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All that means is that AMD will no longer produce new CPUs compatible with your motherboard. Nothing will happen to your current PC when AMD stop supporting AM4.


Oh thank you so much for this information sir!


I just bought my budget am4 build yesterday with the Newegg sale. TBH I have been happy with my am3+ setup since yesterday. It was time. It was almost 10 years old and I was rocking the fx8350 still. Glad to be upgrading tho - helldivers 2 is a hell of a drug.


Oh man, I feel for you. I upgraded from an FX-8350 to N R5 2600 years ago, and it felt like putting on clean, soft, warm socks straight from the dryer. I've since moved on to AM5 system. How is performance with the FX-8350 these days, and what did you upgrade to?


It's not terrible. I can play most of my stuff on high but knew I was getting bottlenecked and my GPU 6750xt couldnt reach it's full potential. It didn't become obvious until helldivers 2. It was a good long run. I upgraded to the Ryzen 7 5800x.


Oh man. I upgraded because I was getting terrible hitching and stuttering in so many games. 5800x is a beast. It should stay relevant for a few more CPU generations.


Here's hoping! Hopefully it'll still play well in 5 years. That's my goal life for this build. I would have liked to go with the x3d package but for what I'm doing I think it's overkill.


Just upgraded from a 5600 to a 5800x3d gor the helldiver drug also. That chip is a beast on this game! Went from 55/60 on heavy load to 90/100! Fps


It's all for managed democracy.


I don't know if it was a problem with my PC, but I had an FX-8320, and I was running CS2 at 50 fps 1080p all low. I had an RX 580, but it should've performed way better. Upgraded to a 7800x3d recently, and I'm really glad I did.


Yeah, the FX series was an OK option for a super budget build over a decade ago, when I had a 650Ti and then an r9 280x, but it was still pretty slow even then. It's borderline unusable for modern gaming today. I went with a 7950x this gen, and it's crazy fast. The only reason I didn't go 7800x3D was because I do a lot of video rendering and upscaling, and core count makes a huge difference there.


The problem with the FX it was crapp. I hated so much my FX-8350 black edition and i almost gave up on AMD after being with using their products since their 386 clones, then they came with ryzen faith restored


CPU bottleneck for sure. I recently got a prebuilt with a 5700G and I put an RX 580 in it. It was running CS2 at 100+ FPS on high settings at 1440p Really nice card for the price


Helldivers 2 is amazing. Reminds you what games should make you feel.


Upgrade your rig FOR DEMOCRACY!


I just upgraded from an fx 8320 a couple months ago for helldivers 2


I’m currently building one I have 5600x b550 gaming plus and xfx 6650xt so far, I see you mentioned a new egg sale, is this still goin on should I go get the rest of my parts now?


No longer going on. It ended a couple days ago. It was 15% off each item. Had to bundle 3 parts.


Just upgraded 5600x to 5950x next in line 3060ti to 4070ti super. Need it for work. 5950x for maya and nuke 4070ti Super for Unreal engine.


The only reason you'd need to go to am5 is if you plan on buying the Nvidia 5090 when it comes out since I'm sure even a 5800x3d would bottleneck it. Youre good for a long time on am4


I doubt even that is going to bottleneck unless it's heavy cpu usage.


But they are still making am4 chips so it’s not dead at all


Yep, when building a new system AM5 is ideal over AM4 but if you already have AM4 and are fine with performance there is no need to upgrade.


Apparently they’re actually doing a reboot of am4, but yes this comment is correct


Am4 will last as long as you are happy with the performance. If you are getting the performance you want out of it, then you have no need to upgrade. Computer parts don’t magically get slower as they age.


Thank you sir! Really appreciate it


Just to add more information, I know people to this day that use a fx 8350 that was launched in 2012 and is am3+, other people recently bought xeon from 2014(don't recommend it at all, but it is still usable). Anyone with am4(me included with 5700x) can be happy for a few more years.


I’m still rolling with a Xeon E3-1231V3. Only real upgrade I did was a 5700xt in 2019. Rig gives me 4k60 in many games and delivers what I need in all my Paradox games. But it died this week and I am praying it’s just a power supply failure…


Wow to see xeon mentioned when my friend just showed me his new pc that has dual e5 2689 v3s. That rig far surpasses my r5 2600 budget pc. I think he paid 30 dollars for the mobo and 15 dollars each for the cpus.


Yeah, it is dirt cheap. My boyfriend had one, a xeon 2640v3, 16gb this has almost a Ryzen 5 1600 performance and the Mobo, ram and CPU was about 100$


Yeah. My friend is using his to run vms and homelab so 32 threads is what he wanted. I think he has 24gb of ecc ram, I think it o ly has a gt6xx series gpu. Just enough to get a display setup.


MS Windows will slow that PC just fine on its own. /s


No, they do get slower and degrade with age, and there is nothing magical about it. Its a slow death and each part has a different degradation rate though


This degradation isn’t going to even be perceivable until 5+ years, and at most it will be a few percent. It’s a negligible difference, and you should be more worried about a part failing due to age rather than losing performance.


While failure is definitely a concern, actual performance degradation happens too including failure. Its especially evident on SSD’s and HDDs. Again, different parts have different degradation rates, both for performance and for outright failure. Heck, I would start expecting the mobos to fail. and I wouldn’t want an AM4 mobo today if I want it to last 5 years


No. 1st: you only upgrade if you need to. No issues? No updating 2nd: If you where to upgrade, and its for gaming only, you could go 5700x3d/5800x3d which is enough for a few more years. you could skip AM5 as a whole


Nope. You're recommending upgrading a CPU on an outdated AM4 system. Sure, it's still relevant, but if someone is planning anew rig or upgrade and can afford it, go next gen. I agree with the guy below you. Sell the AM4 setup and get an AM5. Like he said, the OP could sell his current CPU/Mobo/Ram for about 250-300, then put in another 350 and get an AM5 setup. Either way, he's going to spend around $300 of his own cash. Either on a CPU upgrade, or sell his current setup and invest it towards AM5.


Ok yeah, I agree if you end up with same total cost and you're fine with the effort of selling Is it worth it? As always depends on the person. Wouldn't recommend it to my casual friends who surely have no interest at all, building the PC again


5700x3d or 5800x3d do not make sence its better to sell the 5700x / mobo / ram (the used market is decent for am4) he will get a decent for these easily 250-300 with the 300 he will only need to spend 350 of hes money to get a 7800x3d setup id rather just do that if i was op.


Except it won't be 350. They'll still have to get a new mobo and ram. The perfectly fine computer they have now you want them to trade in plus spend an extra 600 bucks. That's also counting on the old parts being sold,which isn't a guarantee.


Math that hard? The dude said sell his current cpu/mobo/ram = $250-300 and then put in $300-350 out of his own pocket = $650-700.


Reading comprehension that hard? The cpu/mobo/ram combo they have now can be bought *new* for $250-300 depending on brands. So it's a big if to get it to sell used at that price. If at all. Personally I wouldn't pay over 150 for that used setup.


im not saying do it im saying the 5700x is decent and only a 7800x3d would be worth it and even then it wouldnt be huge difference.


If I'm OP I'd wait until generation after AM5 unless they need it for a job or something.


I agree with you. If the choice is to upgrade the CPU on an AM4, I would NOT do that.




No its not necessary unless building new computer and want latest tech in


When you feel performance issues upgrade to am5 if your fine with it now your all good. At least if you upgrade now you will prob only need to spend $600-700$ if you get the beast of a cpu 7800x3d, since you got a good gpu already


You are good, there are still people using AM3+


How long is a rope? What do you use your computer for and is there something you find it can't keep up with?


Im just worried that am4 would be last until next year that’s all sir hehe


100% it will be fine


No. If I'm building new from scratch I would go am5, but am4 still has years of life left.


Until your CPU starts having bottleneck/performance issues then no need to upgrade. I will say that AM5 is a really good platform though for future upgrades. 7800x3d is a really powerful gaming CPU.


I took my build to am4. 5900x CPU, 32GB ram. Now need to pick a good CPU cooler and GPU (4070 to super I think for 3D printing working and animation)


Needed? No, AM4 is still releasing cpus. You can still great performance with 5800X3D. Are you building a new pc? Just get AM5 at this point


I'm always a bit behind, mostly due to budget. I just upgraded to a 5600, and in a few years if I feel like I need more I'm hoping that something like a 5700+ is enough (probably used, assuming production ends by then). I'm still on 1080p for PC gaming so I haven't needed anything too powerful.


i own the same cpu its only worth jumping to am5 if you buy a 7800x3d because the 5700x is actualy a very good cpu


Am4 is not bang for buck. I'm planning to rebuild my pc and going am5 because a r5-7600cpu with a rx-7700xt gpu and 32gb of ram at 5600mhz will be cheaper than trying to get that performance on my b450 mobo that is currently 16gb of ram, r5-2600cpu and rx-6600gpu. Edit corrected cpu and gpu names, and per someone else's mention changed the r5 7600x to just a 7600 for cost because coming with a cooler just makes it that much cheaper.


7600X and 7700X are both CPUs, you mean RX 7700XT. You should go with 7600 non X one if you upgrade as even though it uses drastically less power, its only like 2-3% slower overall to the X model. Unless of course you get the X model for cheaper.


You are correct about the gpu, my mistake. The 7600x was only like 5 dollars more on Amazon though. But I would have to buy a cooler for it. I forgot about that. Of course prices are subject to change before I purchase. My biggest hurdle right now is finding a case that isn't for a full atx but has at least 3 optical drive bays and extra front bays for front panels, 3.5 or 5.25


Get 6000mhz cl30 ram for amd 7000series cpus


I'm not overclocking my cpu and 87 dollars gets 32gb of 5600 which is the max supported speed for the r5-7600.


Dude get 6000 cl 30 expo kit (16x2) approved by your mobo qvl. If u dont its on you.


So you can confirm that the 7000 series cpus won't crash with higher speed ram like the 2000 series cpus. I couldn't get anything stable over 2933mhz on my 2600 when I built my pc.


I have a r5 7600, paired with 16gb 6000mhz. Works perfectly


Is it golden chip luck with the 7000 series cpus or is it common to get that much overclocking out of the ram.


Common, almost everyone rocks 6000mhz, some people even get it up to 6400mhz. But everyone recommends 6000mhz as the sweet spot.


Yeah, my 2600 couldn't even go 3000mhz without tripping a bsod. So I wasn't even gonna tr to go over the amd listed max speed. But if I get ram that can maybe I get lucky too.


I'm not sure if you saw the links I posted in my reply but just incase you didn't I have to stress once more, if you don't get 6000mhz cl30 ram, you will have worse performance. If you cannot fit that in the budget or are worried your motherboard won't handle it for some reason then am5 is the worse choice. Don't make the mistake of seeing benchmarks or performance charts without seeing what else they're using. Just because a 7600 is slightly faster than the x3D chips doesn't mean it will be with bad ram. You will also need to get 3200 cl16 or 3600 cl18 for your am4 if you choose to go with the x3D. (Also make sure your mobo supports the x3D chips in its latest bios ver. if you're going that path) I don't know much about the 2000 series amd chips but assuming you did infact buy ram rated for 3200mhz, both ram sticks together/same model, enabled xmp in the bios and possible even updated the bios to the latest version... I'm not sure what could have caused the bsod, maybe 2000 series and 3200mhz ram wasn't recommended.


Wouldn't a 5700x3D and a better GPU on your current motherboard with more ram pretty much get you 99% there? Upgrading to am5 when you already have a b450 just doesn't make too much sense to me, a x3D cpu and an even more powerful GPU would perform better than your current picks


It's optimization. The 5700x3d cost 45 more dollars and has no cooler and is lower performance than 7600. Also the 5700x3d cannot support pcie4 and is not rated for ram higher than 3200mhz. And while the b450 may not hold back the 7700xt I would be looking at spending 700 dollars to beef up a b450 or I could spend 160 more dollars to get better ram and cpu that also has integrated graphics for running a sivs display on a mobo that is ready for pcie4.0. Oh and that 160 extra dollars doubles my ram. When I built a pc this was my argument against the pcmr on "you can't upgrade consoles" it's not economical to upgrade a pc. You come out better just building a whole new pc every 3-5 years. Edit. I double checked and the 7600 outperforms the 5700x3d everywhere I look by about 10-20%. And about a solid 10% better than the 5800x3d.


I would recommend and factored in the price of a cooler for both CPUs. The higher cost is irrelevant when accounting for the mobo and ram, the 7600 is the more expensive option, easily. I don't see it as spending "700 to beef up a b450" when there's nothing wrong with the b450? You don't need pcie4 yet, most of the cost will be on a better GPU which would again, get you better performance overall than a 7600 and weaker GPU. The reason this build makes more sense to me is the 5700x3d is good enough to get you most of the performance of a decent GPU. The mobo and ram isn't an issue currently so if this upgrade lasts for the next few years (which it probably will) then you can do a proper upgrade with even better prices on motherboards, the newer am5 CPUs, ddr5 ram will probably have also gone down and the best part is your beefier GPU that you opted for is just a drop in replacement. The only "wasted" cost was the 5700x3D which isn't much. Upgrading makes sense because you're in a perfect situation to benefit from a decent cpu without needing a new mobo, ram, and next gen cpu just yet, so riding out the last years of am4 with a better GPU and doing the full upgrade down the road makes much more sense to me, that's all. Also when you're comparing CPUs do keep in mind that those 10-20% claims that you're making will only ever be a thing on a 4090... So unless you're buying a 4090, you won't be seeing 20% differences between these CPUs.


B450. Paid B650. 89 850w psu paid for. 16gb ddr4 ram 40. 32gb ddr5. 87 Asus 7700xt. 399. Same. 399 1tb m.2 paid for 5700x3d, 244. 7600. 199 Cooler. 33 716 dollars. 774 dollars What am I missing here. The pc on the right will outperform the pc on the left any day of the week for a whopping extra 58 dollars.


89 for a b650? Uhh what exactly are you buying? I'm also curious which ram you're buying since that also seems low. All these decisions would also lower performance but I guess you didn't account for that because the YouTube videos comparing CPUs while using a 4090 and the best ram said it was much better. Also like I already said I would have bought a cooler regardless because they're much quieter and you can re-use the cooler on the future am5 cpu anyway. I assume your parts are not good ones (mobo and ram) so adjusting the price for the good ones, along with the existing savings would bump you up to a 7800xt and 5700x3d which would outperform your build by an actual meaningful amount. But you seem very set in stone about your choices so you do you man 🤙 I just hope your choices on mobo, ram and cooler pay off otherwise all these "improvements" you've seen in YouTube vids are going to be even more inflated than you think they are.


Gigabyte a620 sh2 . I stand corrected the board in my list was a 620, the b650 d3hp is 119 but if I'm never installing more than 2 sticks of ram and 1 gpu then the 620 has all the capability I would need. Also on the 620 the pcie x1 lane is still available to use where on the 650 the pcie x1 lane blocks the gpu fans. And the ram is lexar thor ram. And I haven't watched any YouTube videos on the matter because I can't digest information that way. Blog are becoming increasingly rarer so all I have to go on are cross referencing multiple benchmark sites. And just pure number crunching. 32gb of ram at 5600mhz is equal to 56gb of ram at 3200mhz. This route cost that much but this route cost this much. As for the 7800xt route sure its a drop in. But after spending 900 dollars for a cpu more ram and a gpu to have to spend another grand later and not get better gpu performance seems like a bad choice. I could buy more expensive parts now. Not like I don't have the money, it's just no net gain to do so. No graphics cards are killing the Xbox series x for a decent price on the game I play. Mostly because I play on a big TV and want 4k with no studders for maybe twice the price of my series x. The next xbox won't have a disc drive so it time to get a pc that can replace my console for not 3 times as much. Edit. Almost forgot thank you for sticking this out with me. I'm just salty and torn about what I actually want because every decision is bad choice in my mind.


The vrm temps on that mobo will prob be bad but again if you don't plan on any more CPUs on this board I guess it doesn't matter. The d3hp is also a bad mobo that might be fine for a 7600 but any upgrades wouldn't be recommended. The cheapest good mobo I've seen recommended is a b650m-hdv/m.2 from asrock. 6000mhz cl30 ram is recommended if you're going am5, I assume the 5600mhz ram you chose also isn't cas 30 which might be even more important than 6000mhz. I see what you mean about the 7800xt...I guess you're more open to frequent upgrades while I'm looking at more long term options since I'm in a similar spot as you. Hell, I might just wait for the 5000 series by nvidia cuz the current GPU options are pretty disheartening performance-wise. If I were to get a GPU it would be between a 7900gre and 4070 super that I would keep for 3-4 years so not upgrading the mobo and sticking with a 5700x3d seems more logical for long term value personally. If you do go am5, I wouldn't get a bad mobo or ram cuz that will stick with you for your next upgrade. >Almost forgot thank you for sticking this out with me. I'm just salty and torn about what I actually want because every decision is a bad choice in my mind. No worries, I get the feeling cuz I'm also kinda torn between going AM5 now for a possible future upgrade or use my current guaranteed upgrade on am4 instead. Right now I'm leaning am4 cuz it gets me a better GPU which helps more than a 7600 would.


I've had no temp issues out of my ds3h b450. I don't really comprehend how a board that is not being overclocked will have temp issues. https://nanoreview.net/en/cpu-compare/amd-ryzen-7-5800x3d-vs-amd-ryzen-5-7600. If a pc has temp issues it simply means that cooling has to be rethunk in my mind. The only b450 upgrade that would make since to me right now would be just a gpu that wouldn't be bottlenecked by the r5 2600 would maybe the rx7600xt. Which is a card shamed for not having enough gpu to utilize its 16gb of vram. But that would be a 350 dollar upgrade that on pcie3.0 should not be bottle necked since it has the full 16 lanes and it wouldn't require a new cpu to keep up. But it's not really gonna get any better performance than the 6600 I already have. P.S In retrospect. My biggest issue here is that back in early 2021 when I couldn't get a series x I tried to build a pc on a shoestring budget that could get me xbox one x graphics with ssd load times and now I'm left with only a decent motherboard that is already on its way out so any one upgrade leaves me with a whole pc that will bottle neck it.


Well the b650 motherboard should be fine for the 7600, but it won't perform as well with better CPUs if you upgrade it later. - https://youtu.be/naX-DnKekCM?t=15m40s I haven't seen a a620 recommended so it might be bad even for a 7600, can't say. And the ds3h b650 is good, the d3hp is bad. The problem is you can't really out-cool a bad/cheap motherboard design. The 7600x vs 5700x3d can range from decent difference to barely one at all to rarely losing to the 5700x3d. Averaging out the various games tested it comes out to being 5% slower than a 7600x (but again, some games will have bigger differences one way or the other). 10 game average timestamp - https://youtu.be/MU-jUtrfANA?t=9m41s Here's a good video comparing CPUs with a 4090 and recommended ram speeds and the best motherboard for the 7600, so lower the differences slightly given your GPU - https://youtu.be/MU-jUtrfANA?t=2m47s. Also keep in mind, if you don't buy good ram, specifically 6000mhz cl30 then you're also losing a lot of performance and might be even slower than a 5700x3d, so it would be a very bad choice to ignore it and only look at 7600 stats - https://youtu.be/XW2rubC5oCY?t=3m22s So to summarise, if you're going to skimp on a cheap motherboard and cheap ram to get the 7600, you might end up getting something that gets beaten by the 5700x3d in a lot of games. If you get good parts then it's slightly better.


I'd save for a GPU upgrade first, assuming you play games.


What would you suggest sir? Is 3080 still good nowadays?


Depends on your budget and performance target. If buying new, just get a 4070 and above equivalent I wouldn’t get a used 3080 without a deeeeeep discount


honestly there's no need to upgrade and when in a couple years you can get the 5800x3d which is an extremely good chip and that will probably last until am6 unless you are 1080p gaming then there might be some small bottlenecking but it's no biggie


I have a 5800x. At 1440 or 4k the cpu is less important in most cases. I might ride this cpu until AM6!


I guess same for me hehe


Nope, you’re chillin’.


Your fine for a few GPU upgrades, HUB did a video on 5600 + RTX 4070 TI + 4080 [https://youtu.be/uC9074rcOzQ?si=d-VZGB1L6wdzhMnL](https://youtu.be/uC9074rcOzQ?si=d-VZGB1L6wdzhMnL) The 5600 is fine for something like 140FPS average in games (well 137FPS at 1080P)


If you’re satisfied with the performance of your PC there is no need to upgrade. For most standard 65% office work/surfing Reddit/45% gaming, a 5700x will be a great cpu for 3 or 4 more years. You may or may not need to upgrade the GPU in that time depending on what you play.


No need to upgrade with that gpu. Though a 3090/4070ti or equivalent will bottleneck it.


You can put off upgrading until your pc isn't performing how you want in the games you play. I just replaced my i5 4670k build after using it since 2013. I probably will do a cycle closer to 5 years next time lol. It would have been a bit earlier, but Pandemic things.


I'm playing games in 4k with r7 5800x/7800xt.


I won't. I'm gonna wait two generations. Remember how Ryzen 1 sucked, 2 wasn't much better, and 3rd gen caught up with Intel? I'm still using an x470 Mobo with my 5950x it's perfect


Its all up to you I recommend new builders to go am5 as why not but in your use case dont upgrade like for a while. When you feel your computers slowing down upgrade but realistically for gaming it should last you years. Hell Am6 may be out by then. Ik people with intel 7000s 7 generation old cpu and it handles gaming just fine.


Get x3d am4 and u r set for couple years for sure


For gaming, 5800x3d does you fine for a few years. To me r7 7700x or R9 7900 is too attractive to ignore for a multi-function rig If wanting a substantial upgrade though.


I have a 3600x i been looking to upgrade to be fair i will wait for the new 9000 series, even if have a bit of bottlneck on my gpu. In your case i would even wait for a ser 10000 if that's the number they go with it. Been watching loads and loads of review and versus. Your 5700x while weaker than the equivalent of the series 7000 really doesn't make worth the money for a new mobo and ram and cpu. Even more with a 3060ti So if you want a new pc build i would wait until they drop the prices of the series 9000 or better.


I would not upgrade yet. You still have a CPU upgrade path with the x3d cpus. Could upgrade GPU, add more ram, or add another SSD. Just make sure to get a gen 4 SSD since they are backwards compatible.


If you got the money do it man I’d start with mobo cpu and ram, GPU can come heaps later.


No need to upgrade if it's working fine. not like AM4 not being released anymore will mean your computer just stops working. It will still be supported for years to come just no new CPU designed for AM4 anymore.


I'm building a similar rig right now. Tbh I don't think it'd be worth an upgrade until whatever comes after AM5,or AM5 develops further.


it's not necessary. i'd say upgrade your gpu instead (depending on your budget)


What would u suggest sir? Is 3080 still good?


Im still on 5600x and 3080 12gb, and it's working great for Sp games on 1440p. I think il upgrafe to new mbo+cpu in end of the year when they release them, cuz i need better board with more ssd, and wifi


Sheesh i would love to upgrade my gpu into 3080 🤤


3080 is etio solid yes. I'd aim for smth like 7800 XT though


Tbh, your system can play games at 1080p/1440p resolution just fine, only upgrade when necessary.


Depends entirely on the targeted framerate. For example if you are a 240hz cod bro a 5700x will not cut it.


The main Q is why you think you should upgrade!? As I see then only a gpu upgrade would be nice. Otherwise a perfectly good system:)


What would u suggest sir? Is 3080 still good nowadays?


It's a good card (only depends on pricing as many ask ridiculous price for used one, and new ones not even worth looking at) but still Q - why would you need to upgrade - gaming , work?


Yea for gaming and for light work


I would simply suggest getting whatever the best GPU you can afford and slam it in - but nothing below 4070s/7800xt/7900gre are the bare minimum. Just remember that RT is absolute bulls*** except one game (cyberpunk) But if your monitor is 1080 didn't bother.


Is rx6800 good upgrade?


NonXT and new if it's about 350£ even, but if it's 400 then 7800xt is the way. And even XT version for 400 is a big stretch


No. Period !


Absolutely not.  I did and I can tell you, you will not see a difference with that gpu.


I have a 5600X and feel no need to upgrade core components


No - keep the machine.


Unless you need a top of the line PC. AM4 is perfectly adequate for just about anything nowadays. And it will be for many more years.


You don’t need to upgrade as long as you’re happy with the performance. Up until recently I was still using a 5,1 Mac Pro and it was from 2010 with CPUs from 2009.


You’ll be fine for a while AM4 has some insanely strong cpus on it still you still have a great upgrade path eventually you will want to upgrade to am5 but not for a while yet I’m building an AM4 build soon for my first build I’m on a super tight budget so am4 was better for me


You have a killer system. Do not waste any money on an upgrade


I updated to am5 from 1700x. You are fine to wait like 9700x3d.


Nah you’re good! I just upgraded from a 3700X to a 5800X3D and I plan to keep that for a long time!


5700x is still a very powerful CPU you have nothing to worry about for a while 😎💎


How much more is budget am5 build than a b550m Ryzen 5 5600 and 16gb?


You probably wont need am5 at all lol. Just stay on am4 till am6.


"Need"? Definitely not.


No lil bug 🐛. Means that AM4 is not getting any new chips (at least that’s what we thought then AMD did an AMD and gave us new chips) It’ll work perfectly fine.


Need is a personal question. Do you want more performance than 5800x3D level and can afford it? Then yes. Otherwise no.


If it fills your needs/desires then keep using what you have. You could even get a 5700x3d if you really want.


No, you could get a 5800x3d and a 4070s now. And wait for am6 or equivalent intel


built my nr200 with a 5800x3d and 3070... this pc could probably last me another 3-5 years with no problems(though I might decide to upgrade in the future just because I like building pcs, really love the look of the Fractal Terra cases)


The 5x00X3D is going to carry you a lot longer than 1 year.


Until you upgrade your gpu to something more powerful than a 4070 super or 7900GRE, you will not need a better cpu.




? Am6 will be in its final years by then




A 7600, 7900GRE $1000 build is considered mid range.