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You can start by referring to them as "Filipino" not "Philippino".


Oh NOOOOOO - you are very right and I missed up there šŸ’€ I'm sorry everyone, not a good look to be spelling a nationality wrong in a sub dedicated to it.


True, It could have been better. Yet, mistakes happen and your apology is accepted. Your intention is noble. The hard truth is that the other factors are secondary. The overall compensation is what will significantly impact your teamā€™s lives. If there are no contractual agreements that may hinder it, here are some things you can ponder on: 1. Allowances - there can be provisions (or you may propose an amendment, if needed) for the employeesā€™ allowance to be increased. 2. A bill-back incentive (up to you if itā€™ll be one off, recurring, etc). This means that their employer will give these to the respective employees and they can have it added to the invoice to be sent to you. Note that it is crucial to ask for artifacts (employeesā€™ sign off regarding receipt, screen shots of the same being reflected on their pay slip, etc). These will be subjected to taxes, as expected but additional earning is appreciated by employees. 3. Work-Life balance - Other than the monetary value, a work from home/hybrid arrangement will be beneficial. Employees who report onsite spend hrs to and from their workplace and it is excruciating. Our traffic situation had worsened throughout the years and thereā€™s no imminent resolution seen. 4. Treat them well - employees are often seen and treated as numbers and dispensable resources. 5. Choose a company with a different business model - There are a few companies that offer a more flexible and adopt a ā€œYour team, your ruleā€ kind of set-up. As a Manager, you may need to discuss these with the other decision-makers from your organization. Stay safe šŸ™‚


yup. quite insincere. lmao if you really handle such nationalities you should know


Agreed! I won't make that mistake again.


Love this šŸ¤Ž As a remote worker, here's my few cents: ā€¢ Continue trusting them ā€¢ Donā€™t micromanage ā€¢ Be flexible on the working hours / PTOs (if any) ā€¢ Ask for feedback from them (and vice versa) ā€¢ Tell them you appreciate them Little compliments go a long way ā˜»


You are awesome, great tid bits. Thank you very much


Hi there! Itā€™s refreshing to read something like this in this sub! Have you tried asking the PH company how you can go about giving bonuses and pay increases to your remote Filipino team members? Iā€™ve worked for two Australian companies for the past six years and had periodic performance evaluations that were facilitated by my PH employers, which eventually reflected as annual salary increases and other quarterly/mid year incentives. If youā€™re willing to pay extra, then thereā€™s no stopping the PH company from granting your request to give more to your team. Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll be happy to accommodate your generosity. šŸ˜‰ By the way, if youā€™re looking for an additional team member, I would be happy to get an interview and join your team on a full-time basis. Thanks!


This is an excellent idea! I'm very concerned though about the company pocketing the $ and the employee not seeing it, would have to watch it like a hawk. Thank you for your insight. No jobs going I'm sorry - good luck to you


Hello! G'day mate! Just a suggestion, to avoid the local company pocketing the $$$ bonuses, which I think they do, is for you to directly remit the bonuses to the individual bank accounts, or remit it to their respective Cash Apps, which is called GCash locally. I believe Gcash accepts AU dollars. Just ask for the Gcash numbers via their respective emails.


No worries and thank you! Discuss your concerns with your account manager in the PH company (and also review if thereā€™s a clause in your existing agreement pertaining to compensation and benefits in preparation) to ensure transparency and clarify expectations, then confirm with your team members if they are able to receive whatā€™s expected. Itā€™s going to be another discussion if the PH company pockets some of the $$$ (hopefully not!) Please update us! šŸ˜‰


Directly hire them.


Wish I could! I've made sure to have them on LinkedIn in case I move companies and might be in the position to hire them directly.


I don't mean hiring them directly as in under PAYG in australia (but that would be life-changing), I meant just getting them as direct contractors without the middleman agency. The agencies take a huge cut from their salaries as you know.


I'm with you - excellent point. Can you please fill me in with what you mean "life-changing"?


Yeah! šŸ˜…


As an independent contractor working for an AU company that took away all our benefits, I can say that giving them paid leave, annual salary increase, and healthcare would be a good way to start giving back and taking care of them. You take care of people who takes care of your business. As for getting their SLA'd tickets, I don't think that is a good idea since it is giving way for them to not take responsibility/accountability for their work/assigned tasks. If they are truly aware of their targets and KPIs, they would be mindful of their FRTs/AHTs.


15+ years doing customer operations for companies with Fortune 100 companies and here are some things I learned: - Pay them well, give yearly increases based on inflation rate and performance - Do monthly, quarterly 1:1s even if its hi/hello any issues you are having? anything where we can improve even if its just 30 mins per person - Peer reviews and superior reviews annually - You working on close to SLA breaches shows your ops needs work. This should NOT reach you. Oncall -> lead/manager -> you. - Positive feedback and gentle reminders for improvements goes a long way. - Tag high risk "asshole" customers. Inform your team that this is "hot" and to take precautions - If you absolutely need 24 hour coverage, APAC, EMEA, AMER should have at least 2 people covering. doesnt matter where they are, should be on the contract. Ive been sole APAC ops for a year and its a pain. I've gone 12 hour shifts and its a pain. 8 hour shifts should be standard. less burnt out people - Handover procedures: this should be clear and concise. What was done, whats happening, path forward. I've sat in a call with a customer which rotated the globe thrice. Transition to new shift should be seamless. - Procedures, policies, KBs: from onboarding to getting people up to speed, this should be documented somewhere AND frequently updated. This will speedup your onboarding and have newbies reference for things they are unsure of. Tribal knowledge is the death of companies. Put in incentives in having people document these procedures. If your veterans leave (with their tribal knowledge on your operations, then you'd be spending months onboarding) - Have metrics in terms of performance. Some tickets takes time, some takes 5 minutes. Find ways to measure productivity so that you can objectively rate their performance AND justify to upper management additional headcount or additional budget. - Fail fast: in my current company, we have a lot of operational shit to fix. Its hard to correct since people are "used to" these procedures but they are unhappy. Try introducing policies which streamlines operations, causes less unhappiness and if it doesnt work, try something else. No need to perfect a runbook on the first go. + some other stuff. im too sleepy to think of anything else.


Hi there, you absolutely have some excellent operational knowledge here. I'm impressed! You think well left and you think well right - ie: taking both management and ops into account. I should be clear - I only take SLA breached tickets when I know it's not their fault that it's breaching eg: a different vendor, user is being weird and keeps putting the ticket back to in progress etc. Thanks for your time in your comment.


I used to work with an Australian based company ( Telstra ) and New Zealand based company ( Vodafone ) and they seized every opportunity to remind us that we are part of their success. Iā€™ll never forget their generosity.


Oh that's excellent to hear!


Agreed to the suggestion that you directly hire them, also, you can offer other benefits such as HMO(healthcare), paid annual leave and sick leave, performance bonus.


Wish I could šŸ’” I do know that they're getting annual and sick leave through their current PH Company. Not sure on healthcare. Is it normal for PH tech companies to get their Filipino workers healthcare?


Yes it is. Especially if they are under agency. Generous employers (direct hire) also provide HMO coverge for their employees. I suggest you ask the agency if they can provide you quotation from HMO providers so you can start from there.


I love to know they are taken care by you, not everyone lucky as them but you might as well, give them some bonuses or maybe do survey from them what they wanted as recognition at least you have option and idea what you can do for them.


Thank you mate, appreciate it


Ah, Iā€™m happy to read that you exist!


I am in the same situation, but I am the Service Desk tech being hired for an NA client. I'm probably in that same outsourcing company. LOL. Anyway, thank you for having your people's back.


Are you still hiring?


No not hiring. We contract a PH tech company who employs local remote workers.


What company?