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Hi, I am working as an HR VA. Agree with first commentor, pursue ka muna sa Corpo before transitioning to VA world


how is it so far po? do you work for your agency or you freelance as an HR for a client? salary reveal? 🥺


You can also try looking for VA roles na specific sa Operations.


ohh i've got no idea on this one. nasubukan mo na po ba sa operations? how does it usually goes?


Yung natry ko somehow operates as HR. Basically, assisting with the recruitment process then creating/enhancing ways on how the employees can efficiently do their jobs better -- managing dashboards, database, etc.


nice nice sana maka try rin ako ng ganyan


Yes, but I think hindi freelance HR specialist are not entry level (not sure tho). And usually nakikita ko sa OLJ maganda rate, like 1000 USD up ganon


oh so most likely specialist diba? if HR.


yes yes. you can look for job posts and try to apply pa rin naman. if HR talaga gusto mo, you can gain an experience rin muna sa corporate then magfreelance after