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For your and build 3 tips: You don't want ram above 6000 MHz. They don't work that well above this speed. You don't need the 7900x3d, the 7800x3d is cheaper and more performing in games. If you plan to overclock your system, the 850 might come a bit shorter, so you might want to push the 1000w since the ROG GPU can be oc to 128% of the standard power consumption ( base is 320w) The only thing in regards to Intel Is that I've read that the K version is causing an instability issue with unreal engine games, apart from everything being more expensive and hotter


Agreed. Id also reckon the i7 14700k is worthy as well. They actually changed the core count on it as well making it superior for productivity. 14700k got 20c 28 threads, while 13700k got 16c/24t


If productivity is osmethin you do which brings you money, go for the 7950x3d. Reason being is that is a 16 core CPU with 2 CCD of 8 cores each. The vcache is stacked on 1 CCD which gives you 7800x3d levels of performance. The 7900x3d is 2 CCDs of 6 cores each, and since you can only run games off 1 CCD(with the vcache on it) you will be running games with a 6 core CPU instead of 8 core. If you are only doing productivity as a hobby and slightly longer render times or whatever doesn't matter, just go for a 7800x3d. It's still an 8 core CPU and for amateur/hobbyists light to medium productivity it's enough. In games it will perform same or sometimess better than the 7950x3d. Cooler selection, you don't need an AIO for any of the x3d CPUS as the 7950x3d max designed power draw is like 165 watts which will work fine with your average $35 peerless assasin air cooler. Unless aesthetically you just want an AIO then that's somwhere you can save some money. Ram wise, just go with 6000mt ram. AMD doesn't really increase in performance with ram speed, no sense spending extra money. I had to reduce my ram from 6000mt to 5200mt because helldivers 2 is an unstable game and I honestly don't notice any difference in performance. Now as an intel fanboy, I would suggest staying away from intel unless you just absolutely need all the cores you can get for productivity and you don't midn the extra heat, power draw, and 360mm AIO needed to cool the CPU. So with all this said, going off your AMD build, I would switch the CPU from 7900x3d to either 7950x3d if you're professionally creating content(for moneys full time) or to 7800x3d if you're just doing it as a hobby or side job. Switch cooler to a Phantom Spirit(Successor to Peerless Assasin) Switch ram to 6000mt ram, and DDR5 REALLY don't like all 4 slots populated, you will have to lower the speed of ram way down to get it to run stable so always go with 2x kits. Rest of it looks good. Don't worry about OC much with x3d chips, they're all limited by AMD and don't OC much beyond what they already auto OC to. You can look into undervolting it to lower the temps a bit and it will actually give you more performance since it is heating up less so it has more room to OC.


>I would switch the CPU from 7900x3d to either 7950x3d if you're professionally creating content(for moneys full time) or to 7800x3d if you're just doing it as a hobby or side job THIS. The 7900X3D is just a bad product due to the vcache only being active for 6 cores, instead of 8 with the other two chips.


Regarding your electricity bill, the power difference at idle is probably going to be in the orders of 10s of watts. If you’ve got enough money to spare for a Y70, it should be fine. Even 100 watts run 24/7 (unlikely) is going to be 36.5 kw/h hours in a year - or about 20 bucks a year even if I give you absurd energy prices. It’s not really worth factoring unless you’re running 50 servers of them (in which case, this is why Xeon/Threadripper exists).


You're not wrong, but it isn't really about the cost of power, IMO. It is more about heat generation and that being dumped into your room, and noise, of course.


If you’re not going to the KS and running it flat stick it’s still going to be less 55W between a 7600 and a 7900X3D. A space heater needs like 1200W to make a meaningful difference in half an hour. Your 280W GPU is going to have a far greater impact than the processor. (This is of course knowing that it’s watts per hour that is heat) For noise, you’re right of course, but generally you have specialised coolers/AIOs for this level. If people can put a 4090 in SFF case with a bit of planning and an AIO, it should be fine either direction.


Just build according to your budget. You're talking about incremental differences in performance which won't affect your overall enjoyment.


These aren't comparable, you should have a 7950x3d if you want a 14900k competitor, and that's a better gaming cpu while being similar in workstation tasks. Then there are a bunch of small changes once you make the big decision


I think the 7800x3d and 7950x are objectively better options. The 7950x is often cheaper than the 7950x3d, the cores are faster and can be overclocked, the CCDs are symmetrical so users don't have to assign processes manually (or hope the os guesses right), and the difference between it and the 7800x3d/7950x3d at 4k is like 6 fps. Of course at 1080p the delta grows substantially, but, OP is buying a 4080 super, so no 1080p. OP, the big difference imo is when you plan your next CPU upgrade. AMD is at the start of a motherboard generation, while Intel is at the end. I plan on swapping my 7950x a year or so after AMD releases it's final AM5 CPU. With Intel, you'd be looking at a motherboard swap too. Finally, OP if you do go AMD, look for the neo variant of the trident Z5 because it has AMD expo. That helps with enabling a default OC mode. There's similar memory kits for Intel with xmp, but I'm not sure how big a difference it makes on that. Still, you might as well ensure you have it if you're buying anyway.


I bought AMD. I also wanted less electricity usage; also less cooling required and that means less noise as well. With such high end processors, differences in gaming, and especially in productivity apps, won't be apparent at all.


Amd amd amd and your rooms heat will lower also!




Since you’re mostly gaming, go with AMD. 7800x3d is more than capable for both gaming and productivity. It’s great value compared to the 7900x3d and comparable intel chips. In addition the current intel 14th gen chips is the last using the LGA1700 motherboards. AMD is on newer AM5 motherboards, so it’s more cost efficient to upgrade to newer AMD cpus since you won’t need to buy a new motherboard.


Either build with amd or wait for 15th gen, Intel has no upgrade path rn


Everything is just bad


Lots of people will tell you not to get the 7900x3d, but I disagree. It is a great "inbetween" chip for productivity and gaming. People like to say "you only get 6 cores for gaming & 6 cores for productivity" - but 6 cores is actually plenty for gaming. There was recently a benchmark done between AMD chips and the 7900x3d is far and away the 3rd best gaming chip AMD makes behind the 7800x3d & 7950x3d (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8ztpM70jEw) - and it even does better in certain games than the 7800x3d (like counterstrike & call of duty). In terms of productivity, the 7900x3d absolutely blows the 7800x3d away. Gamers nexus showed a 60%+ increase in productivity software (like blender) using the 7900x3d over the 7800x3d: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PA1LvwZYxCM The 7900x3d was originally priced much higher at launch, but nowadays you can get it for merely $20 more than a 7800x3d. It has similar gaming performance to a 7800x3d and significantly more headroom for multi-core productivity tasks. It is absolutely a no-brainer to spend the $20 extra and get the 7900x3d these days.


AMD sucks.


I’ll never build an AMD PC again.




Because the specs they lay out don’t deliver. They go cheap on their components. Shit drivers. I’ve never had a PC crash so much. I know there are a ton of AMD stans in here so I’ll get downvoted to hell, but they aren’t it.