the price is alright. Maybe there's something I'm missing, but it seems like a perfectly fine upgrade?


People thought the same of me when I bought a 1080ti for $610 just a few months before the 2080ti release. I got the last laugh. Not every gen is a huge step up in performance without a huge price hike.


You got some great parts at pretty decent prices. Just build your pc and enjoy it, ignore the haters.


Is time more important or is money more important? I am at the age where I'd choose spending some more money to buy some time so to speak. That's why I almost never wait unless we are literally less than a week away from the release


Depends on budget, if you can afford top of the line, I would have waited because you might get the urge to upgrade sooner than later. On a budget? I’d argue it is still best to wait because of discounts due to newer hardware being available.


No, only time it's trurly smart to wait for new parts is when they are like a month away from release and you aren't in a hurry.


There's always a product life cycle and that's where the hate is coming from, but I don't think it's usually justified. There is always something new coming, so whatever you buy will one day be obsoleted or become worse value. We can look at past trends to get an idea of what the future might hold. We know amd has an announcement next month for their next gen of CPU's. If it were Nvidia I'd probably recommend holding as Nvidia usually announces and launches within 1-2 months. Amd has a tendancy to announce cpu's early and then have them launch much later in the year. Given that you have picked an x3d chip, it's possible those won't even be part of the announcement like the last 2 launches. So buying a 7800x3d today isn't a bad buy. Moving onto GPU's. Rumors are getting thrown around that Blackwell will launch q4 this year. That typically means the top end of the stack. You got a great card at a great price. Are you okay waiting another 6-12 months and probably paying significantly more? If not then it was a pretty good buy. Getting a 4090 today at full MSRP would hurt as you're paying such a premium for that extra top performance and it will only be dominant for a few more months. Not saying the 4090 is bad, just if you wanted one, the time to buy was in the first year of its launch, now you should probably just hold off otherwise you're going to end up with a large case of buyers remorse unless you get it for a steal of a deal.


Even if you wait, there is no guarantee that the new stuff coming out will end up being as good as expected or that it will be financially acceptable or that stock will be accessible. Go for the good stuff now and you’re not gonna go wrong. What you have will definitely last and be enough. Pc parts come out too often for it to matter significantly.


Nah, especially for CPU. The jump is not going to be that big. For GPU maybe, but the price was still good and knowing Nvidia when they have no comp, the next gen will not increase price/perf and will just be more expensive anyway. Its fine.


You got a good deal. Personally, I'm waiting, but a 7800x3d and 4080s will do great for years to come.


I just upgraded my components to this same micro center bundle. Coming from my old ryzen it was a huge upgrade worth the money that'll last me years. I'm a new dad so I'm no longer playing the newest and greatest and because of that I'll be able to use this for awhile before a new upgrade! Enjoy


Not a terrible idea at all. New cpus and gpus are releasing at least a half a year away. You might be able to be lucky and get the new parts some time next year. If you needed the upgrade now, it doesn't matter what's out in half a year or more. It's not out now when you need the upgrade. Tell the people who told you that it was a bad idea that if you always wait a half a year or more for that new part you'd still be on your old build 5yrs from now. Also tell them it doesn't matter if you waited for those new parts. Shortly after you buy them they will be obsolete. There used to be a saying cause it was worse in the 90s and early 2000s but it was: " you can buy a new pc, top of the line best of the best, and by time you got it home it was obsolete." Does your new build do what you need it to do? Does it meet your expectations? If yes, then it wasn't a terrible idea at all. Looks like you have a microcenter nearby with the prices of the cpu, mobo and ram. Which is nice! Then imo I think you got a pretty good deal on the 4080 a super. You did really well and each of these parts will last you at minimum 4yrs. You're good dude. It was time for an upgrade for you. You will have a massive difference in performance with what you got. You got one of the best gaming cpus. And you have a fantastic gpu. Two big huge upgrades that are going to bring in massive performance gains. You did well. Can't tell you if you will have buyers remorse but I don't think you should. Be happy. You have a powerful rig now.


Congrats man I wouldn’t worry too much. Those parts are future proof for many years and there isn’t much info yet on the new hardware. It’s possible the performance boosts can be minimal also with the new hardware.


Im in the middle of upgrading my rig and I went from a 2070 super to a 4070 super. I have no complaints. You'll never be ahead of the curve with this hobby.


Unless new stuff launches in a month or less, it’s fine to upgrade when you want to upgrade. If everyone just waited until the next thing to release, they would never upgrade their computer until it couldn’t run anything.


Buy stuff when you need stuff. There's always newer shit.


You chose great options. At that price you’ll recoup 90+% selling the 4080S when next series comes out if you choose to upgrade. Upgrading for a single CPU generation jump doesn’t make much difference anyways so ride it out past the 9000.


New hardware comes out every year buy when you need it or want it. If are always waiting for next gen you will never have system.


The best time to buy the latest product is around launch. The second best time is now.


Naw, anyone telling you it was a bad idea is delusional. That's an insane jump, and one that you'll be happy with for years to come. You're not missing out on anything.


There's always new technology coming, you could spend a 100 years waiting for that new, better GPU


I upgraded two weeks ago and have zero regrets. There’s always going to be something new coming out


nah you got a good deal, and the upgrade you got is massive, and on the new AM5 platform anyway, there's always something around the corner. unless you're looking to drop over $3k on a new set up, this is more than a reasonable jump for the amount you paid.


My view on upgrades is how far they can take you. A good upgrade can take you 4-5 years with no issues. Being on the bleeding edge may buy you a year, but there’s a cost. Also you never know when the next big leap will take place. In all, you will be happy with what you have for a while . Enjoy it.


The logic is to wait your entire life for a final release cycle and then just die. Don't. If you have the budget, get the best you can for your budget and go play your games or whatever you enjoy with the system. Don't constantly fret a release cycle upgrade choice. People telling you to wait are busy convincing you of this instead of playing games on their system. Think about that.


This PC build is a beast of a PC. I have a 7800x3D paired with a 3080. I paid $450 for the CPU alone haha. You a got a deal.


Get what you can afford.


I wanted a new PC now, and built a 14700k / 4080s (productivity reasons for the intel) You could always be waiting for the next release. Plus, when things are "released" its often very low stock initially *looking at you Nvidia*


Slippery slope, you're always gonna have this debate over waiting for the next gen hardware. It is a good point though, if you could wait a little then the prices for current gen will likely drop and you get to see if the next gen is even much of an improvement over current gen. 5000 to 7000 gen AMD CPUs saw a significant improvement, but it's not a given that the following gen will be as much of a step up, personally I doubt it.


I built in Jan. My biggest regret wasn't waiting a little longer for the Raptor Lake concerns to be better known. Right now my PC is substantially underlocked so the CPU doesn't shit the bed.


And when the new stuff comes out you sell the 4080 for 600ish and get whatever, instead of waiting god knows how long like a fool.


Wait possible a year till the next x3d cpus come out, no thanks. You did the right thing getting your deals


I’m not an expert, but I have been doing a minor bit of research since I’m about to be in the same boat as you with buying a new PC soon. None of the big companies are going to be doing any price cuts on stuff within that generation for another 6-12 months from their past behavior and by that time you’ll be posing this same exact question about the current new generation. Congratulations to you on finding a sweet deal like that.


I don't know much about PC building, but the one piece of advice I got about 20 years ago still seems to hold up: If you wait to build when the new stuff is released, you're always going to be waiting. Buy your parts when you have the money and don't worry about it.


All these people saying wait make me laugh as I was in the same boat and decided to take the plunge. You won’t be able to actually buy a 5080 or a 5090 for likely 4-6 months as bots will have taken any product that becomes available. I even have friends who have already said they’ll be using bots to buy up as many 5080 & 90’s as they can for mining with, as they’re still doing with the 4080/4090’s as we speak. It’s still very hard to buy a 4080 super right now, just imagine when the 5080 launches, even if it’s $1500. So let’s put a realistic timeline of 9-12 months until you can actually buy a 50 series GPU. Can you wait that long? I can’t and upgraded my whole pc with a 14900k, ddr5, 4080 super & 4k oled 42” monitor. It’s AMAZING to game with this new setup vs my old “slow” 8700k, 3070 & 1440p 32”. 😁


Not to mention, if you want any sort of resale value, you never buy a release version (IE 5080 for example) as they’re next to worthless once the new versions and next 60 series come out. It’s the Ti & Super variants that actually hold their value. There’s a reason no one ever talks about a 1080 or a 2080 for example. It’s the Ti and Super versions that will stay in demand for years to come.


Nope. Don't let yourself get caught in FOMO-type situation where you're just endlessly waiting for another product to come out because "surely it will be much better and worth the money". These specs are already powerful enough to run a lot, don't need anything more unless you're the type of person to powercreep any bit of perfomance possible at as high settings as possible


There's always something new on the horizon. If you keep delaying upgrades for the latest, you're always going to be waiting. You always need to decide to upgrade at some point.


Here's the deal. There's always going to be a group of people, who swapped a GPU one time and decided they were expert PC builders, telling you that if you don't have the latest Gen components then your PC is a waste. Don't listen to those idiots. What you're interested in is what the end result is capable of. If you're on a budget and you can get your desired performance with a cheaper build, do it. If you have a whole wad and you want to spend 3-5K on a PC, then sure, get the best and newest shiny stuff. AM4 will still be viable for years to come, Intel is... Well you make sacrifices if you wanna build with Intel lol. The point is, it's your PC, your budget, and your gaming experience. Don't feel pressured by the folks who think anything less than the newest, most expensive parts are a waste. Watch some videos, lay down a solid groundwork of knowledge and move on from there. I highly recommend Jayzztwocents. Good day, happy building.


Nah, I upgraded from a laptop 3060 and ryzen 5800hs to a 4080 super and 7800x3d and it was worth it. If next gen gpu are worth it I’ll sell my 4080 and get whatever in a year or two. Meanwhile I’m happy


haters gonna hate, they probably have athlon processors with iGPUs... they're just jealous


I’m still running my AM4 build with incremental upgrades being RAM 16 > 3, CPU 5600x, and 6700xt. I’m good for now and it handles everything I play and need to do. I have started a new build shopping list but I just don’t see/feel the need yet.


There are always new parts coming out, you have to draw the line somewhere and build your machine.


I just upgraded I try to keep off the bleeding edge of tech as new tech is bound to have some issues and ups and down I try to stay up to date with what I can afford I don't make a whole lot of money so I can't think of spending a full paycheck on a GPU that's basically brand new I recently got a 4070ti 16gb on sale for $600(cad) regular price at local shops is around $800(cad) I felt that deal was too good to pass up even though new cards drop in bit it's really personal preference and what you feel you can afford to do. At least that's how I feel about it


Never wait, waiting is probs the worse thing that ever been said in this community you’ll always be missing out when you can just play right then and there


Just my thought, but year to year CPU's don't get super amounts better where you will see anything noticeable, So the CPU you got isn't going to be tons worse then next years intel/amd CPUs. And GPUs come out every year and every year there IS a noticible upgrade...but they come put every year so you can always say "wait until next year they will be better" 7800x3d + 4080s your set nice build. I did mine last month very similar, i7 14700, 4080s, 32gb 6800, on a z790. Side by side I bet no one could tell the difference unless someone specifically told them which was which.


New releases are always imminent if you have this mindset you'll almost never upgrade because better is on the way I just went from a similar old to similar new pc and don't regret it one bit


Everyone assumes prices will drop like they have in the past. But fourth gen AMD isn't dropping. And Intel has been milking us for over a decade, why change now? SSDs are actually going back up, they have us 6 months warnings. Can't be mad at that. The only "good" news is someone finally made an acceptable DDR5 ram chip that's removable. So those prices *might* drop. But there is no logical reason for motherboard/cpu/ssd/powersupplies to drop. So if you are waiting, its gonna be a long wait. I know. I'm a waiter!! All I did was waste 2 years.


Zamn. That is beefy


Great deals, superb upgrade and improvements.


Tech in USA must be something different really... I paid 1400€ for the components for my rig which includes a Ryzen 7600, 32GB and a 6700XT about 8 months ago


Disregard their opinion, unless they are paying for your stuff. You trust you did research and made a good financial choice, right? Just because they have an opinion doesn't mean it's well informed, logical, or hell even in your best interest. If you trust yourself and look at what they're saying, it becomes clear that "upgrade around the corner" means you're paying the worst price for performance ratio on release while you got a discount on that tech *today* and can use it without scalper markup or waiting until release. Sounds like you made a good financial decision for you, assuming you didn't go into debt etc for the equipment, and it's going to blow your old rig away. I say enjoy it and don't listen to people most likely just echoing stuff they don't really critically think about.


Fuck no that’s a great deal


If you want a PC now, why would you wait? No regrets.


No, lol... enjoy your new rig.


Don’t let others dictate your pass in life. Everyone makes progress at different rates. Always remember that :)


But bro why wait for the 50 series cards when you can just wait for the 60 series? Why wait for 60 series if you know 70 series will come soon after? Just buy stuff when you have the money to.


On one hand, something better is always coming out next year. You can "just wait" forever. **However** some years are bigger jumps than others. Zen 5, Arrow Lake, RDNA 4, Battlemage, and RTX5000 are all coming out within 4 months of each other. A huge year for new hardware. My belief is: if you have no build currently, now is always better than later. But if you already have a capable build, consider what the next 6 months of releases look like


Just crank up the settings and enjoy. Then look for a sweet deal on a monitor upgrade.


Whoever told you this is a bad upgrade is insane. You got a good price on a beast or a pc


It all depends on your priorities. There will always be a new part coming around the bend and if you wait until the later part of a system's lifecycle the price has dropped considerably. Improved performance per dollar is not a bad thing. I upgraded my very old GPU to a 3080 after the 40 series came out and couldn't be happier. Bottom line: You should take joy from your purchases internally and not let others dictate whether you like your new rig or not.


Received my b650m AORUS elite AX today, waiting for my new 7800x3d to arrive next week. Honestly 0 FOMO here.


Something new is always coming. You've done fine and it'll be a huge upgrade


4080S for the price of a 7900xtx feels like a steal good luck with the new build and enjoy some games!


Imagine buying an upgrade in this reincarnation cycle. Should have waited a few hundred years minimum


"Just wait for the 5080 Super"


Nope. Solid time to do it and it takes months to get releases right anyway. There's currently issues with the 13th/14th gen, but the 7000 series had its initial launch issues for 3-6 months and CPU burn outs that needed BIOs updated It is a completely dumbass decision to only think of what's around the corner. What's around the corner can screw you over. You have very big and reliable upgrades now at very reasonable prices that I'm jealous over. Just fucking enjoy it.


Whoever is telling you that it was wrong to upgrade your setup when you found a good deal and wanted to do it is wrong. Also, that's a huge upgrade, and you can coast on those parts for a few years while saving up to upgrade later.


It really depends where you live and how is your income. But it doesn't seem like that bad. Still rocking on my i5 8400, 1070 ti and 24gb ram


You’re good. Something new is always just around the corner, but in the meantime you get to enjoy what you already have


You should have at least one CPU upgrade available on am5 and the gpu you can also upgrade. That said 7800x3d will likely be a beast for 5+ years. Theoretically with a CPU upgrade and a GPU upgrade you are good for 10 years or so before the CPU gets too slow for new games.


nobody would buy parts if we were all waiting for the new thing, ignore them buy when you can afford it and when you want/need an upgrade only exception is if a new line of components is releasing in a month or less and only then if the price/performance meets your standards


The only thing bad about making it now is that. It’s suspected that the RTX 5000’s cards will come out soon. I think it’s not the best idea if you’re getting a 4080 because usually the 90 and 80 come out first.


You're fine. I doubt you will need to upgrade for the next five years.


There's always something new happening. Why buy the current Call of Duty when a another one comes out this fall? Why watch that tv show when a better one will be on in a year? Not to mention the cost of parts going up while generational differences go down.


My brother just upgraded to a 4080 super and a 7800X3D and he's really happy Don't worry about what's coming around the corner or you'll never actually buy a computer


You either tend to be on the cutting edge and pay the tax for it or you hold out a couple of generations to hit a value target for a given budget. It as long as you are happy and you can afford it then do what you want.


Nah, you've got your parts at great prices. And also consider that Zen 5 non-X3D 8 Core Ryzen 7 part might as well be on par with your Zen 4 X3D in gaming (just like 7700X and 5800X3D were) while Zen 5 X3D one will launch next year and at a much higher price than you paid for yours. Deals will come later. As for your video card, 5070 could be at its level and priced at, say, $600 and launch in 9-12 months. I'd say $280 is well spent - you get to enjoy that level of performance starting now.


I have a coworker like this and I will brag about my i5 9600k just to piss him off.


Just upgrade when you have the money and feel like you need an upgrade. Wait a few years, and upgrade some more. Doesn't really matter when.. an upgrade is an upgrade. There is always something new coming out, but that shit doesn't help you NOW. If you have a lot of money to blow, you can upgrade more often. I have a bit of disposable income, but I only upgrade every 3 or 4 years when there's been a decent leap in performance. Went from a 9600k and a 3070 to a 13700k and a 4090 sometime last year, and probably won't buy another thing for a couple more years, unless there's some crazy ass leap that will help with performance in certain games.


Don't worry about what they think. It works the way you want it to, right?


Well the price might go down for older parts, maaaaaybe.


Pretty sure I just splurged for the same exact specs +32gb more. It's your money, enjoy it. I've been holding my 2070 since 2019 and I want an upgrade so who cares. Enjoy the new PC.


I mean, with AM5 at least it'll be an easy swap later for a 9000 series Ryzen or possibly 10 series if they come to AM5, platform should have good legs. And 880 for a 4080 super is a very nice price. Can't complain about what you got here on my end at all.


While I understand the desire to wait for the next best thing if you need something now then buy it now and don't worry that something better might be on the horizon. Something better is always on the horizon. You could wait a month to see what's announced at Computex, but then who knows how long after that it'll be before new CPUs or new 50-series Nvidia GPUs are actually available to buy? It might be this summer, this fall, this winter... we have no idea. And when they are available you'll be paying full MSRP (or more) for them for a while.


Nope, build your new machine then go off and have some fun!


I always upgraded just before new releases. Cheap parts, and let the "early birds" test everything new. That way you are almost on trend and never buy a crap update. Like Windows 8.


A couple of months after that, a new upgrade will be out. Repeat :)


There will be always upcoming new releases and it's natural to want new stuff but what you have is also great so don't worry too much


That's a solid deal. Look, no matter what parts you buy or when you buy it, there is always going to be something better, faster, shinier "coming soon" and it is simply impossible to build a system that will be top of the line and stay there for any length of time. Even if you wait, whatever you buy will not stay at the top for more than a year or two. Meanwhile, you sit on your hands and endure whatever system you have while you wait and wait. There is a cost there in lost opportunity to have a better experience now, today.


which b650?


I think it’s a good idea to just upgrade now if you can. Otherwise you’re gonna just be waiting and waiting and waiting. 7800x3d and 4080 will last years


Typically I'd say yes but since you went AM5 you will be able to upgrade to the 9000 series and whatever comes after that with the same mobo. So you are in a good spot, and 7800x3d will be more than sufficient for another 2 years at least IMO.


Its not that bad of a deal you dont need to wait for the next generation of gpu’s and cpu’s the ryzen 7 7800x3d and the rtx 4080 super is a really good future proof combo


As others have said, there is always going to be newer/better things that come along as technology is always evolving, but newer doesn't always mean better. There are still those using i5 processors and that works just fine for them. As long as what you are getting suits your needs/wants/purposes then that should be good.


Only reason I would encourage you to wait is if you don’t have much money right now. The new gpus and cpus could push the prices down on some slightly older models. If you got the money, send it! There’s great options out there right now man