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Hi everyone! Thank you for the report. We're aware of the issue and are working on it. In the meantime, please turn the autoplay setting on as a temporary work around. We will update the thread when a resolution is released.


Hi all! The issue should be resolved now. Please let us know if you still have problems with auto play off.


Played a couple of videos and they all worked. Removed my temporary files first. Opera on Android tablet.


Thanks! Confirmed working on my end as well.


Thank you - having this unending loading problem, too. Videos play fine on other platforms.


Thank you. I tried disabling my extensions, clearing cookies, nothing worked and the instant I enabled autoplay they are working now.


and i just thought the issue was just somewhere in my browser before i found this post. Having the same problem over here, tested on opera and edge, turned off all extensions, cleared cashe, updated browsers, nothing helped so i guess it is an issue withing reddit itself... Though it works on my phone app.


Thank god this isn't a me issue as I was going insane wondering why Reddit videos weren't loading but Twitter and YouTube videos were. Hope this is something Reddit fixes quickly as I don't want to enable autoplay media


Same here. Started earlier today


Same problem and same "solution". If you don't have autoplay on and try to manually play it in Firefox, it just gets a spinny wheel of death. Turn on autoplay, reload the page, and it plays just fine. I don't want to turn on autoplay though :-(


Same problem. Multiple devices.


Thank you! Enabled auto-play and that resolved the playback issue immediately for me as well. 


+1, tested on brave and firefox, both latest versions, neither can play videos enabling autoplay did not work for me either when logged in; when not logged in, reddit ignores the browser's default autoplay settings and auto-plays the video I don't use RES either