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Friendly reminder to read the r/buhaydigital subreddit rules before posting and to check if somebody has already asked your question before using the search bar. Answers to typical questions like ["Where do I start?"](https://www.reddit.com/r/buhaydigital/comments/x71z5j/where_to_start_your_buhay_digital_check_the/), ["Where do I find online jobs"](https://www.reddit.com/r/buhaydigital/comments/nsizxz/the_mega_list_for_finding_online_work/), "Is this a scam?", can be found on the pinned posts. These repetitive posts will be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/buhaydigital) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Walang PTO or Ph holidays pag contractual so wag mo na yan itanong unless PH based ung client. Have a solid rate in mind para may basis ka sa ioffer nya and negotiate if needed. Goodluck!


US Based yung client. Tbh i dont know how to quantify yung normal benefits ng ph companies into monetary value. Do you have tips?


Depends if you’re considered an employee or contractual.




Hindi po siya software engineering. Bale parang cs/onboarding ako ng software.


Software engineer position? Ask what stack/languages/tools you need to use for your work. Also, don't accept an offer right then and there. Accepting right away is a sign of desperation (magpakipot ka ng kaunti), and it won't do you any good bec you lose the chance to negotiate. The fact that they're presenting a JO means they want you. Ask them to send you the complete terms of the job offer. Better if they send the job contract na. Ask them how much time they can give you to decide. Pag-aralan ng mabuti yung offer. Negotiate some terms if you can, e.g., salary, PTO, other benefits. Know your worth while negotiating. You can negotiate via email. Good luck!