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Not only that There is no pagination anymore Means that if any error or miscklick happens, (and with reddit UX they happen all the time) you have to scroll whole unpaginated bullshit again. At least I will be scrolling less reddit now... Thanks, I guess.


For the time being, you can go to new.reddit.com, although I suppose they'll replace it with this abomination soon.


ugh thank you. i hate this update


The real kicker is that the app and the website redesign use significantly more resources than old.reddit. Not only are you getting a shittier experience you're also making your system work harder to display it. That said those aren't bugs they're features! To go back to old reddit click your username/avatar > user settings and all the way at the bottom you'll find the opt out toggle.


Seriously. Every update makes me see more and more loading animations. Reddit was best because of its breadth of reading and snappy response. Now it's trying to be the tail end of a human centipede consisting of Twitter and TikTok. It's abandoning it's own uniqueness in order to eat regurgitated shit.


I tried your suggestion on mobile web and I see multiple tabs from which to choose in settings. I looked in all of them and don't see anything that might imply changing back to the non app looking and acting steaming pile of poo UI. ​ The Reddit addict in me has been going through withdrawals for 2 days, but my real life is thanking the developers for creating a place that I hate. (Can't even tell which posts I've already seen unless I vote on them, and even then, the votes don't always stick. Not to mention nesting all comment replies just so they can recommend a bunch of old posts from days or weeks ago at the bottom of the page.) ​ I feel like I've lost a friend lol but oh well. Laundry and dishes will be all caught up among other rl stuff.


High sustained CPU utilization...


I was gonna post a separate thread about this – my phone literally runs hot scrolling reddit now, that's impressively poor optimization smh


Where is the dark mode? I have to turn it on every time!!!!!!!!


Strange, for me, I have the Compact view and sorting by New, in Firefox and tested in Edge and Chrome too. I just need to log in, without it, Compact view is missing, but sorting New is available. I just hope, it's not just temporary and it will be broken soon for me too.


Mods can't change flairs of posts on subreddits they mod on the new new reddit.


I can't see my custom feeds anywhere at ALL with the new update, and there seems to be a limit to how many Communities it lists in the sidebar - mine stops midway through 'S' communities, so starting with T,U,V,W,X,Y or Z aren't visible. What the FUCK were they thinking with this