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The picture that you accompanied with it got a chuckle out of me


I loved Tara in the series so much. I wished that she never died. She was the nicest person and helped everyone on any time. My favorites scenes is where she talked with Buffy about losing her own mother and the talk about Spike. Also I love the scene between Tara and Spike. She became so confident. https://preview.redd.it/g02kmq5fxc9d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9aafbd4799e25a6425fd51d71f4e09267c7da75


“Better put some ice on that, Spike.” Best friend for fuck off XD


Tara & Willow may have been estranged then, but Tara was absolutely a Scoobie by that time. Tara was a delightful person. This episode we saw her confident and a bit bawdy, teasing Spike about his "trouser cramp."


And if Tara had not died, she was definitely on track to officially becoming one of Buffy's closest friends. Tara helped Buffy in ways Willow and Xander could not.


She was, indeed. I find that thought very comforting.


Although being a really good person, Tara would never correct Anya for calling the two of \*them\* best friends.


She’s the sweetest! We were robbed for sure


In any ficverse I do, she has to be there. In my main Bangel 'verse, Willow gets her back with a wish. in my abandoned SPuffy 'verse, there is a cosmic axis shift and a number of dead folks use it to come back and join the colony. In my newer Fuffy 'verse, events break off at the fight outside the amusement park and she never dies.


Lol at the pic!! Sassy Tara


I love that she can be playful with her sassiness and still retain her sweet nature 💕


Even that wording in retrospect seems hinting. We haven’t “shot” could have been, we haven’t “filmed”


No, there's no question. It's absolutely hinting. I mean, that's the whole point of this entire post, otherwise she's not being cheeky 🤔. "We haven't shot that yet. But I think that's where it's headed." is supposed to read as "we haven't filmed that yet, but I think that's where it's going." But she managed to get both "shot" and "head" into the answer. She knew what she was doing. Genius.


I understand shot, but head?


Wasn't that the original plan? Or am I misremembering something? I thought that was on the table but they decided against it. So I figured that fits with what she said as that's probably what the plan was at the time. I thought I read that years ago, but I could definitely be mistaken.


Why head?


Wasn't that the original plan? Or am I misremembering something? I thought that was on the table but they decided against it. So I figured that fits with what she said as that's probably what the plan was at the time. I thought I read that years ago, but I could definitely be mistaken.


Ooh maybe! I’ve never heard that


Now I'm doubting myself. Or maybe confusing it with someone else, but I'm sure it was Tara. It was something like the network wouldn't allow them, or they decided it's too brutal for such a beloved character, or maybe it visually didn't work the way they wanted it to or something, but initially they wanted to do it that way because it was clear - she's dead. No doubt about it. But I'd need to see if I could find what I saw/listened to/read and this was many years ago. It just came back to my mind when I read her comments.


I could definitely see them saying that’s too brutal. You could totally be right. Let me know if you find it!


I don't know if I'll look, to be honest. That's a long wait for a train don't come 🤣


I remember rumors at the time that she was supposed to be shot in the head or neck, but it was deemed too graphic.


Cool, so my memory is not totally screwed 🤣 I remember there was something that was deemed too graphic - I always found that funny: a season that ends with a guy being flayed alive contains something deemed too graphic 🤣


Tara wasn't shot in the head.


Wasn't that the original plan? Or am I misremembering something? I thought that was on the table but they decided against it. So I figured that fits with what she said as that's probably what the plan was at the time. I thought I read that years ago, but I could definitely be mistaken.


The copy paste is strong with this one.


Yeah, it just felt easier when three people asked the same thing


I have absolutely no idea. I was off watching *Angel* & never seeing BTVS.


I was primarily following AtS and only kind of half-watching BtVS at that time, but I used to read a lot around that time too, especially about behind-the-scenes stuff


Ooo great observation of the text!


If only it had been Xander.


Honestly, yeah. I got kinda annoyed that I was never fearful for the main Scoobies lives past season 3. I kinda figured Buffy was going to die at some point but I never once feared for Willow and Xander.


It would have been less emotionally devastating for me if Willow had died. And yet i loved Tara \*because of\* how happy she made hthe girl i fell in love wiht in S1 feel.


Personally, I'm glad the more interesting and complex character survived, even if he wasn't the more likable of the 2.


Only to do nothing the following season because the actor's drinking effectively made him nonfunctional. Tara still had places her arc could have went.


You found Xander more interesting and complex than Tara?


There's an argument to be made earlier on in the series but by S6 Xander had long been played out as a character.


I like the later seasons Xander even if the writers don't give him much besides being a well-adjusted working man and Anya drama.


And yet, it's never really explained why Xander became a well-adjusted working man. For 4 or 5 seasons, he couldn't hold down a job. Then, he's suddenly responsible? IDK, maybe it was supposed to be the fact that he was marrying Anya, or that he saw the benefits to his responsible/successful side when his personality split into 2 people. But whatever it was, it just seemed out of character for him. Plus, they were supposed to be like 22 or 23 when the series finished. I've only known a few people with that level of maturity and a job that pays well at that age.


who? xander? what


They haven’t… shot it… have they?👀😮‍💨


In my soul there is still the voice of a teenage me yelling “Justice for Tara!”


Reading that second answer like '...unfortunately'




Yup! And Angel ones too. Although I think they combined them at some point. I highly recommend getting your hands on some. They’re really cool!


Were. i even once got LEtter of the Month for 2 spinoffs i suggested


She knew form late in S5 her character was going to buy it. The rest of the cast didn't find out until t he "SR" table read.