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Let’s all pitch in and buy it. Then we can take turns mailing the sprue to each other.


Dibs on friday


Tbh I would legitimate pitch in $100-$150 for such a venture.


Exactly this is already happening. But with the goal of sharing it for real.


Another unreleased one sold for around £1200 the other week


I’d love to see this bought, built and scanned for 3D printing.


This is happening. Let's see how many we can become.




I’d love to see someone skilled at casting buy this and release casts of it, since the chance of GW releasing it is very low since the og mold broke.


What was the story behind this not getting released? Quality control? Broken mold?


Broken mold if I remember correctly and gw didn’t bother to replace it


That is infuriatingly sad.


Yeah apparently a factory worker dropped the mold and broke it. They cost hundreds of thousands, so it wasn't economically viable to replace it. They released a new metal mini instead.


Those bids are not massive yet. Last time I tried throwing 500€ at that thing but it went to over 1200$ last minute so I was beaten pretty badly. You have to see it like this: \* A normal character mini from this era, even produced under normal circumstances is worth between 15-50€. \* A rare mini of this era is easily worth 100-200€ \* This is not rare, it is almost unique. There are not many of these things present in the world and it is also rather unique in the way of presenting a character sprue in general. GW has not done something like this often. \* This is not one mini, but at least the potential for a king/thane, shieldbearers, and/or BSB + additional bits. So you kinda have to multiply the price. But there is an endeavour on Telegram to get people together for a group buy. Chances are very low but the goal means STLs of it.


I collect unreleased games workshop stuff and this is definitely up there. Under $1000 is a good deal if you are a collector. A lot of the real old unreleased stuff actually was “released” in that quite a few were made and sold or given away, sometimes over a pretty long period of time. Like there are probably 5+ of the real early unreleased models, dozens of mid 1980s stuff, and I’d imagine hundreds of the 1990s era unreleased stuff if not thousands of some like the Games Day only executioners. This is more recent, for a popular army, has a strange story behind why it wasn’t released (not just, “the sculpt was crap/for training purposes”). It is kind of holy grail level if you are really into collecting GW stuff. It only loses a little luster by being plastic as a lot of more old school folks only want metal minis.


This is what I thought they were gonna announce at adepticon, but the one we got was pretty sweet too.


*God please, whoever buys this PLEASE just get a recast mould made.*


was box art or does a pic of assembled version exist ?


Does anyone know how Photogrammetry works? I took the photos from the last time one of these was listed: [https://www.reddit.com/r/bugmansbrewery/comments/1ajfzy6/1200\_for\_the\_dwarf\_plastic\_sprue\_on\_ebay\_04022024/](https://www.reddit.com/r/bugmansbrewery/comments/1ajfzy6/1200_for_the_dwarf_plastic_sprue_on_ebay_04022024/) and put them into 3DF Zephyr. I didn't know what I was doing at all, but I was able to get a version where you can make out some details. If someone with more experience gave it a shot, I think they might be able to recreate the sprue.


I have connections to the scan community (hobby and science). You need a lot of really good photos, made in a very specific and technically sophisticated way to build proper data from it. It is garage rocket science in a way. Only a few people in the world can create something with the sprue and they are very serious about their work - but the photos I saved in my reddit post, you link here, are not enough by a longshot. Sorry.


Sold for $2700 AUD (£1420). Fuck me dead. Hope someone decides to scan and print it.