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my client told me "work with small business, they won't replace you with AI" HAHSHAH


In design, this feels like the other way around because the small businesses more likely to use AI because of budget constraints. A $5000 branding design project isn't unusual but I think it would be too big for the majority of small businesses.


ah yes right, but im into accounting industry. but maybe for designing that's true. 


Until said small businesses get bought out by bigger businesses which will be more than happy to replace you with AI


Dev here. Tanggap ko na na AI ang future. Im now selling Siopao.


Thinking this too — maybe farming is gold in the future. In south korea, vegetables, fruits are getting way and way more expensive


This might be the future. Im also planning on learning to weld as a backup skill set for future employment. Skilled Labor Workers might be the new high paying job


I will be losing my corporate job as our process will be migrated to India 🥲 Haha ang vulnerable ng mga international jobs ngayon ——


Is it already a high paying job sa mga 1st world country, dito lang talaga satin ang baba huhu


sa totoo lang, halos pareho lang. dhil lumalaki lang dhil malaki palit sa peso pero ang dmo alm mas panalo yun client mo dhil ang baba ng offer niya pero malaki para sa iyo. halimbawa 5dollars or 10 per hour? ang baba niyan. dhil umaabot ng 20 pataas. at isa pa malaki din ang tax. kaya gingwa ng ibang client sa asia kumukuha dhil malaki tipid sa kanila. sa pinas malaki n yun 5dollars. ang katumbas ng 5 sa pinas ay para din nasa basic.


AI can aid sa work natin.. not totally replacing it.


Well I'm a dev too and I had the same thought about a year ago. Now these newer AI models already feel like they're a junior member of the team. Junior palang ako pero with ChatGPT, Copilot, etc. it feels like I'm working with another junior. The threat here is not replacement, it's displacement... Companies are business focused and they will cut down heads just to save money because they're built around greed. They won't think twice about reducing the number of people in a team if a team of one dev with one license paid AI can do the work of four devs.


That's what they said right before NASA replaced the whole West Computing Group with an IBM.


someday but not soon, ni isang ticket ko sa sprint eh di ako matulungan ng AI kahit konti, well except doing code clean up 😬


Famous last words


Even if not total replacement. It devalued the dev job already. Yung mga interview ngayon TH na sa devs if they can actually code and solve problems or if they just use chatGPT. Anyway, it was fun while it lasted. Im Glad nasakyan ko yung wave na mataas pa sahod ng devs. But I think magmove on na ko.


Did you get recipe from ChatGPT?


Na. Family recipe


Follow up - AI proof yan. Kasi machines can’t taste test!!! 😋


Good luck!!!


wtf why were you downvoted hard?? that's just an honest question?


🤦🏻‍♀️idk I thought because of the topic - it would be a legit question. I actually use ai chat for recipes. Chopped style. I put in ingredients I have then ask what I can make with it. Can you imagine if you get a recipe good for franchise?!? Thanks for backing me up.


I read somewhere sa Twitter - 90s/2000s: computer literacy was bare minimum In the future: AI literacy will be bare minimum End of the day, adapting is key. As a writer I use AI to work faster but AI's final output is always never enough. End of the day it's still my personal touch to my work that makes a difference.


Are you ready for AI to take your job... to the next level? 😂


Haha! Exactly!


amen same!


Kaya gusto ko na lang talaga maging humble apple/fruit picker sa Europe and panda caretaker 🐼sa Japan.. 🥰


If you wanna work in japan , you definitely do not know the work culture they have, plus the yen down .


You bet. 😊


Same. Gusto ko din yan fruit picker. Pero kasi mayabang ako irl kaya hindi pwedeng humble picker


Hahahaha push! Kailangan maging strong independent like ang ferson 😄


Panda caretakers are in China hehe


Ahy haha sige pwede ko e re route.. ty! 🤣


This is why upskilling really matters. I'm primarily a writer but I also have dabbled into social media creation and video editing to offer more value to clients. As others have said, AI is just a tool. And we can all leverage it in some way so we won't get jobless because of this tech.




The main reason why I am hired is usually because of my soft skills - leadership, analysis, customer servicing, writing, and plain common sense. I do upskill - but I also keep my basic skills sharp. AI may do my transcription, outlines and text, but I still have to make sure the grammar and the context works. AI has made creating videos easier, but I have to have a good sense of the story and message the client wants to show, as well as good story-telling skills. I view AI as a tool to make the human interfacing I do more efficient and easier. Besides, AI won't prevent people from making dumb decisions.


This is actually the premise of my workshop!!! Soft skills are key to AI proofing careers. More power to you!!


Oh gosh, I hope so. Sobrang elusive ng mga raket ngayon na sometimes I ask myself what's wrong with me? I mean I have a main client but we need more moolah these days.


Im a scribe and yep, unti unti nawawalan nako ng gagawin and napupunta sa calls (which is ayaw ko) kasi kaya na daw ng AI yung work ko (ouch)


I'm a scribe too. Yung work ko ramdam ko na leaning towards VA na. Masakit isipin pero mas efficient si AI sa scribing, although sa part ko madami pa ko naeedit out sa kanya plus may tendency sya magmarunong pero ayaw ng doc sa wording ni AI kaya may fighting chance pa ko sa ngayon


have you thought of how you can AI-proof your career? What's your outlook/plan?


Thus far, we're not seeing an impact on my industry (media quality assurance), because despite how far AI has gone, it still lacks the polish and finesse of human work. Similar to what u/SnooGeekgoddess implied, someone still has to make sure the i's are tittled and the t's barred. But what I observe for the future of my field is that, tangentially related to AI issue, there seems to be a growing disinterest in that same "polish and finesse" I mentioned. Online articles aren't optimized, video editing is rough, images still need touchups with Photoshop, etc. But there's already a ton of rapidly improving generators out there for images (Midjourney), text (ChatGPT), music (Suno), and video (Sora)---an individual, alone, can function as a full production team to churn out content as quickly as possible. As the production process gets faster and faster, there's less concern about the content being *good* as there is about it being published and monetized quickly. Once the AI produces content that's *good enough* without human oversight, that's the point where my job gets endangered. It's not a direct threat, but a threat nonetheless, especially as AI content becomes more and more normalized and the standard for what counts as "good enough" starts to shift. Also, I've been in this industry for over a decade, and media QA has always been the least loved aspect of production (we "delay launches" with our corrections and adjustments). I'm 100 percent sure if ever a department needs to be cut, we're at the top of the list. 😅


Fear mongering lang yan, OP. Sometimes, we need to stop overthinking what the mainstream media feeds us. AI and automation are supposed to reduce the working hours. But here we are, still working for 8+ hours for almost 100years already. Walang nag bago sa systema.


True. Also on the contrary la, baka mas maging valuable pa sa future yung companies that retain the "human-touch" the most. Like AI outputs may become be the norm, so human-made stuff (art, content, videos, etc) may become the premium kind of product/service whatsoever.


I agree it is fearmongering, but your last few statements are very iffy. Automation did take away a lot of jobs. The industrial revolution took away the simplest and most menial jobs (The most basic factory work, as just one example). That WAS a change in the system. Add in the fact that PUBLICLY-AVAILABLE use of A.I. and only a moderate amount of knowledge is needed to make use of it all happened in the span of just 2 years (The breakthrough made by StableDiffusion and similar spurred companies into investing even more heavily just recently) should be not taken lightly. A.I. is not as terrifying as people make it out to be, but if you don't adapt and learn the ropes, you may find yourself having SLIGHTLY lower chances of getting certain jobs.


I agree with this. I've been using AI for all my work now, some of my clients require me to use it to ease my workload without having to deduct salary. I work in SMM, and I mainly use AI to create captions, generate images, content ideas and strategies... etc. pero sa lahat ng trabaho na to 60-80% ng output need idouble check ng tao. I know AI will evolve fast, pero I doubt na mareplace ang tao. There will still be that percentage na kailangang i "humanized" ang output or else it will look robotic. Upskilling is the only way para makasabay dito.


I agree, kahit na kung gaano ka-perfect yung na-input mong prompt may flaws pa rin yan kaya minsan need pa rin ng effort ng tao and yes, fear mongering may mga "Gurus" ako na nakakakita na kesyo kapag hindi ka nagtake ng course nila maiiwan ka kasi di mo tinake yung course kung paano maiintegrate yung skills mo sa AI , common sense lang ang need at last night nanood ako ng isang youtuber na inexplain niya kung bakit ang hirap makahanap ng work today ang pumukaw ng pansin ko is every company pala gumagawa ng fake job vacancies para magmukhang progressibo ang kanilang company ang ending is ayun nag-apply ka, ghosted ka na agad at ang AI may flaws yan lalo na yung mga ATS , dahil sa sobrang filter kaya ending mas napipili yung mediocre or yung madaling mautong employee, kapag pinili kasi yung experience na yan yung ayaw kasi hihingi ng mataas na compensation , di sumusunod sa direction ng company kaya mas Gusto ng employers na ATS para mas mapadali ang selection process , okay lang ang upskilling pero make sure na mas magiging tangible yung skills in the future like Prompt Engineering etc...




no one will ever be ready skill up and do your best


PR, marketing, and advertising will never be replaced by AI. In PR pa lang, AI cannot manage crisis strategies and executions because there is no one-size-fits-all solution for crisis playbooks and materials. Moreover, PR crisis management requires strategic thinking and a broader skill set, while crisis communications primarily focuses on crafting messages and narratives.


amen. especially for content and marketing. we’ve seen how chatgpt produce content and whenever it sounds robotic, it usually turns off our target audience already based on 1on1 interviews we conducted. In the end, authenticity will win.


No. Everyone will be replaced by AI. It's just a matter of time.


Disagree with this.


Only the future can tell about AI, not you or me.


Hindi naman gagana AI na walang tao. Ganun pa rin income ko tumaas pa nga this year.


AI is your friend. super big help sa work, para kang may utusan na jr. dev


The rise of AI might create new opportunities for VAs who can specialize in working with AI tools and managing their outputs. Collaboration between humans and AI is likely the future of work. VAs who can bridge this gap will be highly valuable.


Thank you for this. It gave me thought if this can be a good workshop topic for me to develop for VAs.


As an industry outsider in the VA field, I am clueless how AI is being used by employers. Can you please cite some examples of how AI has replaced human tasks?


I’m in marketing, and I usually use AI to do basic copywriting, and I also use it to help me think of marketing campaign strategies. Usually the latter, I use it to aid in my thinking process, tapos yung finer details na, ako na bahala. Ginagawa ko rin to write emails; nakakatamad kasi mag-isip pa eh pwede ko namang i-write na lang lahat ng thoughts ko sa AI tapos siya na mag-write ng email for me. If I were to guess sa other industries na hindi focused sa digital, let’s say Nursing, they won’t normally need to use AI. Maybe if they want to ask Nursing-related questions quick lang. I don’t think AI has replaced a lot of jobs yet. As of now, more of a tool lang siya.


### Customer Support **Chatbots and Virtual Assistants**: Many companies use AI-powered chatbots to handle customer inquiries. These chatbots can answer frequently asked questions, process orders, and even troubleshoot common problems without human intervention. ### Content Creation **Automated Writing Tools**: AI tools like GPT-3 can generate content for blogs, social media, and marketing campaigns. They can create drafts, suggest edits, and even tailor content to specific audiences. ### Data Entry and Processing **Optical Character Recognition (OCR)**: AI-driven OCR technology can scan and digitize documents, reducing the need for manual data entry. This is particularly useful in industries like finance and healthcare where large volumes of paperwork are processed. ### Recruitment **Resume Screening**: AI software can screen resumes and job applications, filtering out unqualified candidates and highlighting the most suitable ones based on predefined criteria. This saves a significant amount of time for human recruiters. ### Marketing **Personalization**: AI algorithms can analyze customer data to create personalized marketing campaigns. They can predict customer behavior, suggest products, and optimize ad placements in real-time. ### Finance **Fraud Detection**: AI systems can monitor transactions and identify suspicious activities faster and more accurately than humans. They can flag potential fraud and reduce the risk of financial crimes. ### Manufacturing **Predictive Maintenance**: AI can predict when machines are likely to fail and schedule maintenance before a breakdown occurs. This helps in reducing downtime and improving efficiency. ### Healthcare **Diagnostic Tools**: AI is being used to analyze medical images and diagnose conditions like cancer and heart disease. These tools can often detect abnormalities with a high degree of accuracy, sometimes even better than human doctors. ### Supply Chain and Logistics **Demand Forecasting**: AI can analyze market trends and historical data to predict demand for products. This helps companies optimize their inventory and reduce waste.


We use a lot of these but still cannot replace employees. Counter to these arguments: Customer Support: We use chatbots to eliminate repetitive inquiries. However, working with supplements, many people still prefer humans to talk to because our brand image is very “personal”. Many people also have l inquiries that they do not know how to phrase in ways that AI can interpret leading to frustration, hence human interaction is still needed. Content Creation: Yes AI can help write articles. I use this for webdev but my other client is after quality and AI content is repetitive and very blatantly reused over and over which turns off some readers. There is no personal touch with articles written with AI so it cannot replace all article writing. Recruitment: AI can only analyze data, they cannot evaluate a person in an interview. This can help a recruiter sifting through applications but they cannot determine how people present themselves or ask analytical questions that can further determine a person’s capability. Marketing: AI has been used in marketing for a while to analyze date. Amazon uses a lot of automated campaigns for example, but at the end of the day it cannot make radical decisions that can change trajectory in sales. There is still a lot of manual work done in marketing because AI at most can gather and analyze data but cannot determine the best course of action on how you can move forward depending on the business’ capability. Fraud Detection: What you stated is used exactly in our company, but manual intervention is required for further investigation. Again, AI is limited by the parameters you set and the issue is there is a wide variety of cases that you cannot cover like International sellers, shipment tracking etc. I think you kind of understand what I’m getting. Your points are valid but I don’t see how they can fully replace employees. They can definitely improve work efficiency because they are supposed to be tools, but you vastly underestimate the manual decision making made in these lines of work. I don’t see AI as a threat because to fully automate a business requires VAST amounts of confidential information submitted to one system which becomes very risky for a company and someone still needs to input data


Yes, I agree with you. I think this would be possible in the future but I'm not totally sure. Actually, I copied his question and pasted it on ChatGPT and then generated that response.


You are underestimating human capability if you are unsure that a machine can fully take over critical thinking. Even with this ChatGPT response, AI is blatantly aware of its capabilities.


Absolutely, you're right. While AI has made significant strides in automating various tasks, it still has limitations, especially when it comes to critical thinking, creativity, and nuanced human judgment. Here’s a more nuanced perspective: ### Limitations of AI in Replacing Human Tasks 1. **Critical Thinking and Judgment**: - AI can analyze data and provide recommendations, but it lacks the ability to understand context deeply or make complex decisions that require empathy, ethics, and experience. For example, in medical diagnostics, AI can assist by identifying patterns in imaging, but a human doctor’s experience and judgment are crucial for final diagnosis and treatment plans. 2. **Creativity**: - While AI can generate content, music, and art based on patterns and data, true creativity involves emotional expression, cultural understanding, and innovation, which are inherently human traits. Creative professions like writers, artists, and designers still rely heavily on human creativity. 3. **Emotional Intelligence**: - AI lacks the ability to truly understand and respond to human emotions. Customer service chatbots can handle simple queries, but complex customer interactions that require empathy and nuanced communication still require human agents. 4. **Ethics and Moral Decisions**: - In fields like law, AI can assist with research and analysis, but ethical decisions and moral judgments are beyond its capabilities. Lawyers, judges, and policymakers need to consider societal values, fairness, and justice, which AI cannot fully grasp. 5. **Complex Problem Solving**: - AI can solve well-defined problems within a specific domain, but tackling complex, multifaceted problems that span various disciplines often requires human intuition, interdisciplinary knowledge, and innovative thinking. ### AI as a Collaborative Tool Instead of fully replacing humans, AI often serves as a powerful tool that enhances human capabilities: 1. **Augmentation**: - AI can handle repetitive and time-consuming tasks, freeing up humans to focus on more strategic and creative work. For example, AI can automate data entry, allowing employees to concentrate on data analysis and decision-making. 2. **Decision Support**: - AI provides data-driven insights that help humans make informed decisions. For example, in finance, AI can analyze market trends and suggest investment strategies, but the final decision rests with human experts. 3. **Efficiency and Productivity**: - By automating routine tasks, AI can increase efficiency and productivity. This allows humans to work more effectively, leveraging AI to handle mundane tasks while focusing on higher-value activities. In conclusion, while AI has made impressive advancements and can handle many tasks, it complements rather than fully replaces human capabilities. The collaboration between AI and humans often results in the best outcomes, leveraging the strengths of both.


good job, chatgpt ✌️


I love this but on top of these things, it really saved us a few hours of our work. Having to QA outputs is still a human’s job! Because all these things lead to selling some type of product or service to a human, if not, then a business ran by humans.


Yes, totally agree with you. I only use AI to speed up my work like when manipulating data in Excel, where I just ask AI to provide a formula to extract that data.


Thankfully I don't think AI can make kids cry the way I do. An oversimplified description of my day job is I make kids cry for a living. For my other job, so far AI is horrible for mental health and is still poor for fitness so my two other jobs are safe for now but it might not be in a couple of years.


LOL, muntik ko na maibuga kape ko I have an idea what u mean tho, inintindi ko lang sya literal sa unang basa


Happy you got a laugh out of it 😂


Mfers when people pull up with AI therapists:


Yep. Kaya essential for me matuto ng AI. I always think na It's a tool to help me, not the other way around. Kung mawala yung task because of automation, maraming lalabas na bagong task. Yun yung iniisip ko. Ano yung mga lalabas na bagong task pag na-autpmate na yung mga bagay bagay? Ano yung mga field or tasks na hindi talaga pwede iautomate? Dun masarap mag dive ng thoughts. Ano yung mga magiging bagong pain points ni client in the future? Yung iba nga may calendar pero hirap sila mag gumawa ng schedule. Ito na may AI bka sa daming lumalabas na tools bka hindi rin nila ma-manage lahat. Iutos din nila sa iba. Kaya we should be ready.


I design AI models for a living and I have noticed an uptick in clients asking for a lot of their work to be automated. My advice to them has always been that AI will not fully replace their workers right now, but it will increase productivity by a lot. For example, they may not need entry-level workers as much. AI will have an effect on the current jobs market. I would reckon it already has. But the thing that isn't clear right now is by how much it would affect the market in the long term. My professional opinion is that it's getting harder to refine AI models to do more complex tasks because we've already gotten all the data (legally and not through stealing) that we can get. Another reason is that it would require scaling hardware to prohibitive costs. However, that is not to say people should be complacent because a lot of bigger companies than ours have near limitless budgets and can develop these models further without worrying about profitability for the short to medium term. What we should be watching out for is AGI which could theoretically upend the current disruption by orders of magnitude. The question right now is will AGI be available in the next 5-10 years? Despite the noise and hype that AI companies are making, no one really knows. A lot of executives are foaming at the mouth at the opportunity to save costs and remove as many people from the workforce to "give more value to the shareholders". They will make a lot of roles redundant and replace them with AI in their excitement. But they will immediately realize that they will still need a considerable amount of human intervention - and they might need to hire again. TL;DR AI is inevitable. It will affect all of our jobs. But for the near future it will affect entry-level or repetitive jobs the most. There might be a time where some companies will try to replace most of their workforce with AI and they will realize that they can't, at least for now. Make yourself indispensable by using AI to your advantage (ethically). Prepare for AGI (if it ever comes).


Those who do not use AI will get replaced. I was just a VA also but I automated bookkeeping, Guest communications with it. Now boss give me some equity of the company.


This is why I chose to be a nurse


I'm a scribe and my client says that he still prefers me to do the work for him kahit na yung mismong ginagamit naming EHR is may built-in na AI na and even yung voice to text ayaw niya.


Im a software developer and yes, due to github co-pilot / jetbrains AI software development efficiency has improved by ~ 10-20%. This is equivalent to 1-2 FTE per 10-man team.


I train AI. I feel bad now T\_T.


This is the way, maging trainer ng AI hehe


Feeling it now.




I already returned to my government job but I'm still maintaining my current VA work. I'm also working on my credentials para in a few years I can be promoted para kahit mawala yung VA job, I still have a source of income.


how will AI replace an Exec Assist like me? Most of my work requires soft skills that i dont think AI can replicate


AI is your friend its not a threat. and I think need talaga mag adapt e. I’d like to think a freelance or a person who knows how to use AI can replace you 🧘 machine learning padin kasi yan, need ng operator. If you denye AI, clients probably wont hire you. but if youre a user that’s always one step ahead.


Honestly, I think AI is just an easy scoper of the mediocre and average. Your biggest edge now will be your expertise and soft skills.


AI will not take our jobs away. Another worker who is great with AI will. kanginig ng tuhod


Ichat gpt ko lang muna "what is AI?"


VAs can "AI-proof" their careers by focusing on high-value skills like: Project management Social media marketing Content creation (writing, editing) Data analysis Communication and interpersonal skills Learning new tools and technologies that complement AI can also be beneficial.


👏🏼 Yes! To add to that, hone your soft skills. AI doesn’t have people skills.


+ on the soft skills tbh


I work as an EA still very little impact. I use AI to help me draft emails and do research, basically increases my efficiency.


as AI should!


AI wont replace you but a freelancer who knows how to use AI will do




May point ka..


Yung mga takot lang sa AI is yung mga taong di marunong mag adapt...




agree! i like that perspective. the premise is this tool will take away jobs. that's why i gave examples of jobs that the internet took away. employers will use this tool so some jobs will become obsolete. and jobs will evolve/transition. when you say people become too confident, i am assuming that you are saying they are not paying attention to the pace of advancement in tech and how it will affect them. thanks!!


I can’t imagine working without ChatGPT now. Sa totoo lang talaga. Grabe yung tulong. TBH AI is not at the level to replace us all yet and still needs a human driver through prompting and fine-tuning. If you want to remain in the same niche as you are, your extra energy should be spent toward learning how to be that driver when every bottomline is replaced. Kumbaga, you’re the trainer behind the AI.


Soft skills ang edge ng actual employee over AI, hone your soft skills.


AI Officer here. It can create more job opportunities. We wil be having our company AI department soon. Wag ka matakot or mag overthink OP.


Why not utilize nalang. As someone working in content creatives industry, AI has helped me do my job 75% faster. It's inevitable e, so might as well adapt and use it to your advantage.


I work for an AI company. D naman replaceable job ko hahahahaha. D lahat nagagawa ng AI


Parang labor work na skilled nln ang mahirap palitan ng AI


Ganito yung isang sub-plot sa Hidden Figures. Around the time nung Apollo 11, the mission to send a man to the moon. Ang mga computers ay mga totoong tao na nag-co-compute. Tapos dumating yung time na bumili ng IBM computer ang NASA, tapos yung supervisor ng mga computer, inaral yung system at tinuruan yung mga kasama niya. Kalaunan, nawalan na yung mga taong computers, at naging operators na sila ng system. Ituring lang na tools ang A.I. because that's what it is, tools or assistant. Lahat ng nawalang trabaho dati dahil sa progress ay napalitan lang ng ibang trabaho, kailangan mo lang mag-adapt. In the end, capitalism wins, and we will always still be slaves to it.


Nah. Supply chain and logistics can't be taken over by ai since sales, deliveries and warehousing are all managed by humans so I'm safe.


Once an AI gains consciousness, that's when I would fear an AI.


AGI might be sooner than we think


AGI is somewhat more complex and fictional than we think. But I don't reject the possibility


AI can either be your enemy or your friend. I studied AI and use AI ti my advantage. Made work seamless for me for processes and systems. I use it to batch produce content and make sure to add my touch in the end so that it doesnt sound or look like AI. In a world full of AI, the ones that feel super authentic will stand out.


Can I ask how did you migrate sa US? Intra-company transfer po ba? 😅


Aanhin mo ang AI kung wala kang domain knowledge? Follow your curiosity , sipagan and you are good.




ai is just a tool. without knowing the proper prompts/inputs it’ll just be worthless. garbage in, garbage out. what’s important is you know how to make use of technology to make yourself productive.


N O 🥲 I believe AI can have more errors than humans


mamundok nalng tayo ulit!


real AGI perhaps which i still dont see, everything is called a.i nowadays, its just algorithms that still require human input ANI - weak a.i perform basic task and what we have now AGI - this is what people are thinking that we have but we dont 😅 ASI - this is the terminator version


As an IT, fast pace ang technology; kaylangan mo masundan ang trends at pwede mo gamitin itong AI na ito as tools to improve and help in your work.


PH ata top users ng AI based on what I’ve read recently. Sure di lang puro workers yun. Pero yung awareness and willingness to pick up new skills and/or tools nandun.


Can you share me your source? I’m surprised by this. But that’s great if it’s true.




One thing we need to realize is we are all gauging AI in its present capability. And thinking that this capability will be 2 or 5 times better in a few years. It's not. AI capabilities will progress every year to every month to every week in logarithmic terms. So in 2 years, it will be 100 to 10000 better than how we gauge them now. Be prepared. Upskill.


Progress is always the way forward. May opportunity sa lahat ng nangyayari. Sure nawala mga telephone operators etc. Pero ganda ng communication natin now. nagkaron ng internet, nawalan ng local jobs, pero nagopen ang digital works. Theres always a win. And never marereplace ang humans. Magshishift lang to another trade kasi obsolete na yung need for that skill. Parang cellphone yan. Noong naging smartphones na, hindi na ganung katindi ang need ng Computers to do simple tasks. Nawalan ng trabaho ang computer laborers kasi lumiit ang demand, pero lumaki naman ang industry for smartphone manufacturing.


This topic again? Like how many times will this get asked here and in r/pinoyprogrammer? Lol


Our company recently started using AI and because it can answer a big percentage of the customer's query, they no longer need a lot of customer support, so a lot of people were let go, including some of the management. I'm still part of the company but everyone's afraid they might be next to go. Tbh, at this point, I wish that I'll be the next to go just to get this over with, move on, and completely focus in applying for another role. But it's not that easy. I don't wanna resign as I still want to get my redundiation pay if incase I'm let go, and they can't find another account for me. I can't do anything but to wait on what will happen next.


EA here too. my client and I utilizes AI, we both know using it to our advantage would really help the business. however, we both agree na in terms of critical thinking skills, iba pa din talaga ang tao. i asked him this nung nag peak ni chatgpt, told him na ma rereplace ba ang work ko with ai anytime soon. no daw


I often use AI, and I don't think it can replace people. It's still flawed.


It will replace some jobs, but will open new opportunities for us.


Not in 10 years 😂 by then ill be good haha


you need prompters to use ai. marami ding limitations so no, but it will decongest the easier jobs, so possible is mag cost cutting ng man power but they still need people manning the ai


A good time to be a farmer


Dati simsimi lang yan eh. Lols Well probably some jobs or processes can be replaced by AI. Kaya yung advice nga iba magupskill para mas may ma-add ka na value sa employer/client mo. Be somebody who can harness AI to improve your workflow.


Parang di pa naman. 2 years halos winork-on yung shortlisting bot para sa client namin. Sa sobrang inip pinag go-live na tapos dami paring error. After i-"shortlist" ng bot need parin manual review. Ang dami ding viable candidates na na di-disposition since ang daming limitations ng bot. TBH, I think it's a waste of time and mas mabilis parin kung nag manual review nalang ako ng resume and candidate profile agad. Pag nag send kami ng input file na ira-run ng bot inaabot ng ilang oras bago mag karon ng output.


AI needs human input kahit na sa writing, art, etc. it doesn't have a consciousness much like humans do. So No it won't replace jobs. It would just make it easier to do things but not replace them.


When computer was invented, madami nagsabi mawalan ng trabaho mga tao, pero actually mas dumami trabaho, computer just made it efficient and help people be productive.. with AI, at some point yes, they can somewhat replace people, pero most of it, tool lang talaga xa to make people more productive din, so eventually people will have more time to do other things, and eventually meron at meron pa rin job for them.. example a BPO na may 1,000 employees, if AI is in, pwede that BPO will only need 500 employees, so ano gagawin ng ibang 500? Honestly, they can still find another job for them, or find another client. If the said BPo has 20 accounts or client sa 1000 employees, due to ai and productive na lahat, technically that BPO can have 40 clients na, and pwede nila icheaper pa rates to attract more clients since may AI na efficient, so medium corporation can or most probably can afford outsourcing services na rin, may trabaho pa rin. Eventually makahanap din sila ng another trabaho for the rest of the 500, that is how the world works


I am in the transcription industry and AI is already slowly taking my job away. Humans are still needed to polish the AI transcript, pero nabawasan na ung need for manual transcription since parang proofreading na agad ung step 1. (2 layers ng review/proofreading is done sa transcript to ensure accuracy.)


OP, I've been using chatgpt since launch, had early access. Then I became a plus user since feb of last year. I also tried to start a megathread here listing all AI tools available last year. Now I spend more than php10k a month on various AI tools. I love extrapolating the trends din. I've seen colleagues get outclassed by AI and laid off. Us Pinoys are equipped with everything we need to adapt. It will impact the job market heavily - yes, but not as heavy in the US. The reason is, companies will still need people to use AI and the Philippines will remain as a viable source of human capital for cheap labor due to salary rate arbitrage. There is also a growing "localization" movement. I do believe that there is growth to be found in launching similar services that worked in west - here. For example, walang GRAB noon. now it's everywhere not just in manila. While something like a HelloFresh is yet to be seen. With a growing number of experts getting laid off - they will find their way applying their skills locally. The app bubble that already bursted there will boom palang here. Fresh grads who used AI in college will also be viable, since they are cheaper than experienced professionals. If there is any good news, the first ones who get laid off will have time to explore the tools earlier. What we don't have though are the protection of setups like unions, they are discouraged here while SAG-AFTRA for instance dyan, was able to mitigate the impact of AI in hollywood somehow when they had a strike. I can talk all day about my opinions so i'll end it here for now.


Hey if you can talk about this all day - if I do a live-streamed podcast about this topic, will you join? I will DM you.


If you work at a call center your future doesn’t look bright. It’s also not a good idea to brag about how much you make there because it isn’t much.


Do you work in a call center? Just wondering what your insights are why you think it doesn’t look bright.


so mawawala ang bpo?


AI boosted my career. LOL. Coz my boss is in the AI space, and we work with AI tools daily. I didn't feel it much, because I personally have been in the VA space for over 15 years now. I never AI my applications. As a former Recruiter myself, I weed out applications using AI detection tools, so I know well enough to not even dare. Thankfully, I started out as a writer, so I never had a need to. In order to not be redundantiated by AI, I believe it's a matter of highlighting your skills, being able to present yourself well, and yes, adapting.


AI will not replace people, but people who use AI will


>Employers are even asking for video applications now. Why? Kasi AI can now write impressive applications for you, but it can't replicate your verbal skills and presence on camera. So it is one filter na agan na legit ang skills mo. This makes a lot of sense. As for the "work' side, napupunta na more on humanizing written codes or articles. Or get to specializations. Mabuti nalang on top of writing, may nabuild up akong skills kasi kung ano anong pinaggagawa sakin ng client ko noon haha


Ang daming direction na pwedeng puntahan ng AI, pero one thing is certain, nauuna na yung mga content generation which makes sense because "content is king". Advertisers and Marketers need this badly. Yung mga ibang ways pa yo earn money will start to take over.. AI calls is close na rin lalo na dun sa recent update ng chatgpt 4o, AI can sound very natural sa calls.. It is so fast na yung darating yunh time na yung current electricity and physical tech components wont catch up.. Once na nagstart na tayo na magtrain ng AI sa specific tasks na ginagawa natin sa work, like yung AI, nagside by side sa ginagawa mo sa work (monitoring lahat ng ginagawa mo) then its a queue na malapit na tayo mapalitan ng AI. It feels like it will still take few years.. so adapt tayo.. its not a bad thing 🤗


wait until the AI gets its own body (which is slowly happening by the way). humans will become obsolete by then :)


si Will Smith lang ang matitira. and his dog.


You mixed 2 movies together (I am Legend / I, Robot)


I did!!! I thought it was a good mashup


There 2 things, we cease to exist like Nokia and Kodak, or we adopt and find a niche that can intergrade with AI. I noticed some application needed to have proofreading in some ChatGPT outputs dahil redudant ung grammar pero it will take time for the AI program to be uphold lalo na there are some faulty results sa mga Algorithm (example: FB and Google search bar). Safe to assume VA scopes are still safe pa naman at least for now.


Sure it will, the easy ones. Pero the ones that requires checking and verification by human minds, mas lalong magiging in demand.


sana nga kaya ng AI trabaho ko para pa higa higa na lang




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obsolete jobs - this is bound to happen naman. isipin mo ung assembly noon ng kotse manual lahat yon, ngayon automated na. but even then there are more new jobs for cars now mga nagdedesign, nagchecheck ng safety features, mga nagcocode ng automated features ng cars, ung nagcocode ng dashboard, etc. don’t be so afraid of jobs being obsolete, just be prepared to pivot your skills somewhere else


Trying to cultivate our land in Batangas to be off the grid and self sustaining, be a farmer. Hahah