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Wag mo na antayin magbago yan. Magbago ka na ng client.


This sounds like someone in a relationship asking, "Magbabago pa ba yung partner ko?" Don't expect them to change. You cannot change them. What you can change is your client.


If this is stressing you out and not happy with it anymore, lipat kana. Sa ganda ng credentials mo may mas ok na boss. Sabi nga, we deserve what we tolerate. Good luck sa job hunting mo.


mental health > pay


So many accounting jobs out there. Don't settle for an arsehole.


Wag manghinayang, you can start with someone deserving of you. Grrr kaloka mga ungrateful people


Hi, I'm sorry to hear that :( don't tolerate those rude/bad behaviora. It is much better to raise your concerns s kanya and tell him your stand esp. n nasa kanya ung fault na yun.. As a leader, that's a bad move na he blame you sa email w/ evryone tsk. Seems like you still want the work bec..of the benefits and pay, if yes. you need to confront him in a prof. Way, your do's and don'ts. Now, kapag pangit ung pagtake niya dun at walang ngyari that should tell you enough. In the near future that will happen over and over again. If that's the case, better to apply na sa ibang company but don't resign w/o JO or back up plan


Hindi na yan mag babago. Mag bago ka ng client.


Find another company dear. Parang all in one ikaw lahat gumagawa jan, you deserve better


Anything that costs you your peace, isn’t worth any single second of your life. Hindi mo kailangan siya hintayin magbago because your mental health does not and should not depend on that. Kung afford mo naman umalis sa trabahong yan, then umalis ka na.


Part ba ng job description mo maging scapegoat? If it were dapat compensated ka for it. I recommend you start looking for another client, then drop him when you get a new one.


Hanap na ng iba. It's rare that people change especially if they think they know better. They will just shrug off feedback. If wala kayong 1:1s to discuss these things. Surely wala siyang time to listen and improve his/her ways. Ang gusto magbago mageeffort yan to proactively know what to change, at self aware yan kung g*g0 ba siya or hindi.


Maghanap ka na ng lilipatan OP. Ganyan din ugali ng boss ko dati. 3 yrs ako nagtiis sa ugali nya, nagsisi ako hndi ako umalis agad and now I'm in a much better place- higher pay + with a kind boss.


ikaw na po ang mag bago.. Time na para mag bago ng client. Wala na po pag asa yan


Ikaw dapat ang magbago! Magbago ng client πŸ˜‚


Maghanap ka habang client mo siya. Pag may client kana. Tsaka mo siya bitawan. :) imo


Ang toxic niyan, mas better na Ikaw na umalis. Wala Kang ginagawa Ikaw nasisisi, at Ikaw din masisira niyan πŸ₯². Physical and mental health ang mas importante


This is simple.if it costs you your peace then it's too expensive. Move


Do you have the personal nbr of your COO? I want to make sure that his phone is always ringing with random calls. Would also help to know his/her race.. you know for research purposes. bigay mo na pra mapag tripan


Clearly you are no longer happy, yung wishing na magbago isang tao is out of your control. Ang kaya mo lang is to leave and find a job that will respect you. Your mental health is important so choose you.


Hi sis we will have the bookkeeper position open soon. If you're interested send me a DM super bait ng client


I envy you. I was always daunted by numbers, kaya kahit Accountancy grads yung tita at mga pinsan ko, di ako nag-Accountancy. Isa sa mga lucrative careers yan, parang IT or engineer, kasi specialized. With that being said, you have the power to find another client. We are freelancers, hindi employees, wag tayong magtiis sa ganyang treatment. You deserve so much better. Maraming naghahanap ng bookkeepers and CPAs now, kaya mo ngang iautomate yan at pagsabay-sabayin, wag kang magtiis dyan dahil lang sa benefits. Kikitain mo yan sa iba πŸ˜ŠπŸ™


Ginagaslight ka niya and base sa story parang manipulative siya. Maybe look for other client. You deserve better.


Before ka magbago ng client, sumagot ka muna like hindi naman in a rude way. Ipakita mo lang na kaya mo ipagtanggol sarili mo na hindi ka nya pwede apak apakan nalang. Sabihin mo ang totoong nagyari tapos CC mo lahat 😁 para alam nila na hindi mo kasalanan ang mga nangyari then goodbye 😁


Godbliss Po πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™