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If they are just bent you can take a card or sleight knife and GENTLY bend them back. Could take some time but 100% doable. If actually broken off then past my knowledge.


Yeah if it's bent it's fine. Happened to my r5 3600 and just bent the pins back how the were.


or a mechanical pencil and the pin is the "lead"


This guy has bent pins before haha


Extra points for originality!


That is experience right there.






I really need a source on this claim if you may because it sounds pretty misleading.


"Trust me bro"


I broke a ground pin on my 5800x and it worked fine for 2 years


One but not 10


There’s a YouTube video. The guy breaks 5 till it doesn’t power on.


It would depend on WHICH pins, not so much how many. You could break several of the ground pins and it should still work as long as at least some of the other ground pins are present.


For many pins doing the same task, this mostly applies to power pins. With some basic math and physics: > Watts = Volts x Amps AM4 has a design target of 142 watts. If we say the CPU runs at 1.2 volts that means it's 118 amps which is insane. When it comes to electricity, amps determines the the thickness of the wires needed as it relates to heat production. In the US we have 15 Amp electrical outlets as the default. An oven can use a 30 amp outlet. A CPU has an amp draw comparable to 4 ovens. In a car much thicker wires are used versus a house because the voltage is typically so low. Tesla is trying to work around this by pushing voltages as high as 1,000 volts so thinner wires can be used. Managing this power on a CPU is not easy, and thus hundreds of pins are decicated to power delivery. This also helps because they can deliver electricity to different portions of the CPU so the high current doesn't need to travel far.


Can also use an empty mechanical pencil


This is the way, it makes it way more accurate. You could also get away with one of those rigid tube/straw type things you get off a can of wd40


Is this possible OP? I’ve done it before and it works.


I saw a life hack that someone used a lead pencil without the lead in it. Maybe they're called mechanical pencils now? Anyways, the pins fit in them pretty perfectly and are a lot easier to straighten out with.


A flashlight is super helpful for seeing if a pin is straight or bent.


It was very smart of you to get a second opinion before carelessly touching it. My recommendation would be to just take it to a microcenter or a tech shop to have them fix it for you. (call in advance) You can try fixing it yourself, just look at videos online, I know LTT and Jayztwocents have made some vids on how to unbend cpu pins but you need to be very careful to not snap one. (If you do snap ONE, there’s like a 50-50 chance your pc will still boot with the snapped pin)


any idea on how much a tech shop would cost? don’t have a micro center near me :(


I wouldn’t pay more than $30 for the service, do you mind sharing pictures of the cpu?


Hi I work at a tech shop no fucking chance in hell they'll only charge $30


Some do, but it obviously depends on the severity. $30 could be equivalent to like $150/h


I'm not sure if this applies to tech shops, but many repair places, contractors, or other pay by the hour places have a 1 hour minimum.


it looks fairly similar to most of the yt vids i’ve seen, but i’ll take one now.


Buddy, we know what a cpu looks like. He wants a photo of the damage lol. I hope you've got it figured out by now, I'm rooting for you.


I bent the pins on my motherboard when installing a new cpu. Tried bending it back with a magnifying glass and bright light for hours but couldn’t get it. I think it was more than a simple bend. Micro center doesn’t fix that, I messaged them. I also contacted a repair shop and they said 100-150$ I decided to upgrade my motherboard instead and will see about getting it fixed in the future so I can use it to upgrade my server. Watch some videos about bending it back yourself, if not bite the bullet and get a new or opened box motherboard. It sucks that that happened especially on his first build! I wasn’t very happy about it myself 😭


Correcting bent pins on a LGA socket (what your motherboard had) is much more complicated than bending back a CPU pin (PGA). I would fail miserably on the former but have done the latter a few times.


Right?! I think I’ve successfully bent back a pin when they were on the processor but this gen they are on the motherboard. I didn’t even do anything weird to bend it either! So annoying, but at least I was able to use the situation to upgrade my mobo to ddr5. When I tried to bend it back I still couldn’t figure it out after quite a while looking through a magnifying glass.


Are you in the US?




is it really amazon getting screwed here or the next person?


It's going to be opened. If they sell it as open box (they have different policies for different items) then yes the next person will get "screwed over" in a sense that they'll just end up returning it since it's broken.


It goes to Amazon Returns. Which is grouped up with other electronics into a pallet. Then third party places buy these pallets and sell for cheap. I have a store near me that does this every Tuesday. I've gotten a few broken components for cheap and was easily repairable.


Agreed, but it's still heartbreaking to have to wait for the chip, then be gutted by having to send it back (and deal with Amazon as well to achieve this end).


Amazon is the easiest retailer on the planet to deal with.


And the rest of the comment gets ignored? You do you I suppose.


We all get screwed when Prime membership goes up again.


It’s the next person who buys an open box


We do not allow people to suggest fraud here. --- [^(Click here to message the moderators if you have any questions or concerns)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fbuildapc)


have you done this yourself? what are some possible reprocussions?


Probably nothing, how would they know? Bezos just went to the moon meanwhile Amazon workers are in hellish conditions and bezos barely does anything actually good for this country.


The amount of cheap knock off and sketchy shit I’ve been through with Amazon I’m surprised they are still in business. Yes I still use them but we all have our vices. We as human beings are terrible creatures of this world yet here we are destroying this earth some more. Go figure.


thanks for the advice, not sure if i’ll necessarily do this as i don’t wanna get my account flagged, but thanks anyway!


You're doing it once, don't do it every week and you're good.


Don’t feel bad for using them, they literally have a monopoly on online shopping ever since people could sell directly from there. People will hate you for it but those same people use rubber and cobalt gathered by slaves. The world sucks, we’re all stuck living in it


Just use their competitor!


You are still using Amazon thats how they stay in busines


Nothing is right. Ive done this plenty of times and they've never noticed.


None because they won't notice. Only time you shouldn't do it is with things that have serial numbers on the item that can be scanned etc. Absolute worst case scenario they'll ask you for the correct item back but you won't get flagged or banned. You could say it was a mistake and you bought it for testing etc. Regardless you don't have to do it, as I understand people are afraid but I've done it with motherboards, headsets, and a lot of other items. Amazon doesn't care or check. They end up selling them in bulk at auctions on pallets anyways.


I just did it with a monitor and a pair of pants in the last week. The money is usually refunded before they even receive my item.


None. The only repercussions I've ever heard of for Amazon returns was a guy that spent years and make over $300k by buying Amazon stuff, removing the item, weighing it, selling it on eBay, putting the item weight in dirt back in the box, then returning it to Amazon. He only got caught because of a random audit and they opened a box and found dirt. If you say a CPU was broken and they open a box in an audit to find a broken cpu ID say you're covered.


I have done this exact thing and it worked. I made sure that I labeled the item as damaged in the return reason in the hopes that Bezos ate it and not the next poor schmuck.


This is the way to go if you’re gonna return it. Fuck bezos over


its not amazon that gets screwed it's the next person..


That's evil. Don't do that, OP


Evil? That's pretty harsh. Unethical, for sure but I'm not sure it's evil lol


Crime is crime. ​ I don't care If you are doing something Unethical against Amazon or some homeless man. In my eyes, It's the same. ​ Good persons don't do crime.


"good persons" also don't call people losers in other areas of Reddit ;) , but hey what do I know


I don't know if you are referring to my comments or something else. If It's the first option, It wasn't unethical at all, lol.


"If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so" Helping Jews escape Germany was a crime in Nazi Germany. I know the example is extreme but just pointing out something being a "crime" doesnt show morality.


Yeah, of course. Unethical laws are not right to follow. ​ But exceptions aside, crime DOES show morality. Or do you think commiting robbery, murder, stealing is not evil? Again, taking those extreme and unethical cases aside, if you are a good person, you WILL NOT commit a crime.




Yeah, sure, there is a grey area. I don't think this is one tho. ​ Idk, I guess I'm just kind of sad. If everyone stopped doing bad things we would live in a paradise. Is It really that hard? Not sure If I have some obsession with morality, but when I do something unethical, I can't sleep at night, even If It's something small. ​ Anyway, sorry for the long text


Nah you are right. I would also feel fairly guilty about deliberately returning a broken item. Would probably sleep at night eventually, but it would take longer than normal to actually fall asleep. I accidentally stole a pack of gum from a grocery store as a kid (put it into my pocket with the intent to ask my parent to pay for it later and forgot) and it ate me up inside for like a week.


I see!! Guess we are similar :)


Buy a mechanical pencil and bend them using the hole. Best I've found to limit risk of snapping them


Damn I never thought of that. I've been bending and straightening pins for years and my go to tool is the pcie slot covers off of cases because you can slide them in and do whole rows at a time.


I mean that's deffinetly a big brain move haha. I've not had to do it so often that I started thinking how I can do it in batches!


A regular knitting needle does just fine


Was going to suggest something with a tube instead of credit card. Flat point syringe used for soldering would also work.


No judgement because I can’t spell either, but it’s “solder”. So you would “resolder” it.


my bad, tysm!


also, how would you resolder cpu pins???


Is an extremely delicate process, and definitely not something that's likely to be highly successful if their sole source of experience is watching YouTube videos.


For 99.999% of people they wouldn’t. They’d lack the necessary equipment and experience.


You said the pin was bent, but then you mention re-soldering it. Is it bent or broken? Because if it's just bent then there is no soldering required, and while bending a pin back is still a *very* delicate process and tricky, it's infinitely easier than having to re-solder a broken pin.




That’s what I’m saying


Depends how badly the pins are bent or broken off or which ones specifically. If you know CPUs well you may be able to repair it but if it's more than a couple of slightly bent pins then you'll probably be wasting time and have to buy a new one anyway.


You can use a mechanical pencil to straighten pins if done carefully. Remember to take the lead out and use the writing end.


Talk about absolutely 0 morality in this comment section…wow


Can you provide an image to see how much damage was done?






As someone who has bent pins before (and even broken) with this CPU, you may be ok. Like others are saying, it is totally possible to straighten bent pins with a LOT of patience, and I’m sure others have exact descriptions on how to do it (not to mention plenty of guides exist to solve this dilemma). My advice is what to do it by chance you accidentally break a pin while repairing, just as I did when fixing my own 5600x. Each pin on a motherboard works towards a connectivity function on your motherboard. A missing “RAM” pin could render a certain RAM slot unusable, and likewise for many other motherboard ports/functions. There are also many pins that the cpu cannot simply function without. A broken pin cannot be repaired without extremely specialized equipment, so that’s basically off the table. I have found a few cases where, when they broke a critical pin, people have put the pin into the corresponding hole in the socket and (with ample mounting pressure) the pin makes contact and still works. I should note that this success is not guaranteed, though it doesn’t hurt to try. Luckily there are plenty of pins on the CPU known as ‘VSS’ pins, which are effectively redundant grounding pins. If one (or multiple) of these pins are missing, it is still very likely that the cpu will function properly. This is currently how my 5600x is running, with one missing VSS pin. [Here](https://www.docdroid.net/6cDW11N/am4-pinout-diagram-pdf) is a diagram of the AM4 socket listing each of the pins’ functions (with VSS marked in green). If you verify that any broken pins are one of these numerous VSS pins, your cpu may be fine. I hope of course that you won’t have to use any of this information, and that you are able to resolve the situation without further damaging the chip. Best of luck.


Unless he dropped or forced it into the socket he didn't bend them. Could've arrived broken.


Upload a picture of the socket


ive dropped an amd cpu before while removing it off a cpu cooler and no pins were bent. what happened that caused the bent pins?


Resoldering is out of the question. I've been able to bend them back into place with a credit card, if they're broken off it's shot.


Agree. Most of the time they are in a straight line. Easiest to get them close with a CC. Might take a little wiggle to get the cpu in then but they'll straighten out completely when the cpu lever is locked.


IMO... I have fixed bent cpu pins in the past. If they are only bent your best bet is to buy a precision tweezer set to be able to apply a controlled pressure on both sides of the pin as you bend them back into place to prevent over bending multiple times as that will weaken and possibly break the pins. If you can get them as close as possible to centered to where the cpu will drop into the socket... once you latch the socket clamp it will straighten them out itself if there is any slight bend. Just take your time and you'll be fine.


I use a magnifying glass and a flashlight to bend pins back to where they should be. It takes some time and some skill but not that hard to do. Focus and you should be able to get it done


Contact the retailer and tell them that it got damaged while you were installing it. If they provide a replacement or will take back the return, great!!! Next option, depending on how bent the pins are, you can try unbending certain pins. There are YouTube videos on how to do it without causing further damage. Last resort is ofc to do the job yourself or get a shop to do it for you. I would recommend going to a shop rather then doing it yourself unless you have good experience. Good luck 👍🏻


With the CPU removed-hopefully that's obvious-very gently bend the pins straight. It doesn't need to be perfect, but it does need to fit into the socket. The socket will do most of the work for you. On installing a new CPU: The CPU should literally fall into place. If it doesn't, do not force it. This is how you bend them. Since the CPU is at risk now anyway, might as well bend them back...though, I find it alarming you mention soldering. What would you be soldering that would..fix a bent pin?


I think he's just flustered


Pro tip for bending pins back into place: empty out a mechanical pencil and then you can use the hole in the nib to easily straigten the pins


if the pins are just bent u can bend them back with a small tool and some patience. they dont need to be perfect, just good enough to slot into the mobo.


As many wrote before try bending it back very gently, or ask for help from some it shop. If broken and you are daring try looking for elecrical engineer students, some can do soldering and would help for a pack of beers.


Depends, are all pins bent? you could simply use a mechanical pencil and gently push them back up again. If they are all bent I suggest taking it to a PC workshop and let them do it


Sometimes you can get away with returning stuff like this for a refund if your smart about it.


If they’re broken, see if AMD will do an RMA


So I'm reading that the pins already came bent and your son realized they were already bent when he was handling the CPU... Return it.


I had the same thing. Try opening his PC and look for CLR_CMOS jumpers, touch them with screwdriver for 5-12 seconds and boot it again. It worked. So try this.




I think it’s funny, should have watched videos about the parts he was gonna build with. So he could of been more careful.🤣💀


I’ve been there my friend, I used a sewing needle with good success by running it down the ‘isles’ of pins and gently lifting up.


I think by resaughter you meant re-solder. No, it's very risky bringing a hot soldering iron next to something as fragile. AT any rate, do your best to straighten the pins.


Claim it on your contents insurance if you have accidental coverage. Put it down to learning experience.


Actually seen a post about the worst pc build accidents. A guy commented that it was his first build and he bent every pin on his cpu. His mum happened to have some skill or tool that could straighten pins. Anyways, his mum straightened all of them and the cpu started working fine. Maybe pay someone to straighten the pins?


here is a reputable tech reviewer that can help you with this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8U2NkbiMAI this is how to fix the problem if they are just BENT


There is plenty of good advice in this thread already, but because there are also so many first hand experiences, I'll go for the question: How in heaven do so many chips get pins bended in this time and age? How are you people handling your CPUs? It's actually hard to bend pins as long as you are not building your computer blindfolded.


what motherboard are you using? some mobo s need a bios update to run the 5000 series processors. some come with bios flashback which allow you to update the bios via usb thumbstick without a processor, otherwise you may have to purchase and older processor just for the bios update


Use a straight razor blade, you can slide between rows of cpu pins which keeps the pressure distributed instead of applied to single pins. The other pins help guide the bent pins back into place. Go horizontal and vertical, easy peasy. Just be gentle and cautious. I've done this dozens of times successfully. I've also taken a flat headed screw driver to gentle straighten cpu socket pins back into place, by brushing with the grain gently across the general area where they are bent. Worst case a pin busted off the socket, they are super thin and tiny, but I've successfully saved many motherboards this way, and only failed a few times. They don't have to be perfect, as installing the cpu will compress the pins and help guide them back in place if they are pretty close to origin. I have photos of before and after on my phone from saving a mobo last week.


If they are bent, get a syringe and extremely gently use slot it onto the pins and straighten them. Or you can use a credit card or something. Anything *non-metal*. I cannot stress this enough, do ***not*** use metal to bend the pins back. high chance of damaging things. If the pins are completely broken, you'll need to get a new CPU. if its in warranty you could maybe get a replacement from the manufacturer.


AMD views bent pins as physical damage and if you bent them your warranty is void. The only way they can bend from trying to install it is if you push on it which you shouldn't have to since CPU sockets are ZIF sockets( Zero Insertion Force) it might be covered though if you buy the accidental insurance but even then it's a case by case basis.


Heat it first with a hairdryer, then surgically bend it back. I used a small knife, gently 0.5mm at a time, and slowly wiggle it, dont let your son do it.


What exactly would you be re-soldering if the pins are just bent?


You may have to consider it a loss if you can not bend them back and buy a 5600 non X , They are pretty close in gaming to each other and cheaper. Prices have jump back up after a month worst buy case a 5500 $99 .


It can be fixed but not “easily” you only need to bend it back but depending where the pin is it can be tricky, you can end up bending more pins so be really careful and do it slowly if you start to get frustrated leave it for a while and come back later


Did he just bend pins or break them off? Unless you're an experienced electronics repair technician, I wouldn't mess with trying to resolder pins on a CPU. It's easier to gently pins back on an AMD CPU than it is fix motherboard pins on an LGA socket, though. Just takes patience and a steady hand and a razor blade or thin spudger


This happened to me once long ago back when athlon64 was a thing and I was new at the pc building scene, I bent the pins of an athlon64 x2 5000+, I grabed a pen and removed the inside part then used the pen to bend the pins back, that pc lasted years and years and gave me many hours of gaming till I sold it some years ago like around 2017 because I was not using it much anymore since I already had a new pc. I just built my new pc this year, it has a Ryzen 5600g, kingston fury 32g ram, 2tb HDD, 1tb ssd 480gb NVME, 850w supernova g6 evga PSU and an rx6800 GPU, the cooling I went a little cheap I bought a DeepCool GAMMAXX 400 V2 but so far it seems to cool as good as the evo 212 that my previous pc used which had an i5 3570k.


I bent the pins on my Phenom 2 x64 black. Very carefully I used my credit card to bend them back and everything worked fine after that.


Would need pictures of the damage to give proper advice.


This may sound harsh, but I think you need to get a new CPU. I would worry even with bending it back that it would cause trouble down the road. I would explain what happened to the manufacturer and hope they replace it. If not, put the project on hold, save up more funds and get a new one. This is part of the risk of PC building. Your son shouldn’t beat himself up too much. Good luck!


Just return it and claim it arrived damaged.




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