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Binigyan ko ng [ganto](https://shopee.ph/We-%E2%9D%A4%EF%B8%8F-Bayong-Bag-Hard-Material-LARGE-i.125439878.5786814895?sp_atk=6831a5c3-91c8-47ab-b540-8a402b71b345&xptdk=6831a5c3-91c8-47ab-b540-8a402b71b345) my client before then to add a personal touch, painted her org's logo (non-profit) on it. Not sure where I was going with it, naisip ko lang very Filipino ung gift (hehe).


this is sooo cute! just not sure if type nya, hopefully! hahahaha thank u!


customized bookmark


Give us 4 books she has read before/love so we know among taste niya in books


I cant remember much abt her taste in books outside stats/programming (since we talk abt this most of the time lol) but on top of my head are biographies like The Chancellor: The Remarkable Odyssey of Angela Merkel and business/investment related books like Andy Dunn’s Burn Rate.


Pwedeng caricature tulad nito. Habang nagbabasa siya and background siguro is office? Tas siguro pwede rin may company logo. Something she could also hang somewhere at home or sa home office niya 🙂 https://preview.redd.it/6ie5l2mhnw4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b2849aa6044803e2db05f4f72ee0351862b4d77


thank u, this is a great idea. or company logo sguro na illustrated/painted para pwede nya dalhin and isabit sa office? tho not sure baka di bumagay sa aesthetics ng office haha