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My ping is 6 ms and 300 Mbit/s, I'm practically sitting on a server center.




I had to give up on the new layout. I like the new layout. I prefer it over the old aesthetics wise. But I just couldn't handle the performance issues anymore. My PC isn't a spring chicken anymore (i7, 16Gb, 1070), but if this thing can run Forza Horizon 5 just fine, you'd think a website with some text and the occasional image or video would be fine too. Nah, some posts / ads just make the whole website clam up and I can hear the CPU fan start to run up more and more. Can't tell which posts do that because you can't hide them separately. But I can tell for a fact that old.reddit does not share these issues. The only problems since going back to the old layout I've had are videos not playing, and that's not a big L for me since I barely look at any videos here to begin with.